Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

You’re a fool

I’m guessing it’s a combination of your upbringing and genetics
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

There is no reasoning with you because you have no understanding of the enemy. It’s clearly willful ignorance
If I was willfully ignorant then I wouldn’t be asking questions. Now you on the other hand are avoiding answering simple questions showing that you would rather play childish insult games and make false assumptions about my intelligence instead of displaying your own understanding and intelligence about the subject matter. It’s very revealing
The whole reason why Iran wants nukes is because they want use them to destroy Israel.
The Iranians don't want nukes for defense, they want them for offense.
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

It has to do with them chanting death to Israel
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?

Because Iran thinks they’re occupying holly Islamic land, but it’s not just Israel that they want to destroy. It’s everyone that doesn’t adhere to their brand of Islam. How dumb are you? Serious question
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

You’re a fool

I’m guessing it’s a combination of your upbringing and genetics
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

They don't absolutely want to nuke them, they just want to destroy them. Why? RELIGION! Same reason they want to destroy us.
There must be more factors than just religion, right? There must be a political angle and something they want to gain. Or else they’d also be targeting India and Greece and Russia and China and other surrounding countries that have different religious views. So what exactly is it that you think they want to do with the nukes and why?
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone.
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.

BS, it was never an agreement between countries, it was between obozo and his muslim brothers in Iran.

Trump is doing what is right for the USA. Congress would never have ratified obozo's agreement, that's why he did it on his own, it has no legal basis and is non binding on everyone involved------but, Obama gave Iran billions and they still get to build nukes. (using our money). Obama is/was a traitor.
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone.
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
Well, if Russia, China, France, Germany, UK, Iran, and the U.N. all thought it was a real agreement and actually did what the agreement said they should do, and if everyone except the U.S. is now treating it as a broken agreement, I don't think the excuses matter. They are only to make Trump look acceptable in doing this.
If it brings Iran around, I'll be glad. It sure doesn't look that way right now. I'm beginning to wonder if the gossip about Israel and S.A. might be true--they just want us on their side in a war with Iran. Iran and Israel gave it a good kickoff last night.

your ignorance is amazing-------------but you are a liberal so its what we expect.
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
It wasn’t a treaty but it was an agreement that many parties made with each other. Since it wasn’t a treaty Trump was able to unilaterally back out. So yes it was an official agreement made by our country

No, it was an agreement made by Obama. Nothing official about it. It wasn't even signed. At best a pinky-swear between the parties. That's not how things work.

Matis and our intel agencies saying the Iranians haven’t broken their end of the deal, Trump saying they have. It’s messy and smells political, not factual.

Considering the history of the Islamic Revolution since 1979, and the fact that inspections of military bases was prohibited, Iranian compliance is doubtful in the extreme.
If the agreement never existed then why did Trump continue to approve it over the past year?

To study, plan and consult prior to dispensing with it, as leaders do.

And why would Matis and Pompeo lie about Iran complying with a non official deal? Nothing your claiming makes sense in reality

They didn't. Compliance wasn't the main issue. The sunset clause was.
Again, if it wasn’t a real agreement then Yrump would have nothing to approve or dispense of. As for the compliance. Trumps statements are directly contradictory to that of Matis and Pompeo. Is that of no concern to you?
The whole reason why Iran wants nukes is because they want use them to destroy Israel.
The Iranians don't want nukes for defense, they want them for offense.
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

It has to do with them chanting death to Israel
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?
------------------------------------------------------------------- they are simply enemies . Also if you notice the 'muslims' are the newest religion and much of 'islam' just mimics Judaism and Christianity as far as words and notable people mentioned in their holy books go Slade .
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.
It wasn’t a treaty but it was an agreement that many parties made with each other. Since it wasn’t a treaty Trump was able to unilaterally back out. So yes it was an official agreement made by our country

No, it was an agreement made by Obama. Nothing official about it. It wasn't even signed. At best a pinky-swear between the parties. That's not how things work.

Matis and our intel agencies saying the Iranians haven’t broken their end of the deal, Trump saying they have. It’s messy and smells political, not factual.

Considering the history of the Islamic Revolution since 1979, and the fact that inspections of military bases was prohibited, Iranian compliance is doubtful in the extreme.
If the agreement never existed then why did Trump continue to approve it over the past year?

To study, plan and consult prior to dispensing with it, as leaders do.

And why would Matis and Pompeo lie about Iran complying with a non official deal? Nothing your claiming makes sense in reality

They didn't. Compliance wasn't the main issue. The sunset clause was.
Again, if it wasn’t a real agreement then Yrump would have nothing to approve or dispense of. As for the compliance. Trumps statements are directly contradictory to that of Matis and Pompeo. Is that of no concern to you?
---------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP is President and is the boss Slade .

I’m guessing it’s a combination of your upbringing and genetics
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

They don't absolutely want to nuke them, they just want to destroy them. Why? RELIGION! Same reason they want to destroy us.
There must be more factors than just religion, right? There must be a political angle and something they want to gain. Or else they’d also be targeting India and Greece and Russia and China and other surrounding countries that have different religious views. So what exactly is it that you think they want to do with the nukes and why?

Um in due time their plan is to destroy all the infidels. Educate yourself. You’re the dumbest smart guy I’ve ever seen.
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

It has to do with them chanting death to Israel
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?

