Trumps Strategy on unindicted Crooked Hillary

Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran… We would be Able to Totally Obliterate Them.”

Okay…now be a good little girl and tell us the context of the statement….try to muster some honesty.

Context. LOL

Q. How can you tell a Dem is spinning?
A. They ask for context

Q. How can you tell Frank is desperate?
A. He always is.
What happens to women as they attain, how shall we put it..., a certain age is not pretty, but you should accept it as a fact of life and move on. Bright-blue pantsuits are not going to help nor make your ass look any smaller.

Can you keep up that sort of juvenile rhetoric until the election? I hope so.

You already have that ability.
Me? Don't think I'll waste my time commenting on your lack of intelligence.

Well, that’s because you’re too busy exhibiting yours.


I'm not the one who took his comment literally and appears to believe it.

Guess word play isn't your forte.

Ah well. You can't cure stupid.

As you are living proof that there is no cure.

He says he want to date his daughter…it’s creepy for any father to think that. To say so repeatedly on video tape…ewww.
Context. LOL

Q. How can you tell a Dem is spinning?
A. They ask for context

Q. How can you tell Frank is desperate?
A. He always is.
What happens to women as they attain, how shall we put it..., a certain age is not pretty, but you should accept it as a fact of life and move on. Bright-blue pantsuits are not going to help nor make your ass look any smaller.

Can you keep up that sort of juvenile rhetoric until the election? I hope so.
I'm pretty sure Trump has given up on the menopausal white-dingbat vote.

Probably has to do with the contrast of the Beast and his wife.

And the daughter he has said in public he wants to nail.

LIE. Why do liberals always resort to lies? Is Hillary now your goddess?
He said if she wasn't his daughter, he would take her out.

Gross…wanting to screw your own child????
Not everybody is as easy as yourself, and put out on the first date. He said if she WASN'T his daughter.

She's just being a smart ass. She knows perfectly well what he meant.

Gotta tell ya she sounds more and more like Shittingbull every day. LOL

He wants to nail his daughter. The rumor is that she was offered the campaign manager job. But that usually means that you’ll have to speak first and announce your candidate. She turned it down. When asked why; it was because she wouldn’t turn her back on her creepy old man.

Can’t blame her.


Another lie. Keep trying! You might outdo Hillary in a few more centuries.
Q. How can you tell Frank is desperate?
A. He always is.
What happens to women as they attain, how shall we put it..., a certain age is not pretty, but you should accept it as a fact of life and move on. Bright-blue pantsuits are not going to help nor make your ass look any smaller.

Can you keep up that sort of juvenile rhetoric until the election? I hope so.
I'm pretty sure Trump has given up on the menopausal white-dingbat vote.

Probably has to do with the contrast of the Beast and his wife.

And the daughter he has said in public he wants to nail.

LIE. Why do liberals always resort to lies? Is Hillary now your goddess?
I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her. - Donald Trump

Direct quote.
Me? Don't think I'll waste my time commenting on your lack of intelligence.

Well, that’s because you’re too busy exhibiting yours.


I'm not the one who took his comment literally and appears to believe it.

Guess word play isn't your forte.

Ah well. You can't cure stupid.

As you are living proof that there is no cure.

He says he want to date his daughter…it’s creepy for any father to think that. To say so repeatedly on video tape…ewww.

That is not what you claimed in this very thread. Were you lying then or lying now?
Me? Don't think I'll waste my time commenting on your lack of intelligence.

Well, that’s because you’re too busy exhibiting yours.


I'm not the one who took his comment literally and appears to believe it.

Guess word play isn't your forte.

Ah well. You can't cure stupid.

As you are living proof that there is no cure.

He says he want to date his daughter…it’s creepy for any father to think that. To say so repeatedly on video tape…ewww.

No. He said if she wasn't his daughter he would like to date her. Big difference.

He complimented his daughter on her looks but of course all you see is a dirty old man. Your mind is in the gutter as usual.

