Trump's pyrrhic victory: The US opts for path that can only lead to war

The capacity of the United States to enter into agreements with other nations is not exhausted in the treaty-making power. The Constitution recognizes a distinction between “treaties” and “agreements” or “compacts” but does not indicate what the difference is.438 The differences, which once may have been clearer, have been seriously blurred in practice within recent decades. Once a stepchild in the family in which treaties were the preferred offspring, the executive agreement has surpassed in number and perhaps in international influence the treaty formally signed, submitted for ratification to the Senate, and proclaimed upon ratification.
International Agreements and U.S. Law | ASIL

Wa Wait, you links just contradicted themselves.
the President--acting as the chief diplomat of the United States--has discretion whether or not to ratify the instrument.

the executive agreement has surpassed in number and perhaps in international influence the treaty formally signed, submitted for ratification to the Senate, and proclaimed upon ratification.
So which is correct?

Ok they are enemies but to go to war or drop a nuke there has to be more to it. There must be cause and something to gain so I’m looking for what exactly that is
----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
I don’t know anything about it. Please do explain

'12th Imam,' Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fuels Middle East Turmoil

That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.
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----------------------------------- they don't think like you do , they are wierd as they follow 'mohamad' , they are muslim , Feck , they will chop off your head for drawing a picture of 'mohamad' Slade .
You will have to excuse my lack in confidence in your understanding about how Muslims think. Perhaps you can provide me a little background which gives you such insights?

Tell me what you know about 12'ver Shia.
I don’t know anything about it. Please do explain

'12th Imam,' Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fuels Middle East Turmoil

That’s an interesting read but I did find it odd that the source of much of its information came from a evangelical baptist Christian (Wagner). Wouldn’t you find an explaination from an actual Muslim, perhaps both a Shiite and a Sunni, to be a little more interesting and accurate when trying to explain their own point of views and interpretations?

The 12th Imam seems to be a similar story as the 2nd coming of Jesus which is a popular Christian belief.

If you're interested in finding out more, use your search bar and google 12th imam, there lots of sites to read about it.


Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
Trump got played there. North Korea is going to walk away with full pockets. What does the US get besides yet another instance of being outflanked on the international scale. It's good that there isn't war. It's good that some prisoners are coming back. It's good that at this time we aren't losing in that controversy. But I'm still waiting for deal 1 to be made and I highly doubt it will include the unstable low integrity trump. I read that China, South Korea, and Japan are pushing forward as a coalition to deal with North Korea. I gotta say they are smart to not include the US at this time.

Your eagerness for the United States to fail is not surprising considering you're a Progressive who has yet to accept the fact that Crooked Hillary threw the election. What I cannot understand is why Hillary's loss, to you and the other Progressives is far more important than the success of the United States.
That's a strange accusation. I hope for and I'll call it a win for our country when we withdraw from the peninsula and strike the cost from our insane world police defense budget. I doubt the right will make it easy. The military industrial complex is their dirty little corporate welfare secret. Our economy needs to transition to something less focused on war and more focused on the core competencies that will lead the world into the next era.

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
Trump got played there. North Korea is going to walk away with full pockets. What does the US get besides yet another instance of being outflanked on the international scale. It's good that there isn't war. It's good that some prisoners are coming back. It's good that at this time we aren't losing in that controversy. But I'm still waiting for deal 1 to be made and I highly doubt it will include the unstable low integrity trump. I read that China, South Korea, and Japan are pushing forward as a coalition to deal with North Korea. I gotta say they are smart to not include the US at this time.

Why does the US need to get anything? The world got peace. Trump saved the world.
Trump saved the world? Shoot you better get your wives and daughters meat sheathes out for trump the twitpaler. World peace is great, dog. We'll have to ask the military industrial colonialists why our economy and international presence needs to be so intimate with war.

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
Trump got played there. North Korea is going to walk away with full pockets. What does the US get besides yet another instance of being outflanked on the international scale. It's good that there isn't war. It's good that some prisoners are coming back. It's good that at this time we aren't losing in that controversy. But I'm still waiting for deal 1 to be made and I highly doubt it will include the unstable low integrity trump. I read that China, South Korea, and Japan are pushing forward as a coalition to deal with North Korea. I gotta say they are smart to not include the US at this time.

Your eagerness for the United States to fail is not surprising considering you're a Progressive who has yet to accept the fact that Crooked Hillary threw the election. What I cannot understand is why Hillary's loss, to you and the other Progressives is far more important than the success of the United States.

They hate America always have.
You continue to embody a great walking talking PSA for mental health and the opiod crisis.
That's a strange accusation. I hope for and I'll call it a win for our country when we withdraw from the peninsula and strike the cost from our insane world police defense budget. I doubt the right will make it easy. The military industrial complex is their dirty little corporate welfare secret. Our economy needs to transition to something less focused on war and more focused on the core competencies that will lead the world into the next era.

Who do you want to fill the vacuum if the United States, the greatest nation in the world, were to withdraw our troops and influence from around the world?