Because Iran thinks they’re occupying holly Islamic land, but it’s not just Israel that they want to destroy. It’s everyone that doesn’t adhere to their brand of Islam. How dumb are you? Serious question
I guess I’m pretty dumb so how about you continue to educate me... to make sure I’m understanding you, Iran wants to nuke Isreal because they believe Isreal is occupying holy land that should be inhabited by Muslims, is that correct?
It has to do with them chanting death to Israel
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?

Because Iran thinks they’re occupying holly Islamic land, but it’s not just Israel that they want to destroy. It’s everyone that doesn’t adhere to their brand of Islam. How dumb are you? Serious question
I guess I’m pretty dumb so how about you continue to educate me... to make sure I’m understanding you, Iran wants to nuke Isreal because they believe Isreal is occupying holy land that should be inhabited by Muslims, is that correct?

You’re starting to get it
The source , Strategic Culture Foundation, is a Moscow based anti-Zionist blog. It seems strange that lefties who claimed that President Trump colluded with Russia are now colluding with Russia for anti-Trump opinions.
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

It has to do with them chanting death to Israel
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?
------------------------------------------------------------------- they are simply enemies . Also if you notice the 'muslims' are the newest religion and much of 'islam' just mimics Judaism and Christianity as far as words and notable people mentioned in their holy books go Slade .
Ok they are enemies but to go to war or drop a nuke there has to be more to it. There must be cause and something to gain so I’m looking for what exactly that is
It wasn’t a treaty but it was an agreement that many parties made with each other. Since it wasn’t a treaty Trump was able to unilaterally back out. So yes it was an official agreement made by our country

No, it was an agreement made by Obama. Nothing official about it. It wasn't even signed. At best a pinky-swear between the parties. That's not how things work.

Matis and our intel agencies saying the Iranians haven’t broken their end of the deal, Trump saying they have. It’s messy and smells political, not factual.

Considering the history of the Islamic Revolution since 1979, and the fact that inspections of military bases was prohibited, Iranian compliance is doubtful in the extreme.
If the agreement never existed then why did Trump continue to approve it over the past year?

To study, plan and consult prior to dispensing with it, as leaders do.

And why would Matis and Pompeo lie about Iran complying with a non official deal? Nothing your claiming makes sense in reality

They didn't. Compliance wasn't the main issue. The sunset clause was.
Again, if it wasn’t a real agreement then Yrump would have nothing to approve or dispense of. As for the compliance. Trumps statements are directly contradictory to that of Matis and Pompeo. Is that of no concern to you?
---------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP is President and is the boss Slade .
Yes I realize that. But that has nothing to do with what I said

I’m guessing it’s a combination of your upbringing and genetics
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

They don't absolutely want to nuke them, they just want to destroy them. Why? RELIGION! Same reason they want to destroy us.
There must be more factors than just religion, right? There must be a political angle and something they want to gain. Or else they’d also be targeting India and Greece and Russia and China and other surrounding countries that have different religious views. So what exactly is it that you think they want to do with the nukes and why?

Um in due time their plan is to destroy all the infidels. Educate yourself. You’re the dumbest smart guy I’ve ever seen.
You would save a lot of time if you just cut out the petty insults, they are completely meaningless.

Again I’ll ask, why Isreal? If the goal is all infidels then why aren’t they aiming to destroy the many many other surrounding countries that follow different religions? I think your missing the politics that are involved.
It has to do with them chanting death to Israel
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?
------------------------------------------------------------------- they are simply enemies . Also if you notice the 'muslims' are the newest religion and much of 'islam' just mimics Judaism and Christianity as far as words and notable people mentioned in their holy books go Slade .
Ok they are enemies but to go to war or drop a nuke there has to be more to it. There must be cause and something to gain so I’m looking for what exactly that is
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
I’m guessing it’s a combination of your upbringing and genetics
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

They don't absolutely want to nuke them, they just want to destroy them. Why? RELIGION! Same reason they want to destroy us.
There must be more factors than just religion, right? There must be a political angle and something they want to gain. Or else they’d also be targeting India and Greece and Russia and China and other surrounding countries that have different religious views. So what exactly is it that you think they want to do with the nukes and why?

Um in due time their plan is to destroy all the infidels. Educate yourself. You’re the dumbest smart guy I’ve ever seen.
You would save a lot of time if you just cut out the petty insults, they are completely meaningless.

Again I’ll ask, why Isreal? If the goal is all infidels then why aren’t they aiming to destroy the many many other surrounding countries that follow different religions? I think your missing the politics that are involved.

Because Israel was created in 1948 when Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 Million Muslims. Overnight those folks became foreigners in their own land.

Since then Palestinians have been victimized by the theocratic state.

The US/West hasn't gotten over losing their Puppet in Iran as a result of the Revolution. They owned the Shah. So my guess is, they're not gonna stop till they kill all the Mullahs and reinstall a Puppet Regime. It's what Empire is all about. And that's what the US is now. It's about getting a Puppet Regime in there, and then looting resources. So yes, war with Iran is coming.
A stupid article. Obama trashed all the protocols for non proliferation when caved to the Iranians in order to get this deal into his legacy, and President Trump is now trying to reestablish those protocols. If JCPOA had stood it would have led to a regional nuclear arms race, that damage might already have been done by it, and the best hope of halting the spread of nuclear weapons is to force Iran to accept such rigorous constraints that no other country will want to test the US.

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