Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

If you own a gun... make sure it’s locked up and stored without the ammunition. In fact, make it stored where the ammunition is stored separately.

And make sure you put a huge sign on your front porch letting the criminals know you did just that in your home.
...meanwhile the leftist elites will have armed guards.
Hillary did not say she wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment.

Hillary knows she can't or she would. We will never see a change to our amendments, an elimination of any or our amendments, or a new amendment in our lifetime and likely far beyond. We are way too of a divided country for that to happen.

What Hil-Lair can do is put in judges that will interpret the second amendment to accomplish the same thing as an elimination. That's what makes it so dire that she never sees the inside of that White House again.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
... except that she said she did.
Hillary did not say she wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment.

She said specifically that Heller was decided wrong......that is essentially stating that the individual right to have a gun is wrong......
Hillary did not say she wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment.

Hillary knows she can't or she would. We will never see a change to our amendments, an elimination of any or our amendments, or a new amendment in our lifetime and likely far beyond. We are way too of a divided country for that to happen.

What Hil-Lair can do is put in judges that will interpret the second amendment to accomplish the same thing as an elimination. That's what makes it so dire that she never sees the inside of that White House again.

Yes....Mexico also has in their constitution the Right of the people to bear arms.....but the military owns the only gun store and only allows certain people to own guns.......that is what she wants....and as we can see, thousands of Mexican citizens each year are murdered by the very people who own that one gun store......
Hillary did not say she wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment.

Hillary knows she can't or she would. We will never see a change to our amendments, an elimination of any or our amendments, or a new amendment in our lifetime and likely far beyond. We are way too of a divided country for that to happen.

What Hil-Lair can do is put in judges that will interpret the second amendment to accomplish the same thing as an elimination. That's what makes it so dire that she never sees the inside of that White House again.

Yes....Mexico also has in their constitution the Right of the people to bear arms.....but the military owns the only gun store and only allows certain people to own guns.......that is what she wants....and as we can see, thousands of Mexican citizens each year are murdered by the very people who own that one gun store......
Wolf! Wolf!
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
... except that she said she did.
Hillary did not say she wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment.
Then she's going about it the wrong way.

Hillary Clinton on Gun Control
CLINTON: I said I made a mistake on Iraq, and I would love to see Senator Sanders join with some of my Senate colleagues in addition the Senate that I see in the audience. Let's reverse the immunity. Let's put the gun makers and sellers on notice that they're not going to get away with it.

"I will also repeal legislation that shields gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from liability suits, even in cases of mass shootings."

"If you own a gun... make sure it’s locked up and stored without the ammunition. In fact, make it stored where the ammunition is stored separately. We’ve made some progress in the last several years with the Brady Bill and some of the bans on assault weapons, but we have a lot of work to do."
Ahhhhhh, gun safety is now the elimination of the 2nd amendment....:lol:
What the fuck business is it of yours?
How do they defend themselves from intruders without a gun?

Well, yes, in Sydney there are many traffic jams as cars try to avoid all those bodies strewn all over the streets and highways...So, obviously, you have a point....somewhere on the top of your head.
Secret service kit now contains one wooden (royal oak) stake and a large mallet. Rubber faced for silence but loaded with lead for effectiveness. SS knows one can never be too sure.....
She said specifically that Heller was decided wrong......that is essentially stating that the individual right to have a gun is wrong......

I don't want to re-argue Heller....but the decision was a clear indication that the Supreme Court LEGISLATED from the bench in that 5-4 decision overruling the
Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 ......Given that premise, the SCOTUS WILL revisit the extent of the second amendment...

So, by all means, clutch and cradle your guns like they were your babies.
My God, the Clinton Bootlickers will say and do anything to justify supporting the corrupt witch and her serial rapist husband. This is just more pathetic hysterical spin. Trump's standing up to the Gun Grabbers. And that's good enough for me. He has my support.
And that's good enough for me. He has my support.

No ONE will ever state that you have a functioning brain...I'm sure you heard that before....probably from your own family and friends.

Ah, you just wish it was you ole Slick Willy was cornholing. But hey, buy a blue dress and give em a call. Maybe he can give your butthole a good rapin. Enjoy. ;)
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

Another case of someone reading something that's not there. A case of "I want him to say this, he said that, but I know he said this." I see nothing in his statement that is "encouraging the assassination of his competitor". You folks have really got to turn it down a notch or two, seriously. Donald Dump is a complete ass and shouldn't be anywhere near the Oval Office, even as an invited guest, but come on...
How do they defend themselves from intruders without a gun?

Well, yes, in Sydney there are many traffic jams as cars try to avoid all those bodies strewn all over the streets and highways...So, obviously, you have a point....somewhere on the top of your head. haven't responded to the 3 part article from The AGE about gun violence increasing in Australia....or the list of shootings I gave you from Australia that were not stopped by Australian gun control laws...shootings that could easily have been mass public shootings if the shooter had simply decided to shoot more people...since they had a gun, and were shooting people in public places....

Australian gun control is not a is a myth.....a lie......but keep avoiding the facts....
She said specifically that Heller was decided wrong......that is essentially stating that the individual right to have a gun is wrong......

I don't want to re-argue Heller....but the decision was a clear indication that the Supreme Court LEGISLATED from the bench in that 5-4 decision overruling the
Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 ......Given that premise, the SCOTUS WILL revisit the extent of the second amendment...

So, by all means, clutch and cradle your guns like they were your babies. didn't read cited law from the founding of the country that showed that the individual right to bear arms is a long and legal tradition dating back to the founding of our country...Heller simply reaffirmed that Right.....

not from 1975....but from the Founding.... didn't read cited law from the founding of the country that showed that the individual right to bear arms is a long and legal tradition dating back to the founding of our country...Heller simply reaffirmed that Right.....

not from 1975....but from the Founding...

....and Heller WILL be reversed .....after the appointment of 2 or 3 SANE justices nor that the wicked witch (Scalia) is enjoying hell.
How do they defend themselves from intruders without a gun?

Well, yes, in Sydney there are many traffic jams as cars try to avoid all those bodies strewn all over the streets and highways...So, obviously, you have a point....somewhere on the top of your head. haven't responded to the 3 part article from The AGE about gun violence increasing in Australia....or the list of shootings I gave you from Australia that were not stopped by Australian gun control laws...shootings that could easily have been mass public shootings if the shooter had simply decided to shoot more people...since they had a gun, and were shooting people in public places....

Australian gun control is not a is a myth.....a lie......but keep avoiding the facts....

Still not responding to the articles that show Australian gun control is a failure........ didn't read cited law from the founding of the country that showed that the individual right to bear arms is a long and legal tradition dating back to the founding of our country...Heller simply reaffirmed that Right.....

not from 1975....but from the Founding...

....and Heller WILL be reversed .....after the appointment of 2 or 3 SANE justices.

It may be reversed but not by sane justices....again...the individual right to carry guns goes all the way back to the founding of the country in both legal terms and in cultural terms........and to deny this is to lie.....
Still not responding to the articles that show Australian gun control is a failure........

You've chosen to not believe MY article (link) and I've chosen to not believe yours....Fair enough?
It may be reversed but not by sane justices....again...the individual right to carry guns goes all the way back to the founding of the country in both legal terms and in cultural terms........and to deny this is to lie.....

MORON, no one wants to take ALL your guns away, but you must have know that but insist on being an asshole spewing the complete disarmament.....believe what you want and be very, very scared......LOL

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