Trumps Muslim Travel Ban Excludes Countries Where He Does Business . . .



He was about to be a refugee to the U.S. from Syria until Trump signed his Muslim ban EO.
I don't remember mass protests when obama did travel bans.


That's because 1) we did not found out until years after it happened and 2) it was not based on a religion
"That's because"./...Another injection libs love to use.
even if those countries are deeply involved in financing terrorists:'

Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his businesses
Here's an important FACT the whiny libs are delibertely missing in their FALSE narrative.
The Executive Order is NOT a "Muslim ban"....
Nowhere in the text of the Order are the terms "Islam", "Muslim" mentioned.
Furthermore, there is NO reference of ANY kind to ANY religion or religious group.
I challenge anyone to find otherwise.
What Trump's Executive Order on Immigration Does—and Doesn't Do
Full text of Trump's executive order on 7-nation ban, refugee suspension -

Funny stuff, but

Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees -
There is no "but".....The EO says what it says.
Yes, I realize you as a lib will ignore the facts and attempt to deflect. Not on my watch..
The issue as hand is the narrative formed by the left which is attempting to establish a religious basis for the Order.

Can you give me a list of suicide bombings done by Christians in the name of Jesus? Can you give me a list of truck murders done by Christians? How about Christians flying planes into buildings?


You claim it's not about religion then immediately insist it's about religion. Fuckinay that's funny.

wrong again, you left wing moron. Its about protecting America from terrorists. If most terrorists happen to be muslim, then so be it.

I'll add this to your list of lies. You're leading the USMB pack btw.

which is a lie? that most terrorists are muslim? or that Trump is trying to protect American lives?

and once more, the EO is not a muslim ban. The complete EO is available on the internet, go look it up and then quote the language that makes it a muslim ban. Or, find the word "muslim" anywhere in it.

All you do on this message board is post lies and bullshit. No one takes you seriously, you are a clown.
Doesn't it make sense that American businesses do not deal with extremist crazy bomb carrying suicide countries that export nothing but hatred? What does the psychotic hysterical left want? Do they want us to deal with nations that strap bombs to their kids and send them into market places? Do they want us to stop dealing with every Muslem nation? The left has been so incoherent lately that they should all take a deep breath and let adults handle foreign affairs for a change.
Doesn't it make sense that American businesses do not deal with extremist crazy bomb carrying suicide countries that export nothing but hatred? What does the psychotic hysterical left want? Do they want us to deal with nations that strap bombs to their kids and send them into market places? Do they want us to stop dealing with every Muslem nation? The left has been so incoherent lately that they should all take a deep breath and let adults handle foreign affairs for a change.
/—-/ Dems just want their votes. And who are we to judge strapping bombs on kids after all we let our kids eat McDonalds and drink sugary soft drinks.

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