Trumps newer plan.

Even trump knows it’s cause of his policy:

If farmers “need additional aid until such time as the trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada and others fully kick in, that aid will be provided by the federal government,” the president said on Twitter on Friday.


Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers

Deaths: We're at 138K, less than a quarter of 600K.

Cases: We're at 3.53 million, that's on the way to 500 million? There aren't 500 million people in the country. At least not legally

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?

Fauci would look a lot better if he'd stop flip flopping on his positions
Why is a failed trade adviser talking about the virus response? Guy can’t do his own job.
I like how you drones always add in that "failed" BS
Well our tariffs hurt farmers and manufacturing. Was that the goal? If so he was successful.
I didnt agee with them,,,
Then you should agree he’s a failed trade advisor. Correct?
that was trumps call not his,,,and thats not the only part of his job,,,

your constant lying is why nothing you say should ever be trusted,,,
So he’s a trade advisor and you agree our trade policy sucks but won’t call him failed. That is funny. What have I lied about?
I never said our trade policy sucks so stop lying about what I said,,,
I agreee with biden and trump that china is screwing is on trade and something needs done about it,,,
You said that you didn’t support the tariffs. The tariffs are why our policy sucks. You seem confused.
theres more to the policys than tariffs,,,
The tariffs sure are the big blunder. The result of the trade policy is that farmers and manufacturing has been hurt.

And yet you mindlessly vote for the traditional tariff party, the Democrat party, as if this is a standard to you.

And you don't give a shit that Trump raised tariffs to lower them, and it worked.

According to you, tariffs were only bad in that narrow window
I’m an independent. I support free trade. It’s been the thing since Reagan. Trump first one in a while supporting that failed policy.
First one in a while? We had around 12k tariffs before trump took office. Obama did many. Bush.
You are clueless on everything "brain"
Sure on a much smaller level.
Goalposts moved. Ok.
Show me where Obama and bush ran on being protectionists.
They didnt run on it, so its ok? You are such a hack lol

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers

Deaths: We're at 138K, less than a quarter of 600K.

Cases: We're at 3.53 million, that's on the way to 500 million? There aren't 500 million people in the country. At least not legally

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?

Fauci would look a lot better if he'd stop flip flopping on his positions
Why is a failed trade adviser talking about the virus response? Guy can’t do his own job.
I like how you drones always add in that "failed" BS
Well our tariffs hurt farmers and manufacturing. Was that the goal? If so he was successful.
I didnt agee with them,,,
Then you should agree he’s a failed trade advisor. Correct?
that was trumps call not his,,,and thats not the only part of his job,,,

your constant lying is why nothing you say should ever be trusted,,,
So he’s a trade advisor and you agree our trade policy sucks but won’t call him failed. That is funny. What have I lied about?
I never said our trade policy sucks so stop lying about what I said,,,
I agreee with biden and trump that china is screwing is on trade and something needs done about it,,,
You said that you didn’t support the tariffs. The tariffs are why our policy sucks. You seem confused.
theres more to the policys than tariffs,,,
The tariffs sure are the big blunder. The result of the trade policy is that farmers and manufacturing has been hurt.

And yet you mindlessly vote for the traditional tariff party, the Democrat party, as if this is a standard to you.

And you don't give a shit that Trump raised tariffs to lower them, and it worked.

According to you, tariffs were only bad in that narrow window
I’m an independent. I support free trade. It’s been the thing since Reagan. Trump first one in a while supporting that failed policy.
First one in a while? We had around 12k tariffs before trump took office. Obama did many. Bush.
You are clueless on everything "brain"
Sure on a much smaller level.
Goalposts moved. Ok.
Show me where Obama and bush ran on being protectionists.
They didnt run on it, so its ok? You are such a hack lol
Not ok at all. But if they don’t run on it how do you know at voting time? You really are dumb...

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers

Deaths: We're at 138K, less than a quarter of 600K.

Cases: We're at 3.53 million, that's on the way to 500 million? There aren't 500 million people in the country. At least not legally

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?

Fauci would look a lot better if he'd stop flip flopping on his positions
Why is a failed trade adviser talking about the virus response? Guy can’t do his own job.
I like how you drones always add in that "failed" BS
Well our tariffs hurt farmers and manufacturing. Was that the goal? If so he was successful.
I didnt agee with them,,,
Then you should agree he’s a failed trade advisor. Correct?
that was trumps call not his,,,and thats not the only part of his job,,,

your constant lying is why nothing you say should ever be trusted,,,
So he’s a trade advisor and you agree our trade policy sucks but won’t call him failed. That is funny. What have I lied about?
I never said our trade policy sucks so stop lying about what I said,,,
I agreee with biden and trump that china is screwing is on trade and something needs done about it,,,
You said that you didn’t support the tariffs. The tariffs are why our policy sucks. You seem confused.
theres more to the policys than tariffs,,,
The tariffs sure are the big blunder. The result of the trade policy is that farmers and manufacturing has been hurt.

