Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

It was a lousy deal and I'm glad he has withdrawn. Now Iran loses its funding for its terrorism. All is good.

It’s important to realize that there’s so such thing as “our” government and “their” government, be it Iran’s or anyone else’s. We are spectators to a mob war, at best, and a murderous blood ritual stage show at worst. In no way are they “us” or “ours” any more than a kingpin extorting your neighborhood is “your” kingpin.

The president is not there to do things for your benefit. And worse, you are entirely expendable in the eyes of all high-level politicians. They use the world as a tool, a toy, but if it breaks, they’ll just shrug their shoulders and move on. To their mind, we’re here for their use. Our money, our bodies, our very lives. Think of it as a water balloon fight - and we are the balloons. How much time does the kid holding the bucket spend worrying about the welfare of the balloons? All he cares about is having enough of them to win.

Placing trade restrictions on a country hurts the innocent people doing business there, and across the globe, including here. Making war kills the innocent people on all sides of the war. So who actually benefits? Never the pawns, only the chessmasters; sometimes only the one who wins, sometimes all involved. Condoning that innocent people suffer for the actions of their government makes you a terrorist.

Never believe these people have national allegience, or that there’s a moment throughout the day that they’re thinking about what’s best for you. All their thought is bent upon how best to use others, and the fact that you look like them, or speak their language, is no basis for loyalty from their perspective, and so it would be foolish to let it be so from yours. If selfless people sought power (an oxymoronic proposition), then presidents would look more like Mother Theresa and Gandhi, and less like Obama and Trump.
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If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
If it wasn’t valid then what has Trump been approving for the past year and what did he just pull out of? Talk about pretending, look in the mirror
A mess that shouldn't have been able to stand in the first place. Watch as Obama's legacy is erased little by little, due to the fact that he never used the proper channels.
Nice dodge
Not a dodge, an elaboration. He conducted the 'deal' the same way he conducted all of his executive orders; Pretending the rules don't apply to him, much like the left pretends the 'deal' was valid. Cry louder, maybe Trump will change his mind.
You’re still not getting it. If the deal was never valid then Trump would have nothing to back out from. Simple as that. You can hate the deal all you want and you can hate Obama all you want but that doesn’t take away the reality of the situation which is that a deal was made. Talk about fake news, wake up.
No, that would mean the deal never existed. I said the deal was invalid. Invalid deals can be pulled out of or revoked. In other words, it should have been voided without Trump doing so, however, the government is as corrupt as we have come to expect.
If it wasn’t valid then what has Trump been approving for the past year and what did he just pull out of? Talk about pretending, look in the mirror
A mess that shouldn't have been able to stand in the first place. Watch as Obama's legacy is erased little by little, due to the fact that he never used the proper channels.
Nice dodge
Not a dodge, an elaboration. He conducted the 'deal' the same way he conducted all of his executive orders; Pretending the rules don't apply to him, much like the left pretends the 'deal' was valid. Cry louder, maybe Trump will change his mind.
You’re still not getting it. If the deal was never valid then Trump would have nothing to back out from. Simple as that. You can hate the deal all you want and you can hate Obama all you want but that doesn’t take away the reality of the situation which is that a deal was made. Talk about fake news, wake up.
No, that would mean the deal never existed. I said the deal was invalid. Invalid deals can be pulled out of or revoked. In other words, it should have been voided without Trump doing so, however, the government is as corrupt as we have come to expect.
What are you talking about? The deal wasn’t revoked because it was invalid. It was a valid deal which was legally revoked. You’ve spent too much time in spin land, come back to reality.
