Trump's only crutch kicked out from under him- Reelection Death

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.

I thought it was the negroe's stock market as
I thought black jesus was responsible for the economy? Stop changing your minds.
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.

LOLOLOLOLOL, and bunch more LOL's for ya there my incompetent friend. The only thing standing between you and your party's abyss, is that the election hasn't happened yet-)

Always remember--------->we with a buck 3.80 realize a buying opportunity when we see one. You lazy broke people, see something totally different.

This dip will make me more money sitting on my a** in a year then you probably make in the same amount of time toiling away, lol.

The flu is a bigger danger to health than the Corona virus, you are just to damn dumb to figure it out!
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I was listening to Trump's presser yesterday on the radio. I don't know how it looked on TV, but on the radio he sounded very presidential. I say that as a person who hates Trump all the way down to the cellular level.

He was doing great at the start. He was doing so well I thought maybe it was a Trump impostor.

But then the dumb fuck couldn't help himself and started injecting his delusions and ego into the mix and he started sounding like the colossal dumb fuck that he is.

Someone should have tackled him after the first ten minutes and taken him off the podium. Then they should have turned the presser over to the medical experts.

A wild cannon like Trump might be fun to watch as he upsets the status quo. But in a crisis like this, we don't need a colossal dumb fuck panicking the American people. One wrong word and there could be blood in the streets and much more serious market crashes.

Hopefully, that is the first and last time our Idiot-in-Chief speaks on the matter. But we all know it won't be unless someone takes out all the Twitter servers.
I was listening to Trump's presser yesterday on the radio. I don't know how it looked on TV, but on the radio he sounded very presidential. I say that as a person who hates Trump all the way down to the cellular level.

He was doing great at the start. He was doing so well I thought maybe it was a Trump impostor.

But then the dumb fuck couldn't help himself and started injecting his delusions and ego into the mix and he started sounding like the colossal dumb fuck that he is.

Someone should have tackled him after the first ten minutes and taken him off the podium. Then they should have turned the presser over to the medical experts.

A wild cannon like Trump might be fun to watch as he upsets the status quo. But in a crisis like this, we don't need a colossal dumb fuck panicking the American people. One wrong word and there could be blood in the streets and much more serious market crashes.

Hopefully, that is the first and last time our Idiot-in-Chief speaks on the matter. But we all know it won't be unless someone takes out all the Twitter servers.

Is this another one of those "billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires" type of posts?
I'm sure your fellow TDS'ers get all giddy but do you honestly believe anyone sane takes this crazy shit serious?
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.

You poor pathetic deluded fool, get yourself some help before you become suicidal on election day when Trump kicks your asses and you loose the house too.
I was listening to Trump's presser yesterday on the radio. I don't know how it looked on TV, but on the radio he sounded very presidential. I say that as a person who hates Trump all the way down to the cellular level.

He was doing great at the start. He was doing so well I thought maybe it was a Trump impostor.

But then the dumb fuck couldn't help himself and started injecting his delusions and ego into the mix and he started sounding like the colossal dumb fuck that he is.

Someone should have tackled him after the first ten minutes and taken him off the podium. Then they should have turned the presser over to the medical experts.

A wild cannon like Trump might be fun to watch as he upsets the status quo. But in a crisis like this, we don't need a colossal dumb fuck panicking the American people. One wrong word and there could be blood in the streets and much more serious market crashes.

Hopefully, that is the first and last time our Idiot-in-Chief speaks on the matter. But we all know it won't be unless someone takes out all the Twitter servers.

Is this another one of those "billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires" type of posts?
I'm sure your fellow TDS'ers get all giddy but do you honestly believe anyone sane takes this crazy shit serious?
Trump blamed the market crash on the Democratic debate.

The market crash started two days BEFORE the debate. ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

And then the dumb fuck said he was retroactively brilliant by enacting his Muslim ban when he did or else the plague would be much worse here. "They called me a racist!", and then acting as if he foresaw this plague and that is Muslim ban somehow prevented it from being worse.

What a colossal racist dumb fuck.
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.

