Trump's silence for over five hours is absolute proof of culpability

This place is really a paranoid, conspiracy theory, right wing toilet.

Welcome to USMB. We have very few actual conservatives posting here. Just nuts. Really, they should move on over to Stormfront.

Thing is PROGS don't think things through and DrLove is a perfect example. What he does say has no meaning to it beyond smoke screens & projection, and really, I'm pretty sure a sentence beyond a sentence or two of emptiness is well beyond him.

With that said, take a look at DrLove's posts under his profile, and you'll see every one of them lacks content. Like I said, PROGS don't think things through, in this case the Love Doctor didn't consider he has a profile.

Well what do you know, DrLove doesn't share his profile, he's got something to hide. Check his posts anyway if you care to, he never says anything.
Not only did Trump stand by and do nothing but his tweets during the attack were supportive.
Four hours after the attack, Trump praised them, called them Patriots and said he loved them.
Exactly right. His supporters just do not care. It is not that they think he isn't guilty. It's just that they are a bit embarrassed of themselves after realizing their fantasies don't play as well on live TV as they do in their heads. So we get treated to a dog and pony show of equivocation, whataboutsim, and just general dumbfuckery. All smoke and mirrors to avoid being honest and admitting they don't mind what he did a single bit. Every one of these cackling cultists was HOPING the insurrectionists would succeed, while watching it unfold on TV.
There are your lawbreakers. This is not how to run an election and those votes should have never been counted until the chain of custody was validated, which it never was.

Gateway Pundit will rot rotted your brain. ;)

Dispute the facts, not the source. What are they wrong about and why? I'll wait.

Sorry, I'm not interested in rotting my brain.


  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
That is bullshit. The fact checkers are the biased ones.

Now dispute the facts and show us how any chain of custody was established.
Not only did Trump stand by and do nothing but his tweets during the attack were supportive.
Four hours after the attack, Trump praised them, called them Patriots and said he loved them.
Exactly right. His supporters just do not care. It is not that they think he isn't guilty. It's just that they are a bit embarrassed of themselves after realizing their fantasies don't play as well on live TV as they do in their heads. So we get treated to a dog and pony show of equivocation, whataboutsim, and just general dumbfuckery. All smoke and mirrors to avoid being honest and admitting they don't mind what he did a single bit. Every one of these cackling cultists was HOPING the insurrectionists would succeed, while watching it unfold on TV.
Well, I accept he incited the insurrection. But I don't see his motivation in terms of actually thinking he was overturning the election.
Do you research.

Based on your post, Michelle Obama is guilty, Barak Obama is guilty, Maxine Waters is guilty, Eric Holder is guilty...I can go on but you are not worth the time
Of course I research.
If Obama, Waters and Holder are guilty, then bring them to trial.

Doesn't change the FACT that trump is guilty.
This is just the first of many trials for trump.
He will be "not guilty" by the cowardly (R) white Senate, that in NO WAY exonerates this POS.
Trump is guilty?

Gotta link to that verdict?
Quote him telling the crowd to attack.
Here ya go............

[ uh-tak ]SHOW IPA

See synonyms for: attack / attacked / attacking / attacks on
verb (used with object)
to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.
to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against: to attack the enemy.
to blame or abuse violently or bitterly.

[ fahyt ]SHOW IPA

See synonyms for: fight / fighting / fought on
a battle or combat.
any contest or struggle:a fight for recovery from an illness.
verb (used without object), fought, fight·ing.
to engage in battle or in single combat; attempt to defend oneself against or to subdue, defeat, or destroy an adversary.
to contend in any manner; strive vigorously for or against something:He fought bravely against despair.

Way to go - youcan use the internet. Bravo.

- An illegal attempt to overthrow a regime, govt

It has been proven that Barry and his administration colluded with ther Russian Intel Service to acquire Russian-authored propaganda, delivered by a foreign ex-spy working for Russia and Barry's FBI, intentionally knowingly used that propaganda as the bais for initiating a failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing the US president from office...with the help of US eneimes.

