Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

and its been that way since' loon mohamad' founded islam about 1400 years ago Slade .
Yes, we had protestant Presidents that have started wars that have killed thousands of people around the world….

Americans specifically and Protestants in general have no moral high ground to preach peace.

Nobody wants war, at least no sane person that's ever fought in one. I've claimed no "high ground" for anyone. The United States Government is a violent , blood thirsty greedy money making machine.

On the contrary, it’s one of the most benevolent governments that has ever ruled for any amount of time. It spends more than it makes and it could make 50X what it chooses if it merely wanted to arm the world more than it has. It could make much more if it wished to charge for citizenship, protection, etc…

At times it is corrupted politically by Presidents who have no vision beyond the next election and a Congress that now sees it’s role as non-professional (see how many people running this year say they are a professional politician) and at best, a junior partner to the Executive.

Well, you've got the Company line down pat.

Pretty easy since it walks perfectly with history.

You still live in their created reality. The truth is overwhelmingly disturbing, but you aren't ready for that.

you nailed it.:beer:

The whole reason why Iran wants nukes is because they want use them to destroy Israel.
The Iranians don't want nukes for defense, they want them for offense.
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

It has to do with them chanting death to Israel
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?

That's not really true. Jews and Muslims stood shoulder to shoulder defending Jerusalem against the Christians in the Crusades.

Proof again that these days, not only can anyone write anything, but it will be believed. When Trump tariffed China, it was going to lead to disaster but hasn't. When Trump left Paris and TPP, it was going to be the end of the world, but the world marches on. When Trump stood toe to toe with Little Kim, he was begging for nuclear Armageddon, yet now we sit at a table talking peace. So of course now that Trump has pulled the plug on the Iran deal that was universality laughed at as the biggest mistake and unbelievable miscalculation ever, of course, the ONLY outcome will be war.

The article admits that given the loss of the treaty, Iran stands within ONE YEAR of having a nuke! Yet the smart money is to keep bribing them with money, lifted sanctions and Merkel-like acquiescence? The time to hit Iran with a treaty was when Iran was FIVE or TWENTY years out from acquiring a nuke.

LAUGHABLY, the article claims there is NO CAUSE to believe Iran is a threat to America or Israel AT ALL, yet it is the IRANIANS THEMSELVES which keep insisting by their very own words that they will destroy Israel and the USA. If there is a war with Iran or they get the bomb, it will only be because of stooges like Obama and Kerry and the West who too long acquiesced to their threats, and because for too long we have endured the Mullah's threats to destroy us. The war they get will only be the one they inevitably create.

Iran is left now with the same choice Trump left NK with: war and utter destruction, or peace.

Best of all, this is both a good lesson to Little Kim to broker a good peace deal with the USA while one sits on the table to still be had and not to test the USA's mettle, and like the article says, if this can help the GOP win the mid-terms too, all the better.
and its been that way since' loon mohamad' founded islam about 1400 years ago Slade .
I think it is becoming a waste of time debating with you about this. Your mind is obviously set so why bother. If you want to judge one of the worlds major religions with 2 billion followers by the actions of a small fraction then go right ahead. You just sound extremely ignorant.
yeah well , you sound like a naive and extreme wusse to me . As i said earlier . A small group of 'german nazis' were very capable of controlling the majority of Germans during nazi times in Germany . Its the same reasoning concerning TRUE followers of 'mohamads islam' as they will easily be able to control apostate muslims Slade .
yeah well , you sound like a naive and extreme wusse to me . As i said earlier . A small group of 'german nazis' were very capable of controlling the majority of Germans during nazi times in Germany . Its the same reasoning concerning TRUE followers of 'mohamads islam' as they will easily be able to control apostate muslims Slade .
You haven’t displayed anywhere near the knowledge or experience to know what TRUE followers of Islam are... if I’m being honest I actually think devote followers of any religion are a little kookoo. But I’ve spent a lot of time interacting with people of all religions and though I don’t share their beliefs I’ve seen each of the major religions to be quite beautiful at their core. They stand for peace and love and morality and the pursuit of happiness. I hear idiots like you spewing garbage with little to no substance to back up their bias claims and it just makes me shake my head.
all that needs to be done is to watch the daily murder and mayhem that muslims do . Just stay tuned and watch for more murder and mayhem Slade .
all that needs to be done is to watch the daily murder and mayhem that muslims do . Just stay tuned and watch for more murder and mayhem Slade .
all that needs to be done is to watch the daily murder and mayhem that muslims do . Just stay tuned and watch for more murder and mayhem Slade .
Ok Pismoe, thanks for the heads up

Hey OP.....From YOUR link....

"A quadripartite “axis of evil” that includes Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates is moving its military assets, conducting softening-up military action, invading and occupying foreign territory, and waging economic warfare in preparation for a military campaign against Iran and its allies."

Who the fuck are you?
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone.
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.

Yeah, you put you finger on it. Those affected with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) constantly come up with the 'IF' stories as they wet their panties at the thought of a strong America. Sad little Neo-Marxists....
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
If it wasn’t valid then what has Trump been approving for the past year and what did he just pull out of? Talk about pretending, look in the mirror
The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
If it wasn’t valid then what has Trump been approving for the past year and what did he just pull out of? Talk about pretending, look in the mirror
A mess that shouldn't have been able to stand in the first place. Watch as Obama's legacy is erased little by little, due to the fact that he never used the proper channels.
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
If it wasn’t valid then what has Trump been approving for the past year and what did he just pull out of? Talk about pretending, look in the mirror
A mess that shouldn't have been able to stand in the first place. Watch as Obama's legacy is erased little by little, due to the fact that he never used the proper channels.
Nice dodge
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
If it wasn’t valid then what has Trump been approving for the past year and what did he just pull out of? Talk about pretending, look in the mirror
A mess that shouldn't have been able to stand in the first place. Watch as Obama's legacy is erased little by little, due to the fact that he never used the proper channels.
Nice dodge
Not a dodge, an elaboration. He conducted the 'deal' the same way he conducted all of his executive orders; Pretending the rules don't apply to him, much like the left pretends the 'deal' was valid. Cry louder, maybe Trump will change his mind.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.
If everyone pretends hard enough, it must be so? I don't think that's a valid argument. Obama pretty much acted entirely alone, without consulting anyone, or going through the proper procedures. For all intents and purposes, it was never valid, as Obama went through no proper channels to make it valid. Leftists pretending really hard cannot change that.
If it wasn’t valid then what has Trump been approving for the past year and what did he just pull out of? Talk about pretending, look in the mirror
A mess that shouldn't have been able to stand in the first place. Watch as Obama's legacy is erased little by little, due to the fact that he never used the proper channels.
Nice dodge
Not a dodge, an elaboration. He conducted the 'deal' the same way he conducted all of his executive orders; Pretending the rules don't apply to him, much like the left pretends the 'deal' was valid. Cry louder, maybe Trump will change his mind.
You’re still not getting it. If the deal was never valid then Trump would have nothing to back out from. Simple as that. You can hate the deal all you want and you can hate Obama all you want but that doesn’t take away the reality of the situation which is that a deal was made. Talk about fake news, wake up.

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