Trump's motivations: Some of these pundits are missing it

If Biden follows through with more taxes,
Biden will resend the $30 billion tax break for the richest 2% of our population which will remove a large chunk of our government’s debt
continuing lockdowns
Biden did not say that
, a return to greater regulatory mandates
regulations are required to maintain civility in our communities.
upending cheap energy and hampering the production of gas and oil by means of fracking
Oil & gas are finite fossil fuels which will run out. Planning for that eventuality is smart. Sticking your head in the sand is not.

head in sand.jpg

, Trump will not be responsible for the damage to our economy.
Yes he will and for this he and a few others will spend a few years in jail. Hopefully their cells will be next to each other so that they can talk each other to sleep


It's about policy not people.
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

If Biden follows through with more taxes, continuing lockdowns, a return to greater regulatory mandates, upending cheap energy and hampering the production of gas and oil by means of fracking, Trump will not be responsible for the damage to our economy.

It's about policy not people.

Actually it's about both, and the orange pussy has done a tremendous amount of long term damage to our economy for short term gains.

Please explain what "tremendous long-term damage" Trump has done. I listed some areas I feel Biden would damage the economy. Please do the same regarding your statement.

Look at the deficits and environmental damage.

You mean the debt, right? The debt is a bi-partisan problem and needs a bi-partisan solution.

The environment is a concern but as far as pollution is concerned we have one of the cleanest countries on the planet:

Anything else?

The debt is almost entirely a Dim creation.
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

Just remember, I'm going to review and post everything you have said about this entire situation.

You will look like the motherfucking fool shithead you are.
No you won't. You're not honest enough to illustrate that I was right.

You don't have the maturity for that.
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

Poor Mac & Cheese. Every thread, every post, every thought is Trump, Trump, Trump. :D. It must be your porn. Are you "Toobin" while you constantly and obsessively post about Trump?

Better come up for air Mac & Cheese. You might injure yourself. :)

Wow, Mac & Cheese thanked me for this post saying Trump was his porn and he was "Toobin" while obsessively posting about Trump all day.

Okay. :). Just pace yourself buddy. :thup:
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

It’s clear that much of Trump’s motivation is his bizarre, diseased, and racist obsession with President Obama.
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

No one still believes your bull shit that you read minds, you don't. Grow up
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

If Biden follows through with more taxes, continuing lockdowns, a return to greater regulatory mandates, upending cheap energy and hampering the production of gas and oil by means of fracking, Trump will not be responsible for the damage to our economy.

It's about policy not people.


Democrats have yet to lay out WHY and HOW more lockdowns, higher taxes, increased regulation and fossil-based energy restrictions in the absence of a viable alternative will NOT negatively or adversely impact the economy. What is more insulting, journalists do not ask these questions. Then, when the economy tanks, they will blame Trump.... just because, not why.
We need a better term than TDS to describe the absolutely obsessive zealotry of these hyper-partisan hacks for whom utter hypocrisy most certainly seems to be their very goal in life.

Here his political partty of choice has spent the entirety of the last four years trying to undermine Trump's presidency, replete with witch hunts attempting to overturn the results of his election using utterly bogus means, and here he is trying to claim that it is TRUMP who is the danger to democracy.

Sure, Mac, you go right on with your agenda to impose one-party rule and try to fool people into thinking it is the product of your insane hatred that is actually at fault.

Just look around folks (well, at least those of you who are honest and possess an IQ of at least 100). Which party is acting the most fascistic these days in their zeal to limit what people can do - Rep or Dem?
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

No one still believes your bull shit that you read minds, you don't. Grow up
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

Poor Mac & Cheese. Every thread, every post, every thought is Trump, Trump, Trump. :D. It must be your porn. Are you "Toobin" while you constantly and obsessively post about Trump?

Better come up for air Mac & Cheese. You might injure yourself. :)

Wow, Mac & Cheese thanked me for this post saying Trump was his porn and he was "Toobin" while obsessively posting about Trump all day.

