Trump's pending Impeachment

What goes around comes around. President Clinton was impeached for misleading a grand jury about sexual peccadilloes; Four*** of those (at least) who voted to impeach the Pres. later resigned for more egregious sexual activities. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Gingrich, Hyde, Livingston, Foley

Now, before the investigation of Trump's possible obstruction of the inquiry into Russia's effort to impact the election of Nov. 2016, an effort is being made to obstruct this effort by Trump's surrogates, and even his attorney's, press Sect's and members of his administration who have not been forth coming. The AG of the US clearly mislead the Congress when under oath he said I can't remember and other words to that effect doznes of times during six hours of testimony.
Any entity can conduct an investigation.. They can investigate a ham sandwich for Christ's sake.
Comey was fired by the POTUS. POTUS has absolute discretion to do so.
This investigation is going to lead to nothing.
But.....if it makes you orgasmic, so be it.

Why do you believe the investigation will lead to nothing?

It doesn't matter if it does, he won't be removed from office.

Yeah, we are. So far we have comey testifying to congress that pretty much everything that the NYT has been printing was shit. And that seems to be the extent of your "evidence".

Seriously, that's your response?


Why is that so complicated for you to believe. Or are you dishonest and choose to lie.

No evidence has been presented that trumps team has done ANYTHING wrong, you blithering fool. They have been desperately trying to manufacture some crime that they could use to impeach him and they have come up with nothing. How plain does it have to be that trumps team is not nearly as corrupt as the shrillary and obummer teams are? He doesn't need exculpatory evidence you imbecile. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING!

Why are you such a dishonest twit?

I will repeat myself, either you are stupid or a damn liar:


Repeating lies don't make them suddenly true.


That's absolutely true. The BIG LIE of today is the effort by your fellow friends to convince the biddable that evidence is required to investigate.

Suspicion of wrong doing is necessary and sufficient to look into a matter, and seek evidence to support or dismiss the notion that a crime was committed. We know Flynn and Sessions lied, doing so provided probable cause to move ahead.

So now you're moving the narrative form Trump? Doesn't that pretty much make this thread MOOT? Flynn's already been fired and Sessions didn't lie, so I think we're done here.

What goes around comes around. President Clinton was impeached for misleading a grand jury about sexual peccadilloes; Four*** of those (at least) who voted to impeach the Pres. later resigned for more egregious sexual activities. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Gingrich, Hyde, Livingston, Foley

Now, before the investigation of Trump's possible obstruction of the inquiry into Russia's effort to impact the election of Nov. 2016, an effort is being made to obstruct this effort by Trump's surrogates, and even his attorney's, press Sect's and members of his administration who have not been forth coming. The AG of the US clearly mislead the Congress when under oath he said I can't remember and other words to that effect doznes of times during six hours of testimony.
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Bripat is too stupid and poorly educated to respond to this thread. Please excuse him and pity him, he must have been dropped on his head a number of times before he entered Kindergarten at age 9.
Notice that it only you who is gleeful here.

I'm not "gleeful", and those who find this thread funny are in denial. A safe harbor for those who won't see the serious issues facing the Trump Administration.
The so called issues are left wing media created CRAP....
What goes around comes around. President Clinton was impeached for misleading a grand jury about sexual peccadilloes; Four*** of those (at least) who voted to impeach the Pres. later resigned for more egregious sexual activities. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Gingrich, Hyde, Livingston, Foley

Now, before the investigation of Trump's possible obstruction of the inquiry into Russia's effort to impact the election of Nov. 2016, an effort is being made to obstruct this effort by Trump's surrogates, and even his attorney's, press Sect's and members of his administration who have not been forth coming. The AG of the US clearly mislead the Congress when under oath he said I can't remember and other words to that effect doznes of times during six hours of testimony.
Any entity can conduct an investigation.. They can investigate a ham sandwich for Christ's sake.
Comey was fired by the POTUS. POTUS has absolute discretion to do so.
This investigation is going to lead to nothing.
But.....if it makes you orgasmic, so be it.

Why do you believe the investigation will lead to nothing?

Because if there were anything he would already have been impeached. All you have are the masterbatory fantasy's of progressive "newspeople" who have been feeding dimwits, like you, bull poo so that you will keep buying their crappy newspapers.

Once again you've posted an ad hominem. Time will tell who, if anyone, conspired with the Russian's to influence our elections and or made promises to mitigate or repeal the sanctions imposed on Russia by President Obama.

