Trump's Tariffs are not working


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump's tariffs are not working.
The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession.

The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs

The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products

Nice job Donald Trump!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with World, Seasonally Adjusted
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
Tariff wars are a Democratic thing. Democrats love tariff wars. It's the one thing the Democratic candidates are NOT attacking Trump for.

That should tell you something.

But I know it won't penetrate the skulls of the pseudocons since they don't even make a peep about Trump doubling the deficit.
Are you and your Chinese trolls going have a party tonight?


No one celebrates the chaos and messes that Trump is creating. Everything that Trump was supposedly "fixing", like the trade deficit, illegal border crossings, and foreign policy, he's made worse than when he started. Other foreign leaders will not negotiate with him, and those who do, like North Korea, are playing him like a cheap fiddle.

Trump promised the American people that he would run the country the way he runs his businesses, and all of them have lost money. Watching this chaotic, revolving door White House, it's easy to see why. There's no plan. Things are done according to whatever mood Trump wakes up in, and who he's pissed of at today. Nobody lasts long working for him. They're either driven to quit, or fired in the most embarassing and humiliating manner possible.
Trump's tariffs are not working. The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

You must be joking! The Dems are still blocking two huge new trade deals, one of which would replace NAFTA, even though Canada and Mexico have ratified them, and even though major unions support them because they're a vast improvement over NAFTA. Get your Dem buddies to approve those trade deals, wait a year, and then come talk to us about the trade deficit.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession. The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs. The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products.

What????!!!! We have seen a historic boom in manufacturing since Trump came to office! Wages have risen much better under Trump than they did under Obama. Unemployment is at an all-time low; jobless claims are lower than they've been in years; the U-6 unemployment rate has dropped far more quickly under Trump than it did under Obama; etc., etc. What on earth are you talking about? Plus, the tariffs have generated an extra $100 billion in federal revenue.

Yes, on some products Americans are paying a little bit more, but not a whole lot more.

Will you guys ever answer this one simple question: If tariffs are bad, how did America become an economic powerhouse when we imposed high tariffs, and why have so many countries that have imposed high tariffs prospered, e.g., China, Korea, Japan, etc.?
Trump's tariffs are not working.
The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession.

The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs

The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products

Nice job Donald Trump!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with World, Seasonally Adjusted

Taxes on importers are essentially penalties for not producing what you’re importing domestically.
Currently the penalties are much easier to stomach for importers than the costs of moving their supply chain stateside.

The only thing that most importers are doing is reorienting their supply channels through countries that are not facing tariffs.

The parable about the foolish boy trying to stem the flood by keeping his fingers in the wall is apropos.
Trump's tariffs are not working.
The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession.

The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs

The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products

Nice job Donald Trump!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with World, Seasonally Adjusted
The man has already negotiated better deals for Americans than we already had, treaties the Democrats are refusing to do anything with / refusing to ratify because they don't want to give Trump any 'win' while they attempt to take him down. Ratifying the deals would be a w/on for American business owners, farmers, and consumers...and democrats are attempting to do the same thing with trade as they are with the over-all economy - take it down / destroy it...because if they don't they know they can't beat him in 2020.
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
You have no ph ukn answers. Nada...Nothing! The tariffs were designed to take a little from the growth we have to see if we can get manufacturing back. Obama with his you didn't build that sewer response is insulting. He sucked on the government tit his whole life. So he knows nothing else. But when he filled his mouth with food it was all private companies. All of that ice cream he ate was high quality. Maybe he should try some lower quality government ice cream from the machines. The government built that 15 million dollar beach house of course that he bought and will headquarter his global climate calamity meetings while the ocean water rises a hundred feet.
Trump's tariffs are not working. The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

You must be joking! The Dems are still blocking two huge new trade deals, one of which would replace NAFTA, even though Canada and Mexico have ratified them, and even though major unions support them because they're a vast improvement over NAFTA. Get your Dem buddies to approve those trade deals, wait a year, and then come talk to us about the trade deficit.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession. The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs. The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products.

What????!!!! We have seen a historic boom in manufacturing since Trump came to office! Wages have risen much better under Trump than they did under Obama. Unemployment is at an all-time low; jobless claims are lower than they've been in years; the U-6 unemployment rate has dropped far more quickly under Trump than it did under Obama; etc., etc. What on earth are you talking about? Plus, the tariffs have generated an extra $100 billion in federal revenue.

Yes, on some products Americans are paying a little bit more, but not a whole lot more.

Will you guys ever answer this one simple question: If tariffs are bad, how did America become an economic powerhouse when we imposed high tariffs, and why have so many countries that have imposed high tariffs prospered, e.g., China, Korea, Japan, etc.?