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama withdrew all our troops from Iraq, against the advice of his generals. What was the result? ISIS and Russia filled the vacuum resulting in our returning troops to Iraq to fight the ISIS terrorists. Something President Obama did reluctantly which allowed ISIS to establish a substantial caliphate. This has required President Donald Trump to clean up the disaster left him by President Obama.
The whole reason why Iran wants nukes is because they want use them to destroy Israel.
The Iranians don't want nukes for defense, they want them for offense.
You think Iran would drop a nuke on Israel? Really? Why would they want to do that?

It has to do with them chanting death to Israel
Do you know why?
Because they’ve been trying to exterminate the Jews since their crazy ass prophet started this horrible religion?
So your saying the only interest that Iran has in nuking Isreal is from a warped religion? Why Isreal?
What the hell? Do you know anything about Islam? At all?
Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
After accelerating their program because of Trump’s actions, NK accidentally blew up that program. Do you think the same thing will happen in Iran? Or will the neocons Trump has surrounded himself with finally get a new war?

Trump will get them to the table, he will hammer out a deal that will actually work. Watch and learn.

He's going to negotiate with terrorists?

Like 0bama did? Yeah I guess you could call it that but Trump won’t give them crates of money, he’ll tell them to get in line or get your ass handed to you. They know he’s serious. They will comply. Just like NK did.

NK hasn't complied with anything yet. So, you're for yet another war in the ME?

But they will. You are disgusting no the point. The point is that the left said he was going to start a war. Where’s the war?

Lol, you stupid fuckers said he was going to start a war with North Korea. What happened to that? You idiots should shut up, you’ve never been right about anything.
Trump got played there. North Korea is going to walk away with full pockets. What does the US get besides yet another instance of being outflanked on the international scale. It's good that there isn't war. It's good that some prisoners are coming back. It's good that at this time we aren't losing in that controversy. But I'm still waiting for deal 1 to be made and I highly doubt it will include the unstable low integrity trump. I read that China, South Korea, and Japan are pushing forward as a coalition to deal with North Korea. I gotta say they are smart to not include the US at this time.

Why does the US need to get anything? The world got peace. Trump saved the world.
Trump saved the world? Shoot you better get your wives and daughters meat sheathes out for trump the twitpaler. World peace is great, dog. We'll have to ask the military industrial colonialists why our economy and international presence needs to be so intimate with war.

You need this:
We're not going to war with Iran.
Okay, if you were Iran and you see what happens to non-nuclear powers when the US gets a President who has no problem invading, why in the world would you not want a nuke in your back pocket?
Defending Khomeini?

No...asking what you would do if you were the guy calling the shots in Iran in reference to the recent history of the US invading non-nuclear middle eastern nations....
After accelerating their program because of Trump’s actions, NK accidentally blew up that program. Do you think the same thing will happen in Iran? Or will the neocons Trump has surrounded himself with finally get a new war?

Trump will get them to the table, he will hammer out a deal that will actually work. Watch and learn.

He's going to negotiate with terrorists?

Like 0bama did? Yeah I guess you could call it that but Trump won’t give them crates of money, he’ll tell them to get in line or get your ass handed to you. They know he’s serious. They will comply. Just like NK did.

NK hasn't complied with anything yet. So, you're for yet another war in the ME?

But they will. You are disgusting no the point. The point is that the left said he was going to start a war. Where’s the war?

Perhaps give it more than a few weeks....
We're not going to war with Iran.
Okay, if you were Iran and you see what happens to non-nuclear powers when the US gets a President who has no problem invading, why in the world would you not want a nuke in your back pocket?
Defending Khomeini?
No...asking what you would do if you were the guy calling the shots in Iran in reference to the recent history of the US invading non-nuclear middle eastern nations....
If I were a murderous religious fundamentalist authoritarian who wanted to see the literal elimination of a neighboring sovereign state, I guess I'd do just what he's doing.

But I'm not.

I would certainly be quite thankful for those in the one country on the planet I hate the most for running cover for me for domestic political advantage, that's for sure.
Trump will get them to the table, he will hammer out a deal that will actually work. Watch and learn.

He's going to negotiate with terrorists?

Like 0bama did? Yeah I guess you could call it that but Trump won’t give them crates of money, he’ll tell them to get in line or get your ass handed to you. They know he’s serious. They will comply. Just like NK did.

NK hasn't complied with anything yet. So, you're for yet another war in the ME?

But they will. You are disgusting no the point. The point is that the left said he was going to start a war. Where’s the war?

Perhaps give it more than a few weeks....

You’d love that, it’s obvious.
There was never a valid agreement between the United States and Iran.

The agreement was with Obama, and Obama alone.
Oh, that's brilliant, Billy.
Who told you that?

The agreement itself. Was it ratified by the Senate? No, it was never presented as a treaty.

Did Iran sign it? No, Obama did not insist Iran sign it.

Anything else?
It's sure being seriously considered a broken agreement though, whatever excuses you want to make for Trump's actions.
It's only considered a treaty by Obama dick suckers.

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