Trump's sniveling "witch hunt" claim

The ONLY reason Mueller has the Indictments, Guilty pleas, and now 1st conviction that he DOES have now - all, again, which have NOTHING to do with why he was appointed Special Counsel and what he was tasked to investigate - is because:

1) Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians (who are supposed to be the bad guys in this story yet she went to them for help) for their help to win the WH and in turn was given an unverified report authored by the RUSSIANS

2) Obama's Director of the CIA, Director of the NIA, Director of the FBI and select Agents colluded / Conspired together to then use that report to A) deceive the FISA courts and obtain illegal warrants to spy on Trump and his team, B) author a false Intel Community Report (ICR) and Intel Community Assessment (ICA) which they deceptively presented and briefed their 'findings' to Congress as Legitimate Intel to Congress, urging them to open an investigation and appointing a Special Counsel BASED OFF OF THE RUSSIAN-AUTHORED REPORT.
--- Unintentionally or not, Obama's CIA, NIA, and FBI was in 'collusion' with the Russians in their attempt to alter the 2016 election by falsely pushing the Russian report as Legitimate Intel when they knew it NEVER was!

Once Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, it was all over. The Democrats had their 'political assassin' who was tasked to investigate Russian Interference in the 2016 election and Trump team involvement BUT WAS GIVEN THE AUTHORITY TO INVESTIGATE THESE MEN - NOT ANY SPECIFIC CRIME - NO MATTER HOW FAR BACK AND NO MATTER IF IT HAD TO DO WITH THE RUSSIANS OR NOT IN ORDER TO GET ANY CRIME THEY COULD USE TO GET TRUMP.

(Mueller's successful ploy to circumvent Attorney-Client Privilege to gain access to information he was otherwise denied was a brilliant move, BTW...unethical as hell but a brilliant move...)

The Indictments, pleas, and now conviction - as stated - are all a result for deceptively / treasonously getting a Special Counsel under the guise of investigating Russian involvement but given the authority to investigate these men to find a crime - any crime - that could be used to get to Trump.

Not a one of the Indictments, pleas, or convictions have anything to do with Why Mueller was appointed Special Counsel and have nothing to so non-existent Illegal collusion between Trump and his team in the 2016 election - there was none.
Snowflakes like to keep throwing out the number of people Mueller has indicted, how many have pled guilty of crimes, and, now, how many have been if was some type of measure of 'SUCCESS' for Mueller's Special Counsel.

It's NOT...NONE of it is.

What was Mueller OFFICIALLY appointed as Special Counsel and tasked to do?
Investigate Russian Interference that effected the 2016 Election and potential illegal collusion between Donald Trump and his team and Russia.

What has been the results of his investigation as it pertains to the reason he was appointed Special Counsel and tasked to do?

After 2+ years Mueller and his hand-picked 'political assassination team' has found"
- ZERO Evidence of an Illegal Trump-Russian Collusion Crime ever happening, certainly not one that warranted an investigation and one that definitely did NOT warrant a Special Counsel being appointed.

- ZERO evidence showing President Trump or anyone on his team illegally colluded with the Russians to effect the 2016 election.

- The Indictment of 2 different groups of Russians
--- The 1st Group had had their right to a speedy trial trampled by Special Counsel Mueller who has continued to delay their trial (while he wastes tax dollars and time prosecuting crimes not related to investigation, which he should have handed over to the DOJ for prosecution while he returned to investigating what he was appointed to investigate)

--- The 2nd group, CONVENIENTLY, are members of THE Russian spy agency (who, interestingly enough, Fat Tony Podesta - the brother of Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta - worked for as an unregistered foreign agent....but who was given IMMUNITY for the same crime Mueller says he will charge Manafort with next). IMO, Rosenstein indicted these guys because he knows there is no way in hell they will ever be turned over to the US, will NEVER get to tell a different story than the ones he and Mueller will tell, will never see the inside of a courtroom, will never be tried.....they are the perfect 'fall guys'. It's like blaming someone who isn't in the room to defend themselves for something.


What were you originally looking for before you caught bill lying about a bj?

We all know trump collided with Russia. It’s like we knew Capone was a murderer but we got him on tax evasion.

Did a con mod slow me up? I must have hit a nerve
What were you originally looking for before you caught bill lying about a bj?
You still trying to push that debunked lie that Slick Willey was Impeached because of his affair in the WH?


