Trump's Popularity At Lowest In History

Watch MtP, get it the same way I did

I'm so damn sorry......but I tried to find WHERE the most recent poll has the orange lardo at 56% approval.......Really, I tried and all I got is this.....

Trump's approval continues to drop, new poll finds

Poll: Trump's six-month approval rating hits historic low - POLITICO

Now, I DID find this interesting tidbit.........

Barack Obama @ 57%............ Jul 2009
George W. Bush @ 57%......... Jul 2001

So, PLEASE SHARE YOUR [mysterious] POLL.........LOL

Watch MtP, get it the same way I did

I'm so damn sorry......but I tried to find WHERE the most recent poll has the orange lardo at 56% approval.......Really, I tried and all I got is this.....

Trump's approval continues to drop, new poll finds

Poll: Trump's six-month approval rating hits historic low - POLITICO

Now, I DID find this interesting tidbit.........

Barack Obama @ 57%............ Jul 2009
George W. Bush @ 57%......... Jul 2001

So, PLEASE SHARE YOUR [mysterious] POLL.........LOL

What part of "Watch MtP" do you not understand?
Poll: Trump's six-month approval rating hits historic low

President Donald Trump has hit the lowest approval rating of any president during their first six months in office in 70 years, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.

Thirty-six percent of those surveyed approve of the president's job performance, which is six points down from his 100-day mark, while 58 percent disapprove of Trump's performance.

Gerald Ford was the last president to be near that mark in the poll half-a-year into his presidency, with a 39 percent approval rating in February 1975. At the six-month mark, both former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush were at 59 percent.

I guess Israel better get busy putting together another 9/11 to save Trump. :lol:
Just a little reminder of what we could have had in the WH.

It isn't going to matter three years from now if the Democrats insist upon nominating another unelectible candidate.

At this point, given the Trumpsters' fuck ups during these past 5-plus months, even the space-cadet Maxine Waters could probably beat the orange piece of lard.
What happened to the idiotic right wingers who promised me the latest poll that shows the orange buffoon up to 56% approval by ALL Americans?????

Gee, I hope they weren't lying a bit.........LOL
caught part of Meet the Press this morning..

Latest NBC poll had Trump at 56%
Sorry man, but you may have misheard that as either his disapproval rating or a rating for a specific item since his overall Presidential approval rating has never been above 50%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Thank least you were honest enough to admit the obvious......Those nitwits who SWORE that Meet the Press had Trump at 56% approval, tucked their tails and ran.....
Whenever one of you few remaining Trump supporters hear something you do not like, it is "fake news". Trump is the champion of fake news. That is why he has fewer supporters every day.

Few remaining?

Show me one single person who voyed for Trump that would change their vote and vote for Hitlary instead, if they had a chance to do so.
The answer is probably none, but the result in 2018 can be the same that happened to Hillary; voters will stay home.

The "fake news" shtick is wearing thin. So thin that even Fox News is tiring of Trump's lies:

LoL Sheep Fucking Smith is not the voice of FOX news.

He was when he had a similar rant about Obama.

Maybe from your fucking libtarded perspective.

Unlike you libtardz though, we don't get our view of the world from talking heads on tv.

Translation: You are 100% correct, DW, but since my avatar is actually a picture of me, I'm not man enough to admit being wrong so I'll just scream and rant like a baby who as shit its diapers.

No worries, kid. While I think too many cable news networks are politically biased, it's interesting to see you believe that Fox News are "libtardz".
You guys continue to take polls as the gospel truth when they show you what you want to see never mind how many times they have been wrong recently.
Anyone who takes a poll as "the gospel truth" will eventually be disappointed but they are a useful tool which is why political groups study them. The current numbers are certain to be worrying any Republicans running for reelection.

Of course the only poll that really matters is the one taken every two years in early November.
Poll: Trump's six-month approval rating hits historic low

President Donald Trump has hit the lowest approval rating of any president during their first six months in office in 70 years, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.

Thirty-six percent of those surveyed approve of the president's job performance, which is six points down from his 100-day mark, while 58 percent disapprove of Trump's performance.

Gerald Ford was the last president to be near that mark in the poll half-a-year into his presidency, with a 39 percent approval rating in February 1975. At the six-month mark, both former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush were at 59 percent.

I guess Israel better get busy putting together another 9/11 to save Trump. :lol:
Just a little reminder of what we could have had in the WH.

Agreed! No matter how fucked up Trump and his nepotistic staff becomes, he's still better than the corruption and cronyism Hillary would have brought to the WH.

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