LOLOLOLOLOL, and bunch more LOL's for ya there my incompetent friend. The only thing standing between you and your party's abyss, is that the election hasn't happened yet-)

Always remember--------->we with a buck 3.80 realize a buying opportunity when we see one. You lazy broke people, see something totally different.

This dip will make me more money sitting on my a** in a year then you probably make in the same amount of time toiling away, lol.

The flu is a bigger danger to health than the Corona virus, you are just to damn dumb to figure it out!
How is the flu a greater risk than coronavirus, when corona virus has a mortality rate that is 20 times greater than the flu? And we have flu vaccinations, whereas the Coronavirus won't have a vaccine for the masses for 18 months? It will spread faster than the flu... at least that is how it appears so far.....

We need to be testing regional communities throughout the USA to be on top of it, to nix it in the bud. THOSE Corona virus testing kits need distributing, to all States...hospitals....

The sooner we spot the cases, the quicker and likelihood of containment.... with less chances of an economic disaster.... we just need to be prepared, and part of that is to spot cases EARLY....

The earlier, the better....
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.

So I'm hearing you say that you're cheering for the possibility of a pandemic and the chance to lie to people about how it's a failure of Trump's economic policies, because Democrat victory depends on misery and fear.

Fascinating admission.
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.

LOLOLOLOLOL, and bunch more LOL's for ya there my incompetent friend. The only thing standing between you and your party's abyss, is that the election hasn't happened yet-)

Always remember--------->we with a buck 3.80 realize a buying opportunity when we see one. You lazy broke people, see something totally different.

This dip will make me more money sitting on my a** in a year then you probably make in the same amount of time toiling away, lol.

The flu is a bigger danger to health than the Corona virus, you are just to damn dumb to figure it out!
How is the flu a greater risk than coronavirus, when corona virus has a mortality rate that is 20 times greater than the flu? And we have flu vaccinations, whereas the Coronavirus won't have a vaccine for the masses for 18 months? It will spread faster than the flu... at least that is how it appears so far.....

We need to be testing regional communities throughout the USA to be on top of it, to nix it in the bud. THOSE Corona virus testing kits need distributing, to all States...hospitals....

The sooner we spot the cases, the quicker and likelihood of containment.... with less chances of an economic disaster.... we just need to be prepared, and part of that is to spot cases EARLY....

The earlier, the better....

OK, I am not going to argue with you with links. I will tell you what it says, and if you want to argue, go for it!

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

and then------->How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu? | Live Science

So then, it is NOT 20 times greater, and in fact, a true number of % can NOT be determined because the virus is in 3rd world countries, or less developed countries than our own.

I agree with you that a vaccine needs to be developed ASAP, but politically, it makes no difference who holds the reins of power, it is what it is on the time table.

By the way-------->should we close our borders down totally to isolate us from the infection? If so/if not, why so/why not?
The stock markets dived again and the economy is in trouble.
Without Obama's economy to claim as his own, Trump has absolutely nothing to lean on. He's accomplished nothing, done nothing, and caused a whole lot of harm. Trump is a fucking useless bag of hot air. Reelection for him is a pipe dream. Trump is toast.

LOLOLOLOLOL, and bunch more LOL's for ya there my incompetent friend. The only thing standing between you and your party's abyss, is that the election hasn't happened yet-)

Always remember--------->we with a buck 3.80 realize a buying opportunity when we see one. You lazy broke people, see something totally different.

This dip will make me more money sitting on my a** in a year then you probably make in the same amount of time toiling away, lol.

The flu is a bigger danger to health than the Corona virus, you are just to damn dumb to figure it out!

It is true those with the resources will make a ton of money off of this sell off. But that is not the average American...the average American just watch their 401k value take a dive.

I am not sure "but we rich folks will get richer" is really a vote winning strategy.
This whole downward spiral was bound to happen when China started going down regardless of the current hype crap being shoveled out to the masses. Y'all can't buy your way out of this one no matter what side of the fence you try to stand on. When S. Korea got hit and then Italy it was obvious to those who were trying to stay or keep everyone in denial. Quit bailing out the paper billionaires and millionaires and start building again at home.

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