You snowflakes will stick to that lie until the day that you die. Bill Clinton was NOT Impeached having an affair with Monica Lewinsky, as even you are smart enough to know having an affair is not a crime and does not meet the standards of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' which is required for Impeachment. Of course, you would know that it you had ever read the Articles of Impeachment against Bill Clinton.

There were two (2) articles of Impeachment against President Clinton:
1) Lying under oath to a federal grand jury a
2) Obstructing justice

"In late July, lawyers for Lewinsky and Starr worked out a full-immunity agreement covering both Lewinsky and her parents, all of whom Starr had threatened with prosecution. On August 6, Lewinsky appeared before the grand jury to begin her testimony, and on August 17 President Clinton testified. Contrary to his testimony in the Paula Jones sexual-harassment case, President Clinton acknowledged to prosecutors from the office of the independent counsel that he had had an extramarital affair with Ms. Lewinsky.

In four hours of closed-door testimony, conducted in the Map Room of the White House, Clinton spoke live via closed-circuit television to a grand jury in a nearby federal courthouse. He was the first sitting president ever to testify before a grand jury investigating his conduct. That evening, President Clinton also gave a four-minute televised address to the nation in which he admitted he had engaged in an inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky. In the brief speech, which was wrought with legalisms, the word “sex” was never spoken, and the word “regret” was used only in reference to his admission that he misled the public and his family"

The fact that he had an affair was not a / the crime. Bill Clinton committed Perjury and Obstructed Justice, which ARE crimes.

WHY do snowflakes (and Liberals) have to constantly lie ALL the time? Why can't they admit their beloved party leaders / politicians commit crimes? To believe any snowflake on this board or progressive Democratic Socialist Party members across this nation, NO Democrat has EVER committed perjury ,has never committed Obstruction, has never committed ANY CRIME an ANY point in this nation's history.... :p

You are no exception, attempting to claim Clinton was Impeached over an affair.

If the career-long sexual deviant sexual harasser / sexual assaulter / rapist had been honest (no one made him lie under oath) and had just admitted that he 'had let his family and wife down) from the very start he would have never broken a law and would never have been Impeached.

After years of trying to take Bush down Democrats celebrated sending Scooter Libby to jail for mis-remembering some dates.....Clinton intentionally lied under oath and Obstructed Justice. As they say, it is more often the cover-up than the suspected crime.

Stop blaming the GOP and Conservatives for your precious life-time sexual deviant not being able to keep it in his pants and for not being able to tell the truth under oath.

President Clinton impeached - Dec 19, 1998 -
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Try again

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

No he hasn't, dumbass, because the thing Cohen accused him of isn't a crime. You morons seem to believe that because he plead guilty to it, that proves it's true and that it's a crime. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

Nothing has been proven, dumbass. You only proved that you're a congenital moron. Cohen's plea established absolutely nothing aside from the fact that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison.

What COHEN did was criminal, if he used campaign funds, which apparently he did, since he pleaded guilty to it. Trump asking him to handle the women and their claims was not criminal.

Oh look...a troll I don't even bother to read put a laughing face on my post because it isn't even smart enough to try to refute my point. I hate when they get that stuff on my shoe.
Bill Clinton got in trouble and impeached because he tried to cover up his affairs and lied about them. If a blow job in the Oval Office had not been exposed the girl who sued him for attempting to get a blow job in a hotel room would never have had a case.
Bill Clinton got in trouble and impeached because he tried to cover up his affairs and lied about them under oath. If a blow job in the Oval Office had not been exposed the girl who sued him for attempting to get a blow job in a hotel room would never have had a case.

I fixed your post to make it more accurate. And, I would point out that if HIS Attorney General, Janet Reno, hadn't instructed Ken Starr to investigate the allegation, there never would have been an impeachment.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Crimes are crimes just like truth is truth- unless you living in 1984

Process crimes are crimes of which there were many

Breaking campaign finance laws is not a process crime.

Bank Fraud is not a process crime, it is a crime

Any questions?
What were you originally looking for before you caught bill lying about a bj?
You still trying to push that debunked lie that Slick Willey was Impeached because of his affair in the WH?


You snowflakes will stick to that lie until the day that you die. Bill Clinton was NOT Impeached having an affair with Monica Lewinsky, as even you are smart enough to know having an affair is not a crime and does not meet the standards of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' which is required for Impeachment. Of course, you would know that it you had ever read the Articles of Impeachment against Bill Clinton.

