Trump's Popularity At Lowest In History that's some funny shit. Hussein "did a fine job" governing on behalf of our lowest grade....convicts, illegals, welfare sucking human pets, pole puffers and men in dresses loved him...haha.
Further, my 14 year old daughter could have done a "fine job" as POTUS with $10 trillion.

Obama left office with an almost 55% approval.....
He average 45% approval throughout his EIGHT years in office.

the orange piece of lard is at 36% approval........

You figure it out, nitwit.................LOL
Only complete morons would STILL back this orange piece of lard.
Only complete morons would STILL back this orange piece of lard.

Only complete morons would have voted for him OR Hillary in the last election

On election day I agreed with you. I wrote in Ted Cruz.

I'm happy to see hitlery defeated, and so far I can't complain about Trump. He has exceeded my expectations quite dramatically.

...I guess Israel better get busy putting together another 9/11 to save Trump. :lol:
Wasn't that Bush piloting the drones himself from the Oval Office?

They really are that stupid, but I suspect the OP is deliberately making an effort to make libturds look like retards.

They were the first 9/11 truthtards though. that's some funny shit. Hussein "did a fine job" governing on behalf of our lowest grade....convicts, illegals, welfare sucking human pets, pole puffers and men in dresses loved him...haha.
Further, my 14 year old daughter could have done a "fine job" as POTUS with $10 trillion.

Obama left office with an almost 55% approval.....
He average 45% approval throughout his EIGHT years in office.

the orange piece of lard is at 36% approval........

You figure it out, nitwit.................LOL
the orange piece of lard is at 36% approval........

caught part of Meet the Press this morning..

Latest NBC poll had Trump at 56%
That's what they said in 2016 and before, during and after the election and yet democrats lost almost every important election in the last eight years including the "must-win" Ga. special election which was better funded by Hollywood than most movies.

Moron........has anyone told you that the Georgia seat was formerly held by none other than fucked up, ultra conservative Newt Gingrich???

To expect a decent democrat to win THAT seat would have taken a mass lobotomy to that district.....but yes, democrats should not have wasted money in trying to convince a bunch of white racist Georgian to use their brains.
So why are dems losing seats of government at an astounding rate if everyone hates Trump?

Simple...........Republicans lost seats in "an astounding rate" less than a decade ago......The scale goes up and down for BOTH parties......BUT, to equate the democrats' loss of seats to "love" of trump is a fucked up and moronic conclusion.

It's America telling you fuken dolts that we dont like your brand of politics.
You can thank barry for that.
President Obama did a fine job, he was truly a class act. I can only image your reaction if he had done even a fraction of the shyte that trump has. that's some funny shit. Hussein "did a fine job" governing on behalf of our lowest grade....convicts, illegals, welfare sucking human pets, pole puffers and men in dresses loved him...haha.
Further, my 14 year old daughter could have done a "fine job" as POTUS with $10 trillion.
What 10 trillion, asshole. Its your republican congress who passes and writes spending legislation. OOPSIE

Hussein is that you? Did I hurt your feelings with truth?
Easy now bud...don't break your're not being very "tolerant"....haha
You crazy Loons.
Poll: Trump's six-month approval rating hits historic low

President Donald Trump has hit the lowest approval rating of any president during their first six months in office in 70 years, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.

Thirty-six percent of those surveyed approve of the president's job performance, which is six points down from his 100-day mark, while 58 percent disapprove of Trump's performance.

Gerald Ford was the last president to be near that mark in the poll half-a-year into his presidency, with a 39 percent approval rating in February 1975. At the six-month mark, both former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush were at 59 percent.

I guess Israel better get busy putting together another 9/11 to save Trump. :lol:
Fake news.
Whenever one of you few remaining Trump supporters hear something you do not like, it is "fake news". Trump is the champion of fake news. That is why he has fewer supporters every day.

Few remaining?

Show me one single person who voyed for Trump that would change their vote and vote for Hitlary instead, if they had a chance to do so.
The answer is probably none, but the result in 2018 can be the same that happened to Hillary; voters will stay home.

The "fake news" shtick is wearing thin. So thin that even Fox News is tiring of Trump's lies:

What 10 trillion, asshole. Its your republican congress who passes and writes spending legislation. OOPSIE


The budget is SUPPOSED TO originate in the executive office, to be voted on by the senate. Your meat puppet faggot submitted 3 in 8 years, and if I recall all of them were absolutely rejected by the entire senate. We have been running off of continuing resolutions since then, because the democrooks preferred gridlock to a sane spending policy.

Hopefully we get one with Trump. We would have stayed in the shitter with the criminally insane sociopath hag you're a sycophant of.


You don't polish turds. You flush them.
Agreed which is why I think we'll see President Pence sworn into office before the November 2018. :)

As for Obamacare, there's more to it than the stuff the Democrats put in there. The Republicans have backed themselves into a corner by screaming "Repeal! Repeal!" for eight years. Repealing is fine, but they need a replacement. The current RNC plan is not going to sit will with older voters in 2018, a demographic that has a high turnout rate.
Simple...........Republicans lost seats in "an astounding rate" less than a decade ago......The scale goes up and down for BOTH parties......BUT, to equate the democrats' loss of seats to "love" of trump is a fucked up and moronic conclusion.