A mess that shouldn't have been able to stand in the first place. Watch as Obama's legacy is erased little by little, due to the fact that he never used the proper channels.
Nice dodge
Not a dodge, an elaboration. He conducted the 'deal' the same way he conducted all of his executive orders; Pretending the rules don't apply to him, much like the left pretends the 'deal' was valid. Cry louder, maybe Trump will change his mind.
You’re still not getting it. If the deal was never valid then Trump would have nothing to back out from. Simple as that. You can hate the deal all you want and you can hate Obama all you want but that doesn’t take away the reality of the situation which is that a deal was made. Talk about fake news, wake up.
No, that would mean the deal never existed. I said the deal was invalid. Invalid deals can be pulled out of or revoked. In other words, it should have been voided without Trump doing so, however, the government is as corrupt as we have come to expect.
What are you talking about? The deal wasn’t revoked because it was invalid. It was a valid deal which was legally revoked. You’ve spent too much time in spin land, come back to reality.
The deal was revoked because it is invalid. You may need to get your glasses before you resume reading threads... or do you only have one eye, Deathstroke?
Nice dodge
Not a dodge, an elaboration. He conducted the 'deal' the same way he conducted all of his executive orders; Pretending the rules don't apply to him, much like the left pretends the 'deal' was valid. Cry louder, maybe Trump will change his mind.
You’re still not getting it. If the deal was never valid then Trump would have nothing to back out from. Simple as that. You can hate the deal all you want and you can hate Obama all you want but that doesn’t take away the reality of the situation which is that a deal was made. Talk about fake news, wake up.
No, that would mean the deal never existed. I said the deal was invalid. Invalid deals can be pulled out of or revoked. In other words, it should have been voided without Trump doing so, however, the government is as corrupt as we have come to expect.
What are you talking about? The deal wasn’t revoked because it was invalid. It was a valid deal which was legally revoked. You’ve spent too much time in spin land, come back to reality.
The deal was revoked because it is invalid. You may need to get your glasses before you resume reading threads... or do you only have one eye, Deathstroke?
It was a deal, an agreement between multiple parties. It wasn’t a treaty, maybe that’s what you are trying to say. For a year Trump has approved our end of the deal and he just recently pulled out. There was nothing invalid involved with that. You are not making sense.
Not a dodge, an elaboration. He conducted the 'deal' the same way he conducted all of his executive orders; Pretending the rules don't apply to him, much like the left pretends the 'deal' was valid. Cry louder, maybe Trump will change his mind.
You’re still not getting it. If the deal was never valid then Trump would have nothing to back out from. Simple as that. You can hate the deal all you want and you can hate Obama all you want but that doesn’t take away the reality of the situation which is that a deal was made. Talk about fake news, wake up.
No, that would mean the deal never existed. I said the deal was invalid. Invalid deals can be pulled out of or revoked. In other words, it should have been voided without Trump doing so, however, the government is as corrupt as we have come to expect.
What are you talking about? The deal wasn’t revoked because it was invalid. It was a valid deal which was legally revoked. You’ve spent too much time in spin land, come back to reality.
The deal was revoked because it is invalid. You may need to get your glasses before you resume reading threads... or do you only have one eye, Deathstroke?
It was a deal, an agreement between multiple parties. It wasn’t a treaty, maybe that’s what you are trying to say. For a year Trump has approved our end of the deal and he just recently pulled out. There was nothing invalid involved with that. You are not making sense.

He approved it while studying the ifs, ands, and buts of pulling out.

The agreement was between the EU, Iran and Obama. It was never signed, nor was it approved by Congress.

It was a pinkie-handshake deal choreographed by Obama. It had all the lasting value of the rest of his presidency.

