Trumps Strategy on unindicted Crooked Hillary

Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!

No doubt you'd like that because you think that the fascist Bogor can beat Bernie easier.

She has a 12 point lead over the Donald. You should probably get over it. Everyone except for the radical right is.

I'm beginning to think you're fucking retarded. Obama has actually used both the IRS and NSA against citizens and reporters and you sit there and bleat about "Fascism"
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!

No doubt you'd like that because you think that the fascist Bogor can beat Bernie easier.

She has a 12 point lead over the Donald. You should probably get over it. Everyone except for the radical right is.

I'm beginning to think you're fucking retarded. Obama has actually used both the IRS and NSA against citizens and reporters and you sit there and bleat about "Fascism"

frank, my friend. you can laugh all you want.

and the president hasn't;. but you really need to calm down. because I'm starting to think you've lost it. *shrug*
candycorn makes fjo and claudette look like Minny Mouses in comparison to her intelligence.

You little mice minds are not helping Donald.
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!

No doubt you'd like that because you think that the fascist Bogor can beat Bernie easier.

She has a 12 point lead over the Donald. You should probably get over it. Everyone except for the radical right is.

I'm beginning to think you're fucking retarded. Obama has actually used both the IRS and NSA against citizens and reporters and you sit there and bleat about "Fascism"

frank, my friend. you can laugh all you want.

and the president hasn't;. but you really need to calm down. because I'm starting to think you've lost it. *shrug*

Of course he's done BOTH of those things Jillian. Why you think authoritarians only exist on the right is beyond me. Left or right it doesn't matter, an authoritarian WILL use the power of the government to crush those who oppose them.

Obama is an EXTREME authoritarian.
Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran… We would be Able to Totally Obliterate Them.”

Okay…now be a good little girl and tell us the context of the statement….try to muster some honesty.

it speaks for itself, now you tell us what context you wish to distort it.

Come on…tell us the context little girl. You can tell the truth…can’t you?

Read it for yourself, I am not going to guess what context you want so you will shut up. Just do us all a favor and shut up.

And calling people girls as an insult sure shows your misogynist ways. Or is it girls you don't like?
CandyCorn would eat Hillary's asshole given the opportunity. I've never seen anything like it.

The sad part is that Hillary doesn't give one flying fuck about Candy, but Candy just isn't smart enough to see it.
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!

No doubt you'd like that because you think that the fascist Bogor can beat Bernie easier.

She has a 12 point lead over the Donald. You should probably get over it. Everyone except for the radical right is.

I'm beginning to think you're fucking retarded. Obama has actually used both the IRS and NSA against citizens and reporters and you sit there and bleat about "Fascism"

frank, my friend. you can laugh all you want.

and the president hasn't;. but you really need to calm down. because I'm starting to think you've lost it. *shrug*

You ignoring it doesn't make Obama's misdeeds magically disappear. I was hopeful you had some degree of sincerity -- still am
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!
Trump will obviously come out blasting Hillary's amoral corruption all the way to Election Day, that's a given. She is one of the Two Americas as set forth by John "who's yer Daddy?" Edwards in 2004; she's the Elites, the rulers. We're officially a Banana Republic and will have to deal with the fall out, but that's later

Trump needs to tell Bernie Voters, if you can't vote for me, then you must write in Bernie, don't give the Dem Vote manufacturing Machine a chance to cast your vote for her!

Get you lazy ass to the poll, grab a fucking pencil and write in Bernie!

No doubt you'd like that because you think that the fascist Bogor can beat Bernie easier.

She has a 12 point lead over the Donald. You should probably get over it. Everyone except for the radical right is.

I'm beginning to think you're fucking retarded. Obama has actually used both the IRS and NSA against citizens and reporters and you sit there and bleat about "Fascism"

frank, my friend. you can laugh all you want.

and the president hasn't;. but you really need to calm down. because I'm starting to think you've lost it. *shrug*

You ignoring it doesn't make Obama's misdeeds magically disappear. I was hopeful you had some degree of sincerity -- still am

Frank proves to be a little bit pollyannaish.
Btw, did you guys hear Trump yesterday at his Klan rally?

He sounded absolutely unhinged. His shrill, man baby voice seemed to be about an octave higher. Sounded like Hilary was sitting behind his podium slowly pulling his ball sack every time he spoke about her. Hilarious! I can't wait to hear what the sound collages of that speech sound like on youtube....people are going to have a field day with it.
Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran… We would be Able to Totally Obliterate Them.”

Okay…now be a good little girl and tell us the context of the statement….try to muster some honesty.

it speaks for itself, now you tell us what context you wish to distort it.

Come on…tell us the context little girl. You can tell the truth…can’t you?

Read it for yourself, I am not going to guess what context you want so you will shut up. Just do us all a favor and shut up.

And calling people girls as an insult sure shows your misogynist ways. Or is it girls you don't like?

C’mon little girl…what was the context in which she said that. Try to muster some honesty for possibly the first time ever…
Its funny that you’re so intellectually dishonest that you can’t tell us why she would invade IRAN…she says so now perhaps you can spit it out Sheila.
Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran… We would be Able to Totally Obliterate Them.”

Okay…now be a good little girl and tell us the context of the statement….try to muster some honesty.

it speaks for itself, now you tell us what context you wish to distort it.

Come on…tell us the context little girl. You can tell the truth…can’t you?

Read it for yourself, I am not going to guess what context you want so you will shut up. Just do us all a favor and shut up.

And calling people girls as an insult sure shows your misogynist ways. Or is it girls you don't like?

C’mon little girl…what was the context in which she said that. Try to muster some honesty for possibly the first time ever…
Its funny that you’re so intellectually dishonest that you can’t tell us why she would invade IRAN…she says so now perhaps you can spit it out Sheila.

Here is her quote.

She backs “massive retaliation” if Iran attacks Israel, saying at the time: “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

READ MORE: Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran”

Just like her hawkish vote for Iraq she is ready to attack Iran.

Just like her support for bombing Serbia.

Just like her support for the war in Afghanistan.

There is no war that Mrs. Tuzla has not supported. As an old woman of no real accomplishments, she couldn't even pass the DC bar exam. She will try and prove how tough she is. You ready to invade yet another country?
thats why HRC wins easily. You guys nominated a lightweight loser.
His ass may be half the size of the Beast's, but lightweight?!

Ahh, another joke about Secretary Clinton’s appearance….I guess when that is the entire strategy of the Drumpf Campaign…you run that play over and over until it’s effective (hint, it stopped being effective when he only got 7 out of 10 votes uncontested in CA).

She wears 12K outfits and makes them look like off the rack at KMart. She'll do the same as president.
Kind of like her hair that always looks like she got the 4.99 special at Super Cuts.

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