You can't cure stupid.
Trump when asked what Tiffany has of his and what she has of his mother:: "She's got Marla's legs. We don't know whether or not she's got this part yet, but time will tell."


Trump is a full on creep.

I would never talk about my own daughter that way, much less REPEATEDLY.

What kind of sick fuck talks about his newborn daughter's legs sexually? What kind of creep postulates on national television about what kind of tits she's going to have?

The man is seriously twisted.

Most people, when asked "What does she have of yours, and what does she have of your wife?" respond like this:

"She has my eyes, and she has her mother's chin."

That's what a normal person sounds like.

Normal people NEVER say, "She got some hot legs and maybe her mother's tits some day."

Only some kind of really sick fuck would say a thing like that.
Speaking of Trump strategy, I think it's time to reconsider the possibility that Trump has been a Trojan Horse all along. Amazing timing that he comes out praising Saddam Hussein's regime less than 24 hours after the Clinton news. It's almost like he's trying to distract us.

He didn't praise Saddam. Stop lying Hillary Corn.

You should read the news, because you're dead wrong.
Wasn't CrusaderFrank the one that was 100% convince Hillary Clinton wouldn't be the Democratic Nominee?
I mean, seriously. How can you not break out in a huge belly laugh when you hear Trump say Saddam Hussein killed terrorists and "He did that so good"? :lol:

Someone that deluded belongs in a psych ward.
He needs to release his tax returns, learn a thing or two (or 8,000) about policies and what they mean, apologize to everyone for being an ass (especially Republican voters) and perhaps people will take him seriously instead of the laughing stock he is.

Be honest, The GOP could run Jesus Christ himself and you and your fellow loons would attack him relentlessly as if he were Satan.

Meanwhile the Dem candidate can do whatever s/he pleases.....

Well, if someone were to run claiming to be Jesus Christ, I certainly would be inclined to point out that Revelation warns against a false prophet coming and deceiving the people as he rises to power.
He needs to release his tax returns, learn a thing or two (or 8,000) about policies and what they mean, apologize to everyone for being an ass (especially Republican voters) and perhaps people will take him seriously instead of the laughing stock he is.
Lol, Hillary cannot follow policies. You do realize any criticism you give Trump, Hillary has done worse?

Did she make fun of a person with a physical handicap?

He was a reporter that was criticizing him. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. But I do remember Obama making fun of special Olympic kids.


So if a reporter is critical of you, you make fun of a birth defect the guy has???

And you wonder why you guys are in a death spiral???
See you don't care that Obama made fun of CHILDREN'S DISABILITIES. But a grown man? Yes you do, partisan hack.

Actually Zippy, he was making fun of himself by comparing his performance to them. It was wrong and he apologized. Donnie Dangerously singled out a reporter and mocked him personally. Did he ever apologize?

A Special Apology From Obama After Gaffe
Trump needs to follow the RNC leads on how to attack HRC.

Its comments were balanced, to the point, and damning. A logical individual will listen to that.

The 70% of America right now that despises Trump merely sees him acting maniacally and do not listen to him.

Is that what they're telling you to say over at Stat's Media Matters Internet Outreach and Agitprop Center?

This is what I am saying here to those who have ears to hear.

I am right on this: follow the RNC and get Donald to quiet down by 100% with the stupid stuff.

RNC who gave us: Juan McCain? Romney? Boenher? McConnell? Ryan?

Um, no thanks
Who will lose by 15% with Trump to HRC? That's insanity, especially when Kasich always polled 8 to 12% better than HRC. Those numbers mean the crazies on our far right have power in excess of their numbers.

Is that the talk around the Media Matters water cooler?
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!

No doubt you'd like that because you think that the fascist biogot can beat Bernie easier.

She has a 12 point lead over the Donald. You should probably get over it. Everyone except for the radical right is.
Wasn't CrusaderFrank the one that was 100% convince Hillary Clinton wouldn't be the Democratic Nominee?

There's still time. If Bernie finds his nuts and announces a Third Party run, Dems will toss unindicted Crooked Hillary under the bus and go with Biden/Sanders

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