Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Winter Vacation Pushes Taxpayer Golf Tab Above $118 million


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

The motorcade with President Donald Trump arrives at his Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Dec. 1, 2019.

Trump criticized predecessor Barack Obama for spending too much time playing golf — but is on track to pass Obama’s eight-year total in just four years.

President Donald Trump has pushed his taxpayer-funded golf tab past $118 million on his 26th visit to Mar-a-Lago, his for-profit resort in Palm Beach, Florida, with a Saturday visit to his course in neighboring West Palm Beach.

The new total is the equivalent of 296 years of the $400,000 presidential salary that his supporters often boast that he is not taking.

And of that $118.3 million, at least several million has gone into Trump’s own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount going into Trump’s pocket cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and the administration will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

More: Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Winter Vacation Pushes Taxpayer Golf Tab Above $118 million

Wow, $118 million. Trump likes to live like royalty - with American taxpayers footing the bill. Air Force One is the world's largest and most expensive golf cart. He told us he wouldn't have time for golf if he became president.
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Good for him. He deserves the rest and relaxation, after all the BS he's been having to put up with.
President Trump gets 24/7 security and transportation regardless of whether he goes to Mar a Lago, or a resort owned by one of his billionaire friends, or stays in the the shack the government provides him in Washington DC.

Staying frequently at Mar a Lago actually cuts his security expenses, the Secret Service is very familiar with the property and security requirements. Further, the Palm Beach location is very close to the EIB Southern Command, in case he needs to give a radio interview during his time there or if he needs to consult the Maha Rushdie for advice.
All republican mouths are on Trump's cock 24/7. They wish they could have given him another $118 million.
President Trump gets 24/7 security and transportation regardless of whether he goes to Mar a Lago, or a resort owned by one of his billionaire friends, or stays in the the shack the government provides him in Washington DC.

Staying frequently at Mar a Lago actually cuts his security expenses, the Secret Service is very familiar with the property and security requirements. Further, the Palm Beach location is very close to the EIB Southern Command, in case he needs to give a radio interview during his time there or if he needs to consult the Maha Rushdie for advice.

A little past your bedtime ain't it.
All republican mouths are on Trump's cock 24/7. They wish they could have given him another $118 million.

Even after President Trump leaves office in January 2025, he'll get secret service protection the rest of his life, regardless of where he goes.

Mr. Peanut has taken big advantage of that, going to all kind of hell holes.
All republican mouths are on Trump's cock 24/7. They wish they could have given him another $118 million.

Even after President Trump leaves office in January 2025, he'll get secret service protection the rest of his life, regardless of where he goes.

Mr. Peanut has taken big advantage of that, going to all kind of hell holes.
^ retarded idiot

The motorcade with President Donald Trump arrives at his Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Dec. 1, 2019.

Trump criticized predecessor Barack Obama for spending too much time playing golf — but is on track to pass Obama’s eight-year total in just four years.

President Donald Trump has pushed his taxpayer-funded golf tab past $118 million on his 26th visit to Mar-a-Lago, his for-profit resort in Palm Beach, Florida, with a Saturday visit to his course in neighboring West Palm Beach.

The new total is the equivalent of 296 years of the $400,000 presidential salary that his supporters often boast that he is not taking.

And of that $118.3 million, at least several million has gone into Trump’s own cash registers, as Secret Service agents, White House staff and other administration officials stay and eat at his hotels and golf courses.

The exact amount going into Trump’s pocket cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and the administration will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred.

More: Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Winter Vacation Pushes Taxpayer Golf Tab Above $118 million

Wow, $118 million. Trump likes to live like royalty - with American taxpayers footing the bill. Air Force One is the world's largest and most expensive golf cart. He told us he wouldn't have time for golf if he became president.

Do you call it going on vacation when you go home? What am I saying? You never worked a day in your life unless you consider climbing the stairs out your Mom's basement to take a piss to be work!
Good point, Palm Beach is President Trump's official domicile. He's basically just going home when he's in Mar a Lago.
Libs whined about President Trump offering to host a g7 meeting at his facility in Palm Beach. Trump gave up on it due to their whinefest, insisting that the event be held in a dump.
Trump's ever growing economy has no doubt doubled Obummer's 8 year economy in less than 4.

118 Mil. for vacations is chump change in retrospect to that.


All republican mouths are on Trump's cock 24/7. They wish they could have given him another $118 million.
Only half. The other half take turns sticking their heads up his ass.
I wish he would stay out of the office and play golf more. He sucks less when he is just out cheating at golf.

That's a bullshit number, which includes transportation for him as well as his security detail, who would be with him regardless of where he decided to go. Not particular to golf.

President Trump is just going home, and happens to have a golf course on his property.

Going home? He supposed to be living in the White House while he's president.


The Presidency isn't a prison sentence, Presidents and their families aren't confined to a dump in Washington DC. Yes, they can go to their own homes.

One of President Trump's tremendous initiatives is to decentralize the federal government. The Dept of Agriculture is moving key offices to the Kansas City area under the tremendous leadership of Sonny Perdue. Others I'm sure will follow. Why can't the Dept of Energy relocate to Tulsa, or Commerce to Bentonville, or Labor to Youngstown?

The idea that the President and his family and staff all have to be in the same location is an antiquated one. Believe me, President Trump ran a worldwide organization for many years and knows about this kind of thing.
The Presidency isn't a prison sentence, Presidents and their families aren't confined to a dump in Washington DC. Yes, they can go to their own homes.

One of President Trump's tremendous initiatives is to decentralize the federal government. The Dept of Agriculture is moving key offices to the Kansas City area under the tremendous leadership of Sonny Perdue. Others I'm sure will follow. Why can't the Dept of Energy relocate to Tulsa, or Commerce to Bentonville, or Labor to Youngstown?

The idea that the President and his family and staff all have to be in the same location is an antiquated one. Believe me, President Trump ran a worldwide organization for many years and knows about this kind of thing.

He tends to go back on a lot of promises he makes...

March 2018...Trump: 'I will never sign a bill like this again"
Dec 2019....Trump signs a bill like this for the 2nd times since those famous words that his followers hung on like a cliff edge.

June 2015...Trump: “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,”
Dec 2019...Trump spends his 250th plus day away from the White House, not including official business.

Aug 2016...Trump "I'm not going to have time to go play golf"
Dec 2019....Trump plays his 230th round of golf

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