Trumps Strategy on unindicted Crooked Hillary

Trump needs to follow the RNC leads on how to attack HRC.

Its comments were balanced, to the point, and damning. A logical individual will listen to that.

The 70% of America right now that despises Trump merely sees him acting maniacally and do not listen to him.

Where do you keep gettting 70 percent figure? Obviously out your ass. The polls have Mrs. Tuzla leading at best by single digits. No where near 70/30.

AP FACT CHECK: Clinton email claims collapse under FBI probe
The overall unpopularity lead is all Donald's and no one else. He must follow the RNC lead if he wants to lead.

She would have been forced out yesterday if an indictment was coming down, and Joe Biden would have stepped in and beaten Trump's brains out. The debates would have been ludicrously weighted for Joe.

I will now vote for Trump if he can show that he can accept solid RNC guidance, because it shows he has finally realized that the cannot do this by himself and with this silly ass way.

Jake , what you say is true. However it is also true that people like Ryan need to shut up once in awhile too, they are not helping Trump at all by making a pubic statement every time they disagree with him. Notice the Dems don't behave that way. Once a candidate is the presumed nominee all internal criticism stops. It makes Trump look weak within his own party, AND it's poor leadership. Praise in public, criticize in private. That is the way to lead Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan is a dumbass. I figured that out last night when he allowed Meghan Kelly to bait him into calling Trumps Hillary tweet racist ..even after he admitted he never even saw it.

He needs to go away.
Trump's strategy will be to attack "the Mexican judge" in San Diego on the Trump University lawsuit a second time.

Hopefully he deports the Mexican Judge on the first boat out along with all the Starkeys
It's odd that the Clinton's were trying to link Trump with Lolita Sex Slave Island Epstein given that Bill racked up about 1,000,000 frequent flyer miles to the Island. So besides the 16 years old sex slaves, what else is on the island, palm trees, coconuts? Why did Bill take 30+ trips there?
I will bet that if the truth were known the left wing really hates Mrs. Tuzla. But that is what they got and they have to go with it.

Kinda like the right wing ...

Yep, two very flawed candidates. But I am going with the anti-establishment candidate. Mrs. Tuzla getting an out of jail pass by the FBI shows me she is the establishment.
See, if they attack Israel, we will defend Israel. Wasn't that hard to tell the truth was it? Essentially the same strategy that has been in place for decades

So? She is a globalist and will use any provacation to take out one of the remaining countries in the ME. Don't take my word for it take HER'S. " “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

Will attack in 10 years, what's that all about?

No one lies but you and the left. She said what I said she said. Like I also said no matter the context you would defend the war hawk Clinton. Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Libya, Syria there isn't a war that Clinton didn't support the globalist side.

Lie all you want.
It's odd that the Clinton's were trying to link Trump with Lolita Sex Slave Island Epstein given that Bill racked up about 1,000,000 frequent flyer miles to the Island. So besides the 16 years old sex slaves, what else is on the island, palm trees, coconuts? Why did Bill take 30+ trips there?

maybe it is a globalist training center.

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