Trump's silence for over five hours is absolute proof of culpability

like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN who pushed a narrative of Russian collusion when no actual evidence existed?
Plenty of evidence, read the mueller report.
And that is where you are wrong. I did not read the report. I listed to every hour of his testimony. The only evidence that existed was circumstantial evidence. Nothing that can be proven that anyone intentionally colluded with Russia
You want circumstantial evidence?
You go to a bank. You make a transaction.
You then go to a Porsche dealership and buy a porsche.
The bank was robbed that day. The robbers took out the cameras so there is no video evidence of you being there and not there when the robbery took place. The robber wore a mask, so no identifiable evidence as well.
So now the FBI looks at who did banking that day within an hour of the robbery.
They interview you and ask you what you did after leaving the bank.
You tell them you bought a Porsche. are now a suspect based on circumstantial evidence.

I actually pity you. You are living in a world of dreams.

Take care.

The US has monitored communication traffic in and out of the Soviet/Russian embassies for over 70 years. The reason Trump came to the attention of the FBI was because his dumbasses kept calling the Russian Embassy.

If you did that, you would be flagged too.
Flagged? Yes. Of course.

But there was a 30 million dollar investigation that could not find any nefarious activity.

Heck.....Kerry met with Iranians....and indictment? No. Why? No nefarious activity uncovered

So your point is exactly what?
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.

Why would a link be required? I'm simply pointing something out that needs to be weighed and discussed. What would "a link" add to what I said?
I the riot was preplanned for weeks. The FBI warned Pelosi. AOC was getting messages a week before. What did she do???

This was all a big lie and scam and impeachment is the only way to get the truth out.

The Dems planned this to happen. You people slaving to a shit boss and life amaze me.
Pelosi and AOC did there job....

Security of the Capital is someone else...

Do you think they should have stopped the vote because of Trump Thugs?

Trump organised a crowd to gather, promoted it, he filled them with lies and told them it was there duty to fight. They then violently attacked the Capital buildings... Trump said nothing to stop them for hours and even what he said was unclear and also had lies...

A lot of those people who invaded the capital biggest crime was believing their President...
THey preplanned this whole God Damned thing...lolol
This klown with 9 posts acts like he's had 1000.................Does sumptin seem strange. The smell of filthy Socks in the morn perhaps?
Because USMB is the only political debate site on the webz?
Meaning???.Socks are mostly always libtards that get their ballz knocked to their throats. I could care less about socks. Same ass hole different name. But this is so glaringly obvious.
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.

Why would a link be required? I'm simply pointing something out that needs to be weighed and discussed. What would "a link" add to what I said?
I the riot was preplanned for weeks. The FBI warned Pelosi. AOC was getting messages a week before. What did she do???

This was all a big lie and scam and impeachment is the only way to get the truth out.

The Dems planned this to happen. You people slaving to a shit boss and life amaze me.
Pelosi and AOC did there job....

Security of the Capital is someone else...

Do you think they should have stopped the vote because of Trump Thugs?

Trump organised a crowd to gather, promoted it, he filled them with lies and told them it was there duty to fight. They then violently attacked the Capital buildings... Trump said nothing to stop them for hours and even what he said was unclear and also had lies...

A lot of those people who invaded the capital biggest crime was believing their President...
THey preplanned this whole God Damned thing...lolol
If the dems had proof of that, even I'd be for convicting the Orange Tub
What was most damning was when Trump tweeted his support for the insurrectionists and called them “patriots.”
View attachment 455417

Notice how the President told the people to go home "in love and peace" and not to burn down the Capitol or anything else violent. That's reasonable doubt, the Senate must exonerate.
After repeated urging to do something, Trump waited four hours before making a statement

Why would the time make a difference? The protestors in the Capitol weren't listening to the radio or watching TV, there was no way for the President to communicate with them instantaneously.

They all had cellphones.

Yep, I can't find it but there's a video of the Q Shamin looking at his cell phone several hours into the riot and announcing "Trump is telling us to go home". They were following Trumpy Bear on the Twit pretty much nonstop. The chants of "hang Mike Pence" began right after this tweet.

THey preplanned this whole God Damned thing...lolol
Oath Keepers? Right wing domestic terrorists? Trump humpers? Rudy? Trump?

Sure the evidence is all around. Preplanned for weeks. Precautions KNOWINGLY NOT taking place.

It was so obvious seeing this as it was happening.
Oh, you're saying PELOSI invited the mob into sack the capital. It ALL makes sense now.
My God. They knew there was going to be trouble and made security lapse. You see. This is why I never worked for a boss my entire life. I observe reality rather than being a miserable slave to a shit job and boss. What kind of a GD life is that. So I observe reality than someones self misery.............Not saying you, but most libtards.
Trump's silence?