You must be deranged. The auto industry concessions which Trump achieved in NAFTA 2.0 were in the Trans Pacific Partnership which Trump pulled out of. Trump's rewrite with NAFTA has the Canadians taking a victory lap. Pelosi, being smarter than Trump, has asked for amendments. Canadians are now labelling their milk "Locally Sourced" because Canadians won't buy American milk which is full of growth hormones and anti-biotics.

As for your "historic boom in manufacturing", that's a flat out lie. American manufacturing is in a recession, thanks to the tariffs, and retail lost 11,000 jobs last month. That's because the tariffs have disrupted supply lines. Manufacturers have no clue if Trump will wake up tomorrow and slap tariffs on steel or aluminium and change their supply lines.

Trump promised to revive US manufacturing. But the sector just plunged deeper into a recession. | Markets Insider

You were at nearly full employment when Trump was elected to the unemployment numbers are meaningless. A 3% wage increase on $45,000 per year is still only $26 per week. You're still hemoraging low income jobs, and 40% of American workers are getting no benefit whatsoever from Trump's economy.

How did the USA become an economic powerhouse? First off, by unfettered immigration. With hundreds of thousands of people landing on your shores with nothing but what they could carry, they were consumers on steriods. They needed homes, furniture, applicances, clothing, and transportation. New immigrants fuelled the economy because they needed everything to start their lives in America.

But the real growth in the American economy happened during and after WWII. Americans got wealthy supplying the Allies under WWII. As nations in Europe fell to the Germans, their manufacturing and production was lost to the Germans, so America's manufacturing was basically all that stood between Europe and defeat.

After WWII, Europe had been bombed back to the stone age. Manufacturing capability was utterly destroyed in Europe and Japan, so America made still more money after the war, supplying Europeans and helping them rebuild until their manufacturing capability was restoryed.

None of it happened because of tariffs and restrictive trade practices. In fact, tariffs and restrictive trade practices lead, in part to WWII as Germany wasn't seriously restricting in being allowed to trade with other nations, as punishment for WWI.
They aren't working for currency manipulators like China, but for the US they are working.

Maybe you accidentally signed into a wrong forum?
Trump's tariffs are not working. The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

You must be joking! The Dems are still blocking two huge new trade deals, one of which would replace NAFTA, even though Canada and Mexico have ratified them, and even though major unions support them because they're a vast improvement over NAFTA. Get your Dem buddies to approve those trade deals, wait a year, and then come talk to us about the trade deficit.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession. The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs. The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products.

What????!!!! We have seen a historic boom in manufacturing since Trump came to office! Wages have risen much better under Trump than they did under Obama. Unemployment is at an all-time low; jobless claims are lower than they've been in years; the U-6 unemployment rate has dropped far more quickly under Trump than it did under Obama; etc., etc. What on earth are you talking about? Plus, the tariffs have generated an extra $100 billion in federal revenue.

Yes, on some products Americans are paying a little bit more, but not a whole lot more.

Will you guys ever answer this one simple question: If tariffs are bad, how did America become an economic powerhouse when we imposed high tariffs, and why have so many countries that have imposed high tariffs prospered, e.g., China, Korea, Japan, etc.?
How do you respond to stupidity. If NAFTA 2.0 is past ir will not make up for the damage being done by the tariffs.

Tariffs are way of putting a check on an open economy. Tariffs are generally part of a liberal economic strategy. A conservative economic policy usually does not include tariffs.
Tariffs used in a tactful, strategic way can be positive. Trump has over played his hand, he has over used tariffs and underestimated China's strength.

It is impossible to not have a trade deficit when your society consumes more than it could possibly produce the USA.

The major problem with China is stealing intellectual properties. That needs to be the focus.

But you are too stupid to comprehend the real world. You are a Trump minion and you let him and his lackeys define your world.
Trump's tariffs are not working. The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

You must be joking! The Dems are still blocking two huge new trade deals, one of which would replace NAFTA, even though Canada and Mexico have ratified them, and even though major unions support them because they're a vast improvement over NAFTA. Get your Dem buddies to approve those trade deals, wait a year, and then come talk to us about the trade deficit.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession. The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs. The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products.

What????!!!! We have seen a historic boom in manufacturing since Trump came to office! Wages have risen much better under Trump than they did under Obama. Unemployment is at an all-time low; jobless claims are lower than they've been in years; the U-6 unemployment rate has dropped far more quickly under Trump than it did under Obama; etc., etc. What on earth are you talking about? Plus, the tariffs have generated an extra $100 billion in federal revenue.

Yes, on some products Americans are paying a little bit more, but not a whole lot more.

Will you guys ever answer this one simple question: If tariffs are bad, how did America become an economic powerhouse when we imposed high tariffs, and why have so many countries that have imposed high tariffs prospered, e.g., China, Korea, Japan, etc.?

So they democrats are to blame for the failure of Trump's trade war. Are you sure that you can't trace it directly back to Obama or the Clintons?

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