There were two (2) articles of Impeachment against President Clinton:
1) Lying under oath to a federal grand jury a
2) Obstructing justice

"In late July, lawyers for Lewinsky and Starr worked out a full-immunity agreement covering both Lewinsky and her parents, all of whom Starr had threatened with prosecution. On August 6, Lewinsky appeared before the grand jury to begin her testimony, and on August 17 President Clinton testified. Contrary to his testimony in the Paula Jones sexual-harassment case, President Clinton acknowledged to prosecutors from the office of the independent counsel that he had had an extramarital affair with Ms. Lewinsky.

In four hours of closed-door testimony, conducted in the Map Room of the White House, Clinton spoke live via closed-circuit television to a grand jury in a nearby federal courthouse. He was the first sitting president ever to testify before a grand jury investigating his conduct. That evening, President Clinton also gave a four-minute televised address to the nation in which he admitted he had engaged in an inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky. In the brief speech, which was wrought with legalisms, the word “sex” was never spoken, and the word “regret” was used only in reference to his admission that he misled the public and his family"

The fact that he had an affair was not a / the crime. Bill Clinton committed Perjury and Obstructed Justice, which ARE crimes.

WHY do snowflakes (and Liberals) have to constantly lie ALL the time? Why can't they admit their beloved party leaders / politicians commit crimes? To believe any snowflake on this board or progressive Democratic Socialist Party members across this nation, NO Democrat has EVER committed perjury ,has never committed Obstruction, has never committed ANY CRIME an ANY point in this nation's history.... :p

You are no exception, attempting to claim Clinton was Impeached over an affair.

If the career-long sexual deviant sexual harasser / sexual assaulter / rapist had been honest (no one made him lie under oath) and had just admitted that he 'had let his family and wife down) from the very start he would have never broken a law and would never have been Impeached.

After years of trying to take Bush down Democrats celebrated sending Scooter Libby to jail for mis-remembering some dates.....Clinton intentionally lied under oath and Obstructed Justice. As they say, it is more often the cover-up than the suspected crime.

Stop blaming the GOP and Conservatives for your precious life-time sexual deviant not being able to keep it in his pants and for not being able to tell the truth under oath.

President Clinton impeached - Dec 19, 1998 -
I understand all that. I know why Clinton was impeached. A witch hunt bitch!

All the republicans going after him had their own whores.

Here’s two things you won’t admit. Bush squandered clintons surplus and lied us into iraq
After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him
19 people put under the microscope and still nothing on Trump.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Try again

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

No he hasn't, dumbass, because the thing Cohen accused him of isn't a crime. You morons seem to believe that because he plead guilty to it, that proves it's true and that it's a crime. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

Nothing has been proven, dumbass. You only proved that you're a congenital moron. Cohen's plea established absolutely nothing aside from the fact that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison.

What COHEN did was criminal, if he used campaign funds, which apparently he did, since he pleaded guilty to it. Trump asking him to handle the women and their claims was not criminal.
He obviously didn't use campaign funds, you fucking moron. He never had access to any.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Crimes are crimes just like truth is truth- unless you living in 1984

Process crimes are crimes of which there were many

Breaking campaign finance laws is not a process crime.

Bank Fraud is not a process crime, it is a crime

Any questions?
Trump didn't break any campaign finance laws. That claim is purely for idiots to swallow.
How the whore is a campaign issue is beyond fact. It does match well with addled feelings that the public should have been able to know and then assuredly Hillary would have won.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Try again

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

No he hasn't, dumbass, because the thing Cohen accused him of isn't a crime. You morons seem to believe that because he plead guilty to it, that proves it's true and that it's a crime. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

Nothing has been proven, dumbass. You only proved that you're a congenital moron. Cohen's plea established absolutely nothing aside from the fact that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison.

What COHEN did was criminal, if he used campaign funds, which apparently he did, since he pleaded guilty to it. Trump asking him to handle the women and their claims was not criminal.
He obviously didn't use campaign funds, you fucking moron. He never had access to any.
We all know trumps guilty of this and god knows what business deals he’s making as potus.

