Trumps old Chief of Staff calls out Fox News

When I moved to the US and saw FOX news the first first i thought it was satire and then I was like no there is no way anone in their right mind would listen to their garbage. Fast forward and I knew why fox news is popular, those that watch it have low IQ and are easily manipulated.

Your post is stupid and ignorant.
But I notice you are unable to counter or debate it.


I don't debate stupid ignorant posts.
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Watching or reading ANY MSM reporting guarantees you aren’t informed, including Fox News (Fox is part of the MSM).

Maybe Kelley is angling for a lucrative contract from CNN pr MSNBC.
Maybe... or maybe he is just telling the truth as he sees it and how he experienced it from his inside knowledge and observations of how the news is reported.

I see the obvious bias and spin going on from all networks, it’s unavoidable at this point but I do find it interesting that Fox is the network that Kelly singled out.

if he was looking for a media gig I’m sure Fox would have welcomed him with open arms. Don’t think I’m buying your theory.
If he is looking for an MSM gig, dumping on Fox News makes good sense. Fox is but one conservative network among a sea of liberal networks. Far more choices on the liberal side of the MSM.
Fox is the largest cable news network in the country and a home for many conservatives. Are you ruling out the option that he was just giving an honest observation? Doesn’t that seem more likely than the political angle you’re implying?
I merely made a suggestion as to why he dumped on Fox. It’s not my belief one way or the other. Don’t care.
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
Americans are eating because of the virtual slave labour of illegal immigrant farm workers. The plant and harvest the crops that end up on middle class tables. Farmers are desperate for workers to harvest crops and jurisdictions which have choked off illegal immigration have farmers whose crops are rotting in the field.

The American economy has always depended on a large pool of cheap labour to build wealth. First it was the indentured workers. Followed by the slaves, and then the "guest" workers - primarily from China, and then finally, illegal immigrants.

The wealthy have always feared the poor. They feared that if the poor whites and the poor blacks ever got together, they'd be attacked and their wealth stolen. So they set about pit poor whites against poor blacks so they would never have to fear a revolt against their wealth and power.

This continues to this day with Reagan's welfare queen lies, and the continual lies that lazy minorities are violent and dangerous. Crime isn't driven by race, it's driven by poverty, and in the USA, the highest rates of poverty are among blacks and Latinos, who face systemic racism and discrimination to this day.

Rural America now has higher crime rates than most inner cities - all because of the loss of manufacturing in the heartland and the opiod crisis. The opiod crisis was created by Big Pharma pushing opiod drugs to Americans. The medical industrial complex and Big Pharma have learned what every drug dealer knows, nothing is as reliably profitable as a drug addict. The opiod crisis has hit the hardest in areas which loss auto manufacturing plants. Drug addiciton, alcoholism and suicide are the "diseases of despair".

Who do Republicans blame for this mess? Mexicans, minorities, and bad choices by bad people. Not the companies who automated or who shipped jobs overseas for higher profits. Certainly not the government who didn't offer re-training, or skills upgrades to the workers their policies were affecting. Not Big Pharma companies which made BILLIONS by addicting Americans and then started developing expensive drugs to "cure" the addictions to profit further.

And still Republicans pit poor whites against poor black and keep ginning up the fear and loathing. When are poor whites people going to stop believing all of their lies and bullshit? Now you have the government turning your children into indentured servants to the student loans, saddling those who know they need a good education to get a good job, with $40,000 in student debt. And you have to repay this money, even if you go bankrupt.

When Ronald Reagan was elected President, you had a 20% chance of working your way out of poverty and into the middle class. Today, your chance is 2%. Republicans don't want poor white people to have a chance. They want to profit off your work, but you'll be working to pay off those student loans for the next 20 years.

And still you fools keep voting for Republicans waiting for the wealth to "trickle down" to you. Stop letting guy like Trump piss on you and tell you it's raining. When I applied for Business School, my tuition was $2,000 per year. If one of my grandkids wants to take that course, it's $20,000 per year. That's $80,000 for a business degree. This is a fiscal ball and chain on this general, and the government owns your ass.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages and giving your jobs to illegals. They're the ones Jitss should be going after.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship". Yet numerous illegals who worked for Trump companies said that they knew Trump personally and he KNEW there were illegal. Trump employees helped them to obtain fake ID's.

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minorities and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

Trump billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.

I don't care what Mr Fox says most of the american's that hire illegals are very much trumpsters.
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages and giving your jobs to illegals. They're the ones Jitss should be going after.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship". Yet numerous illegals who worked for Trump companies said that they knew Trump personally and he KNEW there were illegal. Trump employees helped them to obtain fake ID's.

