Trumps Strategy on unindicted Crooked Hillary

He said if she wasn't his daughter, he would take her out.

Gross…wanting to screw your own child????
Not everybody is as easy as yourself, and put out on the first date. He said if she WASN'T his daughter.

She's just being a smart ass. She knows perfectly well what he meant.

Gotta tell ya she sounds more and more like Shittingbull every day. LOL

He wants to nail his daughter. The rumor is that she was offered the campaign manager job. But that usually means that you’ll have to speak first and announce your candidate. She turned it down. When asked why; it was because she wouldn’t turn her back on her creepy old man.

Can’t blame her.

Trump needs to follow the RNC leads on how to attack HRC.

Its comments were balanced, to the point, and damning. A logical individual will listen to that.

The 70% of America right now that despises Trump merely sees him acting maniacally and do not listen to him.

Is that what they're telling you to say over at Stat's Media Matters Internet Outreach and Agitprop Center?

This is what I am saying here to those who have ears to hear.

I am right on this: follow the RNC and get Donald to quiet down by 100% with the stupid stuff.

RNC who gave us: Juan McCain? Romney? Boenher? McConnell? Ryan?

Um, no thanks
Who will lose by 15% with Trump to HRC? That's insanity, especially when Kasich always polled 8 to 12% better than HRC. Those numbers mean the crazies on our far right have power in excess of their numbers.
Maybe Hillary should just go with Brown to get Ohio. Then she wins if she takes any of the three states FLA, VA or NC.

It would be exceedingly hard to get another dem senator from Oh though. And put Bill back in his box for god's sake. LOL
He said if she wasn't his daughter, he would take her out.

Gross…wanting to screw your own child????
Not everybody is as easy as yourself, and put out on the first date. He said if she WASN'T his daughter.

She's just being a smart ass. She knows perfectly well what he meant.

Gotta tell ya she sounds more and more like Shittingbull every day. LOL

He wants to nail his daughter. The rumor is that she was offered the campaign manager job. But that usually means that you’ll have to speak first and announce your candidate. She turned it down. When asked why; it was because she wouldn’t turn her back on her creepy old man.

Can’t blame her.


If you want to believe that then by all means do so.

Me? Don't think I'll waste my time commenting on your lack of intelligence.
He needs to release his tax returns, learn a thing or two (or 8,000) about policies and what they mean, apologize to everyone for being an ass (especially Republican voters) and perhaps people will take him seriously instead of the laughing stock he is.

Be honest, The GOP could run Jesus Christ himself and you and your fellow loons would attack him relentlessly as if he were Satan.

Meanwhile the Dem candidate can do whatever s/he pleases.....
thats why HRC wins easily. You guys nominated a lightweight loser.
His ass may be half the size of the Beast's, but lightweight?!

Ahh, another joke about Secretary Clinton’s appearance….I guess when that is the entire strategy of the Drumpf Campaign…you run that play over and over until it’s effective (hint, it stopped being effective when he only got 7 out of 10 votes uncontested in CA).

Trump has never said anything about Hillary's appearance. Stop telling that lie.
Speaking of Trump strategy, I think it's time to reconsider the possibility that Trump has been a Trojan Horse all along. Amazing timing that he comes out praising Saddam Hussein's regime less than 24 hours after the Clinton news. It's almost like he's trying to distract us.

He didn't praise Saddam. Stop lying Hillary Corn.
Trump needs to follow the RNC leads on how to attack HRC.

Its comments were balanced, to the point, and damning. A logical individual will listen to that.

The 70% of America right now that despises Trump merely sees him acting maniacally and do not listen to him.

Where do you keep gettting 70 percent figure? Obviously out your ass. The polls have Mrs. Tuzla leading at best by single digits. No where near 70/30.

AP FACT CHECK: Clinton email claims collapse under FBI probe
The overall unpopularity lead is all Donald's and no one else. He must follow the RNC lead if he wants to lead.

She would have been forced out yesterday if an indictment was coming down, and Joe Biden would have stepped in and beaten Trump's brains out. The debates would have been ludicrously weighted for Joe.

I will now vote for Trump if he can show that he can accept solid RNC guidance, because it shows he has finally realized that the cannot do this by himself and with this silly ass way.

