Trump's Popularity At Lowest In History

The last budget was written and passed by republicans.
So will the next few budgets. ;)
More never ending spending
True, but less than President Hillary would be proposing. :)

Yes, both parties are big-budget, big government authoritarians, but the Republicans do push for cutting the deficit. We'll see what happens...with President Pence. ;)

brummelben, what percentages of the budget would you cut, if any, and what do you propose to be the tax rate?

"President" Pence is in the mud as deep as trump and his family are, he too is on his way out the door.
A $25 USMB Gold Supporting Member bet is offered to you to back up that claim. Care to put your money where your mouth is? Don't worry about backing down; many RWNJs and LWLs have done the same.
Just watch and listen
You're both correct;
Budget Process
The U.S. Constitution designates the "power of the purse" as a function of Congress.1 That includes the authority to create and collect taxes and to borrow money when needed. The Constitution does not, however, specify how Congress should exercise these powers or how the federal budget process should work. It doesn't specify a role for the president in managing the nation's finances, either.

As a result, the budget process has evolved over time. Over the course of the twentieth century, Congress passed key laws that shaped the budgeting process into what it is today, and formed the federal agencies - including the Office of Management and Budget, the Government Accountability Office, and the Congressional Budget Office - that provide oversight and research crucial to creating the budget.2 The process as it's supposed to work is described here.

Before the Budget
Congress creates a new budget for our country every year. This annual congressional budget process is also called the appropriations process.

Appropriations bills specify how much money will go to different government agencies and programs. In addition to these funding bills, Congress must pass legislation that provides the federal government the legal authority to actually spend the money.3 These laws are called authorization bills, or authorizations. Authorizations often cover multiple years, so authorizing legislation does not need to pass Congress every year the way appropriations bills do. When a multi-year authorization expires, Congress often passes a reauthorization to continue the programs in question.

Authorizations also serve another purpose. There are some types of spending that are not subject to the appropriations process. Such spending is called direct or mandatory spending, and authorizations provide the legal authority for this mandatory spending.4 Federal spending for Social Security and Medicare benefits is part of mandatory spending, because according to the authorization, the government must by law pay out benefits to all eligible recipients.

How Does the Federal Government Create a Budget?
There are five key steps in the federal budget process:

The President submits a budget request to Congress
The House and Senate pass budget resolutions
House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees "markup" appropriations bills
The House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences
The President signs each appropriations bill and the budget becomes law
Step 1: The President Submits a Budget Request
The president sends a budget request to Congress each February for the coming fiscal year, which begins on Oct. 1.5

[+] More

Step 2: The House and Senate Pass Budget Resolutions
After the president submits his or her budget request, the House Committee on the Budget and the Senate Committee on the Budget each write and vote on their own budget resolutions.7

[+] More

Step 3: House and Senate Subcommittees "Markup" Appropriation Bills
The Appropriations Committees in both the House and the Senate are responsible for determining the precise levels of budget authority, or allowed spending, for all discretionary programs.8

[+] More

Step 4: The House and Senate Vote on Appropriations Bills and Reconcile Differences
The full House and Senate then debate and vote on appropriations bills from each of the 12 subcommittees.

[+] More

Step 5: The President Signs Each Appropriations Bill and the Budget Becomes Law
The president must sign each appropriations bill after it has passed Congress for the bill to become law. When the president has signed all 12 appropriations bills, the budget process is complete. Rarely, however, is work finished on all 12 bills by Oct. 1, the start of the new fiscal year.

This chart shows how all of these pieces fit together to make the annual federal budget process.

And we've been running off of continuing resolutions since the last budget passed by....

Harry Reid's Senate. The slight reductions in spending the republicrats got passed were entirely in the military IIRC. None of the democrooks prized pigs missed a meal
The last budget was written and passed by republicans.
So will the next few budgets. ;)
More never ending spending
True, but less than President Hillary would be proposing. :)
Donald Trump's Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to the National Debt

Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

Trump would beat Clinton by trillions when it comes to driving up debt

Trump plans would increase debt 26 TIMES more than Clinton's: Study

Donald Trump’s tax plan could land America $10 trillion deeper in debt
Trump will never be popular with a majority of Americans, especially after over three million more people voted for the person opposing him in the election. And the longer he talks and acts like a fool, the more his cult followers will begin to question their own sanity for supporting this clown.
His supporters will never question their sanity until their family loses their health insurance or can't find the job Trump promised them.
Plus... you have to first have sanity to lose it
I'm retired with income! And I have medical. I'm fine! You maybe fucked but hey I don't care.

I've got more $$ in my 401K than you made in your lifetime.
Right wingers on this thread are downright idiots obfuscating the most salient points.....

Why would a presidential campaign pay a CRIMINAL DEFENSE lawyer if a defense of a criminal act is not warranted.....

Second, if I were a Trump supporter and donor who had chipped in $50 to get Trump elected.....I'd be a bit pissed that my money was going to CRIMINALLY defend Trump's son........and this fucked up family claims that they're one of the richest cabal in the U.S. ....BUT they refuse to even pay for their own "defense"out of their own wealth?

You do realize that there is not a single right winger on this thread who can even understand what you wrote, right? You have to dumb it down if you want to reach them.
So will the next few budgets. ;)
More never ending spending
True, but less than President Hillary would be proposing. :)

Yes, both parties are big-budget, big government authoritarians, but the Republicans do push for cutting the deficit. We'll see what happens...with President Pence. ;)

brummelben, what percentages of the budget would you cut, if any, and what do you propose to be the tax rate?

"President" Pence is in the mud as deep as trump and his family are, he too is on his way out the door.
A $25 USMB Gold Supporting Member bet is offered to you to back up that claim. Care to put your money where your mouth is? Don't worry about backing down; many RWNJs and LWLs have done the same.
Just watch and listen
Translation: I'm all talk, so I won't bet.

No problem. I was just curious how convinced you were of your own words.
Trump will never be popular with a majority of Americans, especially after over three million more people voted for the person opposing him in the election. And the longer he talks and acts like a fool, the more his cult followers will begin to question their own sanity for supporting this clown.
His supporters will never question their sanity until their family loses their health insurance or can't find the job Trump promised them.
Plus... you have to first have sanity to lose it
I'm retired with income! And I have medical. I'm fine! You maybe fucked but hey I don't care.

I've got more $$ in my 401K than you made in your lifetime.
Talk is cheap. Now prove it.
And we've been running off of continuing resolutions since the last budget passed by....

Harry Reid's Senate. The slight reductions in spending the republicrats got passed were entirely in the military IIRC. None of the democrooks prized pigs missed a meal
The last budget was written and passed by republicans.
So will the next few budgets. ;)
More never ending spending
True, but less than President Hillary would be proposing. :)
Donald Trump's Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to the National Debt

Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

Trump would beat Clinton by trillions when it comes to driving up debt

Trump plans would increase debt 26 TIMES more than Clinton's: Study

Donald Trump’s tax plan could land America $10 trillion deeper in debt
Since you quoted my post can I assume you read that Congress has to approve it since Congress holds the purse strings?
You do realize that there is not a single right winger on this thread who can even understand what you wrote, right? You have to dumb it down if you want to reach them. bad....I should always add pictures or cartoons to help with their limited comprehension skills.

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