Trump's removal from office sole focus of college course

Naw, the alt-left isn't unhinged. There is no confusion as to why Americans say they need better skilled workers, how in the hell does this help ANY future employer?

Trump's removal from office sole focus of college course

A California university is offering a class focused solely on the topic of removing President Trump from office.

San Diego State University is offering a one-unit course in March called “Trump: Impeachment, Removal or Conviction?” taught by Professor John Joseph Cleary.

“Focus will be on the two constitutional grounds: impeachment and removal (25th Amendment), and the possible charges of the independent counsel,” the course description reads in part, as first reported by university watchdog group, Campus Reform.

The class will cover “grounds for impeachment, removal, or indictment” such as “conflict of interests, foreign emoluments, climate change, racism, religious bias, improper influence, nepotism, and a host of crimes, including conspiracy, false statements, and obstruction of justice.”

Sometimes it is valuable to be able to think. The class is not solely focused on Trump"s removal from office, except for little minds. It is a typical college course, looking at the issue of impeachment. Which is rational enough, because in my humble but correct opinion, most people do not understand fully what the process is. So, perhaps not such a bad class, depending on what the Major of those taking the class is. Looks to be a rational class for history or legal students.

No.. A class on Impeachment wouldn't have Trump's name in the Title. Don't think you meet the prereqs for that class..

Truth in labeling and all that..

Also, notice the narrow and purely assumptive options in the title, "impeachment, removal or conviction". Nice scientific approach to such a heavy process against the president.

Why not "Trump: innocent, Witchunt or why in the f is the alt-left wasting their time trying to sell this bs"?

It's Cali.. They are rocketing towards a full fledged one party Marxist revolution.. They control the university. WaddaUThink a Marxist revolution is supposed to look like? It looks like this...
IF that is the actual name of the course, I don't like that name at all!

Aside from that, it sounds like an interesting course, and is being argued nightly on the 24/7 political talk shows..

And the course will probably end with a debate, the class splitting the two sides of the argument.

Basically, the question is, when a President has done something that involves multiple felonies, a hard paper trail case and as simply example not just conjecture from a dossier/field report that had not been corroborated and the like... etc,

Is it within the Special Prosecutor hired by the government to investigate if any crimes were committed power, to indict a President for those crimes while the President is still in office....?


Or is an Impeachment/indictment and Senate conviction to remove from office the proper procedure, and then an indictment and trial within the Justice system would come after the impeachment from office....keeping in mind that some precedence has been set with the pardoning of Richard Nixon's felonies before he was impeached or tried in the justice system......

And in the background know, that NO ONE is above the Law, not even and especially, the President....he takes an oath to enforce the laws of the land derived from the Constitutional Power given to Congress and the sitting President signing in to law what Congress has done or created....

"We are a nation of Laws and not of men."

There are strong arguments on either side of the debate....

And this is what the course is about....imo.

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