Trumps SCALPS Fauxahontas...Damn, I LOVE this mans chutzpah!!!!

The Boston Globe says that when there was a box to check for ethnicity she checked "white" and when there was a line asking if she wanted special consideration as a minority she checked "No".

So what's your point?

By the way moron --- when you make an assertion it's ***YOUR*** job to document it, not somebody else's.
Hey asshole, the Boston Globe in 2012 says that she did and provides the documents relating to University of Pa. for starters. It is not my job to document it. But since you are to stupid and or lazy to look at all information regarding the situation. I did provide the jump off point of reference for you. Try reading more than one article and try looking at more than one source. She lied. Period.

YES it SURE THE FUCK IS your job, punk. It's your ass-sertion and I've seen those articles years ago and I already know you're pulling this out of your ass WHICH IS WHY YOU CAN'T SHOW IT.

YOU lied. Period.
Get off your fat lazy ass and look. I told you where it was. I cant help the fact you want to remain an ignorant tool.

Oh I already know where it is Fuckbag. I've already QUOTED that article years ago on this board way before you got here. That's why I know whereof I speak and that's why I challenge you to show it BECAUSE I KNOW YOU CAN'T DO IT.
You don't know jack shit. The original article is 2012 states specifically that she listed herself as a minority in University of Pa. The Washington post in September of that same year states that she listed herself as a minority in 1986 in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of faculty. It continues to state that she continually listed herself as a minority through 1995. So read and educate yourself. There aren't any pictures in the article, but the words are short and I'm sure that even someone of your limited cranial capacity will be able to understand.

That's all as amusing as it is undocumented ipse dixit but your claim was this --- roll tape.

She filed it out. She also checked the box when getting loans. She lied. Period.

Again ---- you CAN'T DO IT. Whine and stomp your little feet all you like, throw things around, whatever suits your childish fantasy, but you CAN'T DO IT.
Hey asshole, the Boston Globe in 2012 says that she did and provides the documents relating to University of Pa. for starters. It is not my job to document it. But since you are to stupid and or lazy to look at all information regarding the situation. I did provide the jump off point of reference for you. Try reading more than one article and try looking at more than one source. She lied. Period.

YES it SURE THE FUCK IS your job, punk. It's your ass-sertion and I've seen those articles years ago and I already know you're pulling this out of your ass WHICH IS WHY YOU CAN'T SHOW IT.

YOU lied. Period.
Get off your fat lazy ass and look. I told you where it was. I cant help the fact you want to remain an ignorant tool.

Oh I already know where it is Fuckbag. I've already QUOTED that article years ago on this board way before you got here. That's why I know whereof I speak and that's why I challenge you to show it BECAUSE I KNOW YOU CAN'T DO IT.
You don't know jack shit. The original article is 2012 states specifically that she listed herself as a minority in University of Pa. The Washington post in September of that same year states that she listed herself as a minority in 1986 in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of faculty. It continues to state that she continually listed herself as a minority through 1995. So read and educate yourself. There aren't any pictures in the article, but the words are short and I'm sure that even someone of your limited cranial capacity will be able to understand.

That's all as amusing as it is undocumented ipse dixit but your claim was this --- roll tape.

She filed it out. She also checked the box when getting loans. She lied. Period.

Again ---- you CAN'T DO IT. Whine and stomp your little feet all you like, throw things around, whatever suits your childish fantasy, but you CAN'T DO IT.
I gave you references to two newspapers Articles and the names of the papers and time of the articles. . You refuse to look at them. You are the whinny brat in this thread. One would think lyin Lizy is your grandmother as badly as you want to lie to protect her.
Oh what I would pay to have been a fly on the wall inside of her campaign when the decision to go forward with this was made.....I think this has all but ruled out her chances of being the DemonRATS candidate for president in 2020....but REGRESSIVES are really stupid, and like the Hildebeast, will probably rise from the ashes like a Phoenix!

This is the trap that Warren fell into. From the very moment she claimed her small amount of Native American ancestry as an identity politics virtue, race defined her and her career at every turn. Then, just as we recently witnessed, this path led to her being exposed as a fraud before the entire nation. What a sad fate.

But this is not the worst of it. Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry made her complicit in identity politics’ institutional racism.

The powers behind identity politics have long abandoned the hard work of helping impoverished Americans climb out of poverty and into the middle class through education, ambition and hard work.

Today, all that matters to many universities is whether they have enough of each racial and ethnic group with minority status represented.