And yet you mindlessly vote for the traditional tariff party, the Democrat party, as if this is a standard to you.

And you don't give a shit that Trump raised tariffs to lower them, and it worked.

According to you, tariffs were only bad in that narrow window
I’m an independent. I support free trade. It’s been the thing since Reagan. Trump first one in a while supporting that failed policy.
First one in a while? We had around 12k tariffs before trump took office. Obama did many. Bush.
You are clueless on everything "brain"
Sure on a much smaller level.
Goalposts moved. Ok.
Show me where Obama and bush ran on being protectionists.
They didnt run on it, so its ok? You are such a hack lol
Not ok at all. But if they don’t run on it how do you know at voting time? You really are dumb...
You were wrong and IM the dumb one :lmao:

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers

Deaths: We're at 138K, less than a quarter of 600K.

Cases: We're at 3.53 million, that's on the way to 500 million? There aren't 500 million people in the country. At least not legally

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?

Fauci would look a lot better if he'd stop flip flopping on his positions
Why is a failed trade adviser talking about the virus response? Guy can’t do his own job.
I like how you drones always add in that "failed" BS
Well our tariffs hurt farmers and manufacturing. Was that the goal? If so he was successful.
I didnt agee with them,,,
Then you should agree he’s a failed trade advisor. Correct?
that was trumps call not his,,,and thats not the only part of his job,,,

your constant lying is why nothing you say should ever be trusted,,,
So he’s a trade advisor and you agree our trade policy sucks but won’t call him failed. That is funny. What have I lied about?
I never said our trade policy sucks so stop lying about what I said,,,
I agreee with biden and trump that china is screwing is on trade and something needs done about it,,,
You said that you didn’t support the tariffs. The tariffs are why our policy sucks. You seem confused.
theres more to the policys than tariffs,,,
The tariffs sure are the big blunder. The result of the trade policy is that farmers and manufacturing has been hurt.

And yet you mindlessly vote for the traditional tariff party, the Democrat party, as if this is a standard to you.

And you don't give a shit that Trump raised tariffs to lower them, and it worked.

According to you, tariffs were only bad in that narrow window
I’m an independent. I support free trade. It’s been the thing since Reagan. Trump first one in a while supporting that failed policy.
First one in a while? We had around 12k tariffs before trump took office. Obama did many. Bush.
You are clueless on everything "brain"
Sure on a much smaller level.
Goalposts moved. Ok.
Show me where Obama and bush ran on being protectionists.
They didnt run on it, so its ok? You are such a hack lol
Not ok at all. But if they don’t run on it how do you know at voting time? You really are dumb...
You were wrong and IM the dumb one :lmao:
Wrong about what? I’ve never voted for a protectionist. Clearly you have.
where does the constitution give the govt the power to "fight" it?

"The general welfare "

The "general welfare" isn't a power of government, it's a restriction on government power. Everything the government does must be in the "general welfare" or the government can't do it. There must still be an enumerated Constitutional authority in addition to it being in the general welfare

So we need to restrict the governments ability to fight against the pandemic. ROTFLMFAO, ewe sure got your God/King then.

That isn't what I said, gawd you're stupid. I said they can't trample on our rights. I did not say they can't fight it. The echo in your head when you think must be maddening

Just using your dumbshit logic against you. What in your opinion is the government aloud to do to combat this pandemic but not trample on ur riiiights?
That isn't what I said, gawd you're stupid. I said they can't trample on our rights. I did not say they can't fight it. The echo in your head when you think must be maddening

Just using your dumbshit logic against you. What in your opinion is the government aloud to do to combat this pandemic but not trample on ur riiiights?

I said the government can't trample our rights, and you came back with that I said government can't do anything to fight the pandemic. To call that using my logic against me is stupid, that wasn't my logic, it was hyperbole and a lie

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers

Deaths: We're at 138K, less than a quarter of 600K.

Cases: We're at 3.53 million, that's on the way to 500 million? There aren't 500 million people in the country. At least not legally

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?

