Trump's misogynistic insults continue: CNN lady latest victim of "nasty' epithet to dodge Mar-a-Lago question!

Trump's misogynistic insults continue: CNN lady latest victim of "nasty' epithet to dodge Mar-a-Lago question!​

Women are watching....the misogyny of today's GOP.
Women are watching....the misogyny of today's GOP.
All of the intellectually high IQ women who have abortions and have children with no father figures around and vote Progressive Socialist to stop these things why they keep doing it is mystifying.
You mean shopping at Bergof Goodman? That venue?

Did you just say if women want equality, they have to accept sexual assault? Make sure you tell your wife, girlfriend or daughter immediately.

You may be a moron.
Weren't we talking about women wanting special consideration in venues such as the CNN townhall instance? and you turn it into sexual assault. I don't think women need to accept sexual assault...but neither are they allowed to scream it when it never happened.
She was trying to get him to actually answer questions (he kept dodging) and pointed out his lies (almost everything coming out of his mouth was a lie).
She was repeatedly countering everything he said, not trying to get him to answer questions.
Clinton was a good President....twice. Sorry you are such a bitter INCEL over this.
Clinton was a failure his first two years and elected due to Ross Perot in 1992. The Republican "Contract with America" saved his ass in 1994. Even with that, Perot running in 1996 even with Dole as the Republican candidate gave Clinton the election.
Collins triggered Trump with her question about the documents, which led to his outburst. Legal experts have said Trump is likely to go down for crimes related to taking documents that weren't his him to Mar-a-Lago and obstructing authorities' attempt to retrieve them.
So he called her a nasty person.
Oh my, not the dreaded "you're a nasty person" attack.

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