Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
... except that she said she did.
Hillary did not say she wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment.






Well, obviously the moron above has got to be CORRECT.....Just look at the bold, big fonts....Isn't THAT a sign of intelligence and accuracy???

Still ignoring Australia's failed gun control......
That's what you get for trying to drag facts into the discussion.
Still ignoring Australia's failed gun control......


Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting

Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting

Australian Gun Stats
Statistics do not demonstrate that crime rates in Australia have increased substantially since the government instituted a gun buy-back program in 1997.

FALSE: The Real Figures from Down Under

Australia's gun laws stopped mass shootings and reduced homicides, study finds

Australia's gun laws stopped mass shootings and reduced homicides, study finds

Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted
To interpret Trump's statement as a threat is more than an asinine stretch - it is an outright lie. He was making the same statement that many have before and correctly pointing out that those politicians that advocate against gun ownership surround themselves with armed people to keep themselves safe. It is a clear case of true doublethink.

Same fucked up 'argument" made by nitwits.....

Clinton is NOT calling for the ban on ALL guns....that is something you got out of your rectum.......Her stance is military-style guns manufactured for the SOLE purpose of killing as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time..

get a brain and think for yourself....
I never stated that she was calling for a ban on all guns - apparently the one pulling points out of their rectum is you. This is the fallback assertion that you and many others advocating for stricter gun controls runs to every time. I stated a simple fact - she is advocating against gun ownership (that is what advocating for stricter gun control is) while surrounding herself with guns.

An interesting point here is that the type of gun that is used in the VAST majority of gun deaths and gun crime happens to be exactly the type of gun that she is surrounding herself with.
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."
Hildabeast is the hypocrite, she is the dumbass Kunt that said she Dodge sniper fire… Dip shit
Still ignoring Australia's failed gun control......


Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting

Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting

Australian Gun Stats
Statistics do not demonstrate that crime rates in Australia have increased substantially since the government instituted a gun buy-back program in 1997.

FALSE: The Real Figures from Down Under

Australia's gun laws stopped mass shootings and reduced homicides, study finds

Australia's gun laws stopped mass shootings and reduced homicides, study finds

Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted
100% failed... Dip shit
Donnie stated Hillary should stop being a hypocrite & tell her security to ditch their guns.

Libs freaked like little girls startled by a spider or a mouse...


The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

I hope she does get her brain blown out. she's murdered 100's now its her turn
Who would want to wast a bullet? She's going to drop any day now from the flu, pneumonia, Parkinson's, and / or dain bramage...
It may be reversed but not by sane justices....again...the individual right to carry guns goes all the way back to the founding of the country in both legal terms and in cultural terms........and to deny this is to lie.....

MORON, no one wants to take ALL your guns away, but you must have know that but insist on being an asshole spewing the complete disarmament.....believe what you want and be very, very scared......LOL

So, tell me .... just exactly what guns, and how many, do you wish me to have? What legislation would you propose to control the guns in my house?
To interpret Trump's statement as a threat is more than an asinine stretch - it is an outright lie. He was making the same statement that many have before and correctly pointing out that those politicians that advocate against gun ownership surround themselves with armed people to keep themselves safe. It is a clear case of true doublethink.

Same fucked up 'argument" made by nitwits.....

Clinton is NOT calling for the ban on ALL guns....that is something you got out of your rectum.......Her stance is military-style guns manufactured for the SOLE purpose of killing as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time..

get a brain and think for yourself....

That would include virtually every modern weapon in the market today, most all of them or a version of them were originally developed for military use.
Trump's correct again and displays both the glaring idiocy of the left and exposes the Dem base as useful idiots.

Hillary and her unarmed security detail should only appear in gunew free zones.

But some animals are more equal than others

Gun free zones don't prohibit armed security.

Why would you need armed security in a gun free Zone?

DUUUHH!!! You just don't get the idea of law enforcement do you?
You just don't get the idea of America, do You?

It's not that at all. You damned right wing folks have been hopelessly brainwashed by the NRA, whose interest is manufacturing endless numbers of guns, into thinking any small change in laws to prevent the criminals and mentally unstable from walking into any gun shop and buying a semi-automatic weapon, is an effort by good citizens to take away your guns. I can understand your concern. If you didn't have your AR-15 you'd have to get by with that little three inch pecker!

I seriously think you're full of shit and I don't own an AR-15.
Trump's correct again and displays both the glaring idiocy of the left and exposes the Dem base as useful idiots.

Hillary and her unarmed security detail should only appear in gunew free zones.

But some animals are more equal than others

Gun free zones don't prohibit armed security.

Why would you need armed security in a gun free Zone?

DUUUHH!!! You just don't get the idea of law enforcement do you?
You just don't get the idea of America, do You?

It's not that at all. You damned right wing folks have been hopelessly brainwashed by the NRA, whose interest is manufacturing endless numbers of guns, into thinking any small change in laws to prevent the criminals and mentally unstable from walking into any gun shop and buying a semi-automatic weapon, is an effort by good citizens to take away your guns. I can understand your concern. If you didn't have your AR-15 you'd have to get by with that little three inch pecker!

So, fix the damn problem ---- if the problem is criminals and mentally unstables, address it. Fix the problem .... don't pretend that treating the symptom will cure the disease.

