Trumps Muslim ban already having an effect.

Louvre terror attack: Egyptian man, 'who arrived in France in January' shot five times after attacking soldier with machete
This muzzie crazy went loco in Paris,France and not the US. I would have expected Mr Spicer and Ms Conway to be all over this FACT.

Well Tommy let be factual and the individual ( not Trump ) you are writing about would have killed no matter who won here in the states...

So do you want to blame every terrorist attack that has taken place on Trump because of your hatred for those you disagree with?

Also how long before you go full nutter and do something and blame someone else for?
Did you read the OP ?

I read your title which is also part of your op and your comment under your link but I refuse to click links from mental midgets!

So do you reply to a question or questions with another question because you fear to admit your hatred for a man that is not your President is not healthy and based on slanted views?

Trump has little to do with any terrorist attacks around the world but please keep posting your hatred and slanted opinions!

Oh and believe it or not I actually dislike Trump but unlike you I prefer to blame him for what he has actually done and not for the actions of those you wish to blow while in a Turkish Bathhouse!
Louvre terror attack: Egyptian man, 'who arrived in France in January' shot five times after attacking soldier with machete
This muzzie crazy went loco in Paris,France and not the US. I would have expected Mr Spicer and Ms Conway to be all over this FACT.

Well Tommy let be factual and the individual ( not Trump ) you are writing about would have killed no matter who won here in the states...

So do you want to blame every terrorist attack that has taken place on Trump because of your hatred for those you disagree with?

Also how long before you go full nutter and do something and blame someone else for?
Did you read the OP ?

I read your title which is also part of your op and your comment under your link but I refuse to click links from mental midgets!

So do you reply to a question or questions with another question because you fear to admit your hatred for a man that is not your President is not healthy and based on slanted views?

Trump has little to do with any terrorist attacks around the world but please keep posting your hatred and slanted opinions!

Oh and believe it or not I actually dislike Trump but unlike you I prefer to blame him for what he has actually done and not for the actions of those you wish to blow while in a Turkish Bathhouse!
Where did I criticise Trump ?

The story is as follows -

US - Muslim ban = no attacks
France - no Muslim ban = attacks

Its not difficult.
you just posted a picture of hitler

I don't expect you to be a student of History ... given the content and tenor of your posts. But the OP is about terrorism in France and France was once the allies of the Nazis. If you can find ANY post where I advocate genocide then, by all means, make them public.
alright so your still pretending not be a neo nazi terrorist... I just wanted make sure I thought you had given up the act
Nazis used used to be really terrible people, but apparently not anymore. Now EVERYONE is a Nazis.
jack off too?

I'm sure what you MEANT to say was, "to which you jack off". What you said was, "jack off too", meaning you also perform that act to that picture. English can be your friend if used properly.

Many of the hysterical left on this board use sexual images of Trump, the naked statue some looney leftist made, or Trump and Putin shirtless or kissing. They are a sick bunch.
Louvre terror attack: Egyptian man, 'who arrived in France in January' shot five times after attacking soldier with machete
This muzzie crazy went loco in Paris,France and not the US. I would have expected Mr Spicer and Ms Conway to be all over this FACT.

Well Tommy let be factual and the individual ( not Trump ) you are writing about would have killed no matter who won here in the states...

So do you want to blame every terrorist attack that has taken place on Trump because of your hatred for those you disagree with?

Also how long before you go full nutter and do something and blame someone else for?
Did you read the OP ?

I read your title which is also part of your op and your comment under your link but I refuse to click links from mental midgets!

So do you reply to a question or questions with another question because you fear to admit your hatred for a man that is not your President is not healthy and based on slanted views?

Trump has little to do with any terrorist attacks around the world but please keep posting your hatred and slanted opinions!

Oh and believe it or not I actually dislike Trump but unlike you I prefer to blame him for what he has actually done and not for the actions of those you wish to blow while in a Turkish Bathhouse!
Where did I criticise Trump ?

The story is as follows -

US - Muslim ban = no attacks
France - no Muslim ban = attacks

Its not difficult.

Looks like our resident cross-dressing queer is now role playing.
Louvre terror attack: Egyptian man, 'who arrived in France in January' shot five times after attacking soldier with machete
This muzzie crazy went loco in Paris,France and not the US. I would have expected Mr Spicer and Ms Conway to be all over this FACT.
Six people are dead after a white, domestic terrorist went on a shooting spree in Kalamazoo, Michigan on Saturday, and officials are refusing to call it terrorism

Jason Brian Dalton, 45, started his shooting spree at an apartment complex where he shot a woman multiple times while her three children watched. The woman is in critical condition but expected to survive. Four hours later, Dalton killed a father and son who were car shopping at a Kia dealership. Less than a half hour later he began chatting with people in two cars at a Cracker Barrel restaurant when he suddenly began shooting, killing four women and injuring a 14-year-old girl.
So applying your logic or lack thereof maybe we should target middle aged white males as terrorists....

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