Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
“God does not like lies”

Trump’s lies
With just 10 days before he finishes his first year as president, Trump has made 2,001 false or misleading claims in 355 days, according to our database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That’s an average of more than 5.6 claims a day.
Analysis | President Trump has made more than 2,000 false or misleading claims over 355 days

What's going on with Donald Trump? Psychologist explains the president’s lies, reversals

Trump's lies and reversals are not due to mental illness but because he reacts to people and situations in the moment, with no thought of future or past.

Late last year, 27 prominent mental health professionals were so concerned about Trump’s odd and sometimes belligerent behavior that they contributed chapters to an unprecedented book called, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump." Their deep concern, they said, justified setting aside an important ethical standard of the mental health professions — the one that forbids mental health professionals from diagnosing public figures they’ve never actually evaluated.
What's going on with Donald Trump? Psychologist explains the president’s lies, reversals

Trump lies. And lies. And lies.
When the history of the Trump era is written, this quotation from our president will play a prominent role in explaining the distemper of our moment and the dysfunction of his administration. Trump was talking about media coverage of his trade war, but he was also describing his genuinely novel approach to governing: He believes that reality itself can be denied and that big lies can sow enough confusion to keep the truth from taking hold.
Opinion | Trump lies. And lies. And lies.

Trumps Lies T r u m p ’ s L i e s
Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies.
But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office. Updated: The president is still lying, so we've added to this list, taking it through Nov. 11, and provided links to the facts in each case.
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Report: Trump lying twice as much as last year

CNN Tonight (Video)
Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale has tracked President Trump's lies since the start of his presidency and says the lies are escalating.
Report: Trump lying twice as much as last year - CNN Video

Sadly trump's die-hard supporters have now lowered themselves to Trump's level & now even for them lying is a normal days journey in trumpit land.
One of my favorites

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud

Killed over 100,000 people on that one
What should Trump be impeached for-----

[1] Trump revoked background checks for self-serving reasons

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

[2] Trump abolishes automobiles more fuel efficient standards for self-serving reasons

[3] Trump reinstates trophy hunting in Africa for self serving reasons

xoxo, Jane on Twitter

[3] Trump calls for an end to the filibuster and DACA for self serving reasons

Trump tweets: 'NO MORE DACA DEAL' - CNNPolitics

[5] Trump is a pathetical liar (mental illness making him unfit for Presidency)

Analysis | President Trump has made more than 2,000 false or misleading claims over 355 days

[6] Trump destroys America's credibility all across Europe

Trump's disgraceful assault on the DOJ is an attack on the rule of law | Lawrence Douglas

[7] Trump colludes with Russia to win the election (a treasonous act)

see Mueller's investigation (story is still unfolding)

[8] _________________ You fill in the blank
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Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!

you wouldn't know truth if it bit you

psycho trumpkin
What should Trump be impeached for-----

[1] Trump revoked background checks for self-serving reasons

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

[2] Trump abolishes automobiles more fuel efficient standards for self-serving reasons

[3] Trump reinstates trophy hunting in Africa for self serving reasons

xoxo, Jane on Twitter

[3] Trump calls for an end to the filibuster and DACA for self serving reasons

Trump tweets: 'NO MORE DACA DEAL' - CNNPolitics

[5] Trump is a patholical liar (mental illness making him unfit for Presidency

Analysis | President Trump has made more than 2,000 false or misleading claims over 355 days

[6] Trump destroys America's credibility all across Europe

Trump's disgraceful assault on the DOJ is an attack on the rule of law | Lawrence Douglas

[7] Trump colludes with Russia to win the election (a treasonous act)

see Mueller's investigation (story is still unfolding)

[8] _________________ You fill in the blank

5, 6, and 7 work.

the others just make him a moron......
So says our resident failed trepanning volunteer in his usual effort to dismiss mountains of boulders while mining for little stones . . . .

On a side note I borrowed your statement because I liked it. On a second note, if those little stones are gold nuggets you be doing the right thing.

in my view of things
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Blowjob vs conspiring with a foreign agent and illegally hacking someone’s emails.
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Blowjob vs conspiring with a foreign agent and illegally hacking someone’s emails.

that reality confuses trump morons
“God does not like lies”

Then surely, Hillary must be running around trying to put her hair out from spontaneous combustion!


Yep. God sure GOT EVEN.
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Blowjob vs conspiring with a foreign agent and illegally hacking someone’s emails.

Bad hairdo vs. selling out national secrets for cash and a free ride first to the Chinese, then anyone else with a quick buck.
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Blowjob vs conspiring with a foreign agent and illegally hacking someone’s emails.

that reality confuses trump morons
Rudy went on all the talk shows talking about what a great guy Cohen was, then months later went on all the talk shows to bad mouth Cohen.

That’s trumps lawyer. A bold faced liar
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Blowjob vs conspiring with a foreign agent and illegally hacking someone’s emails.

Bad hairdo vs. selling out national secrets for cash and a free ride first to the Chinese, then anyone else with a quick buck.
Who knows what trump has sold russia behind closed doors
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Blowjob vs conspiring with a foreign agent and illegally hacking someone’s emails.

Bad hairdo vs. selling out national secrets for cash and a free ride first to the Chinese, then anyone else with a quick buck.
Who knows what trump has sold russia behind closed doors
You mean gave away. Pretty sure Putin turnt him out like a virgin.
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Ed, I think I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap a better argument than that. All your arguments against Democrats have been brought about by Republicans. An example of the care for workers. Huh? Who busted up the unions that made the Middle class a real force back in the days you long to return to when we lived high on the hog? Hate jobs? Codawallop! Want a Communist Constitution? Who is playing footsie and giving credence to the shirtless KGB guy and admires his murderous leadership style? You make of hero of the guy who talks the talk, and then excoriate those who walk the walk. And probably believe it. How do you do that, believe that crap Trump feeds you every day?
Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. [1][2] It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck.[2] Although it is a controversial topic,[2] pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".[1]
Pathological lying - Wikipedia

This be da trumpit
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Blowjob vs conspiring with a foreign agent and illegally hacking someone’s emails.

Bad hairdo vs. selling out national secrets for cash and a free ride first to the Chinese, then anyone else with a quick buck.
Who knows what trump has sold russia behind closed doors

ITMT, we already know full well what Obama, Clinton and Kerry sold Russia and Iran WIDE OUT IN THE OPEN. No doors needed.
Who busted up the unions that made the Middle class a real force back in the days you long to return to when we lived high on the hog?
1) American consumers who hated to buy high priced union junk
2) Republicans who created peace on earth enabling international competition that exposed our high priced union junk
3) Liberal fools who created unfair trade deals that shafted American workers
4) Liberal taxes and regulations the forced our corporations into friendlier countries

Now do you understand?

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