Trumps old Chief of Staff calls out Fox News

I’m not agreeing that it’s fake news or disinformation.
Can't make you agree but what he did was in fact "disinformation" by definition, he didn't have to do it intentionally nor do you have to agree or disagree because the definition does not change...the information was skewered by the omission regardless of your understanding of it.
and back to the tactic where you can call just about any statement “disinformation” per your definition because most statements made don’t encompass every possible variable. Kelly was making the point that people who only tune into media that reinforces what they want to hear are uniformed. He wasn’t saying Fox was the only outlet that does this but he used them as an example. Had he said MSNBC would you still be making a disinformation argument?
and back to the tactic where you can call just about any statement “disinformation” per your definition because most statements made don’t encompass every possible variable.
Here is where you go off the's not "any statement" that omits all possible scenarios [that is your claim not mine], it's any statement that omits [or changes] information leaving the claim at the very least ambiguous like kelly's [not really, it says what he meant to say, nothing else].

Kelly was making the point that people who only tune into media that reinforces what they want to hear are uniformed.
But the point he actually made was that fox viewers are uninformed...he made no mention of any other media outlet or viewers...even he is not claiming what you are
He wasn’t saying Fox was the only outlet that does this but he used them as an example. Had he said MSNBC would you still be making a disinformation argument?
I would be agreeing with him as I am here...and if he had said MSNBC I would know he only meant MSNBC so there would be no disinformation unless you claimed he meant everyone else as well...

...You have built a strawman [ making the claim for kelly of what he meant when he has not made that claim himself and is clearly not what he meant] and now instead of making the argument of what actually was said/meant you are making it from what you claim/pretend was meant..
and back to the tactic where you can call just about any statement “disinformation” per your definition because most statements made don’t encompass every possible variable.
This is not my "per definition" that is your faux understanding of it...What you are claiming is that there is no such thing as disinformation because most statements cannot include every possible variable...that is your faux position of what I am saying so that you have a safe harbor to make your argument from.
and back to the tactic where you can call just about any statement “disinformation” per your definition because most statements made don’t encompass every possible variable.
Here is where you go off the's not "any statement" that omits all possible scenarios [that is your claim not mine], it's any statement that omits [or changes] information leaving the claim at the very least ambiguous like kelly's [not really, it says what he meant to say, nothing else].

Kelly was making the point that people who only tune into media that reinforces what they want to hear are uniformed.
But the point he actually made was that fox viewers are uninformed...he made no mention of any other media outlet or viewers...even he is not claiming what you are
He wasn’t saying Fox was the only outlet that does this but he used them as an example. Had he said MSNBC would you still be making a disinformation argument?
I would be agreeing with him as I am here...and if he had said MSNBC I would know he only meant MSNBC so there would be no disinformation unless you claimed he meant everyone else as well...

...You have built a strawman [ making the claim for kelly of what he meant when he has not made that claim himself and is clearly not what he meant] and now instead of making the argument of what actually was said/meant you are making it from what you claim/pretend was meant..
Read his actual statement again. He is making a larger point and used Fox News and as example... Fox News was not the target. It is far from disinformation, you are misusing the term

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
and back to the tactic where you can call just about any statement “disinformation” per your definition because most statements made don’t encompass every possible variable.
This is not my "per definition" that is your faux understanding of it...What you are claiming is that there is no such thing as disinformation because most statements cannot include every possible variable...that is your faux position of what I am saying so that you have a safe harbor to make your argument from.
Disinformation is knowingly spreading false information with the intent to mislead. You’re conflating it with Kelly’s statement which is not disinformation
I watch other news, mostly for the daily forecast. The reason I don’t otherwise, is that they don’t accurately reflect the views of both sides. They have matter of factly presented biased opinions, showing assholes like Adam shitt, who indicates he has tons of evidence he never reveals, because it’s not true. I’m looking for an explanation of a story, to make up my mind. I don’t take any account as undisputed facts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When I moved to the US and saw FOX news the first first i thought it was satire and then I was like no there is no way anone in their right mind would listen to their garbage. Fast forward and I knew why fox news is popular, those that watch it have low IQ and are easily manipulated.

