Trump's silence for over five hours is absolute proof of culpability

The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.
If he had said anything, you dimwits would be claiming that he was egging the protestors on.
Nope. If he implored them to obey the law and stand down how could anyone have criticized him of egging anyone on?
The libs and chinese would say that he secretly did using mind control like they are for saying he sent them to break into the capital despite his speech being recorded.
You're Damn right we have his speech recorded on video, and his crowd's reaction to it!

Post where he said to go to the Capital and riot.
Why did those seditious terrorists want to kill Mike Pence?
I don't try to read the minds of leftist morons.

You're utterly deranged, dumbfuck, to think the seditious traitors who invaded the Capitol were "leftists." :cuckoo:


Dumbfuck, that's one arrest out of hundreds who are on the right.

You're flailing like a dying fish with a hook stuck in its mouth.
Ok, give me the names of those wanting to kill Mike Pence.

Until then, you don't know what their political leanings are, Moron.

Don't need to chase you down your rabbit hole. There were a million protesters there. Thousands of them breached the police barricades. Hundreds stormed the Capitol and a couple of hundred have been arrested. Out of all those, you found one who was from the left. And he wasn't captured on video chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Your refusal to answer answers for you.
Thanks for admitting you don't have the names of those wanting to kill Pence, and are therefore ignorant of their political leanings.
How do we rehabilitate 25-30 million people at once?
We don't. This can only be a process. And since these people still have their media and conspiracy sites screaming in their ear 24/7/365, it could take a long time.

Maybe enough can wake up and peel away to create some kind of momentum. I don't know.
The media and conspiracy sites need to be corralled. Deliberately lying to people while calling yourself an information source should have consequences.
It's a tough situation. Freedom of speech and the press has to remain. The problem is that the 1st Amendment assumes some level of reality, at least.

I'd rather see this done through the culture.
Those sites aren't really press.

I do agree it needs to come from "within" so to speak but can you see newsmaxx listening to much less joining an industry run ethics committee or anything like that?
It's a fuckin' mess. I started a thread with the idea of a non-governmental, self-regulatory industry agency that might consider how to enforce certain journalistic standards here:
Otherwise, I don't know. We may see these libel and slander lawsuits utilized more. This is bad.
Non governmental?

So would this "agency" had stifled the reporting on the russian collusion thing?

Should this "agency" decide what is true and what is not before the evidence comes out?

example....Hunter Biden was a conspiracy theory and media platforms decided to cut it off.

Then it was found there was something there.....

Should that have been shut down by an independent agency without proof?

I know...I know...I am aware how you operate on here....You will do your best to punch a hole into this by saying...."what did Hunter do wrong"....oe whatever.

But the bottom line is Joe Biden said his son did not make a penny off of the companies he was affiliated with...and so all media (but fox) shut it down......then? It came out he is being investigated for tax fraud on the "MONEY HE MADE'

So go ahead...ignore my point and just respond trying to show how much you know and how more intelligent you are than I am blah blah blah
That's not the reality of how the hunter biden thing went down at all.
We may see these libel and slander lawsuits utilized more
Then again that may be the way to go. Hold them accountable. Require retractions and apologies as well as monetary damages. Hold their feet to the fire.
That's probably the easiest route, but it scares me a bit. We do love to over-shoot stuff, take it too far.
This can be debated all day. The question I have is how can anyone just worship and adore any one man? Can someone explain this? Party aside how does this happen. I could never get behind anyone so fervently other than my Lord and savior. What makes this happen?
Lemme help you out a little bit...
Ya see since all the dumb hillbilly gun toting deplorables voted for trump in 2016 they been hearing about the traitor trump is working with putin. Russian collusion for years! How he is gonna start world war 3 with Iran, China, North Korea, Russia! About how he is just doing nothing for America and Americans! They are so dumb that they can't voted for the guy that is only enriching his family and himself. How he held up aid to Ukraine as a bribe and had to impeach ...

Yet you have the nuts to ask such a ridiculous question . Look at all Trump did for America and Americans compared to what Obidens did and are doing . And you stole the vote and everyone into the world knows it , yet democrats act the fool denying . . . Great work.
It's hard for anyone, not to agree with that imo.

Any President, other than president Trump, would have spoken to the crowd within the first few minutes and gotten the NG to go in and help congress critters and the VP, instead of stand down orders holding the NG back for hours....

