Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

A tax for non Muslims living in Muslim lands sounds awefully political to me or is that one of the pillars of Islam as defined in the Koran?
--------------------------------- well , according to OldLady - jizyah - no longer applies but thats the first i ever heard of the rule change Slade . [maybe its a bit of - taqiyah - Slade . ------------- looks like its the 'marakesh declaration ' signed byover 100 'islamic' scholars whatever that means Slade .
I don’t see the Taqiyah relation... what do you mean by rule change? It’s either a tax that is actively being imposed in Muslim countries or it isn’t...
------------------------------------- well as far as i know , the jizyah tax is in effect and the 'marakesh declaration' by 100 so called islamic scholars that Old Lady mentions means nothing as its just TAQIYAH , LIES OR BS , imo Slade .
Where is the tax still in effect?
-------------------------------------- when real muslims were retaking lands in the middle east a few months they were sure to let non muslims know that they were under the 'jizyah' tax Slade .
Who exactly are you talking about and how did they collect the taxes? How much did they get?
the muslim in Cleveland is Apostate and is not a true muslim in the eyes of his religion or 'gawd' Doc .
Are modern day Christians apostate as well? Only the true Christians still holding on to the purpose they pursued during the crusades?
A tax for non Muslims living in Muslim lands sounds awefully political to me or is that one of the pillars of Islam as defined in the Koran?
--------------------------------- well , according to OldLady - jizyah - no longer applies but thats the first i ever heard of the rule change Slade . [maybe its a bit of - taqiyah - Slade . ------------- looks like its the 'marakesh declaration ' signed byover 100 'islamic' scholars whatever that means Slade .
I don’t see the Taqiyah relation... what do you mean by rule change? It’s either a tax that is actively being imposed in Muslim countries or it isn’t...

You have to make the distinction of "Moderate" Islam and "Radical" Islam. They are not the same horse. The Muslim living in Cleveland isn't cutting the heads off of Christians. The Muslims in the Sudan, in whats left of the "Califate" that ISIS wans to set up are.
I agree. But I see the two being conflated with each other all the time.

As do I. Those that do it are wrong and deluded. I have fought them, killed them , helped them and saved them. They have done the same for me and to me. There are good people on all sides. Unfortunately our media does not show this. Everything to them is black and white, that is not how life is.
See that sounded like a fair and rational statement but a few posts ago you were agreeing with pismoe that the Cleveland Muslims were apostate, which makes me question your understanding and objectivity.
--------------------------------- well , according to OldLady - jizyah - no longer applies but thats the first i ever heard of the rule change Slade . [maybe its a bit of - taqiyah - Slade . ------------- looks like its the 'marakesh declaration ' signed byover 100 'islamic' scholars whatever that means Slade .
I don’t see the Taqiyah relation... what do you mean by rule change? It’s either a tax that is actively being imposed in Muslim countries or it isn’t...
------------------------------------- well as far as i know , the jizyah tax is in effect and the 'marakesh declaration' by 100 so called islamic scholars that Old Lady mentions means nothing as its just TAQIYAH , LIES OR BS , imo Slade .
Where is the tax still in effect?
-------------------------------------- when real muslims were retaking lands in the middle east a few months they were sure to let non muslims know that they were under the 'jizyah' tax Slade .
Who exactly are you talking about and how did they collect the taxes? How much did they get?
-------------------------------- point of jizyah is pay up or face the consequences which in many cases is death Slade . I don't know the going rate of 'jizyah' .
I don’t see the Taqiyah relation... what do you mean by rule change? It’s either a tax that is actively being imposed in Muslim countries or it isn’t...
------------------------------------- well as far as i know , the jizyah tax is in effect and the 'marakesh declaration' by 100 so called islamic scholars that Old Lady mentions means nothing as its just TAQIYAH , LIES OR BS , imo Slade .
Where is the tax still in effect?
-------------------------------------- when real muslims were retaking lands in the middle east a few months they were sure to let non muslims know that they were under the 'jizyah' tax Slade .
Who exactly are you talking about and how did they collect the taxes? How much did they get?
-------------------------------- point of jizyah is pay up or face the consequences which in many cases is death Slade . I don't know the going rate of 'jizyah' .
So are you now trying to make the point that Muslims are killing non-Muslims because they are not paying the tax? Do they send them a bill and then have their tax collectors do the killing if they don’t pay up or are they using a different system? Do they take ePayments? Man, the shit y’all try to spin is humorous :)
but here is an article with some info Slade . --- Islamic State Warns Christians: Convert, Pay Tax, Leave Or Die ---
Are you honestly using a warning from ISIS to show evidence of what you claim is true Islamic ideology?! Are you nuts? If you want to prove you’re point you need to show mainstream views expressed in established societies. Not warnings from a gang of nuts
------------------------------------------- yes , i sure am Slade.
'isis' and similar are the true followers of 'islam' that follow the 'koran' to the letter , The guy in 'cleveland' is the apostate Slade .
the penalty for not paying the tax is outlined in the link that i put up Slade .
and the 'marakesh100' that OldLady mentioned have no authority to do anything that they might call for . And lastly , muslims have no POPE or central authority that gives instructions Slade .
and its my opinion that the 15 percent [if accurate] REAL muslims have no problem keeping the 85 percent apostate muslims in line with the sword , rocks , stones and beheadings Slade .
Then direct your anger at those who distort Islam and don’t conflate the radicals with the vast majority who follow it in a peaceful way.
------------------------------ I have no anger , i only have interest in seeing how things go . Same happened in nazi Germany , a small number of nazis controlled ALL of Germany and Germans and they used violence . And a possible 15 percent of REAL muslims will / may control most muslims with violence , imo Slade .
Have the muslims formed a political party, and used that to win the majority, the achieve totalitarian.

Pro-trump surrogate for America First says... “The only thing the Nazis didn’t get right is they didn’t keep fucking going!”
and its my opinion that the 15 percent [if accurate] REAL muslims have no problem keeping the 85 percent apostate muslims in line with the sword , rocks , stones and beheadings Slade .
Then direct your anger at those who distort Islam and don’t conflate the radicals with the vast majority who follow it in a peaceful way.
------------------------------ I have no anger , i only have interest in seeing how things go . Same happened in nazi Germany , a small number of nazis controlled ALL of Germany and Germans and they used violence . And a possible 15 percent of REAL muslims will / may control most muslims with violence , imo Slade .
Have the muslims formed a political party, and used that to win the majority, the achieve totalitarian.

Pro-trump surrogate for America First says... “The only thing the Nazis didn’t get right is they didn’t keep fucking going!”

Yes, the Muslims have formed a political party. It is called Hamas and that terrorist group is the government of Palestine where they support terrorism and particularly against Israel.

Who is Juan Pablo Andrade?

Your desperation, AGAIN, is duly noted!
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well the muslims have a very dangerous political party that is working to develop nukes in 'iran' and earlier this thread was about 'iran' , ahmadinegad , 12ers , shiites , shariah , iranian nukes and other religious , political concepts Dud .
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