Jake , what you say is true. However it is also true that people like Ryan need to shut up once in awhile too, they are not helping Trump at all by making a pubic statement every time they disagree with him. Notice the Dems don't behave that way. Once a candidate is the presumed nominee all internal criticism stops. It makes Trump look weak within his own party, AND it's poor leadership. Praise in public, criticize in private. That is the way to lead Paul Ryan.
I will bet that if the truth were known the left wing really hates Mrs. Tuzla. But that is what they got and they have to go with it.

I’m proudly voting for Secretary Clinton, have no idea what you mean by Tulsa, and am looking forward to 3-4 Center-Left jurists being seated on the High Court to go along with Sotomayor and Kagan for the next 25-30 years.


So much for the judicial integrity of this dried out, obsolete prune face.
By her own words!
thats why HRC wins easily. You guys nominated a lightweight loser.
His ass may be half the size of the Beast's, but lightweight?!

Ahh, another joke about Secretary Clinton’s appearance….I guess when that is the entire strategy of the Drumpf Campaign…you run that play over and over until it’s effective (hint, it stopped being effective when he only got 7 out of 10 votes uncontested in CA).

Trump has never said anything about Hillary's appearance. Stop telling that lie.

On Wednesday, however, Trump turned the focus to another candidate's hair. During an interview with conservative radio host Marc Levin, Trump pointed out that Hillary Clinton had recently gotten a new hairstyle, according to CNN. Levin joked that it was a wig.

"I tell you what, it really was shocking to see it because you're right, it must be, it was massive," Trump said. "Her hair became massive."

"I don't care," he added after Levin suggested his comments might spark controversy. "I'm a person that tells the truth. You know it was interesting to see but I've never seen Hillary with that hairdo so I think that's an OK thing to say, but it was very different."
I will bet that if the truth were known the left wing really hates Mrs. Tuzla. But that is what they got and they have to go with it.

I’m proudly voting for Secretary Clinton, have no idea what you mean by Tulsa, and am looking forward to 3-4 Center-Left jurists being seated on the High Court to go along with Sotomayor and Kagan for the next 25-30 years.


So much for the judicial integrity of this dried out, obsolete prune face.
By her own words!

The GOP war on women continues unabated, I see.


And she won.
I will bet that if the truth were known the left wing really hates Mrs. Tuzla. But that is what they got and they have to go with it.

I’m proudly voting for Secretary Clinton, have no idea what you mean by Tulsa, and am looking forward to 3-4 Center-Left jurists being seated on the High Court to go along with Sotomayor and Kagan for the next 25-30 years.


So much for the judicial integrity of this dried out, obsolete prune face.
By her own words!

The GOP war on women continues unabated, I see.


And she won.

You're chock full of left loon talking points and cliches ain't ya?
Speaking of Trump strategy, I think it's time to reconsider the possibility that Trump has been a Trojan Horse all along. Amazing timing that he comes out praising Saddam Hussein's regime less than 24 hours after the Clinton news. It's almost like he's trying to distract us.

He didn't praise Saddam. Stop lying Hillary Corn.
Yes he did. Trump said, "He killed terrorists", which is the exact opposite of the truth. Hussein TRAINED terrorists. Iraq was a state sponsor of terror.

But in Trump's fevered imagination, "He killed terrorists. He did that so good."

And Trump approved of Saddam's methods in this imaginary fantasy. "They didn't read them the rights. They didn't talk. They were terrorists. Over."
His ass may be half the size of the Beast's, but lightweight?!

Ahh, another joke about Secretary Clinton’s appearance….I guess when that is the entire strategy of the Drumpf Campaign…you run that play over and over until it’s effective (hint, it stopped being effective when he only got 7 out of 10 votes uncontested in CA).

She wears 12K outfits and makes them look like off the rack at KMart. She'll do the same as president.


But true.

Putting 12K dollars worth of designer clothes on Hillary is the same as putting lip stick on a pig.

They are still pigs.

And you sum up why the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes. Do you really think attacking people’s appearances as much as you guys do helps your guy look better?

Just like a liberal! Cherry-pick your results. Let's go back to 1980, shall we?
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Trump is living in a fantasy world. He says Saddam Hussein killed terrorists. "He did that so good." Never mind the bad grammar, the man is on LSD.

He also said in the same statement, "Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism."

Uh, no. Today Iraq is kicking ISIS's ass. They just took Fallujah back.

Iraq was the Harvard of terrorism during Hussein's time: Saddam's Terror Training Camps

The man is making up a fake past and present history! How the FUCK do you tards drink his piss? Seriously.

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