And of course the President continued his Big Lie, before he finally told them to go home..... :(
You mean like Biden did with the DC rioters the other night? Making the accusation of inciting insurrection is like the cowboy movies when they hang the wrong man in a rush to judgement, strictly based on their total dislike for that person. What these congressional idiots are doing is a lynching, plain and simple.
Your man-made god, encouraged the capitol attack by his followers....He knew what he was doing at his rally, and the weeks prior to the insurrection seeding it. Contrary to him playing dumb, he knew exactly what he did and was continuing to do.

Playing dumb like 'who me'? Trump is transparent as hell. That's what cowards do.
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.

Why would a link be required? I'm simply pointing something out that needs to be weighed and discussed. What would "a link" add to what I said?
left wingers would have complained if he did speak out, so this is just more fanatical left wing hate
this is just another Dirty Democrat political stunt
the left's hunger for hating is insatiable
they may think that they are winning
but, the Dems have utterly destroyed their own credibility
the hate filled Dem Voter base has alienated millions of mainstream voters
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.
If he had said anything, you dimwits would be claiming that he was egging the protestors on.
Nope. If he implored them to obey the law and stand down how could anyone have criticized him of egging anyone on?
The libs and chinese would say that he secretly did using mind control like they are for saying he sent them to break into the capital despite his speech being recorded.
You're Damn right we have his speech recorded on video, and his crowd's reaction to it!

Post where he said to go to the Capital and riot.
Why did those seditious terrorists want to kill Mike Pence?
I don't try to read the minds of leftist morons.

You're utterly deranged, dumbfuck, to think the seditious traitors who invaded the Capitol were "leftists." :cuckoo:


Dumbfuck, that's one arrest out of hundreds who are on the right.

You're flailing like a dying fish with a hook stuck in its mouth.
Ok, give me the names of those wanting to kill Mike Pence.

Until then, you don't know what their political leanings are, Moron.

Don't need to chase you down your rabbit hole. There were a million protesters there. Thousands of them breached the police barricades. Hundreds stormed the Capitol and a couple of hundred have been arrested. Out of all those, you found one who was from the left. And he wasn't captured on video chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Your refusal to answer answers for you.
Thanks for admitting you don't have the names of those wanting to kill Pence, and are therefore ignorant of their political leanings.

Your fear is noted and laughed at.

As the attack was unfolding Trump attacked Pence on twitter and tweeted a clip from the Ellipse encouraging the attackers.

He didn't call for them to stand down until far later in the day...after advisers let him know he could be held liable.

And even then only half heatedly
This can be debated all day. The question I have is how can anyone just worship and adore any one man? Can someone explain this? Party aside how does this happen. I could never get behind anyone so fervently other than my Lord and savior. What makes this happen?
Lemme help you out a little bit...
Ya see since all the dumb hillbilly gun toting deplorables voted for trump in 2016 they been hearing about the traitor trump is working with putin. Russian collusion for years! How he is gonna start world war 3 with Iran, China, North Korea, Russia! About how he is just doing nothing for America and Americans! They are so dumb that they can't voted for the guy that is only enriching his family and himself. How he held up aid to Ukraine as a bribe and had to impeach ...

Yet you have the nuts to ask such a ridiculous question . Look at all Trump did for America and Americans compared to what Obidens did and are doing . And you stole the vote and everyone into the world knows it , yet democrats act the fool denying . . . Great work.

Like Trump healthcare or the Trump Wall or the Trump tariffs which Americans pay.. or Trump coal mining jobs?
We may see these libel and slander lawsuits utilized more
Then again that may be the way to go. Hold them accountable. Require retractions and apologies as well as monetary damages. Hold their feet to the fire.
That's probably the easiest route, but it scares me a bit. We do love to over-shoot stuff, take it too far.
True enough, but that's a danger no matter what we do.
like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN who pushed a narrative of Russian collusion when no actual evidence existed?
Plenty of evidence, read the mueller report.
And that is where you are wrong. I did not read the report. I listed to every hour of his testimony. The only evidence that existed was circumstantial evidence. Nothing that can be proven that anyone intentionally colluded with Russia
You want circumstantial evidence?
You go to a bank. You make a transaction.
You then go to a Porsche dealership and buy a porsche.
The bank was robbed that day. The robbers took out the cameras so there is no video evidence of you being there and not there when the robbery took place. The robber wore a mask, so no identifiable evidence as well.
So now the FBI looks at who did banking that day within an hour of the robbery.
They interview you and ask you what you did after leaving the bank.
You tell them you bought a Porsche. are now a suspect based on circumstantial evidence.