Today I sold $50k in accessories to the government. Army, navy, .. the guy buying says government contracts are booming. This means more sales for private companies like mine. I’m not complaining personally but government military spending is up? Republicans stimulating the economy through the military industrial complex
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Try again

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

No he hasn't, dumbass, because the thing Cohen accused him of isn't a crime. You morons seem to believe that because he plead guilty to it, that proves it's true and that it's a crime. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

Nothing has been proven, dumbass. You only proved that you're a congenital moron. Cohen's plea established absolutely nothing aside from the fact that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison.

What COHEN did was criminal, if he used campaign funds, which apparently he did, since he pleaded guilty to it. Trump asking him to handle the women and their claims was not criminal.
He obviously didn't use campaign funds, you fucking moron. He never had access to any.
We all know trumps guilty of this and god knows what business deals he’s making as potus.

Today I sold $50k in accessories to the government. Army, navy, .. the guy buying says government contracts are booming. This means more sales for private companies like mine. I’m not complaining personally but government military spending is up? Republicans stimulating the economy through the military industrial complex
Yeah, we all know Trump is guilty of something that isn't a crime.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Crimes are crimes just like truth is truth- unless you living in 1984

Process crimes are crimes of which there were many

Breaking campaign finance laws is not a process crime.

Bank Fraud is not a process crime, it is a crime

Any questions?
Trump didn't break any campaign finance laws. That claim is purely for idiots to swallow.
Campaign finance laws are complicated and ever changing.
People break them all the time. Obama knowingly broke them..and willingly paid one of the largest fines ever as a result.

It's still a big fucking nothing burger.

But it keeps leftists distracted while Trump gets shit done.
Try again

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

No he hasn't, dumbass, because the thing Cohen accused him of isn't a crime. You morons seem to believe that because he plead guilty to it, that proves it's true and that it's a crime. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

Nothing has been proven, dumbass. You only proved that you're a congenital moron. Cohen's plea established absolutely nothing aside from the fact that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison.

What COHEN did was criminal, if he used campaign funds, which apparently he did, since he pleaded guilty to it. Trump asking him to handle the women and their claims was not criminal.
He obviously didn't use campaign funds, you fucking moron. He never had access to any.
We all know trumps guilty of this and god knows what business deals he’s making as potus.

Today I sold $50k in accessories to the government. Army, navy, .. the guy buying says government contracts are booming. This means more sales for private companies like mine. I’m not complaining personally but government military spending is up? Republicans stimulating the economy through the military industrial complex
Yeah, we all know Trump is guilty of something that isn't a crime.
He’s not supposed to be running his business is he?

Sending a thug to threaten Stormy Daniels baby is illegal.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
What's a process crime?
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Try again

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

Trump is now, formally, implicated in a criminal conspiracy to mislead the American public in order to influence an election. Were he not President, Donald Trump himself would almost certainly be facing charges. This news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

No he hasn't, dumbass, because the thing Cohen accused him of isn't a crime. You morons seem to believe that because he plead guilty to it, that proves it's true and that it's a crime. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump.

The question can no longer be whether the President and those closest to him broke the law. That is settled. Three of the people closest to Trump as he ran for and won the Presidency have now pleaded guilty or have been convicted of significant federal crimes: Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. The question now becomes far narrower and, for Trump, more troubling: What is the political impact of a President’s criminal liability being established in a federal court? How will Congress respond? And if Congress does not act, how will voters respond in the midterm elections?

Nothing has been proven, dumbass. You only proved that you're a congenital moron. Cohen's plea established absolutely nothing aside from the fact that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison.

What COHEN did was criminal, if he used campaign funds, which apparently he did, since he pleaded guilty to it. Trump asking him to handle the women and their claims was not criminal.
He obviously didn't use campaign funds, you fucking moron. He never had access to any.
He didn't have to use campaign funds. "Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election" is a campaign contribution.
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
Crimes are crimes just like truth is truth- unless you living in 1984

Process crimes are crimes of which there were many

Breaking campaign finance laws is not a process crime.

Bank Fraud is not a process crime, it is a crime

Any questions?
Trump didn't break any campaign finance laws. That claim is purely for idiots to swallow.
Campaign finance laws are complicated and ever changing.
People break them all the time. Obama knowingly broke them..and willingly paid one of the largest fines ever as a result.

It's still a big fucking nothing burger.

But it keeps leftists distracted while Trump gets shit done.
True. He is getting shit done. EPA, education, energy, Corporate America. But the middle class gets left behind. The gap between rich and poor bla bla.

Hey, I’m not one of them. If they aren’t smart enough to show up and vote democratic then do what you’re gonna do

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