It's America telling you fuken dolts that we dont like your brand of politics.
You can thank barry for that.
President Obama did a fine job, he was truly a class act. I can only image your reaction if he had done even a fraction of the shyte that trump has. that's some funny shit. Hussein "did a fine job" governing on behalf of our lowest grade....convicts, illegals, welfare sucking human pets, pole puffers and men in dresses loved him...haha.
Further, my 14 year old daughter could have done a "fine job" as POTUS with $10 trillion.
What 10 trillion, asshole. Its your republican congress who passes and writes spending legislation. OOPSIE

Hussein is that you? Did I hurt your feelings with truth?
Easy now bud...don't break your're not being very "tolerant"....haha
You crazy Loons.
End your non stop lying, and I will cease calling you an asshole?
What 10 trillion, asshole. Its your republican congress who passes and writes spending legislation. OOPSIE


The budget is SUPPOSED TO originate in the executive office, to be voted on by the senate. Your meat puppet faggot submitted 3 in 8 years, and if I recall all of them were absolutely rejected by the entire senate. We have been running off of continuing resolutions since then, because the democrooks preferred gridlock to a sane spending policy.

Hopefully we get one with Trump. We would have stayed in the shitter with the criminally insane sociopath hag you're a sycophant of.
Ignorant putzes like you don't know the first thing about healthcare. You may have an opinion, but its not worth shyte.

Fuck yourself parasite. I have an opinion on how much of my money is stolen by government. I have an opinion on whether or not I want government involved with my health or any aspect of my life. If you want a nanny state, go live in one. There are plenty of them that haven't yet gone bankrupt. Get the fuck out now while air fare is cheap.
What 10 trillion, asshole. Its your republican congress who passes and writes spending legislation. OOPSIE


The budget is SUPPOSED TO originate in the executive office, to be voted on by the senate. Your meat puppet faggot submitted 3 in 8 years, and if I recall all of them were absolutely rejected by the entire senate. We have been running off of continuing resolutions since then, because the democrooks preferred gridlock to a sane spending policy.

Hopefully we get one with Trump. We would have stayed in the shitter with the criminally insane sociopath hag you're a sycophant of.
The budget is SUPPOSED TO originate in the executive office, to be voted on by the senate
That aint true Einstein. Congress can and will formulate their own budget and send it to the President for approval. OOPSIE, Einstein
What 10 trillion, asshole. Its your republican congress who passes and writes spending legislation. OOPSIE


The budget is SUPPOSED TO originate in the executive office, to be voted on by the senate. Your meat puppet faggot submitted 3 in 8 years, and if I recall all of them were absolutely rejected by the entire senate. We have been running off of continuing resolutions since then, because the democrooks preferred gridlock to a sane spending policy.

Hopefully we get one with Trump. We would have stayed in the shitter with the criminally insane sociopath hag you're a sycophant of.
You're both correct;
Budget Process
The U.S. Constitution designates the "power of the purse" as a function of Congress.1 That includes the authority to create and collect taxes and to borrow money when needed. The Constitution does not, however, specify how Congress should exercise these powers or how the federal budget process should work. It doesn't specify a role for the president in managing the nation's finances, either.

As a result, the budget process has evolved over time. Over the course of the twentieth century, Congress passed key laws that shaped the budgeting process into what it is today, and formed the federal agencies - including the Office of Management and Budget, the Government Accountability Office, and the Congressional Budget Office - that provide oversight and research crucial to creating the budget.2 The process as it's supposed to work is described here.

Before the Budget
Congress creates a new budget for our country every year. This annual congressional budget process is also called the appropriations process.

Appropriations bills specify how much money will go to different government agencies and programs. In addition to these funding bills, Congress must pass legislation that provides the federal government the legal authority to actually spend the money.3 These laws are called authorization bills, or authorizations. Authorizations often cover multiple years, so authorizing legislation does not need to pass Congress every year the way appropriations bills do. When a multi-year authorization expires, Congress often passes a reauthorization to continue the programs in question.

Authorizations also serve another purpose. There are some types of spending that are not subject to the appropriations process. Such spending is called direct or mandatory spending, and authorizations provide the legal authority for this mandatory spending.4 Federal spending for Social Security and Medicare benefits is part of mandatory spending, because according to the authorization, the government must by law pay out benefits to all eligible recipients.

How Does the Federal Government Create a Budget?
There are five key steps in the federal budget process:

The President submits a budget request to Congress
The House and Senate pass budget resolutions
House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees "markup" appropriations bills
The House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences
The President signs each appropriations bill and the budget becomes law
Step 1: The President Submits a Budget Request
The president sends a budget request to Congress each February for the coming fiscal year, which begins on Oct. 1.5

[+] More

Step 2: The House and Senate Pass Budget Resolutions
After the president submits his or her budget request, the House Committee on the Budget and the Senate Committee on the Budget each write and vote on their own budget resolutions.7

[+] More

Step 3: House and Senate Subcommittees "Markup" Appropriation Bills
The Appropriations Committees in both the House and the Senate are responsible for determining the precise levels of budget authority, or allowed spending, for all discretionary programs.8

[+] More

Step 4: The House and Senate Vote on Appropriations Bills and Reconcile Differences
The full House and Senate then debate and vote on appropriations bills from each of the 12 subcommittees.