I actually pity you. You are living in a world of dreams.

Take care.
like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN who pushed a narrative of Russian collusion when no actual evidence existed?
Plenty of evidence, read the mueller report.
And that is where you are wrong. I did not read the report. I listed to every hour of his testimony. The only evidence that existed was circumstantial evidence. Nothing that can be proven that anyone intentionally colluded with Russia
You want circumstantial evidence?
You go to a bank. You make a transaction.
You then go to a Porsche dealership and buy a porsche.
The bank was robbed that day. The robbers took out the cameras so there is no video evidence of you being there and not there when the robbery took place. The robber wore a mask, so no identifiable evidence as well.
So now the FBI looks at who did banking that day within an hour of the robbery.
They interview you and ask you what you did after leaving the bank.
You tell them you bought a Porsche. are now a suspect based on circumstantial evidence.

I actually pity you. You are living in a world of dreams.

Take care.
Jesus that was lame
The most compelling evidence of both guilt and culpability is Trump's stunning silence for over five hours while the horror was unfolding. This, in itself, is the ultimate proof of complicity. Any decent human being would have been in front of a microphone in 60 seconds decrying what was being undertaken on their behalf. Not Trump.
If he had said anything, you dimwits would be claiming that he was egging the protestors on.
Nope. If he implored them to obey the law and stand down how could anyone have criticized him of egging anyone on?
The libs and chinese would say that he secretly did using mind control like they are for saying he sent them to break into the capital despite his speech being recorded.
You're Damn right we have his speech recorded on video, and his crowd's reaction to it!

Post where he said to go to the Capital and riot.
Why did those seditious terrorists want to kill Mike Pence?
I don't try to read the minds of leftist morons.

You're utterly deranged, dumbfuck, to think the seditious traitors who invaded the Capitol were "leftists." :cuckoo:


Dumbfuck, that's one arrest out of hundreds who are on the right.

You're flailing like a dying fish with a hook stuck in its mouth.
Ok, give me the names of those wanting to kill Mike Pence.

Until then, you don't know what their political leanings are, Moron.

Don't need to chase you down your rabbit hole. There were a million protesters there. Thousands of them breached the police barricades. Hundreds stormed the Capitol and a couple of hundred have been arrested. Out of all those, you found one who was from the left. And he wasn't captured on video chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Your refusal to answer answers for you.
Thanks for admitting you don't have the names of those wanting to kill Pence, and are therefore ignorant of their political leanings.

Your fear is noted and laughed at.
Fear? Um...................Ok............ :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
How do we rehabilitate 25-30 million people at once?
We don't. This can only be a process. And since these people still have their media and conspiracy sites screaming in their ear 24/7/365, it could take a long time.

Maybe enough can wake up and peel away to create some kind of momentum. I don't know.
The media and conspiracy sites need to be corralled. Deliberately lying to people while calling yourself an information source should have consequences.

Of course YOU are the only TRUE arbiter of all truth.
Good straw man.

Not really worthy of comment, though.

Translaion: " I've got nothin"
like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN who pushed a narrative of Russian collusion when no actual evidence existed?
Plenty of evidence, read the mueller report.
And that is where you are wrong. I did not read the report. I listed to every hour of his testimony. The only evidence that existed was circumstantial evidence. Nothing that can be proven that anyone intentionally colluded with Russia
You want circumstantial evidence?
You go to a bank. You make a transaction.
You then go to a Porsche dealership and buy a porsche.
The bank was robbed that day. The robbers took out the cameras so there is no video evidence of you being there and not there when the robbery took place. The robber wore a mask, so no identifiable evidence as well.
So now the FBI looks at who did banking that day within an hour of the robbery.
They interview you and ask you what you did after leaving the bank.
You tell them you bought a Porsche. are now a suspect based on circumstantial evidence.

I actually pity you. You are living in a world of dreams.

Take care.

The US has monitored communication traffic in and out of the Soviet/Russian embassies for over 70 years. The reason Trump came to the attention of the FBI was because his dumbasses kept calling the Russian Embassy.

If you did that, you would be flagged too.

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