I’m sure you get your facts from jimmy kimmle or Steven Cobare.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Why doesn’t he and other democrats face off with Hannity or tucker and let the people decide who won the argument.. he won’t.. he’s a coward

What's true and what's false, isn't an argument. People who watch FOX know less about REAL current events than people who never watch the news. FOX gives the conservative point of view on the news, but they don't actually have journalistic ethics and standards. On air personalities are told what stories to push, and what point of view to present. Facts are optional, truth isn't even a consideration.

Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post but is well known to keep out of its editorial and political operations. The rest of the the MSM is owned by public corporations, who have to answer to their shareholders, and who take journnalistic ethics seriously, to maintain public trust.

Media which is owned by right wing billionaires exists for the purpose of promoting the Republican Party and right wing policies which gives tax cuts to their billionaire owners. They count on ginning up fear and anger in the base against all things liberal and they don't care about truth or facts.

All of the leading right wing media outlets are owned by billionaires. The Murdochs own FOX and the Wall Street Journal, the Mercers who own Breitbart, another website that promotes anti-immigrant garbage, racism and other lies, and the Sinclairs who own lots and lots of local FOX network stations.
Do you watch Fox News?

I have watched it but it's insipid, and they just flat out lie. A lot. I don't have much patience for liars. And they constantly try to gin up outrage against liberals. FOX heavily promoted the Birther lies. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just tune in for the entertainment value of watching something so bad that it's hard to believe anyone falls for this crap.

If anyone from CNN (another network I have little use for), had broadcast that Seth Rich fiction that Hannity broadcast, which FOX was forced to publically retract and apologize for, and which resulted in two lawsuits that FOX was forced to settle, that reporter would have been fired. Hannity got sent "on vacation" for a couple of weeks, and that was it.

There's also a total "dirty old man" vibe to FOX that just creeps me out. All of the women are young and blond, and dressed in short, tight, sleeveless dresses, sitting on sofas so you can peek up their skirts. The men are all much, much older. Few of the women do substantive reporting. That's left to the men. I felt this way LONG before I learned about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their sexual harassment suit.

I’m not watching local news or MSNBS either. They just broadcast headlines like trump will be impeached tomorrow, more at 11. No discussion, no presenting of sides. I’ll watch in the morning when I’m drinking coffee, and maybe for details of breaking news. Other than that, I’m done. I don’t believe any specific person, just because it’s them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Kelly could have said the same about liberals who refuse to watch Fox and only get one side of the story from the rabid anti trump lib news media

but he’s pissed at trump

most trump supporters are inundated with anti trump spin 24/7 so they are well aware of both sides
"We need a free media.


Why doesn’t he and other democrats face off with Hannity or tucker and let the people decide who won the argument.. he won’t.. he’s a coward

What's true and what's false, isn't an argument. People who watch FOX know less about REAL current events than people who never watch the news. FOX gives the conservative point of view on the news, but they don't actually have journalistic ethics and standards. On air personalities are told what stories to push, and what point of view to present. Facts are optional, truth isn't even a consideration.

Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post but is well known to keep out of its editorial and political operations. The rest of the the MSM is owned by public corporations, who have to answer to their shareholders, and who take journnalistic ethics seriously, to maintain public trust.

Media which is owned by right wing billionaires exists for the purpose of promoting the Republican Party and right wing policies which gives tax cuts to their billionaire owners. They count on ginning up fear and anger in the base against all things liberal and they don't care about truth or facts.

All of the leading right wing media outlets are owned by billionaires. The Murdochs own FOX and the Wall Street Journal, the Mercers who own Breitbart, another website that promotes anti-immigrant garbage, racism and other lies, and the Sinclairs who own lots and lots of local FOX network stations.
Do you watch Fox News?

I have watched it but it's insipid, and they just flat out lie. A lot. I don't have much patience for liars. And they constantly try to gin up outrage against liberals. FOX heavily promoted the Birther lies. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just tune in for the entertainment value of watching something so bad that it's hard to believe anyone falls for this crap.