If you would spend one tenth of the time addressing mental illness and criminal activity that you waste threatening law abiding gun owners, you would have solved the problem already.

Gun control is simply the shiny bauble the left uses to distract you from the real problem.
Still ignoring Australia's failed gun control......


Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting

Australia data shows gun controls a huge success 20 years after mass shooting

Australian Gun Stats
Statistics do not demonstrate that crime rates in Australia have increased substantially since the government instituted a gun buy-back program in 1997.

FALSE: The Real Figures from Down Under

Australia's gun laws stopped mass shootings and reduced homicides, study finds

Australia's gun laws stopped mass shootings and reduced homicides, study finds

Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted

Australia enacted one of the largest gun reforms ever nearly 2 decades ago — and gun deaths plummeted
Someone else is a moron for typing big bold fonts but your not ? Typical Lib
Trump's correct again and displays both the glaring idiocy of the left and exposes the Dem base as useful idiots.

Hillary and her unarmed security detail should only appear in gunew free zones.

But some animals are more equal than others

Gun free zones don't prohibit armed security.

Why would you need armed security in a gun free Zone?

DUUUHH!!! You just don't get the idea of law enforcement do you?
You just don't get the idea of America, do You?

It's not that at all. You damned right wing folks have been hopelessly brainwashed by the NRA, whose interest is manufacturing endless numbers of guns, into thinking any small change in laws to prevent the criminals and mentally unstable from walking into any gun shop and buying a semi-automatic weapon, is an effort by good citizens to take away your guns. I can understand your concern. If you didn't have your AR-15 you'd have to get by with that little three inch pecker!

I'm not a member of the NRA my right to own firearms comes from the supreme law of the land, The Constitution it doesn't come from the government or public opinion. Criminals(felons) and those diagnosed as mentally unstable can not legally buy firearms so if they want them they will do so illegally any law passed will do nothing .

As far as my dick goes I've owned firearms since the age of 5 thats before I even knew what to do with it so that argument is complete bullshit.

If you Libs are so hot for gun control call for a constitutional amendment it will be funny to watch all of you get your asses handed to you.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
Care4all, would you address your double standard, another poster pointed out, regarding voter id? Assuming you're against it.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I carry 4 IDs that are acceptable for voting, two state and two federal. My mother in-law doesn't drive, she has a State issued non driving ID. And yes she needs it for more than just voting, Drs offices ask for it along with her insurance cards. Every adult in this country needs an ID for something.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.
I never really expressed my stand in this thread. I mentioned Hillary's stance, and why regulation of all of our amendments is not infringing their rights.

I am against Government issued Photo ID at the polling booth laws because they were specifically created to disenfranchise through unnecessary hurdles the votes of the poor, the disabled and those who do not drive cars....yet solves absolutely no inherent identity theft at the polls, voter fraud...

I've never voted in a State that had any voter ID laws at the polling Booth, and have never in my entire life witnessed or read about in the news, someone pretending to be another voter and taking their identity at the polling's just too damn risky to assume the identity in person of another voter.... the whole requirement of having to have a government issued photo ID only and not be able to use your water bill or electric bill with your name and address, or your work picture ID/pay stub with name and address to identify that you are the person that registered to vote, a SHAM and a plan to disenfranchise mostly Democratic leaning POOR AND DISABLED voters.

A sham just like cutting the pre election voting days and cutting Sunday hurts the hourly working class people the most....

ALL DEVISED to disenfranchise Democratic leaning voters who use these methods of voting the most, to give Republicans a better chance in the elections of winning.

ONLY A PARTISAN BLIND person, can not truly see this, imo.

OH, and a gun can kill and be dangerous if not careful, a single vote, can not.

I live in a state that requires a photo ID and I find it more convenient than having to carry a separate voter card. I don't think that people should be PREVENTED from voting if they don't have an ID if they are registered to vote, but I do like the convenience.

That's a lame excuse. If they want to vote.....they need to have an I.D. Otherwise they could vote multiple times.

In my state, when you vote, they mark your name off the list and you can't vote again.
You can if you go to some other polling place and use someone else's name.

Well, there is that...any news reports of people getting caught doing that? Or, of someone going to vote and then finding out they have "already voted"?

Wisconsin man charged with 13 counts of voter fraud

Ohioan gets 5-year prison term for illegal voting
"They're a coming fur yer guns". Lmao yuppers they sure are. Do people actually believe this garbage? Wow.

They know they can't take away guns because of the 2nd Amendment. But, little by little. Go after the type of gun one step at a time till a .22 single shot revolver is all that's left that's available.

If it's single shot it wouldn't be a revolver.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
If you pay taxes you are paying for that Secret Service security. If Clinton wants to disarm tax paying citizens then she shouldn't have armed security either.
makes sens IF CLINTON actually wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment and take all the guns away.....but she doesn't
... except that she said she did.
Hillary did not say she wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment.

She knows she can't, like everything else your regressives touch, she want's to redefine it, just like what's been done with much of the Constitution.
Well now the liberals only want "some" kind of gun control. That's all they want, and they will be happy. Why do I not trust them??????

No, NO....I think you morons with little penises should revolt for the right to walk around with bazookas and maybe even small nukes....LOL

My wife uses a .45 I shoot a .40, what does that say about her sexual organs?

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