Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

Yes, you old fucks talk a big game. My 15 year old boy will be doing the heavy.lifting for you war fetishists.

I highly doubt that any son of yours would lift a finger to defend this country if ISIS were marching down the main street of your town. You, on the other hand, would sit on your little camp stool, wring your hands and whine loudly, SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!
Yes, you old fucks talk a big game. My 15 year old boy will be doing the heavy.lifting for you war fetishists.

I highly doubt that any son of yours would lift a finger to defend this country if ISIS were marching down the main street of your town. You, on the other hand, would sit on your little camp stool, wring your hands and whine loudly, SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!
Oh look, another war fetishist with his little war fantasies. Yes, better keep that ar-15 loaded under the pillow for that big day, you little fucking freak.
Where was this "treaty" approved by Congress?
It wasn't a treaty, it is an agreement. And our idiot boy president just triggered a middle East nuke arms race. Good job , dumbasses.

You misunderstand. Iran will not be permitted to have nuclear weapons.
Yes, you old fucks talk a big game. My 15 year old boy will be doing the heavy.lifting for you war fetishists.


Please make sense so that I can respond.
Turn the good ear this way, you old fuck...

You war fetishists talk a big game, because it's easy to sit your fatasses on porch swings and send other people's kids to make pretty 'splosions for your teevees.

Did ya catch that?

Send other people's kids?

Military service is strictly voluntary these days, or did you forget?
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone.

Yes there was. The agreement was supported by the House and Senate.

Oops, I must have missed that one. Please enlighten us with your brilliance along with a reliable source and link showing us all where this treaty was approved by Congress. This will be very exciting.
Send other people's kids?

Military service is strictly voluntary these days, or did you forget?
That is a very dumb thing to say. We still make the decisions for those volunteers. Obviously.

Visiting hours are over. Take your saltpeter and hie thee back to the ward.
That one must go over really well at Bingo. make sure the hearing aids are turned up a bit, you'll get a better response.

So, you kind of like the idea of going to war with Iran, don't ya? Yeah, you do. That is so gross. You are a gross old man.

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
Trump got played there. North Korea is going to walk away with full pockets. What does the US get besides yet another instance of being outflanked on the international scale. It's good that there isn't war. It's good that some prisoners are coming back. It's good that at this time we aren't losing in that controversy. But I'm still waiting for deal 1 to be made and I highly doubt it will include the unstable low integrity trump. I read that China, South Korea, and Japan are pushing forward as a coalition to deal with North Korea. I gotta say they are smart to not include the US at this time.

Your eagerness for the United States to fail is not surprising considering you're a Progressive who has yet to accept the fact that Crooked Hillary threw the election. What I cannot understand is why Hillary's loss, to you and the other Progressives is far more important than the success of the United States.
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone.
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

Where was this "treaty" approved by Congress?
It wasn't a treaty, it is an agreement. And our idiot boy president just triggered a middle East nuke arms race. Good job , dumbasses.

If it wasn't a treaty, how is it binding on the United States?

is the condition of acting in accordance with an applicable constitution;[1] the status of a law, a procedure, or an act's accordance with the laws or guidelines set forth in the applicable constitution. When one of these (laws, procedures, or acts) directly violates the constitution, it is unconstitutional. All the rest are considered constitutional until challenged and declared otherwise.
Constitutionality - Wikipedia
"Treaty" has a much more restricted meaning under the constitutional law of the United States. It is an international agreement that has received the "advice and consent" (in practice, just the consent) of two-thirds of the Senate and that has been ratified by the President. The Senate does not ratify treaties. When the Senate gives its consent, the President--acting as the chief diplomat of the United States--has discretion whether or not to ratify the instrument.
International Agreements and U.S. Law | ASIL

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