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minorities and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

Trump billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.

I don't care what Mr Fox says most of the american's that hire illegals are very much trumpsters.
Nope.....most of them are Democrats.....Hollywood actors, directors, and producers living in L.A.
They need somebody to wash their dishes, cook their meals, change their bedsheets, and mow their lawns. Most everyone else living in CA can't afford to pay anyone anything because of the high taxes and the high cost of living.
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Fox is part of the same international conglomerate as CNN and MSNBC.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American. Yes he owns a world wide empire of badly run news services, all of which attack liberals and promoted failed conservative fiscal policies. But it's still a privately owned company, and the owner is a billionaire promoting public policies that will put money in his pocket.

The purpose of FOX News is to ensure that everday people will vote against their own best interests and vote in favour of policies which which will make him richer. They've very good and effective at their propaganda work.

CNN is owned by AT&T/Time Warner - a publically traded company with a board of directors and shareholders, as is Comcast which owns NBC, Disney which owns ABC.

All of the major right wing media outlets, FOX News, local FOX Stations (the Sinclair Family) and Breitbart ( the Mercer Family) are privately owned by right wing billionaires with a personal stake in encouraging lower income Americans to continue to vote against their own best interests and continue the unabated transfer of the nations wealth to the top 10%.

You're so convinced that "communists liberals are out to destroy America" that you voted against accessible health care, against social programs to help the unemployed, against better schools, against anything that will help people get ahead. They label social programs "free shit" and make the false claim that they encourage sloth or laziness. Anything to keep poor blacks and poor white from voting for the same party and ending their theft of the wages of Amercan workers.

He who controls the media controls the message. The message poor white Americans get from FOX and the rest of the Billionaire Media is "immigrants and minorities are stealing your jobs". Lazy inner city minorities are living off the government. The only reason people are poor because they're stupid or lazy. You shouldn't have your tax dollars go to help them.

It's all lies designed to keep you poor, angry and willing to vote against your own best interests.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch - a right wing billionaire who lives in Australia. Not even an American.

Neither are YOU. Noboby cares WTF you think about American politics.
So Americans live get better with millions of illegals taking our jobs then LOWERING OUR wages lol ahhh got cha

I was at a Home Depot the other day and The walk there I walked down the meth mile with all the junkies, I got there and saw many illegals waiting to be picked up for cheap labor... it occurred to me that if these low wage illegals weren’t here then a window of opportunity would have been open for one the kids Hooked on meth to say I’m done let me get this good wage job there is demand for me.. these people struggling can’t even get a dishwashing job because of the wages... and the lack of protection of our culture in these jobs that protect foreigners far more then us.. People that hate Americans and are enjoying this generation struggling are going to pay a major price

If a white fucked up kid on meth can't find a job in today's market then that's on him.
There are many jobs,, but the ones we used work have been flooded by 3rd worlders that stack one bed room apartments for years to save money to move back home. Lower wages.. Are you suggesting Americans take these low wages and stack 1 bed room apartments with other Americans until they die? lol do you know what a civilized country is?
Does it work better sitting on welfare, boy?

Notice how Jitss complains about the "illegals stealing our jobs", and working for shit wages, but says nothing about the rich guys who hire the illegals or the politicians who refuse to prosecute them. They're the ones stealing your wages and giving your jobs to illegals. They're the ones Jitss should be going after.

Not once ever do any of these Trumpists ever call out Donald Trump or any of the other billionaires for the thousands of illegals HE hires. They actually think the greedy pig is helping them. They defend his hiring of illegals as "he doesn't check everybody's citizenship". Yet numerous illegals who worked for Trump companies said that they knew Trump personally and he KNEW there were illegal. Trump employees helped them to obtain fake ID's.

This is what Republicans want. They want low income voters to go after and blame minorities and immigrants so they can maintain the status quo. Locking up illegals is lining the pockets of the for profit prison companies who donated to Trump's inauguration. He gave then all untendered government contracts, paying them $700 per day per prisoner.

Trump billionaire buddies get rich, he locks up minorities, his base thinks he's a hero, he gets to abuse women and children, and the brainwashed FOX News voters cheer him as a hero.

I don't care what Mr Fox says most of the american's that hire illegals are very much trumpsters.
Link to your data on that?
When I moved to the US and saw FOX news the first first i thought it was satire and then I was like no there is no way anone in their right mind would listen to their garbage. Fast forward and I knew why fox news is popular, those that watch it have low IQ and are easily manipulated.

Your post is stupid and ignorant.
But I notice you are unable to counter or debate it.


I don't debate stupid ignorant posts.
Because you can't.
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."