Fauci would look a lot better if he'd stop flip flopping on his positions
Why is a failed trade adviser talking about the virus response? Guy can’t do his own job.
I like how you drones always add in that "failed" BS
Well our tariffs hurt farmers and manufacturing. Was that the goal? If so he was successful.
I didnt agee with them,,,
Then you should agree he’s a failed trade advisor. Correct?
that was trumps call not his,,,and thats not the only part of his job,,,

your constant lying is why nothing you say should ever be trusted,,,
So he’s a trade advisor and you agree our trade policy sucks but won’t call him failed. That is funny. What have I lied about?
I never said our trade policy sucks so stop lying about what I said,,,
I agreee with biden and trump that china is screwing is on trade and something needs done about it,,,
You said that you didn’t support the tariffs. The tariffs are why our policy sucks. You seem confused.
theres more to the policys than tariffs,,,
The tariffs sure are the big blunder. The result of the trade policy is that farmers and manufacturing has been hurt.

And yet you mindlessly vote for the traditional tariff party, the Democrat party, as if this is a standard to you.

And you don't give a shit that Trump raised tariffs to lower them, and it worked.

According to you, tariffs were only bad in that narrow window
I’m an independent. I support free trade. It’s been the thing since Reagan. Trump first one in a while supporting that failed policy.
First one in a while? We had around 12k tariffs before trump took office. Obama did many. Bush.
You are clueless on everything "brain"
Sure on a much smaller level.
Goalposts moved. Ok.
Show me where Obama and bush ran on being protectionists.
They didnt run on it, so its ok? You are such a hack lol
Not ok at all. But if they don’t run on it how do you know at voting time? You really are dumb...
You were wrong and IM the dumb one :lmao:
Wrong about what? I’ve never voted for a protectionist. Clearly you have.
What we were discussing. OMFG dementia much?
If I have told you once, I told you a thousand times. I didnt vote for Trump. I wrote in a Democrat in 2016.
Shove your binary BS up your ass

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers.
Hard to believe but that’s gonna be trumps legacy.
He could imediatley legislate manditory masks, distancing, close bars, no groups bigger than 10. Even his cdc guy said today that if we all wore masks the covid would be under control. Trump is unable to lead. Period.
no ones buying into this...fake news
farmers get bailed out every yr with subsidies,,,,

Yep. It's pathetic. There should be no farm subsidies
Yet you support trump who’s policy lead to a huge bailout.

Don't pull shit out of your ass. Just keep it there where it belongs
Even trump knows the bailout was from his policy. How long you gonna deny reality?

How long are you going to gonna deny you're a partisan Democrat hack. It's pretty pathetic. You just shill for them and pretend you have standards. You have none

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers

Deaths: We're at 138K, less than a quarter of 600K.

Cases: We're at 3.53 million, that's on the way to 500 million? There aren't 500 million people in the country. At least not legally

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?

Fauci would look a lot better if he'd stop flip flopping on his positions
Why is a failed trade adviser talking about the virus response? Guy can’t do his own job.
I like how you drones always add in that "failed" BS
Well our tariffs hurt farmers and manufacturing. Was that the goal? If so he was successful.
I didnt agee with them,,,
Then you should agree he’s a failed trade advisor. Correct?
that was trumps call not his,,,and thats not the only part of his job,,,

your constant lying is why nothing you say should ever be trusted,,,
So he’s a trade advisor and you agree our trade policy sucks but won’t call him failed. That is funny. What have I lied about?
I never said our trade policy sucks so stop lying about what I said,,,
I agreee with biden and trump that china is screwing is on trade and something needs done about it,,,
You said that you didn’t support the tariffs. The tariffs are why our policy sucks. You seem confused.
theres more to the policys than tariffs,,,
The tariffs sure are the big blunder. The result of the trade policy is that farmers and manufacturing has been hurt.

And yet you mindlessly vote for the traditional tariff party, the Democrat party, as if this is a standard to you.

And you don't give a shit that Trump raised tariffs to lower them, and it worked.

According to you, tariffs were only bad in that narrow window
I’m an independent. I support free trade. It’s been the thing since Reagan. Trump first one in a while supporting that failed policy.
First one in a while? We had around 12k tariffs before trump took office. Obama did many. Bush.
You are clueless on everything "brain"
Sure on a much smaller level.
Goalposts moved. Ok.
Show me where Obama and bush ran on being protectionists.
They didnt run on it, so its ok? You are such a hack lol
Not ok at all. But if they don’t run on it how do you know at voting time? You really are dumb...
You were wrong and IM the dumb one :lmao:
Wrong about what? I’ve never voted for a protectionist. Clearly you have.
What we were discussing. OMFG dementia much?
If I have told you once, I told you a thousand times. I didnt vote for Trump. I wrote in a Democrat in 2016.
Shove your binary BS up your ass
So you knew better in 2016 but now after years of failure he has gained your support? Yeah that makes you look smart...
farmers get bailed out every yr with subsidies,,,,

Yep. It's pathetic. There should be no farm subsidies
Yet you support trump who’s policy lead to a huge bailout.

