Trump's misogynistic insults continue: CNN lady latest victim of "nasty' epithet to dodge Mar-a-Lago question!

She was trying to get him to actually answer questions (he kept dodging) and pointed out his lies (almost everything coming out of his mouth was a lie).
Sounds a lot like you filth.
/——/ So? No one in your family ever hugged you, and your bitterness shows.
These libs don't even realize how obviously ingrained their identity politics are. Insult any non-conservative, who is a member of any of their current victim classes, and you are "insert victim class here"phobic, or misogynistic, or the next label.

Trump called her a nasty person, and the OP immediately leapt to the victim class handbook and determined that he is misogynistic.

It's going to be fun with all the new hybrid victim classes, described by CRT as intersectionality. Will there be new terms that account for someone insulting a black woman, a gay American Indian? How about a lesbian black transsexual? What would you call a person who insults one of those?
Collins triggered Trump with her question about the documents, which led to his outburst. Legal experts have said Trump is likely to go down for crimes related to taking documents that weren't his him to Mar-a-Lago and obstructing authorities' attempt to retrieve them.
So he called her a nasty person.

Did she mean Biden's stolen documents that he sold to the CCP?
No. You're upset. It wasn't Biden found to be a liar and sexual abuser. It was your cult leader.
Every person with a speck of intelligence (a class which excludes you) already knows that Potato is a compulsive liar. And the fact that a civil trial jury in NY State determined that the nut bag plaintiff had met he slight burden doesn’t mean that Trump ever even touched the bit ag plaintiff.

But I hereby grant you permission to stay inside your cocoon of liberal ignorance and stupidity. 👍
Own it, INCELs. Women are paying attention to the GOP misogyny.
They;re payng attention to the lies and projection of the Democrats. TRUMP WON THE CNN TOWNHALL LAST NITE and it was LIke THERE WAS NO E. Jean Carroll fake trial this week. LOLOLOLOLOL Cry your lyin' eyes out. battle ax.
They;re payng attention to the lies and projection of the Democrats. TRUMP WON THE CNN TOWNHALL LAST NITE and it was LIke THERE WAS NO E. Jean Carroll fake trial this week. LOLOLOLOLOL Cry your lyin' eyes out. battle ax.
Trump won the CNN Townhall? Who was he competing against? Wake up, THERE WAS a E. Jean Carroll trial this week and
Trump won the CNN Townhall? Who was he competing against? Wake up, THERE WAS a E. Jean Carroll trial this week and

They didn't believe her rape story..and the loon wasn't raped. None of her story made sense. She's a liar and a fraud..and she should face prosecution for false charges. And she will be.
Perfect example of libs like the OP finding a way to make everything about a victim class. Here's Jake Tapper's comments about Trump -
"He called a black law enforcement officer a thug." Yeah, he called that guy a thug because he walked up and shot an unarmed woman point blank. Nothing to do with his race.

"He said people here in Washington, DC, in Chinatown, don't speak English." So what?

"He attacked Caitlin as a nasty woman because she was trying to get him to answer a question." This is the best one. He didn't attack her as a nasty woman. He said she is a nasty person.

You're doing all the labelling, Jake. These morons are not even aware of what they do. It's a reflex at this point.

The MAGAts don't realize that they are turning women away for 2024 with the misogyny of the serial sexual abuser, their stance on abortion, and mass shootings.
No, fat degenerate defenders like you are turning women to the Republican Party with your defense of groomers, pedos, and wanting porn in school libraries. As well as you wanting kids to be killed by letting mentally ill trannies get guns.
You have no videos of Biden ramming his fingers into little girls' vaginas, which is what Rapist Donald did to his victim before raping her.

You just can't stop lying, can you.
And you have no proof of that you lying sack of shit. Tara Reid and the women she told this to. Meaning your hero Joe is a rapist. As you called her a liar. So you can go fuck yourself you lying homo.
Perfect example of libs like the OP finding a way to make everything about a victim class. Here's Jake Tapper's comments about Trump -
"He called a black law enforcement officer a thug." Yeah, he called that guy a thug because he walked up and shot an unarmed woman point blank. Nothing to do with his race.

"He said people here in Washington, DC, in Chinatown, don't speak English." So what?

"He attacked Caitlin as a nasty woman because she was trying to get him to answer a question." This is the best one. He didn't attack her as a nasty woman. He said she is a nasty person.

You're doing all the labelling, Jake. These morons are not even aware of what they do. It's a reflex at this point.

/——/ Jake is just the messenger giving the democRAT useful idiots the approved talking points.

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