- the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

The 1st Impeachment was a failed attempt by Democrats to illegally overthrow the US govt by illegally removing the President of the United States from offic through Illegsal and Un-constitutional means.

Speaker Pelosideclared to the Amerivcan people she would NOT allow Impeachment to go forward unless there was irrefutable evidence of crime and if there was partisanship to Impeach. There not only was neither, but Democrats openly admitted there was NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE, and NO WITNESSES. They defended their attempted overthrow of the President by declaring they did not need any of those things to remove a sitting President, despite whatthe Constitution states.

During the Impeachment hearings, the FBI withheld evdence of the President's innocense, and one of the Democrats top Impeachment leaders - the Chairman of the intel Committee - was caught committing Perjuryand illegally authoring false evidence and illegally attempting to submit that false evidence as legitimate evidence against the President.

- a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

The FBI has already proved the violence perpetrated on 6 Jan was a violent riot planned on Twitter and Facebook days / weeks before 6 January, planning that took place without President Trump's knowledge, participation, or input. Nancy Pelosi also admitted - before the Articles of impeachment were drafted - the Impeachment was a plot by Democrats intended to eliminate Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond.

The Democrats attempting this Un-Constitutional, admittedly partisan abuse of power are the same ones who engaged in / perpetrated a FAILED COUP ATTEMPT, an ADMITTED ACT OF TREASON - a FAILEDC ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE PRESIDENT BY LYING ABOUT NON-EXISTENT CRIMES AND FALSIFYING EVIDENCE, and is now conduvcting ANOTHER ADMITTED FALSE ACCUSATION-BASED UN-CONSTITUTIONAL IMPEACHMENT.

To top it off, this Democrat Impeachment is being led by a CONFIRMED CCP-ESPIONAGE-FACILITATING Democrat.

I see no quote in there,
Fight means attack/
Attack means fight.

So, if you want to hold your ground that trump NEVER said 'attack' so far I have not seen video of him using the word 'attack'.......more videos will come. But anyhow, fight means attack.
Trump: Soon to be twice 100% EXONERATED.
I agree that the white (R) cowards holding seats in the Senate will once again exhibit their cowardly ways and vote to "Not convict"
No way this POS is 100% Exonerated.
Only a minority of people doubt Trump did not incite the insurrection. And even some of them, like me, think it's just possible that Trump didn't think the mob would actually breach the capital. I don't really know what he was thinking, but then he's a sociopath and a narcissist, so his motivations are not really rational. I assume he basically fears becoming …. ignored and irrelevant to his "throngs" of supporters.

But the only goper senators who will possibly convict are those who already dismiss Trump, or those who want to break any connection. McConnell doesn't want his epitaph to be "trump's enabler" but I doubt he'll vote to convict. Collins' reputation for independence was tested.

If the dems had any hard proof to connect Trump to the actual minute to minute actions, or to the Proud Boys, it might be different.
When we go low we kick them.

Enough said, Mr. " I am a republican so my anti Trump[posts are valid"

Get some balls guy.
Lick my balls, guy.

Trump is not a republican.
Neither are you.
I see no quote in there,
Fight means attack/
Attack means fight.

So, if you want to hold your ground that trump NEVER said 'attack' so far I have not seen video of him using the word 'attack'.......more videos will come. But anyhow, fight means attack.
Ok, just so we are clear.....anyone who says the word “fight” is inciting an attack, right?
I see no quote in there,
Fight means attack/
Attack means fight.

So, if you want to hold your ground that trump NEVER said 'attack' so far I have not seen video of him using the word 'attack'.......more videos will come. But anyhow, fight means attack.

In politics "fight means attack"?

Michelle Obama said "fight".

Did she actually mean attack?

Wow. What are 6 years old?
I see no quote in there,
Fight means attack/
Attack means fight.

So, if you want to hold your ground that trump NEVER said 'attack' so far I have not seen video of him using the word 'attack'.......more videos will come. But anyhow, fight means attack.

In politics "fight means attack"?

Michelle Obama said "fight".

Did she actually mean attack?

