Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected

Oh, that right. the guy with the woman's screen name.

Matters not at all, what RWNJ hell hole do you live in where all those terrible things are happening?

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Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected. Concerning proposed actions, with concerning motivation.

‘Record-setting’ deportations

Trump made similar promises back in 2016 that he wasn’t able to keep, deporting fewer people than President Barack Obama did in each of his two terms, according to federal government data.

A hard-line approach on global affairs — including a big import tax

Economists on both sides of the aisle have cautioned against Trump’s universal proposal. Trump’s proposed policy would “distort global trade, discourage economic activity, and have general negative consequences on the American economy.”

Trump’s vows revenge against his opponents

Trump claims Biden used the department of justice as revenge on him. Now the hypocrite Trump is claiming he will use the department of justice as revenge on the many, many people who he feels crossed. Most all they did was stand up to Trump. The major sin which will get you fired.

New Analysis Finds Trump Would Give an Additional $50 Billion Per Year in Tax Breaks to Fortune 100 Companies
I'd like to see him win and throw people like musk,rfk, an Jim who was never a bureaucrat or had any involvement in government before ...I know that frowned upon in credentialed and Boomer circles...but id like to see it
Elektra Records was named after Electra, a Greek demigoddess, by its founder, Jac Holzman. Holzman started the label in 1950 in his dorm room at St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland. He changed the spelling of the Greek mythological Pleiad Electra by adding a "K" and removing the "C". Holzman said he liked the "solid bite" of the letter "K" and found the "C" to be "too soft".

You picked a woman's name. People are gonna ssume.

Don't be such a prissy little bitch about it.
Prices for liquid bleach increased as a result of numerous chlor-alkali plant closures in North America during the first quarter of 2022.

Excuses, excuses. You dance around the core cause of this hyperinflation, that being Democrat policies, would make Baryzhnikov proud.
Trumps promises of what he will do, once, elected. Concerning proposed actions, with concerning motivation.

‘Record-setting’ deportations

Trump made similar promises back in 2016 that he wasn’t able to keep, deporting fewer people than President Barack Obama did in each of his two terms, according to federal government data.

A hard-line approach on global affairs — including a big import tax

Economists on both sides of the aisle have cautioned against Trump’s universal proposal. Trump’s proposed policy would “distort global trade, discourage economic activity, and have general negative consequences on the American economy.”

Trump’s vows revenge against his opponents

Trump claims Biden used the department of justice as revenge on him. Now the hypocrite Trump is claiming he will use the department of justice as revenge on the many, many people who he feels crossed. Most all they did was stand up to Trump. The major sin which will get you fired.

New Analysis Finds Trump Would Give an Additional $50 Billion Per Year in Tax Breaks to Fortune 100 Companies
As it turns out, a lot of people want all this. Especially the revenge.

As ugly as this period is, it's very instructive. About us.
As it turns out, a lot of people want all this. Especially the revenge.

As ugly as this period is, it's very instructive. About us.
So, what is wrong with payback? I couldn't care less about collaboration and innovation when we have a Democrat party hell bent on twisting and contorting my country into another typical euro weenie socialist shithole.
I suffer from a fairly extreme case of it from living an active lifestyle. My knees sound like I'm walking on gravel when I climb stairs for instance.

It also has two meanings.
You did not seem to say as much in the past.

Either way ...

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