If anyone from CNN (another network I have little use for), had broadcast that Seth Rich fiction that Hannity broadcast, which FOX was forced to publically retract and apologize for, and which resulted in two lawsuits that FOX was forced to settle, that reporter would have been fired. Hannity got sent "on vacation" for a couple of weeks, and that was it.

There's also a total "dirty old man" vibe to FOX that just creeps me out. All of the women are young and blond, and dressed in short, tight, sleeveless dresses, sitting on sofas so you can peek up their skirts. The men are all much, much older. Few of the women do substantive reporting. That's left to the men. I felt this way LONG before I learned about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their sexual harassment suit.

All of your comments are subjective. Personal. Not supported by the majority.
Here are results of a survey...
Brand Keys – “Fake TV News” Engenders More Trust Than The PresidentView attachment 306825
Did you even read this survey before you posted it?!

Of course and this statement PROVES how influenced by the MSM the polled people are.
"Democrats rated Mr. Trump 14%, Independents 22%, and Republicans 35%. 18% of the sample had “No Opinion.”"
4,012 viewers rated broadcast and cable brands they watched regularly (3+ times a week) via our Emotional Engagement Analysis to determine how much – that one value in particular – trust – was engendered by the brands, with the following results. + 5% indicates a significant difference at the 95% confidence level:
Fortunately the majority of us reality supporters don't waste our time on "Emotional Engagement Analysis"! People like you complain and as
a result people like you made up the above 4,012 viewers.... But the majority of these people including YOU are NOT doers as Trump and millions of us are and respect! See people like you and those that responded are pretty dependent on people like Trump, me and the other "Doers" to provide you food, shelter, etc. as you are probably too lazy, definitely uninformed and above all evidently don't like people who get things done, i.e. as Trump.

Fortunately I like millions are too busy to be bothered by answering unknown phone numbers...i.e. the robocalls that the above polls depend on!

Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions
Consumers have the right to control the calls and texts they receive, and the FCC is moving to enforce those rights and protect consumers against robocalls, spam texts, and telemarketing," FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said in a blog post last month.
Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions

I know this goes over your head but most smart and informed people KNEW the above were robocalls wasting their time. Only lazy, people
that don't get many calls ANSWER these Robocall pollsters!
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."

Kelly obviously IS NOT informed.
He evidently didn't know that...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
Nor is this partisan leaning among reporters anything new. According to the conservative Media Research Center, in 1992, journalists broke 89% to 7% in favor of then Governor Clinton over President George H.W. Bush, with a further 2% supporting Texas billionaire Ross Perot.
In 1996, just 15% of newspaper writers said they identified as conservatives. Among all journalists, just 6% said they were conservatives in 2001.

Just how biased is the media against Trump?

But of course Kelly goes on and chastises ONLY we Trump supporters as misinformed!
Seems pretty obvious to me that the biased MSM's news reports went where their money went... supporting Hillary,Democrats and against people like me.

Kelly is definitely a member of the swamp as he insisted Trump follow what prior Presidents did... if the president was a Democrat.. continue to do all sorts of lying.."46 million uninsured Americans", "half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" and the Media never questions... but if a GOP... unless the
Presidents bowed to the MSM as Trump HASN"T DONE... the GOP were presented badly... but Trump even more so!

So I attribute Kelly's comments to his trying to appeal to quote ass kissing MSM!
Oh, Kelly’s not informed? He was only the chief is staff working in the White House for two years... but what does he know... you got an article you found in the interwebs. You win!