Kelly obviously IS NOT informed.
He evidently didn't know that...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton,
compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
Nor is this partisan leaning among reporters anything new. According to the conservative Media Research Center, in 1992, journalists broke 89% to 7% in favor of then Governor Clinton over President George H.W. Bush, with a further 2% supporting Texas billionaire Ross Perot.
In 1996, just 15% of newspaper writers said they identified as conservatives. Among all journalists, just 6% said they were conservatives in 2001.

Just how biased is the media against Trump?

But of course Kelly goes on and chastises ONLY we Trump supporters as misinformed!
Seems pretty obvious to me that the biased MSM's news reports went where their money went... supporting Hillary,Democrats and against people like me.

Kelly is definitely a member of the swamp as he insisted Trump follow what prior Presidents did... if the president was a Democrat.. continue to do all sorts of lying.."46 million uninsured Americans", "half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" and the Media never questions... but if a GOP... unless the
Presidents bowed to the MSM as Trump HASN"T DONE... the GOP were presented badly... but Trump even more so!

So I attribute Kelly's comments to his trying to appeal to quote ass kissing MSM!
Oh, Kelly’s not informed? He was only the chief is staff working in the White House for two years... but what does he know... you got an article you found in the interwebs. You win!
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Why doesn’t he and other democrats face off with Hannity or tucker and let the people decide who won the argument.. he won’t.. he’s a coward

What's true and what's false, isn't an argument. People who watch FOX know less about REAL current events than people who never watch the news. FOX gives the conservative point of view on the news, but they don't actually have journalistic ethics and standards. On air personalities are told what stories to push, and what point of view to present. Facts are optional, truth isn't even a consideration.

Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post but is well known to keep out of its editorial and political operations. The rest of the the MSM is owned by public corporations, who have to answer to their shareholders, and who take journnalistic ethics seriously, to maintain public trust.

Media which is owned by right wing billionaires exists for the purpose of promoting the Republican Party and right wing policies which gives tax cuts to their billionaire owners. They count on ginning up fear and anger in the base against all things liberal and they don't care about truth or facts.

All of the leading right wing media outlets are owned by billionaires. The Murdochs own FOX and the Wall Street Journal, the Mercers who own Breitbart, another website that promotes anti-immigrant garbage, racism and other lies, and the Sinclairs who own lots and lots of local FOX network stations.
Do you watch Fox News?

I have watched it but it's insipid, and they just flat out lie. A lot. I don't have much patience for liars. And they constantly try to gin up outrage against liberals. FOX heavily promoted the Birther lies. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just tune in for the entertainment value of watching something so bad that it's hard to believe anyone falls for this crap.

If anyone from CNN (another network I have little use for), had broadcast that Seth Rich fiction that Hannity broadcast, which FOX was forced to publically retract and apologize for, and which resulted in two lawsuits that FOX was forced to settle, that reporter would have been fired. Hannity got sent "on vacation" for a couple of weeks, and that was it.

There's also a total "dirty old man" vibe to FOX that just creeps me out. All of the women are young and blond, and dressed in short, tight, sleeveless dresses, sitting on sofas so you can peek up their skirts. The men are all much, much older. Few of the women do substantive reporting. That's left to the men. I felt this way LONG before I learned about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their sexual harassment suit.

All of your comments are subjective. Personal. Not supported by the majority.
Here are results of a survey...
Brand Keys – “Fake TV News” Engenders More Trust Than The PresidentView attachment 306825
Did you even read this survey before you posted it?!
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Watching or reading ANY MSM reporting guarantees you aren’t informed, including Fox News (Fox is part of the MSM).

Maybe Kelley is angling for a lucrative contract from CNN pr MSNBC.
Maybe... or maybe he is just telling the truth as he sees it and how he experienced it from his inside knowledge and observations of how the news is reported.

I see the obvious bias and spin going on from all networks, it’s unavoidable at this point but I do find it interesting that Fox is the network that Kelly singled out.

if he was looking for a media gig I’m sure Fox would have welcomed him with open arms. Don’t think I’m buying your theory.
If he is looking for an MSM gig, dumping on Fox News makes good sense. Fox is but one conservative network among a sea of liberal networks. Far more choices on the liberal side of the MSM.
Fox is the largest cable news network in the country and a home for many conservatives. Are you ruling out the option that he was just giving an honest observation? Doesn’t that seem more likely than the political angle you’re implying?
I merely made a suggestion as to why he dumped on Fox. It’s not my belief one way or the other. Don’t care.
That’s great. I’ll add a theory option to the list... Chinese oligarchs paid Kelly and wrote the speech for him. So now we have three suggestions... which do you think is most likely the truth?
John Kelly called out Fox News during a speech and not in a positive way. Interesting that a Conservative ex trump guy would point at Fox instead of the big bad MSM.

