Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

Not by our country, and not signed by Iran.

You may continue your dementia at your whim.
Yes by our country as evidenced by the compliance with the agreement by trump and his administration for the past year. And who gives a shit about a signature? You seem to be banking your argument on a technicality and not reality. Where is my dementia?

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
You’re right about this conversation. You are wrong about the deal. You can’t defend your statements so time to take a hike. Thanks for playing
All I've been waiting to hear is what Trump plans to do now that will keep Iran from building nukes. Slapping unilateral sanctions on a country we don't do much business with is NOT going to do the trick, imo. The Trump supporters would far rather quibble for 23 pages about whether it was an agreement or not, because they can't answer the important question. This is all deflection. You realize that, right?

In the end, they can either agree to cease all activity aimed at producing a nuclear weapon, confirmed by inspections, or they can be turned into a parking lot. That's the choice they have.

Unless of course the Democrats regain power, in which case they will have a free hand.
So, turned into a parking lot is Plan B? I was afraid of that.
but i was just hearing last night that the allies doing business with 'iran' will be forced to pick whose side they are on rather than doing business with iran AND the USA . I forget who said it or where i heard it but the thinking was that the [socalled allies] will get in line behind the USA OldLady .
That is what the US is hoping, but right now I believe Iran AND the allies are trying to figure out a way to continue to trade. At least, last I heard. I don't think it's settled yet.
--------------------------------------------- we can wait for a short while although if i was The TRUMP i'd start breaking arms as soon as possible OldLady .
Not by our country, and not signed by Iran.

You may continue your dementia at your whim.
Yes by our country as evidenced by the compliance with the agreement by trump and his administration for the past year. And who gives a shit about a signature? You seem to be banking your argument on a technicality and not reality. Where is my dementia?

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
You’re right about this conversation. You are wrong about the deal. You can’t defend your statements so time to take a hike. Thanks for playing
All I've been waiting to hear is what Trump plans to do now that will keep Iran from building nukes. Slapping unilateral sanctions on a country we don't do much business with is NOT going to do the trick, imo. The Trump supporters would far rather quibble for 23 pages about whether it was an agreement or not, because they can't answer the important question. This is all deflection. You realize that, right?
---------------------------------------- good post , i also don't care about who did this or that as its not important to me . I like getting down to Brass Tacks and trying to guess when Americas nuke or conventional missile launches will be Old Lady .
Just waiting for war, then?
Yes by our country as evidenced by the compliance with the agreement by trump and his administration for the past year. And who gives a shit about a signature? You seem to be banking your argument on a technicality and not reality. Where is my dementia?

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
You’re right about this conversation. You are wrong about the deal. You can’t defend your statements so time to take a hike. Thanks for playing
All I've been waiting to hear is what Trump plans to do now that will keep Iran from building nukes. Slapping unilateral sanctions on a country we don't do much business with is NOT going to do the trick, imo. The Trump supporters would far rather quibble for 23 pages about whether it was an agreement or not, because they can't answer the important question. This is all deflection. You realize that, right?

In the end, they can either agree to cease all activity aimed at producing a nuclear weapon, confirmed by inspections, or they can be turned into a parking lot. That's the choice they have.

Unless of course the Democrats regain power, in which case they will have a free hand.
So, turned into a parking lot is Plan B? I was afraid of that.
---------------------------- aw , iran is a long way off in some uncivilized muslim place .
Yes by our country as evidenced by the compliance with the agreement by trump and his administration for the past year. And who gives a shit about a signature? You seem to be banking your argument on a technicality and not reality. Where is my dementia?

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
You’re right about this conversation. You are wrong about the deal. You can’t defend your statements so time to take a hike. Thanks for playing
All I've been waiting to hear is what Trump plans to do now that will keep Iran from building nukes. Slapping unilateral sanctions on a country we don't do much business with is NOT going to do the trick, imo. The Trump supporters would far rather quibble for 23 pages about whether it was an agreement or not, because they can't answer the important question. This is all deflection. You realize that, right?

In the end, they can either agree to cease all activity aimed at producing a nuclear weapon, confirmed by inspections, or they can be turned into a parking lot. That's the choice they have.

Unless of course the Democrats regain power, in which case they will have a free hand.
So, turned into a parking lot is Plan B? I was afraid of that.

