Trump's Order: Mothman Quest (Secret File)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA inspire quality modernism folklore...or merely protest-oriented cynicism?

You decide...



U.S. President Donald Trump was touring Europe with First Lady Melania Trump and became enamored by the eccentric Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in London. Trump decided to do some research in London about mystical quests regarding cryptic beings/creatures after seeing the haunting wax museums at Madam Tussauds. He told Melania he'd commission a special CIA investigation into the existence of the cryptic folkloric creature known as 'The Mothman' when they returned to America the following week.


Trump told his CIA advisor that the Mothman was a very interesting 'character' obligating a formal/serious investigation, since Americans were very curious about 'other-worldly folk-tales.' After all, Trump had received too many criticisms for seeming too 'disattached' from the passions of the people. The CIA assembled a special unit called 'G.I. Joes' to investigate the existence of the eerie Mothman, a large winged humanoid said to resemble a moth-bat and exhibiting glowing red eyes and fast-flying and appearing out of nowhere and nesting on bridges and roads and causing shocked drivers to swerve. The CIA made is a 'top priority' for the American ethos.


The G.I. Joes were a handsome bunch, and a few of the members of the team assigned for this special 'Mothman Quest' were personally invested in various crypto-zoological and paranormal investigations including the hunt for the enigmatic Chupacabra man-creature in Mexico. The G.I. Joes traveled to a few key American locations where the Mothman was rumored to be flying around and reported to nest in various sites. The G.I. Joe unit was comprised of four men and two women, and they carried infrared gear for this special Mothman Quest. Was this patriotic?


A comic book artist named Ajay Satan whose brother worked for the CIA was told by his brother of this still-secret Mothman Quest while the two brothers were drinking at a pub near the Yale University campus that week. Ajay decided to write a comic book fan-fic ahead of some possible governmental disclosure about the Mothman Quest. Ajay wrote a comic book short-story, complete with pictures, about the 'G.I. Joes' recruiting an underwater 'sea-nymph' named Mara who knew much about the Mothman and was therefore recruited by the U.S. government. Mara put on a helmet and was ordered to swim underwater near the Great Lakes where the Mothman was sighted several times so she could call out to the cryptic creature. Ajay realized this 'special folk-tale' could earn him the Pulitzer Prize (and perhaps tenure at Yale).


Ajay was a lifelong comic book fan and writer/illustrator of various 'fan-fics' on the Internet focusing on detective-stories, paranormal 'anti-heroes' such as Mysterio and Ra's al Ghul, and patriotic folk-tales about governmental conspiracies. He was a fan of Commando War Comics, Harvey Comics, and of course, DC Comics. Ajay taught a Comparative Literature course at Yale University titled Transcribing Folklore and was a respected young professor at the prestigious Ivy League school but was seeking tenure and was hoping his Mothman-Mara folk-tale presented ahead of any governmental disclosure regarding the Mothman Quest would give him the 'necessary celebrity' to achieve his personal dreams. Ajay 'invented' the sea-nymph Mara, a female muse of patriotism and vigilance, since she reflected his modernism-anthropological interests in censorship regarding alternative philosophies. Ajay sometimes dressed up in vigilante-costumes and posted blogs on the Internet about the dangers of censorship under the media-spotlighted 'culture' of TrumpUSA. Would this Mothman-Mara 'vignette' be Ajay Satan's 'great deed'?


As the G.I. Joes scoured areas in the Great Lakes where the Mothman was recently sighted, they also interviewed campers who claimed to have seen the winged man-creature with glowing red-eyes flying in the moonlight and apparently offering some kind of 'apocalyptic omen' about neglecting Mother Nature. The Mothman was like a 'siren' of Earth-life, so the G.I. Joes understood well that President Trump would want some grand revelation regarding the sociocultural impact of the Mothman and how such impact reflected political investments in 'pedestrian daydreams.' The Mothman Quest was an ideal American mission, and perhaps it would generate the sufficient social folklore needed to offer the people some much-needed 'imagination' stimulation in a modern age plagued by terrorism (9/11), high-school shootings (Columbine), and society scandals (Enron, Clinton-Lewinsky). Would this be Trump's finest hour?


Trump decided to disclose the details of the Mothman Quest to two celebrities and friends of Melania Trump, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise, whose work in culturally-symbolic Hollywood (USA) films such as Charlie Wilson's War and American Made made them ideal 'diplomats' of the media-age. Trump invited Hanks/Cruise to the White House and told them about the CIA coordination of the 'G.I. Joes' in the quest for the cryptic Mothman in the Great Lakes region. Hanks and Cruise were intrigued, and Hanks' wife Rita Wilson knew an associate (a girlfriend) of Ajay Satan who told her of his proposed fan-fiction about the Mothman. Trump was shocked that Ajay knew about the Mothman Quest but supposed there were some 'simple necessary society leaks' which would ironically create some desirable pedestrian patriotism for journalists. Trump asked Hanks/Cruise to talk about the Mothman in the media, and the two iconic celebrities seemed very intrigued.


After the G.I. Joes obtained some vital information regarding the Mothman and even a photograph of the winged-creature, they submitted the file to the CIA, and Hanks/Cruise talked about the Mothman in press-interviews, suggesting that President Trump himself was working on something 'special' regarding this crypto-paranormal investigation. Meanwhile, Ajay Satan's comic book stylized Mothman-Mara 'folkloric fan-fic' made headlines and gained a lot of attention when it was published in the New Yorker. Ajay would eventually win the Pulitzer for the patriotic mystical folk-tale (as well as the Yale tenure he so coveted), and he decided to go on a cross-country drive in France with his new wife Shelbye; Shelbye always drove, since Ajay was paranoid about driving on the other side of the car (European standard!). President Trump tweeted, "Now that the Mothman Quest is public knowledge, I'm pleased to claim that we Americans care deeply about the 'metaphysics' of vitality-folklore and life-rich 'niches' in America such as the Great Lakes region; we Americans are not just 'vain' about consumerism/fashion."


This ended up being a great achievement and laurel for the Trump Administration. The Mothman CIA secret-file ended up becoming a welcomed publicized breath of fresh air for an American people fatigued by all kinds of society tremors such as 9/11 and the Columbine shootings. Trump and Melania decided to attend a special sermon at a Christian church about the inspiring quality of community-unifying folklore and history. Trump knew that the real advantage of being a politician of great power was to imprint onto the citizenry the notion that 'glitzy miracles' actually do happen.




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