Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

I’m guessing it’s a combination of your upbringing and genetics
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

They don't absolutely want to nuke them, they just want to destroy them. Why? RELIGION! Same reason they want to destroy us.
There must be more factors than just religion, right? There must be a political angle and something they want to gain. Or else they’d also be targeting India and Greece and Russia and China and other surrounding countries that have different religious views. So what exactly is it that you think they want to do with the nukes and why?

Um in due time their plan is to destroy all the infidels. Educate yourself. You’re the dumbest smart guy I’ve ever seen.
You would save a lot of time if you just cut out the petty insults, they are completely meaningless.

Again I’ll ask, why Isreal? If the goal is all infidels then why aren’t they aiming to destroy the many many other surrounding countries that follow different religions? I think your missing the politics that are involved.
I answered your question. Israel is there first priority because of Jerusalem. In due time they want to conquer the world
The whole reason why Iran wants nukes is because they want use them to destroy Israel.
The Iranians don't want nukes for defense, they want them for offense.
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

It has to do with them chanting death to Israel

But, it's totally cool when Israeli Jews do it, right?

Right-wing protesters march in Jerusalem, chant 'Death to Arabs'
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?

Because Iran thinks they’re occupying holly Islamic land, but it’s not just Israel that they want to destroy. It’s everyone that doesn’t adhere to their brand of Islam. How dumb are you? Serious question
I guess I’m pretty dumb so how about you continue to educate me... to make sure I’m understanding you, Iran wants to nuke Isreal because they believe Isreal is occupying holy land that should be inhabited by Muslims, is that correct?

You’re starting to get it
So do you think it is irans goal to kill all the Israelites and then take back the holly land?
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?
------------------------------------------------------------------- they are simply enemies . Also if you notice the 'muslims' are the newest religion and much of 'islam' just mimics Judaism and Christianity as far as words and notable people mentioned in their holy books go Slade .
Ok they are enemies but to go to war or drop a nuke there has to be more to it. There must be cause and something to gain so I’m looking for what exactly that is
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?
------------------------------------------------------------------- they are simply enemies . Also if you notice the 'muslims' are the newest religion and much of 'islam' just mimics Judaism and Christianity as far as words and notable people mentioned in their holy books go Slade .
Ok they are enemies but to go to war or drop a nuke there has to be more to it. There must be cause and something to gain so I’m looking for what exactly that is
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
How about we skip the meaningless childish insults and stick to the substance. As of now you avoided answering a question and opted for a petty insult which has led to pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. In essence you are making yourself look like a fool by trying to label me a fool. Care to try again? Why does Iran want to nuke Israel?

They don't absolutely want to nuke them, they just want to destroy them. Why? RELIGION! Same reason they want to destroy us.
There must be more factors than just religion, right? There must be a political angle and something they want to gain. Or else they’d also be targeting India and Greece and Russia and China and other surrounding countries that have different religious views. So what exactly is it that you think they want to do with the nukes and why?

Um in due time their plan is to destroy all the infidels. Educate yourself. You’re the dumbest smart guy I’ve ever seen.
You would save a lot of time if you just cut out the petty insults, they are completely meaningless.

Again I’ll ask, why Isreal? If the goal is all infidels then why aren’t they aiming to destroy the many many other surrounding countries that follow different religions? I think your missing the politics that are involved.
I answered your question. Israel is there first priority because of Jerusalem. In due time they want to conquer the world
Last question to make sure I’m understanding you. Are you saying that Iran is targeting Isreal because of Jerusalem which they believe is their holy land. So you believe it is their intent to kill the Jews so that they can take back their holy land?

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
After accelerating their program because of Trump’s actions, NK accidentally blew up that program. Do you think the same thing will happen in Iran? Or will the neocons Trump has surrounded himself with finally get a new war?

Yeah, Iran fired the first salvo last night. Israel kicked the shit out of them.


Trump fired the first salvo. His bumbling is what started this.
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?

Because Iran thinks they’re occupying holly Islamic land, but it’s not just Israel that they want to destroy. It’s everyone that doesn’t adhere to their brand of Islam. How dumb are you? Serious question
I guess I’m pretty dumb so how about you continue to educate me... to make sure I’m understanding you, Iran wants to nuke Isreal because they believe Isreal is occupying holy land that should be inhabited by Muslims, is that correct?

You’re starting to get it
So do you think it is irans goal to kill all the Israelites and then take back the holly land?
Take it back? They never had it.
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone. do you call lifting the sanctions? This for that. It's a deal. Maybe you should read trumps book. I heard the sequel is coming out after the midterms, "The art of breaking the deal."
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone. do you call lifting the sanctions? This for that. It's a deal. Maybe you should read trumps book. I heard the sequel is coming out after the midterms, "The art of breaking the deal."
You've got to know when to hold them and know when to fold them. The US is not breaking the deal, it's withdrawing from the deal.

