TRUMPS! Poll numbers SKY rocket to 52% approvals..99% media hates him

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

We are living in incredible times folks!
99% of the media bashing trump with false information!

99% of universities and public schools bashing Trump! And America loves Trump!

if you don’t believe in god folks the past 3 years has been god protecting is from the EVIL democrats! god bless all! Merry Christmas and THANK YOU GOD!

mite incredible anyone still believes Rasmussen

Again? Sheesh.. you know they have medication for that, it's called ritalin ask one of the psychiatrists at the asylum to prescribe you some.
Hey some rest buddy
That is not good if Rasmussen only has him at 52%!

The conservative poll should be at 110% support Trump...


How many threads do we need on this subject?
Rasmussen is 100% democrat! They are just more truthful

Oh lard!

Do you have evidence Scott Rasmussen is a Democrat and if not the fact is his poll is heavy leaning right poll...

So for Trump to run only 52% is nothing to brag about...

The poll is among all voters, Republican and Democrat. Last I heard, Trump's approval rating among Republicans is something like 74% to 90%. depending on which poll you look at.

That is fine but the poll is a conservative leaning poll and to be in the low 50% is troublesome in my opinion.

The question for me is what the swing voters will do come November 2020.

If Markets are stable, 401k are strong and no major attack or war then Trump win the Electoral College again.

Depending on the left Candidate he might win the Popular Vote...
Left wing poll? Haha funny
We are living in incredible times folks!
99% of the media bashing trump with false information!

99% of universities and public schools bashing Trump! And America loves Trump!
Awesome! Cool! Fantastic! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious even!

And don't forget the most INCREDIBLE number of all ..

"over 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot." -- David Mitchell, Number9Dream

You mentioned Trump AND God. That's MORE than enough to TRIGGER someone like NightFox. Nicely done!

LOL, I see Jitss617's life partner has chimed in on it's behalf..... it's so cute when lovers defend each other from imaginary threats.

What a TRIGGERED brainwashed idiot! Good luck until President Trump officially leaves the White House in January of 2025.
We are living in incredible times folks!
99% of the media bashing trump with false information!

99% of universities and public schools bashing Trump! And America loves Trump!
Awesome! Cool! Fantastic! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious even!

And don't forget the most INCREDIBLE number of all ..

"over 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot." -- David Mitchell, Number9Dream

You mentioned Trump AND God. That's MORE than enough to TRIGGER someone like NightFox. Nicely done!

LOL, I see Jitss617's life partner has chimed in on it's behalf..... it's so cute when lovers defend each other from imaginary threats.

What a TRIGGERED brainwashed idiot!
LOL, don't be so hard on yourself .... you're not brainwashed.

Good luck until President Trump officially leaves the White House in January of 2025.

What makes you think I care when/if Donny leaves the White House? As far as I'm concerned he can stay until he keels over.:cool:
That is not good if Rasmussen only has him at 52%!

The conservative poll should be at 110% support Trump...


How many threads do we need on this subject?
Rasmussen is 100% democrat! They are just more truthful

Oh lard!

Do you have evidence Scott Rasmussen is a Democrat and if not the fact is his poll is heavy leaning right poll...

So for Trump to run only 52% is nothing to brag about...
You do realize that these polls are conducted in Urban areas where about 80% of the population are Democrats, correct? This is why all the polls favoring Hillary Clinton were SO OFF.
Americans rush to the aid of the underdog. Dem's biggest mistake was attacking him unfairly but then Dem's never have been smart.
Wow, a rasty narrative poll only at 52%

Something is wrong with payments.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

We are living in incredible times folks!
99% of the media bashing trump with false information!

99% of universities and public schools bashing Trump! And America loves Trump!

if you don’t believe in god folks the past 3 years has been god protecting is from the EVIL democrats! god bless all! Merry Christmas and THANK YOU GOD!

its incredible what trump accomplished despite the daily barrage of propaganda and elite attacks on him. His support hasn’t wavered even in the face of 24/7 attacks.
These TDS afflicted Moon Bats are too dumb to know that this bogus Democrat Dirty Trick of trying to overthrow the election is energizing Trump's base and that is why he is ahead in all the swing state polls.

It will be a landslide for Trump and the Moon Bats will be left to marching around in their pathetic little pink pussy hats and howling at the sky as we ridicule them like we did in 2016.
New polls show impeachment support dropping and Trump now leading all Democrat Challengers in Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and not only that Polls in Battleground areas where Democrats gained seats largely on 24-7 Rhetoric on The Russian Collusion Hoax, said they are going back to The Republican Party and voting for Trump.

So 11 months out from The Election, Nancy Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler just shot themselves in the foot and just lost The House.
Better yet, Democrats are breaking ranks and leaving The Democrat Party.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

We are living in incredible times folks!
99% of the media bashing trump with false information!

99% of universities and public schools bashing Trump! And America loves Trump!

if you don’t believe in god folks the past 3 years has been god protecting is from the EVIL democrats! god bless all! Merry Christmas and THANK YOU GOD!

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