In Warren’s case, universities didn’t care that she had blond hair, blue eyes and never lived on a reservation. They were more than happy to add another body to the Native American category, upping their diversity bona fides.

Read more at ...
She had little to lose, as the lolberal crackpots that infest Marxataxachusetts won't vote her out.
There was no deal with the devil. Democrats used to get away with this stuff and Warren and the rest of the liberal democrat establishment still operate by the old 60's and 70's playbook where the only information available to the American public was left wing propaganda. Warren forgot that the age of information also spawned alternate media which wasn't in the pocket of the democrat party and would check on outrageous claims by democrats.
Oh what I would pay to have been a fly on the wall inside of her campaign when the decision to go forward with this was made.....I think this has all but ruled out her chances of being the DemonRATS candidate for president in 2020....but REGRESSIVES are really stupid, and like the Hildebeast, will probably rise from the ashes like a Phoenix!

This is the trap that Warren fell into. From the very moment she claimed her small amount of Native American ancestry as an identity politics virtue, race defined her and her career at every turn. Then, just as we recently witnessed, this path led to her being exposed as a fraud before the entire nation. What a sad fate.

But this is not the worst of it. Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry made her complicit in identity politics’ institutional racism.

The powers behind identity politics have long abandoned the hard work of helping impoverished Americans climb out of poverty and into the middle class through education, ambition and hard work.

Today, all that matters to many universities is whether they have enough of each racial and ethnic group with minority status represented.

In Warren’s case, universities didn’t care that she had blond hair, blue eyes and never lived on a reservation. They were more than happy to add another body to the Native American category, upping their diversity bona fides.

Read more at ...
My are STILL obsessing on Sen Warren. :71:
Oh what I would pay to have been a fly on the wall inside of her campaign when the decision to go forward with this was made.....I think this has all but ruled out her chances of being the DemonRATS candidate for president in 2020....but REGRESSIVES are really stupid, and like the Hildebeast, will probably rise from the ashes like a Phoenix!

This is the trap that Warren fell into. From the very moment she claimed her small amount of Native American ancestry as an identity politics virtue, race defined her and her career at every turn. Then, just as we recently witnessed, this path led to her being exposed as a fraud before the entire nation. What a sad fate.

But this is not the worst of it. Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry made her complicit in identity politics’ institutional racism.

The powers behind identity politics have long abandoned the hard work of helping impoverished Americans climb out of poverty and into the middle class through education, ambition and hard work.

Today, all that matters to many universities is whether they have enough of each racial and ethnic group with minority status represented.

In Warren’s case, universities didn’t care that she had blond hair, blue eyes and never lived on a reservation. They were more than happy to add another body to the Native American category, upping their diversity bona fides.

Read more at ...
My are STILL obsessing on Sen Warren. :71:
Laughing is closer to the mark. :D
There was no deal with the devil. Democrats used to get away with this stuff and Warren and the rest of the liberal democrat establishment still operate by the old 60's and 70's playbook where the only information available to the American public was left wing propaganda. Warren forgot that the age of information also spawned alternate media which wasn't in the pocket of the democrat party and would check on outrageous claims by democrats.

Freedom of the press still exists for a minority of people who have the patience to sift through propaganda.
She said that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him marrying no Injun. Only one of the decades of lies.
Elizabeth Warren struck a deal with the devil in claiming Native American ancestry for advancement

Too bad for you that never happened, innit.
She said that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him marrying no Injun. Only one of the decades of lies.

Show the class how that's a 'lie'.

And another one bites the dust. Like moths to a flame.
Elizabeth Warren struck a deal with the devil in claiming Native American ancestry for advancement

Too bad for you that never happened, innit.
...and Pinocchio Pocahontas certainly is no American Indian
Warren will never be President, but her hypocrisy assures her a Senate seat from Massachusetts for life. Even drunk, murderers get to keep their Senate seat there.
Warren will never be President, but her hypocrisy assures her a Senate seat from Massachusetts for life. Even drunk, murderers get to keep their Senate seat there.

Same question as previous post -- he ran away anyway. Show the class where this "hypocrisy" is.
Trump said ONE MILLION if she had any Indian in her

She had less Indian in her the average European. Ha ha ha.
You pulled that statistic straight out of your ass.
Nope, but here it goes straight into yours:

Elizabeth Warren may be less Native American than average U.S. white person

Liz Warren fails this Indian heritage test

Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test Released, Less Native American Than Average American - The Western Journal

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