Don't pull shit out of your ass. Just keep it there where it belongs
Even trump knows the bailout was from his policy. How long you gonna deny reality?

How long are you going to gonna deny you're a partisan Democrat hack. It's pretty pathetic. You just shill for them and pretend you have standards. You have none
I just beat you on facts. Trump policy has failed. I’d happily support him If he wasn’t such a failure.

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers

Deaths: We're at 138K, less than a quarter of 600K.

Cases: We're at 3.53 million, that's on the way to 500 million? There aren't 500 million people in the country. At least not legally

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?

Fauci would look a lot better if he'd stop flip flopping on his positions

First 50 million Americans got the Spanish Flu...

Another thing is not as bad as the Spanish Flu considered a success... Did we even consider that we have lowered our expectations a bit...

Fauci is a Scientist not a Politician... It is idiotic to expect him to give the same message everyday... He works in the real world and reads situations and gives the be

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?
Instead of trying to keep the death numbers under the 1918-1919 great epidemic.
600K. Dead 500 million infected. We are headed to equal those numbers

Deaths: We're at 138K, less than a quarter of 600K.

Cases: We're at 3.53 million, that's on the way to 500 million? There aren't 500 million people in the country. At least not legally

Trumps plan is to denounce Dr. Fauci at every turn. WTH?

Fauci would look a lot better if he'd stop flip flopping on his positions
Why is a failed trade adviser talking about the virus response? Guy can’t do his own job.
I like how you drones always add in that "failed" BS
Well our tariffs hurt farmers and manufacturing. Was that the goal? If so he was successful.
I didnt agee with them,,,
Then you should agree he’s a failed trade advisor. Correct?
that was trumps call not his,,,and thats not the only part of his job,,,

your constant lying is why nothing you say should ever be trusted,,,
So he’s a trade advisor and you agree our trade policy sucks but won’t call him failed. That is funny. What have I lied about?
I never said our trade policy sucks so stop lying about what I said,,,
I agreee with biden and trump that china is screwing is on trade and something needs done about it,,,
You said that you didn’t support the tariffs. The tariffs are why our policy sucks. You seem confused.
theres more to the policys than tariffs,,,
The tariffs sure are the big blunder. The result of the trade policy is that farmers and manufacturing has been hurt.

And yet you mindlessly vote for the traditional tariff party, the Democrat party, as if this is a standard to you.

And you don't give a shit that Trump raised tariffs to lower them, and it worked.

According to you, tariffs were only bad in that narrow window
I’m an independent. I support free trade. It’s been the thing since Reagan. Trump first one in a while supporting that failed policy.
First one in a while? We had around 12k tariffs before trump took office. Obama did many. Bush.
You are clueless on everything "brain"
Sure on a much smaller level.
Goalposts moved. Ok.
Show me where Obama and bush ran on being protectionists.
They didnt run on it, so its ok? You are such a hack lol
Not ok at all. But if they don’t run on it how do you know at voting time? You really are dumb...
You were wrong and IM the dumb one :lmao:
Wrong about what? I’ve never voted for a protectionist. Clearly you have.
What we were discussing. OMFG dementia much?
If I have told you once, I told you a thousand times. I didnt vote for Trump. I wrote in a Democrat in 2016.
Shove your binary BS up your ass
So you knew better in 2016 but now after years of failure he has gained your support? Yeah that makes you look smart...
Where have i said I support him? I have even stated im voting for jo. You are an idiot. And a liar.
What we were discussing. OMFG dementia much?
If I have told you once, I told you a thousand times. I didnt vote for Trump. I wrote in a Democrat in 2016.
Shove your binary BS up your ass
So you knew better in 2016 but now after years of failure he has gained your support? Yeah that makes you look smart...

I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016, but I'll vote for Trump in 2020.

Maybe Democrats should start finding better candidates
farmers get bailed out every yr with subsidies,,,,

Yep. It's pathetic. There should be no farm subsidies
Yet you support trump who’s policy lead to a huge bailout.

Don't pull shit out of your ass. Just keep it there where it belongs
Even trump knows the bailout was from his policy. How long you gonna deny reality?

How long are you going to gonna deny you're a partisan Democrat hack. It's pretty pathetic. You just shill for them and pretend you have standards. You have none
I just beat you on facts. Trump policy has failed. I’d happily support him If he wasn’t such a failure.

You've consistently argued that threats of higher tariffs matter to you, but actually lowering tariffs doesn't matter to you. And you claim you care about tariffs, not party. You're a liar, and a bad one. You care about nothing but party

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