Trumps smaller jet ..

So, vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband?

Nah, i'll go with Trump.
If Donnie cant manage the people that manage his damn jet, he can't manage the #1 power in the world .... this country!

Donnie is worth how many billions of dollars? Do you think he shops and buys, then manages the paperwork, maintenance, and the other things associated with said jet?
Are you that fucking stupid, cumstain?
You can smell the desperation.....

that's your upper lip ... to bad you cant understand the concern when something as simple as registering a plane falls on someone who wants to run the country.

So Trump should fire those responsible?

whatever he wants to do about it ... he should manage HIS people.

You've really reached a new level of desperation when this is all you got.
It's really quite pathetic in its desperation actually.

Ive reached another level of watching idiots make excuses for Trump ... very entertaining.


Now why would I make excuses for Trump when he had no hand in the registration of the aircraft?
You're not going get any traction on this issue and the fact that you keep trying only puts your desperation out there for all to see.
In other news, lefty fuckin' idiots are clamoring for murder charges to be filed against Trump after an MSNBC street reporter saw the presumptive Republican presidential candidate inadvertently crush to death an innocent sidewalk ant after one of Trump's $4500 custom-made shoes stepped on it.

A spokesperson for PETI has yet to comment on this horrible act of violence...
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Donnie could shit in the punch bowl and his base would start grabbing glasses and thank him for a wonderful party ..

Small hands, smaller jet.


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