Democrats remained silent as foreign-funded domestic terrorists held city blocks, residents, and businesses hostage...while they looted, burned, destroyed, broke laws, assaulted, and murdered...

Joe Biden's Press Sect declared today that Joe Biden is staying silent, that he refuses to condemn call for and incitement of violence - past and present - by Democrat lawmakers, to include his own VP.

'Silence IS Violence.'
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.

Only according the Brownshirt Totalitarian Church of Wokium. You cultists believe that someone is guilty until he proves himself innocent. That is not how the system works in America.

Sod off, swampy!
like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN who pushed a narrative of Russian collusion when no actual evidence existed?
Plenty of evidence, read the mueller report.
And that is where you are wrong. I did not read the report. I listed to every hour of his testimony. The only evidence that existed was circumstantial evidence. Nothing that can be proven that anyone intentionally colluded with Russia
You want circumstantial evidence?
You go to a bank. You make a transaction.
You then go to a Porsche dealership and buy a porsche.
The bank was robbed that day. The robbers took out the cameras so there is no video evidence of you being there and not there when the robbery took place. The robber wore a mask, so no identifiable evidence as well.
So now the FBI looks at who did banking that day within an hour of the robbery.
They interview you and ask you what you did after leaving the bank.
You tell them you bought a Porsche. are now a suspect based on circumstantial evidence.

I actually pity you. You are living in a world of dreams.

Take care.
Jesus that was lame
Exactly how was it lame?

Because it doesn't fit your narrative?

Or......Just curious....

Do you feel Mueller was lame and unable to uncover definitive evidence....


Did Adam Schiff obstruct justice by not producing the evidence that he told the above referenced networks about to the Mueller team.

Should Adam Schiff be held on charges of obstruction of Justice? After all, the above referenced networks had him admit that he had concrete evidence of collusion....and then those networks spent 3 years talking about that concrete evidence.

Yet...for some reason, he never presented such concrete evidence to the Mueller team as they admit they could not find concrete evidence.

SO I guess Schiff is guilty of hiding evidence and obstructing justice?

Or was he lying? Yet the media named above pushed that lie.

You tell me.
THey preplanned this whole God Damned thing...lolol
Oath Keepers? Right wing domestic terrorists? Trump humpers? Rudy? Trump?

Sure the evidence is all around. Preplanned for weeks. Precautions KNOWINGLY NOT taking place.

It was so obvious seeing this as it was happening.
Oh, you're saying PELOSI invited the mob into sack the capital. It ALL makes sense now.
My God. They knew there was going to be trouble and made security lapse. You see. This is why I never worked for a boss my entire life. I observe reality rather than being a miserable slave to a shit job and boss. What kind of a GD life is that. So I observe reality than someones self misery.............Not saying you, but most libtards.
It's the only possible answer. You're prescient.
Only according the Brownshirt Totalitarian Church of Wokium. You cultists believe that someone is guilty until he proves himself innocent. That is not how the system works in America.

Sod off, swampy!
When a person has a positive responsibility to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic?
Yep, I can't find it but there's a video of the Q Shamin looking at his cell phone several hours into the riot and announcing "Trump is telling us to go home". They were following Trumpy Bear on the Twit pretty much nonstop. The chants of "hang Mike Pence" began right after this tweet.


Please point out exactly where in his post the President calls for anyone to storm the Capitol.

The FBI has revealed the planning for the Capito 'performance' / event took place on Twitter and facebook prior 6 Jan, that the FBI and Capitol Police KNEW there was going to be trouble - There WAS Intel indicaing probable violence and yet Democrats did not summon military troops to DC to fortify and protect the Capitol.

No, instead, they weakened the Capitol defenses, and Capitol Police aided and abedded the violent rioters.

Thank you for demonstrating that with all their false claims against the President Democrats and nsowflakes still can not substantiate any of it, posting instead Trump comments like this.
This klown with 9 posts acts like he's had 1000.................Does sumptin seem strange. The smell of filthy Socks in the morn perhaps?
Because USMB is the only political debate site on the webz?
Meaning???.Socks are mostly always libtards that get their ballz knocked to their throats. I could care less about socks. Same ass hole different name. But this is so glaringly obvious.
Why'd they do it?
Trump: Soon to be twice 100% EXONERATED.
I agree that the white (R) cowards holding seats in the Senate will once again exhibit their cowardly ways and vote to "Not convict"
No way this POS is 100% Exonerated.

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