Actually Kelly was a 4-star Marine General and Kelly was selected as the first Secretary of Homeland Security in the Trump administration. Kelly earned a reputation for being an aggressive enforcer of immigration law. After six months, he was selected to replace Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff in an attempt to bring more stability to the White House.[3] He was the first career military officer to serve in the position since Alexander Haig during the Reagan administration.(Haig is famous for saying when Reagan was shot..“I’m in control here”
John F. Kelly - Wikipedia

I respect Kelly's military experience and I tend to ignore the gossip of the MSM but here is a biased report regarding Kelly being fired by Trump.
John Kelly to leave as Trump White House chief of staff at end of year
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Kelly could have said the same about liberals who refuse to watch Fox and only get one side of the story from the rabid anti trump lib news media

but he’s pissed at trump

most trump supporters are inundated with anti trump spin 24/7 so they are well aware of both sides
yes you are correct. He could have made the exact same comment and used MSNBC as the example. It would have been the same point. I think the point is true no matter which media source is sited. And I bet you would be agreeing with him had he said CNN or MSNBC.

The interesting thing was the choice to use Fox for the example. I imagine he used it because of his experience working and living in an environment where a large circle of people that he was exposed to fit that description and were drunk on the conservative media narratives.
What's true and what's false, isn't an argument. People who watch FOX know less about REAL current events than people who never watch the news. FOX gives the conservative point of view on the news, but they don't actually have journalistic ethics and standards. On air personalities are told what stories to push, and what point of view to present. Facts are optional, truth isn't even a consideration.

Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post but is well known to keep out of its editorial and political operations. The rest of the the MSM is owned by public corporations, who have to answer to their shareholders, and who take journnalistic ethics seriously, to maintain public trust.

Media which is owned by right wing billionaires exists for the purpose of promoting the Republican Party and right wing policies which gives tax cuts to their billionaire owners. They count on ginning up fear and anger in the base against all things liberal and they don't care about truth or facts.

All of the leading right wing media outlets are owned by billionaires. The Murdochs own FOX and the Wall Street Journal, the Mercers who own Breitbart, another website that promotes anti-immigrant garbage, racism and other lies, and the Sinclairs who own lots and lots of local FOX network stations.
Do you watch Fox News?

I have watched it but it's insipid, and they just flat out lie. A lot. I don't have much patience for liars. And they constantly try to gin up outrage against liberals. FOX heavily promoted the Birther lies. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just tune in for the entertainment value of watching something so bad that it's hard to believe anyone falls for this crap.

If anyone from CNN (another network I have little use for), had broadcast that Seth Rich fiction that Hannity broadcast, which FOX was forced to publically retract and apologize for, and which resulted in two lawsuits that FOX was forced to settle, that reporter would have been fired. Hannity got sent "on vacation" for a couple of weeks, and that was it.

There's also a total "dirty old man" vibe to FOX that just creeps me out. All of the women are young and blond, and dressed in short, tight, sleeveless dresses, sitting on sofas so you can peek up their skirts. The men are all much, much older. Few of the women do substantive reporting. That's left to the men. I felt this way LONG before I learned about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their sexual harassment suit.

All of your comments are subjective. Personal. Not supported by the majority.
Here are results of a survey...
Brand Keys – “Fake TV News” Engenders More Trust Than The PresidentView attachment 306825
Did you even read this survey before you posted it?!

Of course and this statement PROVES how influenced by the MSM the polled people are.
"Democrats rated Mr. Trump 14%, Independents 22%, and Republicans 35%. 18% of the sample had “No Opinion.”"
4,012 viewers rated broadcast and cable brands they watched regularly (3+ times a week) via our Emotional Engagement Analysis to determine how much – that one value in particular – trust – was engendered by the brands, with the following results. + 5% indicates a significant difference at the 95% confidence level:
Fortunately the majority of us reality supporters don't waste our time on "Emotional Engagement Analysis"! People like you complain and as
a result people like you made up the above 4,012 viewers.... But the majority of these people including YOU are NOT doers as Trump and millions of us are and respect! See people like you and those that responded are pretty dependent on people like Trump, me and the other "Doers" to provide you food, shelter, etc. as you are probably too lazy, definitely uninformed and above all evidently don't like people who get things done, i.e. as Trump.

Fortunately I like millions are too busy to be bothered by answering unknown phone numbers...i.e. the robocalls that the above polls depend on!

Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions
Consumers have the right to control the calls and texts they receive, and the FCC is moving to enforce those rights and protect consumers against robocalls, spam texts, and telemarketing," FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said in a blog post last month.
Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions

I know this goes over your head but most smart and informed people KNEW the above were robocalls wasting their time. Only lazy, people
that don't get many calls ANSWER these Robocall pollsters!
Haha, all of a sudden you know that the 4000 people polled are not doers and that I’m not a doer?! Ok buddy, way to discredit yourself by making a conclusion about something you clearly know nothing about. You’re not expecting to be taken seriously now do you?
Do you watch Fox News?

I have watched it but it's insipid, and they just flat out lie. A lot. I don't have much patience for liars. And they constantly try to gin up outrage against liberals. FOX heavily promoted the Birther lies. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just tune in for the entertainment value of watching something so bad that it's hard to believe anyone falls for this crap.

If anyone from CNN (another network I have little use for), had broadcast that Seth Rich fiction that Hannity broadcast, which FOX was forced to publically retract and apologize for, and which resulted in two lawsuits that FOX was forced to settle, that reporter would have been fired. Hannity got sent "on vacation" for a couple of weeks, and that was it.

There's also a total "dirty old man" vibe to FOX that just creeps me out. All of the women are young and blond, and dressed in short, tight, sleeveless dresses, sitting on sofas so you can peek up their skirts. The men are all much, much older. Few of the women do substantive reporting. That's left to the men. I felt this way LONG before I learned about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their sexual harassment suit.

All of your comments are subjective. Personal. Not supported by the majority.
Here are results of a survey...
Brand Keys – “Fake TV News” Engenders More Trust Than The PresidentView attachment 306825
Did you even read this survey before you posted it?!

Of course and this statement PROVES how influenced by the MSM the polled people are.
"Democrats rated Mr. Trump 14%, Independents 22%, and Republicans 35%. 18% of the sample had “No Opinion.”"
4,012 viewers rated broadcast and cable brands they watched regularly (3+ times a week) via our Emotional Engagement Analysis to determine how much – that one value in particular – trust – was engendered by the brands, with the following results. + 5% indicates a significant difference at the 95% confidence level:
Fortunately the majority of us reality supporters don't waste our time on "Emotional Engagement Analysis"! People like you complain and as
a result people like you made up the above 4,012 viewers.... But the majority of these people including YOU are NOT doers as Trump and millions of us are and respect! See people like you and those that responded are pretty dependent on people like Trump, me and the other "Doers" to provide you food, shelter, etc. as you are probably too lazy, definitely uninformed and above all evidently don't like people who get things done, i.e. as Trump.

Fortunately I like millions are too busy to be bothered by answering unknown phone numbers...i.e. the robocalls that the above polls depend on!

Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions
Consumers have the right to control the calls and texts they receive, and the FCC is moving to enforce those rights and protect consumers against robocalls, spam texts, and telemarketing," FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said in a blog post last month.
Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions

I know this goes over your head but most smart and informed people KNEW the above were robocalls wasting their time. Only lazy, people
that don't get many calls ANSWER these Robocall pollsters!
Haha, all of a sudden you know that the 4000 people polled are not doers and that I’m not a doer?! Ok buddy, way to discredit yourself by making a conclusion about something you clearly know nothing about. You’re not expecting to be taken seriously now do you?
Why is John Kelly making comments to left-wing journalist why doesn’t he have the balls to go face off against Sean Hannity?
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."

Kelly obviously IS NOT informed.
He evidently didn't know that...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
Nor is this partisan leaning among reporters anything new. According to the conservative Media Research Center, in 1992, journalists broke 89% to 7% in favor of then Governor Clinton over President George H.W. Bush, with a further 2% supporting Texas billionaire Ross Perot.
In 1996, just 15% of newspaper writers said they identified as conservatives. Among all journalists, just 6% said they were conservatives in 2001.

Just how biased is the media against Trump?

But of course Kelly goes on and chastises ONLY we Trump supporters as misinformed!
Seems pretty obvious to me that the biased MSM's news reports went where their money went... supporting Hillary,Democrats and against people like me.

