Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!

It’s Special Ed and his red herring fallacy – how typically conservative.
Who busted up the unions that made the Middle class a real force back in the days you long to return to when we lived high on the hog?
1) American consumers who hated to buy high priced union junk
2) Republicans who created peace on earth enabling international competition that exposed our high priced union junk
3) Liberal fools who created unfair trade deals that shafted American workers
4) Liberal taxes and regulations the forced our corporations into friendlier countries

Now do you understand?
Read up! I worked in retailing when WalMart told vendors (Gold Toe Men's socks for one) to manufacture in China so they could sell cheap. It is bittersweet that now they regret the stranglehold on vendors, now that their plan worked to the detriment of our nation, and now that others who couldn't compete with coolie wages felt they had to follow suit. And I nearly got in a knockdown/drag out in the middle of a Sam's Club over a leather bomber jacket with the double eagle emblazoned on the back during Desert Storm, because this idiot customer commented aloud how patriotic the rag was. When I pointed out it was made in China, he felt that was moot because of the logo on the back. So China is getting rich on our mindless patriotism.

It has long been known that Republicans worked to bust unions for years. Their main line of assault was the high cost of American manufacture, so they sent off to foreign shores, and now you spew angst with every breath for the situations Republicans created. Instead of facing union 'corruption' (read worker benefits) and making deals they went to the poison dog food, while you sit there calling union stuff ' junk. One thing though...that rush to foreign soil didn't include Big Pharma..who sold high here and cheap overseas. THAT they protected. And I remember getting one of those sample cards of pills in a bubble from my Mom's doc that was labeled "Made in India", but I had to buy in the cornered American market.

Give me an example of a Democratic-initiated unfair trade deal. You may be right, but I can't think of any.

Then you fall back on the old "Liberal taxes and regulations FORCED our corporations to friendlier countries." Bull...Greed did that. American manufacture costs more. You can't have world class manufacture and cheap too. Our thoughtless country chose cheap over quality to the cheers of Republicans who were out to teach those Democratic Unions a lesson. And now you got it! How's that working out for you? Actually the loss of middle class is the foundation of the anger across this land today. The authors of this catastrophe that brought us to this point is squarely placed in our own national greed. Diddly stuff gets blamed, but it's the Pogo Principle that did us in.
Read up! I worked in retailing when WalMart told vendors (Gold Toe Men's socks for one) to manufacture in China so they could sell cheap. .

so? we all know that American consumers buy the lowest prices they can. Do you blame them?
And we all know Walmart is our biggest employers and does not want to be driven out of business by Amazon's low prices and convenience. Do you understand?
What should Trump be impeached for-----

[1] Trump revoked background checks for self-serving reasons

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

[2] Trump abolishes automobiles more fuel efficient standards for self-serving reasons

[3] Trump reinstates trophy hunting in Africa for self serving reasons

xoxo, Jane on Twitter

[3] Trump calls for an end to the filibuster and DACA for self serving reasons

Trump tweets: 'NO MORE DACA DEAL' - CNNPolitics

[5] Trump is a pathetical liar (mental illness making him unfit for Presidency)

Analysis | President Trump has made more than 2,000 false or misleading claims over 355 days

[6] Trump destroys America's credibility all across Europe

Trump's disgraceful assault on the DOJ is an attack on the rule of law | Lawrence Douglas

[7] Trump colludes with Russia to win the election (a treasonous act)

see Mueller's investigation (story is still unfolding)

[8] _________________ You fill in the blank
None are impeachable....they just show he is inept

I suspect there is plenty of criminal acts he can be impeached for

Money laundering, obstruction of justice, collusion in criminal acts
Who busted up the unions that made the Middle class a real force back in the days you long to return to when we lived high on the hog?
1) American consumers who hated to buy high priced union junk
2) Republicans who created peace on earth enabling international competition that exposed our high priced union junk
3) Liberal fools who created unfair trade deals that shafted American workers
4) Liberal taxes and regulations the forced our corporations into friendlier countries

Now do you understand?
Read up! I worked in retailing when WalMart told vendors (Gold Toe Men's socks for one) to manufacture in China so they could sell cheap. It is bittersweet that now they regret the stranglehold on vendors, now that their plan worked to the detriment of our nation, and now that others who couldn't compete with coolie wages felt they had to follow suit. And I nearly got in a knockdown/drag out in the middle of a Sam's Club over a leather bomber jacket with the double eagle emblazoned on the back during Desert Storm, because this idiot customer commented aloud how patriotic the rag was. When I pointed out it was made in China, he felt that was moot because of the logo on the back. So China is getting rich on our mindless patriotism.

It has long been known that Republicans worked to bust unions for years. Their main line of assault was the high cost of American manufacture, so they sent off to foreign shores, and now you spew angst with every breath for the situations Republicans created. Instead of facing union 'corruption' (read worker benefits) and making deals they went to the poison dog food, while you sit there calling union stuff ' junk. One thing though...that rush to foreign soil didn't include Big Pharma..who sold high here and cheap overseas. THAT they protected. And I remember getting one of those sample cards of pills in a bubble from my Mom's doc that was labeled "Made in India", but I had to buy in the cornered American market.

Give me an example of a Democratic-initiated unfair trade deal. You may be right, but I can't think of any.

Then you fall back on the old "Liberal taxes and regulations FORCED our corporations to friendlier countries." Bull...Greed did that. American manufacture costs more. You can't have world class manufacture and cheap too. Our thoughtless country chose cheap over quality to the cheers of Republicans who were out to teach those Democratic Unions a lesson. And now you got it! How's that working out for you? Actually the loss of middle class is the foundation of the anger across this land today. The authors of this catastrophe that brought us to this point is squarely placed in our own national greed. Diddly stuff gets blamed, but it's the Pogo Principle that did us in.
now you spew angst with every breath for the situations Republicans created.

created by
1) bad trade deals thank to Democrats
2) peace, making international trade possible
3) price and quality of union made junk
4) liberal taxes and regulations
5) consumers who want low prices
6) Chinese poverty making wages very low
. The authors of this catastrophe that brought us to this point is squarely placed in our own national greed. Diddly stuff gets blamed, but it's the Pogo Principle that did us in.

100% moronic of course. free trade in mandatory to insure our goods are world class. IF we withdraw from free trade our goods wont be world class and our nation won't be world class. Now do you understand?
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!

It’s Special Ed and his red herring fallacy – how typically conservative.

typical male liberal anti free speech violence because the liberal lacks that IQ for debate
Trump's Little Lies Versus Democrats' Huge Lies:

Liberals can be upset but Trump's lies are not even in league with Democratic lies: they say they are for the working guy while shipping his jobs to China, they say they are for a living Constitution when really they mean a communist constitution. They say they want just one more welfare entitlement, they say they are patriotic when really they hate the basic principle of America, they say they are for the working guy and then invite 30 million illegals in to take their jobs. Trump's little lies are nothing compared to that!
Dude, that koolaide was for all you kids to share. You apologize for hogging it.
The problem with Trump lies is that it is obvious he does not care about his credibility

A president without credibility is unable to

Gain support of our allies
Enter into treaties
Justify going to war
Build alliances
. The authors of this catastrophe that brought us to this point is squarely placed in our own national greed. Diddly stuff gets blamed, but it's the Pogo Principle that did us in.

100% moronic of course. free trade in mandatory to insure our goods are world class. IF we withdraw from free trade our goods wont be world class and our nation won't be world class. Now do you understand?
But we ARE withdrawing from free trade. Where you been?

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