His main goal was to send them a boatload of cash and give them an out after a few years. He failed on the latter.
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
It's a tangential argument, isn't it? The important thing is what happens next.
You’re still not getting it. If the deal was never valid then Trump would have nothing to back out from. Simple as that. You can hate the deal all you want and you can hate Obama all you want but that doesn’t take away the reality of the situation which is that a deal was made. Talk about fake news, wake up.
No, that would mean the deal never existed. I said the deal was invalid. Invalid deals can be pulled out of or revoked. In other words, it should have been voided without Trump doing so, however, the government is as corrupt as we have come to expect.
What are you talking about? The deal wasn’t revoked because it was invalid. It was a valid deal which was legally revoked. You’ve spent too much time in spin land, come back to reality.
The deal was revoked because it is invalid. You may need to get your glasses before you resume reading threads... or do you only have one eye, Deathstroke?
It was a deal, an agreement between multiple parties. It wasn’t a treaty, maybe that’s what you are trying to say. For a year Trump has approved our end of the deal and he just recently pulled out. There was nothing invalid involved with that. You are not making sense.

He approved it while studying the ifs, ands, and buts of pulling out.

The agreement was between the EU, Iran and Obama. It was never signed, nor was it approved by Congress.

It was a pinkie-handshake deal choreographed by Obama. It had all the lasting value of the rest of his presidency.

His main goal was to send them a boatload of cash and give them an out after a few years. He failed on the latter.
Wow I think you figured it out, it was all part of Obama’s secret plan to destroy America!!! Well done! Thanks for that great detective work and exposing the truth!! :cuckoo:
No, that would mean the deal never existed. I said the deal was invalid. Invalid deals can be pulled out of or revoked. In other words, it should have been voided without Trump doing so, however, the government is as corrupt as we have come to expect.
What are you talking about? The deal wasn’t revoked because it was invalid. It was a valid deal which was legally revoked. You’ve spent too much time in spin land, come back to reality.
The deal was revoked because it is invalid. You may need to get your glasses before you resume reading threads... or do you only have one eye, Deathstroke?
It was a deal, an agreement between multiple parties. It wasn’t a treaty, maybe that’s what you are trying to say. For a year Trump has approved our end of the deal and he just recently pulled out. There was nothing invalid involved with that. You are not making sense.

He approved it while studying the ifs, ands, and buts of pulling out.

The agreement was between the EU, Iran and Obama. It was never signed, nor was it approved by Congress.

It was a pinkie-handshake deal choreographed by Obama. It had all the lasting value of the rest of his presidency.

His main goal was to send them a boatload of cash and give them an out after a few years. He failed on the latter.
Wow I think you figured it out, it was all part of Obama’s secret plan to destroy America!!!

Pretty much. Results tell.

And don't leave the rest of those Democrats out of it.
What are you talking about? The deal wasn’t revoked because it was invalid. It was a valid deal which was legally revoked. You’ve spent too much time in spin land, come back to reality.
The deal was revoked because it is invalid. You may need to get your glasses before you resume reading threads... or do you only have one eye, Deathstroke?
It was a deal, an agreement between multiple parties. It wasn’t a treaty, maybe that’s what you are trying to say. For a year Trump has approved our end of the deal and he just recently pulled out. There was nothing invalid involved with that. You are not making sense.

He approved it while studying the ifs, ands, and buts of pulling out.

The agreement was between the EU, Iran and Obama. It was never signed, nor was it approved by Congress.

It was a pinkie-handshake deal choreographed by Obama. It had all the lasting value of the rest of his presidency.

His main goal was to send them a boatload of cash and give them an out after a few years. He failed on the latter.
Wow I think you figured it out, it was all part of Obama’s secret plan to destroy America!!!

Pretty much. Results tell.

And don't leave the rest of those Democrats out of it.
Also don’t leave the Trump appointed heads of our intelligence agencies... people like Mattis and Pompeo that testified to congress that Iran was adhereing to the terms of the deal and they thought it a detriment to pull out.