Okay. :). Just pace yourself buddy. :thup:

You're welcome Mac & Cheese.
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

If Biden follows through with more taxes, continuing lockdowns, a return to greater regulatory mandates, upending cheap energy and hampering the production of gas and oil by means of fracking, Trump will not be responsible for the damage to our economy.

It's about policy not people.

Actually it's about both, and the orange pussy has done a tremendous amount of long term damage to our economy for short term gains.

Please explain what "tremendous long-term damage" Trump has done. I listed some areas I feel Biden would damage the economy. Please do the same regarding your statement.

Look at the deficits and environmental damage.

You mean the debt, right? The debt is a bi-partisan problem and needs a bi-partisan solution.

The environment is a concern but as far as pollution is concerned we have one of the cleanest countries on the planet:

Anything else?

Deficits were shrinking under president Obama. Where was your bipartisanship then?
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

If Biden follows through with more taxes, continuing lockdowns, a return to greater regulatory mandates, upending cheap energy and hampering the production of gas and oil by means of fracking, Trump will not be responsible for the damage to our economy.

It's about policy not people.

Actually it's about both, and the orange pussy has done a tremendous amount of long term damage to our economy for short term gains.

Please explain what "tremendous long-term damage" Trump has done. I listed some areas I feel Biden would damage the economy. Please do the same regarding your statement.

Look at the deficits and environmental damage.

You mean the debt, right? The debt is a bi-partisan problem and needs a bi-partisan solution.

The environment is a concern but as far as pollution is concerned we have one of the cleanest countries on the planet:

Anything else?

The debt is almost entirely a Dim creation.
Well that's a bigger than usual lie.
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Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

No one still believes your bull shit that you read minds, you don't. Grow up
I love Macaroni's dismissive attitude of superiority while he pretends to know things he can't possibly know.
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Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

If Biden follows through with more taxes, continuing lockdowns, a return to greater regulatory mandates, upending cheap energy and hampering the production of gas and oil by means of fracking, Trump will not be responsible for the damage to our economy.

It's about policy not people.

Actually it's about both, and the orange pussy has done a tremendous amount of long term damage to our economy for short term gains.

Please explain what "tremendous long-term damage" Trump has done. I listed some areas I feel Biden would damage the economy. Please do the same regarding your statement.

Look at the deficits and environmental damage.

You mean the debt, right? The debt is a bi-partisan problem and needs a bi-partisan solution.

The environment is a concern but as far as pollution is concerned we have one of the cleanest countries on the planet:

Anything else?

The debt is almost entirely a Dim creation.
Well that's a bigger than usual lie.
I can easily demonstrate that it's true.
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

Here's another reason he is fighting like hell to overturn the election and stay in office...On Jan. 20, Trump will lose a major perk. Here's what legal challenges await him.
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

Here's another reason he is fighting like hell to overturn the election and stay in office...On Jan. 20, Trump will lose a major perk. Here's what legal challenges await him.
Yeah, on top of the profound emotional problems and daddy issues that make him terrified to be a loser, there's that too.
Much of the punditry (links below) is saying that Trump is trying to (a) undermine democracy and/or (b) de-legitimize Biden's win with these bizarre lawsuits and embarrassing, hair dye-dripping press conferences.

I disagree with that. I think they're giving him too much credit. This, to me, is nothing more than a profoundly damaged man-child whose daddy issues are driving him to a humiliating desperation, with no concern about the collateral damage he's causing.

If the argument is that the effect of what he is doing damages democracy and our electoral process, I do agree with that. But his intent is simply based on his own blatant emotional issues.

Here's another reason he is fighting like hell to overturn the election and stay in office...On Jan. 20, Trump will lose a major perk. Here's what legal challenges await him.
Yeah, on top of the profound emotional problems and daddy issues that make him terrified to be a loser, there's that too.
Mind reading again. You turds always get it wrong every time you try this.
Trump’s motivation is to count all the legal votes and not count the illegal votes, you liberal lunatics.

You assholes didnt whine about Al Gore in 2000, so shut the fuck up.
Just how stupid do you have to be to compare this to the 2000 election?

I know, Democrats in 2000 didn't all hate America, and weren't all crooks. How the times have changed.

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