Your first sentence is nothing but a wish on your part, framed in ignorance. An investigation is in process, or will begin shortly; until a final report is issued, you and I have no idea as to the final outcome.
What is working against your side's mantra is that if there were a scintilla of evidence indicating the Russians influenced the election, we'd have seen it by now.
"Who, if anyone"...That is you admitting this is no more than a fishing expedition.
Your side has a belief that "there MUST be something there".....You are all so amazed and crushed Hillary Clinton did not win.
This is your problem:....."How come WE didn't win?!!!!!!"
What goes around comes around. President Clinton was impeached for misleading a grand jury about sexual peccadilloes; Four*** of those (at least) who voted to impeach the Pres. later resigned for more egregious sexual activities. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Gingrich, Hyde, Livingston, Foley

Now, before the investigation of Trump's possible obstruction of the inquiry into Russia's effort to impact the election of Nov. 2016, an effort is being made to obstruct this effort by Trump's surrogates, and even his attorney's, press Sect's and members of his administration who have not been forth coming. The AG of the US clearly mislead the Congress when under oath he said I can't remember and other words to that effect doznes of times during six hours of testimony.

OH BOY! Leftist masturbatory fantasy. Even Comey said Trump never tried to imped the Russia hacking investigation. You pathetic little snowflakes just can't seem to keep all the balls you have in the air straight in your tinfoil hat heads.


"Even Comey", not the best defense, we will see what the special investigator comes up with, and Russia is not the only issue which may lead to high crimes and or a misdemeanor on the part of President Trump.

Ah, so you finally understand that the whole "Russia" thing was a joke from the start, Catcher? Obstruction of justice is even more of a joke. So what you're praying for is that Mueller will dig up something on Trump? You'll even take a misdemeanor at this point? Maybe you guys can nail Trump on jaywalking...or maybe overdue books at the library?

Keep me posted, Dude...I'm on pins and needles here!!! (eye roll)
What goes around comes around. President Clinton was impeached for misleading a grand jury about sexual peccadilloes; Four*** of those (at least) who voted to impeach the Pres. later resigned for more egregious sexual activities. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Gingrich, Hyde, Livingston, Foley

Now, before the investigation of Trump's possible obstruction of the inquiry into Russia's effort to impact the election of Nov. 2016, an effort is being made to obstruct this effort by Trump's surrogates, and even his attorney's, press Sect's and members of his administration who have not been forth coming. The AG of the US clearly mislead the Congress when under oath he said I can't remember and other words to that effect doznes of times during six hours of testimony.

OH BOY! Leftist masturbatory fantasy. Even Comey said Trump never tried to imped the Russia hacking investigation. You pathetic little snowflakes just can't seem to keep all the balls you have in the air straight in your tinfoil hat heads.


"Even Comey", not the best defense, we will see what the special investigator comes up with, and Russia is not the only issue which may lead to high crimes and or a misdemeanor on the part of President Trump.
LOL you mean the special counsel that's proven himself to be a partisan hack by hiring liberal hacks who maxed out their donations to Clinton!? ROFLMAO! You expect anyone but leftists and establishment cucks to believe whatever horseshit he comes up with?
We're still waiting for evidence.

"We're still waiting for evidence"

You are? It seems evidence is the last thing Trump supporters seek. If you are waiting for evidence, be patient, an investigation is on going; the goal of every investigation is to find evidence which supports an indictment, or impeachment, or exculpatory evidence leading to clearing the name of those who were investigated.

The hypocrisy on the Right is infectious, this thread has created denial on steroids with not one tiny iota of evidence to exculpate anyone, including The President, of wrong doing.

Yeah, we are. So far we have comey testifying to congress that pretty much everything that the NYT has been printing was shit. And that seems to be the extent of your "evidence".

Seriously, that's your response?


Why is that so complicated for you to believe. Or are you dishonest and choose to lie.

No evidence has been presented that trumps team has done ANYTHING wrong, you blithering fool. They have been desperately trying to manufacture some crime that they could use to impeach him and they have come up with nothing. How plain does it have to be that trumps team is not nearly as corrupt as the shrillary and obummer teams are? He doesn't need exculpatory evidence you imbecile. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING!

Why are you such a dishonest twit?

I will repeat myself, either you are stupid or a damn liar:


Not to worry, 5 minutes from now you'll accuse Trump of something else, based on zero evidence.

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