The mullahs had better be. I don't think Trump would hesitate for an instant should events justify it.
but i was just hearing last night that the allies doing business with 'iran' will be forced to pick whose side they are on rather than doing business with iran AND the USA . I forget who said it or where i heard it but the thinking was that the [socalled allies] will get in line behind the USA OldLady .
That is what the US is hoping, but right now I believe Iran AND the allies are trying to figure out a way to continue to trade. At least, last I heard. I don't think it's settled yet.
There is no way to get around the US sanctions, which is why Iran and some Europeans are so upset. Regardless of what the governments say or do, companies located anywhere that violate the sanctions will lose access to the US market and that will cost them more money than they can hope to earn doing business with sanctioned segments of the Iranian market. One way or another Iran is going to be forced to agree to the reforms the President demanded in order to remove the sanctions.
"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."
You’re right about this conversation. You are wrong about the deal. You can’t defend your statements so time to take a hike. Thanks for playing
All I've been waiting to hear is what Trump plans to do now that will keep Iran from building nukes. Slapping unilateral sanctions on a country we don't do much business with is NOT going to do the trick, imo. The Trump supporters would far rather quibble for 23 pages about whether it was an agreement or not, because they can't answer the important question. This is all deflection. You realize that, right?

In the end, they can either agree to cease all activity aimed at producing a nuclear weapon, confirmed by inspections, or they can be turned into a parking lot. That's the choice they have.

Unless of course the Democrats regain power, in which case they will have a free hand.
So, turned into a parking lot is Plan B? I was afraid of that.

The mullahs had better be. I don't think Trump would hesitate for an instant should events justify it.
Why is it our place to do that? Because they are playing aggressively to have a leadership position in the Middle East? I'd rather see us let the Middle East duke it out on their own.
Some people appear to be functioning under the illusion that the (at least one time) allies who signed on with the U.S. to the deal with Iran are unintelligent and uninventive.
Don't be surprised to find that our very clever friends find alternatives to America dictating what they do or not.
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You’re right about this conversation. You are wrong about the deal. You can’t defend your statements so time to take a hike. Thanks for playing
All I've been waiting to hear is what Trump plans to do now that will keep Iran from building nukes. Slapping unilateral sanctions on a country we don't do much business with is NOT going to do the trick, imo. The Trump supporters would far rather quibble for 23 pages about whether it was an agreement or not, because they can't answer the important question. This is all deflection. You realize that, right?

In the end, they can either agree to cease all activity aimed at producing a nuclear weapon, confirmed by inspections, or they can be turned into a parking lot. That's the choice they have.

Unless of course the Democrats regain power, in which case they will have a free hand.
So, turned into a parking lot is Plan B? I was afraid of that.

The mullahs had better be. I don't think Trump would hesitate for an instant should events justify it.
Why is it our place to do that? Because they are playing aggressively to have a leadership position in the Middle East? I'd rather see us let the Middle East duke it out on their own.

1) Iran's development of a nuclear will begin an arms race in the ME.

2) Iran's technology is guaranteed to end up in the hands of Islamic terrorists, which would threaten the United States.

3) Keep in mind that although North Korea already has the technology, they are under the same choice, and appear to be re-thinking their position.
Some people appear to be functioning under the illusion that the (at least one time) allies who signed on with the U.S. to the deal with Iran are unintelligent and uninventive.
Don't be surprised to find that our very clever friends finds alternatives to America dictating what they do or not.

We're not dictating anything, but merely indicating a desired approach and how we will do business to support that approach.

The others are free to do what they want.

Hey OP.....From YOUR link....

"A quadripartite “axis of evil” that includes Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates is moving its military assets, conducting softening-up military action, invading and occupying foreign territory, and waging economic warfare in preparation for a military campaign against Iran and its allies."

Who the fuck are you?
And? The truth hurts doesn't it?

Hey OP.....From YOUR link....

"A quadripartite “axis of evil” that includes Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates is moving its military assets, conducting softening-up military action, invading and occupying foreign territory, and waging economic warfare in preparation for a military campaign against Iran and its allies."

Who the fuck are you?
And? The truth hurts doesn't it?

Propaganda is not 'truth.' Who are you anyway?

Hey OP.....From YOUR link....

"A quadripartite “axis of evil” that includes Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates is moving its military assets, conducting softening-up military action, invading and occupying foreign territory, and waging economic warfare in preparation for a military campaign against Iran and its allies."

Who the fuck are you?
And? The truth hurts doesn't it?

Propaganda is not 'truth.' Who are you anyway?

Obviously a Russian "Bot" ;)
You’re right about this conversation. You are wrong about the deal. You can’t defend your statements so time to take a hike. Thanks for playing
All I've been waiting to hear is what Trump plans to do now that will keep Iran from building nukes. Slapping unilateral sanctions on a country we don't do much business with is NOT going to do the trick, imo. The Trump supporters would far rather quibble for 23 pages about whether it was an agreement or not, because they can't answer the important question. This is all deflection. You realize that, right?

