Appeals Court Rules in Favor of DoJ to Allow Govt to Continue Using Documents Seized from Mar-A-Lago

Not really, if you understand the process.

This has been gone over hundreds of times but I expect you know why those ballots "appeared out of nowhere" but are towing the party line.
What don't we understand?

"I missed nothing."
My avatar will demur on that.

Do this good poster Lenny, go read some of the audits or reports that have been done as autopsies on the election. Hell, go read the report of one of your Paladins that was gonna prove it was all stolen.....the Cyber Ninjas. You recall you were one of the most insistent on this message board that the Ninjas were the real deal and they had the goods.
You claimed that. Several times. Stridently and assertively.

But the 'goods' they found...after spending $9 million... was that somehow, someway, by somebody....Don Trump was awarded more votes than were actually cast for him. And Joe Biden was awarded less votes than actually cast for him.
Cyber Ninjas, eh?
Lenny's life-saver, eh?

And then, more specifically go get the report put out by the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee investigating the alleged fraudulent vote in Michigan. If memory serves, it was lead by State Senator Ed McBroom....a lifelong Republican and long serving elected political leader from a dairy-farming family in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

To save you time....they concluded: "There was no evidence of widespread or systemic fraud".
NOTE: This was a report by a Republican dominated... and led... Senate Committee, reporting to a Republican dominated and led state Senate!

It was reported: 'McBroom's 35-page report, released in June 2021, knifed each conspiracy theory with precision. Illegal absentee ballts weren't stuffed overnight in Detroit. Ballot tabulators weren't hacked, nor were they even connected to the internet. Dead voters didn't make a difference, and neither did any kind of ballot "mule".

Poster Lenny it is not my avatar's intention to be disrespectful or dismissive of your feelings, or your beliefs; however, you need to understand the concept of 'due diligence', of 'preparation', of study and researching.

You will be a much more respected poster if you can demonstrate a little of any of those. Or even demonstrate more effort and less partisanship.

Good luck. We have confidence you can be better than what you've demonstrated to date.
What don't we understand?

Did the pretty graph dupe you?

"Most of Wisconsin’s largest cities, including Milwaukee and Green Bay, count absentee ballots in one centralized location. The count of Milwaukee’s absentee ballots, for example, began Tuesday morning and was live-streamed for people to view throughout the day on YouTube. But Wisconsin law requires that the results of those absentee votes be reported all at once, Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe explained Wednesday."

“With that you’re going to get the result sets all as one, with all the absentees,” Wolfe said when asked about the overnight spike in vote totals.

"FiveThirtyEight told Reuters that it is not true that Biden received all the votes in the overnight dump: “These batches were NOT 100% Biden votes; behind the blue line, there is also a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump gained. There are also counter examples, where Trump’s line shoots up suddenly when a favorable batch of results are reported.”

I expect you have seen this info before so you will have your deep state, RINO conspiracy's at the ready.
Did the pretty graph dupe you?

"Most of Wisconsin’s largest cities, including Milwaukee and Green Bay, count absentee ballots in one centralized location. The count of Milwaukee’s absentee ballots, for example, began Tuesday morning and was live-streamed for people to view throughout the day on YouTube. But Wisconsin law requires that the results of those absentee votes be reported all at once, Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe explained Wednesday."

“With that you’re going to get the result sets all as one, with all the absentees,” Wolfe said when asked about the overnight spike in vote totals.

"FiveThirtyEight told Reuters that it is not true that Biden received all the votes in the overnight dump: “These batches were NOT 100% Biden votes; behind the blue line, there is also a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump gained. There are also counter examples, where Trump’s line shoots up suddenly when a favorable batch of results are reported.”

I expect you have seen this info before so you will have your deep state, RINO conspiracy's at the ready.
Please quote this law, and how is it still in effect since they went to mass mail-in vote?

Obviously, you're spewing a talking point (a lie).
Why do Democrats / liberals have such an aversion to mental illness?

From homeless people to mass shooters to psychos like DePape, they never want to address / deal with mental illness.

They would rather ignore it ... like what they are doing with Biden.
Why do Democrats / liberals have such an aversion to mental illness?

From homeless people to mass shooters to psychos like DePape, they never want to address / deal with mental illness.

They would rather ignore it ... like what they are doing with Biden.
Because they are all mentally ill.
Please quote this law, and how is it still in effect since they went to mass mail-in vote?

Obviously, you're spewing a talking point (a lie).

Nine states and Washington, D.C., permit election officials to begin processing absentee/mail ballots on Election Day, but prior to the closing of the polls.

  • Alabama, District of Columbia, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Nine states and Washington, D.C., permit election officials to begin processing absentee/mail ballots on Election Day, but prior to the closing of the polls.

  • Alabama, District of Columbia, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

That doesn't support your claim that results from all absentee ballots have to be reported at the same time.
That doesn't support your claim that results from all absentee ballots have to be reported at the same time.
I don't know if it is part of their voting rules but I don't get why you think it has to be. Multiple officials in Wisconsin stated that the normal procedure is to count them all up and then release the totals.

I would be more curious if you can find a rule prohibiting this method or even if you could provide a credible link to someone who claims this is illegal.
I don't know if it is part of their voting rules but I don't get why you think it has to be. Multiple officials in Wisconsin stated that the normal procedure is to count them all up and then release the totals.

I would be more curious if you can find a rule prohibiting this method or even if you could provide a credible link to someone who claims this is illegal.
You could have just admitted that you are lying.
I could have but why would I as I haven't lied.

Perhaps, you can be more specific? What lie?
Of course you lied. You claimed there was a law that says they have to report all results at the same time. Now you're saying "I don't know."
Of course you lied. You claimed there was a law that says they have to report all results at the same time. Now you're saying "I don't know."
You keep claiming that, yet I still don't see where I claimed it was a law.

Please he specific. Quote where i said that.
Did the pretty graph dupe you?

"Most of Wisconsin’s largest cities, including Milwaukee and Green Bay, count absentee ballots in one centralized location. The count of Milwaukee’s absentee ballots, for example, began Tuesday morning and was live-streamed for people to view throughout the day on YouTube. But Wisconsin law requires that the results of those absentee votes be reported all at once, Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe explained Wednesday."

“With that you’re going to get the result sets all as one, with all the absentees,” Wolfe said when asked about the overnight spike in vote totals.

"FiveThirtyEight told Reuters that it is not true that Biden received all the votes in the overnight dump: “These batches were NOT 100% Biden votes; behind the blue line, there is also a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump gained. There are also counter examples, where Trump’s line shoots up suddenly when a favorable batch of results are reported.”

I expect you have seen this info before so you will have your deep state, RINO conspiracy's at the ready.
"But Wisconsin law requires that the results of those absentee votes be reported all at once"
You quoted it because you believe it.
Yet I did not lie.

You believing all these Wisconsin officials, volunteers and election workers are conspiring to lie about when absentee vote counts are reported does not make me a liar...but it does tell me a bit about you.
Yet I did not lie.

You believing all these Wisconsin officials, volunteers and election workers are conspiring to lie about when absentee vote counts are reported does not make me a liar...but it does tell me a bit about you.
I only see you and one official lying.

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