[+] More

Step 5: The President Signs Each Appropriations Bill and the Budget Becomes Law
The president must sign each appropriations bill after it has passed Congress for the bill to become law. When the president has signed all 12 appropriations bills, the budget process is complete. Rarely, however, is work finished on all 12 bills by Oct. 1, the start of the new fiscal year.

This chart shows how all of these pieces fit together to make the annual federal budget process. that's some funny shit. Hussein "did a fine job" governing on behalf of our lowest grade....convicts, illegals, welfare sucking human pets, pole puffers and men in dresses loved him...haha.
Further, my 14 year old daughter could have done a "fine job" as POTUS with $10 trillion.

Obama left office with an almost 55% approval.....
He average 45% approval throughout his EIGHT years in office.

the orange piece of lard is at 36% approval........

You figure it out, nitwit.................LOL

You may be right.
We have a lot of lowlife piece of shits in this country these days and they love other lowlife piece of shits...funny how that works huh? Lowlife piece of shits love it when political leaders make them feel like winners. (Compton loves their Maxine Waters)
Hussein kept that cash printer running, always fighting to provide our pet humans with more free shit.
Amazing what one can accomplish when armed with the checking accounts of hard working productive Americans...huh?
What 10 trillion, asshole. Its your republican congress who passes and writes spending legislation. OOPSIE


The budget is SUPPOSED TO originate in the executive office, to be voted on by the senate. Your meat puppet faggot submitted 3 in 8 years, and if I recall all of them were absolutely rejected by the entire senate. We have been running off of continuing resolutions since then, because the democrooks preferred gridlock to a sane spending policy.

Hopefully we get one with Trump. We would have stayed in the shitter with the criminally insane sociopath hag you're a sycophant of.
You're both correct;
Budget Process
The U.S. Constitution designates the "power of the purse" as a function of Congress.1 That includes the authority to create and collect taxes and to borrow money when needed. The Constitution does not, however, specify how Congress should exercise these powers or how the federal budget process should work. It doesn't specify a role for the president in managing the nation's finances, either.

As a result, the budget process has evolved over time. Over the course of the twentieth century, Congress passed key laws that shaped the budgeting process into what it is today, and formed the federal agencies - including the Office of Management and Budget, the Government Accountability Office, and the Congressional Budget Office - that provide oversight and research crucial to creating the budget.2 The process as it's supposed to work is described here.

Before the Budget
Congress creates a new budget for our country every year. This annual congressional budget process is also called the appropriations process.

Appropriations bills specify how much money will go to different government agencies and programs. In addition to these funding bills, Congress must pass legislation that provides the federal government the legal authority to actually spend the money.3 These laws are called authorization bills, or authorizations. Authorizations often cover multiple years, so authorizing legislation does not need to pass Congress every year the way appropriations bills do. When a multi-year authorization expires, Congress often passes a reauthorization to continue the programs in question.

Authorizations also serve another purpose. There are some types of spending that are not subject to the appropriations process. Such spending is called direct or mandatory spending, and authorizations provide the legal authority for this mandatory spending.4 Federal spending for Social Security and Medicare benefits is part of mandatory spending, because according to the authorization, the government must by law pay out benefits to all eligible recipients.

How Does the Federal Government Create a Budget?
There are five key steps in the federal budget process:

The President submits a budget request to Congress
The House and Senate pass budget resolutions
House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees "markup" appropriations bills
The House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences
The President signs each appropriations bill and the budget becomes law
Step 1: The President Submits a Budget Request
The president sends a budget request to Congress each February for the coming fiscal year, which begins on Oct. 1.5

[+] More

Step 2: The House and Senate Pass Budget Resolutions
After the president submits his or her budget request, the House Committee on the Budget and the Senate Committee on the Budget each write and vote on their own budget resolutions.7

[+] More

Step 3: House and Senate Subcommittees "Markup" Appropriation Bills
The Appropriations Committees in both the House and the Senate are responsible for determining the precise levels of budget authority, or allowed spending, for all discretionary programs.8

[+] More

Step 4: The House and Senate Vote on Appropriations Bills and Reconcile Differences
The full House and Senate then debate and vote on appropriations bills from each of the 12 subcommittees.

[+] More

Step 5: The President Signs Each Appropriations Bill and the Budget Becomes Law
The president must sign each appropriations bill after it has passed Congress for the bill to become law. When the president has signed all 12 appropriations bills, the budget process is complete. Rarely, however, is work finished on all 12 bills by Oct. 1, the start of the new fiscal year.

This chart shows how all of these pieces fit together to make the annual federal budget process.

And we've been running off of continuing resolutions since the last budget passed by....

Harry Reid's Senate. The slight reductions in spending the republicrats got passed were entirely in the military IIRC. None of the democrooks prized pigs missed a meal

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