In the end, they can either agree to cease all activity aimed at producing a nuclear weapon, confirmed by inspections, or they can be turned into a parking lot. That's the choice they have.

Unless of course the Democrats regain power, in which case they will have a free hand.
So, turned into a parking lot is Plan B? I was afraid of that.

The mullahs had better be. I don't think Trump would hesitate for an instant should events justify it.
Why is it our place to do that? Because they are playing aggressively to have a leadership position in the Middle East? I'd rather see us let the Middle East duke it out on their own.
--------------------------------------- iran cannot be trusted to have nukes that can hit the USA is the reasoning i think OldLady .
Some people appear to be functioning under the illusion that the (at least one time) allies who signed on with the U.S. to the deal with Iran are unintelligent and uninventive.
Don't be surprised to find that our very clever friends find alternatives to America dictating what they do or not.
--------------------------------------------- GOOD , then we can put them in the ENEMIES column , ------- euros , i don't like them anyway '4eye' .
All I've been waiting to hear is what Trump plans to do now that will keep Iran from building nukes. Slapping unilateral sanctions on a country we don't do much business with is NOT going to do the trick, imo. The Trump supporters would far rather quibble for 23 pages about whether it was an agreement or not, because they can't answer the important question. This is all deflection. You realize that, right?

In the end, they can either agree to cease all activity aimed at producing a nuclear weapon, confirmed by inspections, or they can be turned into a parking lot. That's the choice they have.

Unless of course the Democrats regain power, in which case they will have a free hand.
So, turned into a parking lot is Plan B? I was afraid of that.

The mullahs had better be. I don't think Trump would hesitate for an instant should events justify it.
Why is it our place to do that? Because they are playing aggressively to have a leadership position in the Middle East? I'd rather see us let the Middle East duke it out on their own.
--------------------------------------- iran cannot be trusted to have nukes that can hit the USA is the reasoning i think OldLady .
Yeah well we used to have a stop gap deal that prevented them from developing nukes but that’s off the table now so I hope Trump has something better in mind and gets it going fast.
Pretty much. Results tell.

And don't leave the rest of those Democrats out of it.
Also don’t leave the Trump appointed heads of our intelligence agencies... people like Mattis and Pompeo that testified to congress that Iran was adhereing to the terms of the deal and they thought it a detriment to pull out.

Honestly, why would those guys purger themselves to advance the destruction of our country? Please explain that to me.

It matters not one iota that they were currently following orders, because there was no valid agreement.

But to play your game, what matters is the sunset clause.
Wtf are you people smoking today? If the agreement wasn’t valid then the sunset clause would make zero difference.

Indeed, but the rest of the world is confused enough. It needed to be explained in language they could understand.

I mean, some people believed that because Obama said something, it carried the weight of Gawd's word.
Your still making zero sense. Your attempt to demonize obama is just making you sound idiotic. Obama didn’t just say something, an agreement was negotiated and agreed to by our country, the UN, and Iran. There were terms and action items and each party adhered to those terms. Including trump for the past year. That means it was an actual valid thing. Come back to reality, you are clouding up this board with stupidity.

Obama didn’t just say something, an agreement was negotiated and agreed to by our country, the UN, and Iran.

Our country agreed to something? Our entire country?
Or maybe just the sufficient number of Senators? Or maybe just the President?

Can you be more specific?
Also don’t leave the Trump appointed heads of our intelligence agencies... people like Mattis and Pompeo that testified to congress that Iran was adhereing to the terms of the deal and they thought it a detriment to pull out.

Honestly, why would those guys purger themselves to advance the destruction of our country? Please explain that to me.

It matters not one iota that they were currently following orders, because there was no valid agreement.

But to play your game, what matters is the sunset clause.
Wtf are you people smoking today? If the agreement wasn’t valid then the sunset clause would make zero difference.

Indeed, but the rest of the world is confused enough. It needed to be explained in language they could understand.

I mean, some people believed that because Obama said something, it carried the weight of Gawd's word.
Your still making zero sense. Your attempt to demonize obama is just making you sound idiotic. Obama didn’t just say something, an agreement was negotiated and agreed to by our country, the UN, and Iran. There were terms and action items and each party adhered to those terms. Including trump for the past year. That means it was an actual valid thing. Come back to reality, you are clouding up this board with stupidity.

Obama didn’t just say something, an agreement was negotiated and agreed to by our country, the UN, and Iran.

Our country agreed to something? Our entire country?
Or maybe just the sufficient number of Senators? Or maybe just the President?

Can you be more specific?
Yes the president, as the elected leader of our country entered into a deal with Iran and the UN. It wasn’t a treaty and it wasn’t through congress which is why Trump had the unilateral power to back out without the consent of congress.

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