Analysis: John Kelly's biggest slam wasn't even about Trump — CNN Politics

"The media, in my view, and I feel very strongly about this, is not the enemy of the people," Kelly said. "We need a free media. That said, you have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."
Why doesn’t he and other democrats face off with Hannity or tucker and let the people decide who won the argument.. he won’t.. he’s a coward

What's true and what's false, isn't an argument. People who watch FOX know less about REAL current events than people who never watch the news. FOX gives the conservative point of view on the news, but they don't actually have journalistic ethics and standards. On air personalities are told what stories to push, and what point of view to present. Facts are optional, truth isn't even a consideration.

Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post but is well known to keep out of its editorial and political operations. The rest of the the MSM is owned by public corporations, who have to answer to their shareholders, and who take journnalistic ethics seriously, to maintain public trust.

Media which is owned by right wing billionaires exists for the purpose of promoting the Republican Party and right wing policies which gives tax cuts to their billionaire owners. They count on ginning up fear and anger in the base against all things liberal and they don't care about truth or facts.

All of the leading right wing media outlets are owned by billionaires. The Murdochs own FOX and the Wall Street Journal, the Mercers who own Breitbart, another website that promotes anti-immigrant garbage, racism and other lies, and the Sinclairs who own lots and lots of local FOX network stations.
Do you watch Fox News?

I have watched it but it's insipid, and they just flat out lie. A lot. I don't have much patience for liars. And they constantly try to gin up outrage against liberals. FOX heavily promoted the Birther lies. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just tune in for the entertainment value of watching something so bad that it's hard to believe anyone falls for this crap.

If anyone from CNN (another network I have little use for), had broadcast that Seth Rich fiction that Hannity broadcast, which FOX was forced to publically retract and apologize for, and which resulted in two lawsuits that FOX was forced to settle, that reporter would have been fired. Hannity got sent "on vacation" for a couple of weeks, and that was it.

There's also a total "dirty old man" vibe to FOX that just creeps me out. All of the women are young and blond, and dressed in short, tight, sleeveless dresses, sitting on sofas so you can peek up their skirts. The men are all much, much older. Few of the women do substantive reporting. That's left to the men. I felt this way LONG before I learned about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their sexual harassment suit.
Everything about Fox news is creepy. the way some of the men dress and comb their hair makes you feel as if you are watching tapes from the 80's.

Would you prefer how the men of PMSDNC wear their hair?

So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."

As far as it goes, but if you agree with that then it is true of all viewers who watch any news media for that reason...what if viewers watch another newscast just because it reinforces their views/ are they also not an informed citizen? [of course] in fact if one could not see the answer to that right after reading what Kelly said then the problem goes beyond just what one watches, it exposes a lack of comprehension in Kelly's targeted audience...
...In fact by omitting that and just using one media outlet as an example one must draw the conclusion [providing they even understand what was really said] that if Kelly is right he is only half way home himself on being informed.
So if you only watch Fox News, because it's reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen."

As far as it goes, but if you agree with that then it is true of all viewers who watch any news media for that reason...what if viewers watch another newscast just because it reinforces their views/ are they also not an informed citizen? [of course] in fact if one could not see the answer to that right after reading what Kelly said then the problem goes beyond just what one watches, it exposes a lack of comprehension in Kelly's targeted audience...
...In fact by omitting that and just using one media outlet as an example one must draw the conclusion [providing they even understand what was really said] that if Kelly is right he is only half way home himself on being informed.
True, the statement applies to many news outlets and the agenda of the viewer. Fox was just the example Kelly chose to name
True, the statement applies to many news outlets and the agenda of the viewer. Fox was just the example Kelly chose to name
That's why his omission was important to point out, he could have said the media instead of fox [or any outlet]...instead he just fed into the disinformation
I’m not understanding your point? How was he feeding the disinformation?
I’m not understanding your point? How was he feeding the disinformation?
By only giving partial information...that's "disinformation" as opposed to "misinformation"... it's purpose is to give a misleading impression while still being able to claim that was not the intent, aka "plausible deniability"
I guess there’s a way to spin any statement to say it’s disinformation by pointing to something that was left out. That’s a nice little trick there
I guess there’s a way to spin any statement to say it’s disinformation by pointing to something that was left out. That’s a nice little trick there
You actually agreed with it, until you didn't agree with it.
I agreed about the message that he was conveying which you posted out. It was pretty obvious in my opinion. I’m not agreeing that it’s fake news or disinformation.

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