Honestly, why would those guys purger themselves to advance the destruction of our country? Please explain that to me.
The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
It's a tangential argument, isn't it? The important thing is what happens next.
The main point was that it was never approved by congress, and therefor was only an agreement with Obama. The agreement itself has no value, and even if it did, it was poorly negotiated and gained the US nothing.
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
It's a tangential argument, isn't it? The important thing is what happens next.
The main point was that it was never approved by congress, and therefor was only an agreement with Obama. The agreement itself has no value, and even if it did, it was poorly negotiated and gained the US nothing.
Yes it was in line with an executive order and was valid until rescinded which it recently was by Trump. I don’t know where you were getting all this invalid talk from.
The deal was revoked because it is invalid. You may need to get your glasses before you resume reading threads... or do you only have one eye, Deathstroke?
It was a deal, an agreement between multiple parties. It wasn’t a treaty, maybe that’s what you are trying to say. For a year Trump has approved our end of the deal and he just recently pulled out. There was nothing invalid involved with that. You are not making sense.

He approved it while studying the ifs, ands, and buts of pulling out.

The agreement was between the EU, Iran and Obama. It was never signed, nor was it approved by Congress.

It was a pinkie-handshake deal choreographed by Obama. It had all the lasting value of the rest of his presidency.

His main goal was to send them a boatload of cash and give them an out after a few years. He failed on the latter.
Wow I think you figured it out, it was all part of Obama’s secret plan to destroy America!!!

Pretty much. Results tell.

And don't leave the rest of those Democrats out of it.
Also don’t leave the Trump appointed heads of our intelligence agencies... people like Mattis and Pompeo that testified to congress that Iran was adhereing to the terms of the deal and they thought it a detriment to pull out.

Honestly, why would those guys purger themselves to advance the destruction of our country? Please explain that to me.

It matters not one iota that they were currently following orders, because there was no valid agreement.

But to play your game, what matters is the sunset clause.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
It's a tangential argument, isn't it? The important thing is what happens next.
The main point was that it was never approved by congress, and therefor was only an agreement with Obama. The agreement itself has no value, and even if it did, it was poorly negotiated and gained the US nothing.
Yes it was in line with an executive order and was valid until rescinded which it recently was by Trump. I don’t know where you were getting all this invalid talk from.

It was not an Executive Order.
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
It's a tangential argument, isn't it? The important thing is what happens next.
The main point was that it was never approved by congress, and therefor was only an agreement with Obama. The agreement itself has no value, and even if it did, it was poorly negotiated and gained the US nothing.

You nailed it.
It was a deal, an agreement between multiple parties. It wasn’t a treaty, maybe that’s what you are trying to say. For a year Trump has approved our end of the deal and he just recently pulled out. There was nothing invalid involved with that. You are not making sense.

He approved it while studying the ifs, ands, and buts of pulling out.

The agreement was between the EU, Iran and Obama. It was never signed, nor was it approved by Congress.

It was a pinkie-handshake deal choreographed by Obama. It had all the lasting value of the rest of his presidency.

His main goal was to send them a boatload of cash and give them an out after a few years. He failed on the latter.
Wow I think you figured it out, it was all part of Obama’s secret plan to destroy America!!!

Pretty much. Results tell.

And don't leave the rest of those Democrats out of it.
Also don’t leave the Trump appointed heads of our intelligence agencies... people like Mattis and Pompeo that testified to congress that Iran was adhereing to the terms of the deal and they thought it a detriment to pull out.

Honestly, why would those guys purger themselves to advance the destruction of our country? Please explain that to me.

It matters not one iota that they were currently following orders, because there was no valid agreement.

But to play your game, what matters is the sunset clause.
Wtf are you people smoking today? If the agreement wasn’t valid then the sunset clause would make zero difference. You are tripping over your own arguement
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
It's a tangential argument, isn't it? The important thing is what happens next.
The main point was that it was never approved by congress, and therefor was only an agreement with Obama. The agreement itself has no value, and even if it did, it was poorly negotiated and gained the US nothing.
Yes it was in line with an executive order and was valid until rescinded which it recently was by Trump. I don’t know where you were getting all this invalid talk from.

It was not an Executive Order.
No shit. I never said it was
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.

It is a withdrawal from an agreement,. Not a broken agreement. Huge difference. We broke no agreement.

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