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
Trump got played there. North Korea is going to walk away with full pockets. What does the US get besides yet another instance of being outflanked on the international scale. It's good that there isn't war. It's good that some prisoners are coming back. It's good that at this time we aren't losing in that controversy. But I'm still waiting for deal 1 to be made and I highly doubt it will include the unstable low integrity trump. I read that China, South Korea, and Japan are pushing forward as a coalition to deal with North Korea. I gotta say they are smart to not include the US at this time.
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?
------------------------------------------------------------------- they are simply enemies . Also if you notice the 'muslims' are the newest religion and much of 'islam' just mimics Judaism and Christianity as far as words and notable people mentioned in their holy books go Slade .
Ok they are enemies but to go to war or drop a nuke there has to be more to it. There must be cause and something to gain so I’m looking for what exactly that is
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?
---------------------------------------------- hey SLADE, well , look at their history of invasion since their founding in about 650 AD . See how they invaded and conquered Spain which they call Grenada . Look at their muslim 'barbary' pirates which preyed on EURO and American Shipping as muslims took Ships and crews as slaves . See Americas first War where the USA had to kick 'muslim' azz because of piracy . 'muslims' were the reason for the USA building its Navy and for forming the Marine Corps. Slade
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone. do you call lifting the sanctions? This for that. It's a deal. Maybe you should read trumps book. I heard the sequel is coming out after the midterms, "The art of breaking the deal."
You've got to know when to hold them and know when to fold them. The US is not breaking the deal, it's withdrawing from the deal.
It's breaking the deal. Trump said in not so many words that he expected our European allies to follow and already began pressuring. Its not good for trump to be playijg our allies like this. Although, i hope the remaining signatories stay on and it continues because it's actually not a bad agreement. I think Iran's leadership understands they are risking being overthrown if they allow a return to the pre 2015 sanctions.
We're not going to war with Iran.

Hopefully. A strong America made the USSR back down. A strong America is the only way Iran will give up its nuclear program
Why won't a "strong America" make Israel at least let inspectors into to see their nukes? Why won't the WORLD put pressure on the terrorist state of Israel to dispose of its nuclear arsenal?
The whole reason why Iran wants nukes is because they want use them to destroy Israel.
The Iranians don't want nukes for defense, they want them for offense.
Bullshit. Iran has never attacked anyone,Israel and the US have. Iran wants nukes to balance the power in the Middle East. Its funny you chickenhawks cheer the US and Israel on when it picks sides and funds terrorists and commits acts of terror but when Iran or Yemen or ANYONE else does it you get all high and mighty all of a sudden.

The source , Strategic Culture Foundation, is a Moscow based anti-Zionist blog. It seems strange that lefties who claimed that President Trump colluded with Russia are now colluding with Russia for anti-Trump opinions.
I am not a leftist. I am FAR right but I am also smart enough to realize what's going on and who's pushing us towards a war NO ONE but the chickenhawks on the left and right want.
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?
------------------------------------------------------------------- they are simply enemies . Also if you notice the 'muslims' are the newest religion and much of 'islam' just mimics Judaism and Christianity as far as words and notable people mentioned in their holy books go Slade .
Ok they are enemies but to go to war or drop a nuke there has to be more to it. There must be cause and something to gain so I’m looking for what exactly that is
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
----------------------------------------------- I'm no expert but but if asking Pismoe . Well 12ers are the 'shiite' majority in 'iran' and maybe all areas that 'shiites' are . 'ahmadinegad' was a 12er . 12ers are waiting for the 'mahdi' or the 'hidden imam' [ think he is also called] . I think that the 12ers 'mahdi' or 'imam' is waiting or hiding in a well until the end times Slade or Doc .
------------------------------------------------------------------- they are simply enemies . Also if you notice the 'muslims' are the newest religion and much of 'islam' just mimics Judaism and Christianity as far as words and notable people mentioned in their holy books go Slade .
Ok they are enemies but to go to war or drop a nuke there has to be more to it. There must be cause and something to gain so I’m looking for what exactly that is
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
----------------------------------------------- I'm no expert but but if asking Pismoe . Well 12ers are the 'shiite' majority in 'iran' and maybe all areas that 'shiites' are . 'ahmadinegad' was a 12er . 12ers are waiting for the 'mahdi' or the 'hidden imam' [ think he is also called] . I think that the 12ers 'mahdi' or 'imam' is waiting or hiding in a well until the end times Slade or Doc .

Close, Iran believes that they must create GLOBAL chaos to bring him back.
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone.
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
a non binding one.
If it was so important, and such a good idea, obamas ass should have done it the right way.

He tried, but failed. Token Negro was sad.

House rejects Obama's Iran deal

The House on Friday rejected a resolution to approve the Iran nuclear deal, with the vote underscoring how controversial the accord has been with President Obama's own party.

While most Democrats voted to approve the nuclear bargain, 25 voted against it, creating a wedge that Republicans hope to use to their advantage in the 2016 elections.

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