Kelly is definitely a member of the swamp as he insisted Trump follow what prior Presidents did... if the president was a Democrat.. continue to do all sorts of lying.."46 million uninsured Americans", "half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" and the Media never questions... but if a GOP... unless the
Presidents bowed to the MSM as Trump HASN"T DONE... the GOP were presented badly... but Trump even more so!

So I attribute Kelly's comments to his trying to appeal to quote ass kissing MSM!
Oh, Kelly’s not informed? He was only the chief is staff working in the White House for two years... but what does he know... you got an article you found in the interwebs. You win!

Actually Kelly was a 4-star Marine General and Kelly was selected as the first Secretary of Homeland Security in the Trump administration. Kelly earned a reputation for being an aggressive enforcer of immigration law. After six months, he was selected to replace Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff in an attempt to bring more stability to the White House.[3] He was the first career military officer to serve in the position since Alexander Haig during the Reagan administration.(Haig is famous for saying when Reagan was shot..“I’m in control here”
John F. Kelly - Wikipedia

I respect Kelly's military experience and I tend to ignore the gossip of the MSM but here is a biased report regarding Kelly being fired by Trump.
John Kelly to leave as Trump White House chief of staff at end of year
There are biased reports on all sides. Pick an issue and I’ll pull up an article from a liberal source and then a conservative source and it will be like to two completely different things. This General that you respect decides to point out the Fox News bias in his speech which I found interesting.

I probably watch more Fox than the other stations with exception of their nutball opinionists. I’m not hating on Fox, I’m just making aN observation
I have watched it but it's insipid, and they just flat out lie. A lot. I don't have much patience for liars. And they constantly try to gin up outrage against liberals. FOX heavily promoted the Birther lies. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just tune in for the entertainment value of watching something so bad that it's hard to believe anyone falls for this crap.

If anyone from CNN (another network I have little use for), had broadcast that Seth Rich fiction that Hannity broadcast, which FOX was forced to publically retract and apologize for, and which resulted in two lawsuits that FOX was forced to settle, that reporter would have been fired. Hannity got sent "on vacation" for a couple of weeks, and that was it.

There's also a total "dirty old man" vibe to FOX that just creeps me out. All of the women are young and blond, and dressed in short, tight, sleeveless dresses, sitting on sofas so you can peek up their skirts. The men are all much, much older. Few of the women do substantive reporting. That's left to the men. I felt this way LONG before I learned about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their sexual harassment suit.

All of your comments are subjective. Personal. Not supported by the majority.
Here are results of a survey...
Brand Keys – “Fake TV News” Engenders More Trust Than The PresidentView attachment 306825
Did you even read this survey before you posted it?!

Of course and this statement PROVES how influenced by the MSM the polled people are.
"Democrats rated Mr. Trump 14%, Independents 22%, and Republicans 35%. 18% of the sample had “No Opinion.”"
4,012 viewers rated broadcast and cable brands they watched regularly (3+ times a week) via our Emotional Engagement Analysis to determine how much – that one value in particular – trust – was engendered by the brands, with the following results. + 5% indicates a significant difference at the 95% confidence level:
Fortunately the majority of us reality supporters don't waste our time on "Emotional Engagement Analysis"! People like you complain and as
a result people like you made up the above 4,012 viewers.... But the majority of these people including YOU are NOT doers as Trump and millions of us are and respect! See people like you and those that responded are pretty dependent on people like Trump, me and the other "Doers" to provide you food, shelter, etc. as you are probably too lazy, definitely uninformed and above all evidently don't like people who get things done, i.e. as Trump.

Fortunately I like millions are too busy to be bothered by answering unknown phone numbers...i.e. the robocalls that the above polls depend on!

Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions
Consumers have the right to control the calls and texts they receive, and the FCC is moving to enforce those rights and protect consumers against robocalls, spam texts, and telemarketing," FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said in a blog post last month.
Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions

I know this goes over your head but most smart and informed people KNEW the above were robocalls wasting their time. Only lazy, people
that don't get many calls ANSWER these Robocall pollsters!
Haha, all of a sudden you know that the 4000 people polled are not doers and that I’m not a doer?! Ok buddy, way to discredit yourself by making a conclusion about something you clearly know nothing about. You’re not expecting to be taken seriously now do you?
Why is John Kelly making comments to left-wing journalist why doesn’t he have the balls to go face off against Sean Hannity?

Sean Hannity is NOT a journalist, he is a propagandist. He would be FIRED from any real news agency.

The Seth Rich hack job he put together took interviews and edited it different questions before the answer to make it look like investigators and police thought he was the hacker. The policy, the investigator, the FBI and the Rich Family all called Hannity out for this and two lawsuits were filed.

This is a big hairy deal in the world of journalism. This editing technique got the producers of the Planned Parenthood videos charged with fraud. Hannity should have been fired and never worked again for a major outlet after this.

In the real world, outside of the right wing bubble, Sean Hannity is a dishonest hack. Maury Povich is a better journalist. Democrats and those on the left will not go on Hannity's program, because they don't go on Povich, or TMZ either. They talk to real journalists.
All of your comments are subjective. Personal. Not supported by the majority.
Here are results of a survey...
Brand Keys – “Fake TV News” Engenders More Trust Than The PresidentView attachment 306825
Did you even read this survey before you posted it?!

Of course and this statement PROVES how influenced by the MSM the polled people are.
"Democrats rated Mr. Trump 14%, Independents 22%, and Republicans 35%. 18% of the sample had “No Opinion.”"
4,012 viewers rated broadcast and cable brands they watched regularly (3+ times a week) via our Emotional Engagement Analysis to determine how much – that one value in particular – trust – was engendered by the brands, with the following results. + 5% indicates a significant difference at the 95% confidence level:
Fortunately the majority of us reality supporters don't waste our time on "Emotional Engagement Analysis"! People like you complain and as
a result people like you made up the above 4,012 viewers.... But the majority of these people including YOU are NOT doers as Trump and millions of us are and respect! See people like you and those that responded are pretty dependent on people like Trump, me and the other "Doers" to provide you food, shelter, etc. as you are probably too lazy, definitely uninformed and above all evidently don't like people who get things done, i.e. as Trump.

Fortunately I like millions are too busy to be bothered by answering unknown phone numbers...i.e. the robocalls that the above polls depend on!

Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions
Consumers have the right to control the calls and texts they receive, and the FCC is moving to enforce those rights and protect consumers against robocalls, spam texts, and telemarketing," FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said in a blog post last month.
Pollsters fret looming robocall restrictions

I know this goes over your head but most smart and informed people KNEW the above were robocalls wasting their time. Only lazy, people
that don't get many calls ANSWER these Robocall pollsters!
Haha, all of a sudden you know that the 4000 people polled are not doers and that I’m not a doer?! Ok buddy, way to discredit yourself by making a conclusion about something you clearly know nothing about. You’re not expecting to be taken seriously now do you?
Why is John Kelly making comments to left-wing journalist why doesn’t he have the balls to go face off against Sean Hannity?

Sean Hannity is NOT a journalist, he is a propagandist. He would be FIRED from any real news agency.

The Seth Rich hack job he put together took interviews and edited it different questions before the answer to make it look like investigators and police thought he was the hacker. The policy, the investigator, the FBI and the Rich Family all called Hannity out for this and two lawsuits were filed.

This is a big hairy deal in the world of journalism. This editing technique got the producers of the Planned Parenthood videos charged with fraud. Hannity should have been fired and never worked again for a major outlet after this.

In the real world, outside of the right wing bubble, Sean Hannity is a dishonest hack. Maury Povich is a better journalist. Democrats and those on the left will not go on Hannity's program, because they don't go on Povich, or TMZ either. They talk to real journalists.
The scary thing is that there are still a bunch of dupes that still defend and believe the Seth Rich crap. The “never apologize/double down” mentality has taken over and our country has taken a large step towards becoming much dumber

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