Wow. What are 6 years old?
OK Dr. Love. What do you disagree with? I know....easy to put an emoji up but I wont spend my energy defending my disagreement.

That makes you a leach.

Good for you
Well, I accept he incited the insurrection. But I don't see his motivation in terms of actually thinking he was overturning the election.
I think he thought it might work right up until that phone call to Pence that day. After that it was just spite.
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.


WTF? He didn't. He did not tweet and tell them to stop.
All of his chimpanzees had their cell phones on them and in some videos you can see people shouting about Trump's latest tweet.
Instead of tweeting and telling them to stop, he sent them a fucking valentine video telling them that he loved them.
AFTER 5 people were killed and hundreds were injured.
Don't even pretend otherwise, you stupid bitch.

The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.


WTF? He didn't. He did not tweet and tell them to stop.
All of his chimpanzees had their cell phones on them and in some videos you can see people shouting about Trump's latest tweet.
Instead of tweeting and telling them to stop, he sent them a fucking valentine video telling them that he loved them.
AFTER 5 people were killed and hundreds were injured.
Don't even pretend otherwise, you stupid bitch.

WTF? He didn't. He did not tweet and tell them to stop.
Wasn't he banned from Twitter, moron?
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.
If he had said anything, you dimwits would be claiming that he was egging the protestors on.
Nope. If he implored them to obey the law and stand down how could anyone have criticized him of egging anyone on?
The libs and chinese would say that he secretly did using mind control like they are for saying he sent them to break into the capital despite his speech being recorded.
You're Damn right we have his speech recorded on video, and his crowd's reaction to it!

Post where he said to go to the Capital and riot.
Why did those seditious terrorists want to kill Mike Pence?
I don't try to read the minds of leftist morons.

You're utterly deranged, dumbfuck, to think the seditious traitors who invaded the Capitol were "leftists." :cuckoo:


Dumbfuck, that's one arrest out of hundreds who are on the right.

You're flailing like a dying fish with a hook stuck in its mouth.
Ok, give me the names of those wanting to kill Mike Pence.

Until then, you don't know what their political leanings are, Moron.

Don't need to chase you down your rabbit hole. There were a million protesters there. Thousands of them breached the police barricades. Hundreds stormed the Capitol and a couple of hundred have been arrested. Out of all those, you found one who was from the left. And he wasn't captured on video chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Your refusal to answer answers for you.
Thanks for admitting you don't have the names of those wanting to kill Pence, and are therefore ignorant of their political leanings.

Your fear is noted and laughed at.
Fear? Um...................Ok............ :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Yes, fear. I asked a simple question which has a simple answer and you ran from it under the guise that I don't know the names of the people chanting, "hang Mike Pence." I know why you ran. You even know why. So does everyone else here.
I’m right here. So, where did I run?

I answered your question, Dumbass. I told you I’m not a mind reader. unlike you, I deal in facts.....therefore I don’t have to claim I can read minds like you have to, Simpleton.
One need not be a mind reader to answer the question. That's what you ran from, pussy. Don't go near Trump, he'll grab you.
This klown with 9 posts acts like he's had 1000.................Does sumptin seem strange. The smell of filthy Socks in the morn perhaps?
Because USMB is the only political debate site on the webz?
Meaning???.Socks are mostly always libtards that get their ballz knocked to their throats. I could care less about socks. Same ass hole different name. But this is so glaringly obvious.
Why'd they do it?
Did you read my post? Because their previous sock got ass whooped so they need a new one.....on and on an on....lolol

On my last dump I used to change my handle daily which would pizz off so many..not so much here
Well, I accept he incited the insurrection. But I don't see his motivation in terms of actually thinking he was overturning the election.
I think he thought it might work right up until that phone call to Pence that day. After that it was just spite.
It'd be like staying in a poker hand with two Jacks when another guy has two kings showing. But then Trump never gambles with his own money.
There are your lawbreakers. This is not how to run an election and those votes should have never been counted until the chain of custody was validated, which it never was.

Nothing smacks of truth more than the gatewaypundit.

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