Trump's Tariffs are not working

Trump's tariffs are not working.
The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession.

The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs

The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products

Nice job Donald Trump!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with World, Seasonally Adjusted

You obviously don't understand trade deficits. A trade deficit is not necessarily a mark of economic slowdown, you have to look at all of the factors involved. To wit, where--as here--consumer spending in the US far exceeds the economic matrix of the country on the other end of the deficit comparison. Where the economy in the US is running strong and the economy in China is tanking, the trade deficit is going to increase. It is an obvious red herring whenever someone points to trade deficits as support for a point like yours without consideration of the other factors. Unfortunately many people are too uninformed about economics to know better, and lap this swill up to support their predisposed beliefs. This is called "confirmation bias"
Fake news they are working


Again it’s working

Tell us how it is working. What has it done. What benefits has the US gained?

Come on JIT, tell us how the tariff's are working. I hate these Trump minions that throw out meaningless words and never back them up.

Ummm the new trade deal. we are meeting with china today, we are singing a deal with Japan today, MEXICO has thousands of troops at their border.. all because of tariffs.. I’ll
Send you a bill for the education I just gave you loser lol

Nothing you have listed has any great benefit to out economy.
Trump's tariffs are not working.
The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession.

The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs

The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products

Nice job Donald Trump!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with World, Seasonally Adjusted

You obviously don't understand trade deficits. A trade deficit is not necessarily a mark of economic slowdown, you have to look at all of the factors involved. To wit, where--as here--consumer spending in the US far exceeds the economic matrix of the country on the other end of the deficit comparison. Where the economy in the US is running strong and the economy in China is tanking, the trade deficit is going to increase. It is an obvious red herring whenever someone points to trade deficits as support for a point like yours without consideration of the other factors. Unfortunately many people are too uninformed about economics to know better, and lap this swill up to support their predisposed beliefs. This is called "confirmation bias"
You have not read my posts. It is ridiculous that Trump is putting the emphasis on the trade deficits. It is the reality of a society that consumes more than it can produce. I am pointing out that Trump's stated goal of reducing trade deficits with tariff's is not working. (his goal not mine) The tariffs are having a negative affect on the world economy including the US. Tariffs can be used productively but Trump has way over used them for a goal that does not necessarily benefit our economy. Another Trump miss-play.

Tell us how it is working. What has it done. What benefits has the US gained?

Come on JIT, tell us how the tariff's are working. I hate these Trump minions that throw out meaningless words and never back them up.

Ummm the new trade deal. we are meeting with china today, we are singing a deal with Japan today, MEXICO has thousands of troops at their border.. all because of tariffs.. I’ll
Send you a bill for the education I just gave you loser lol

Nothing you have listed has any great benefit to out economy.

It does and our culture.
Again it’s working
Tell us how it is working. What has it done. What benefits has the US gained?
Come on JIT, tell us how the tariff's are working. I hate these Trump minions that throw out meaningless words and never back them up.
Ummm the new trade deal. we are meeting with china today, we are singing a deal with Japan today, MEXICO has thousands of troops at their border.. all because of tariffs.. I’ll
Send you a bill for the education I just gave you loser lol
Nothing you have listed has any great benefit to out economy.
It does and our culture.
The current US tariffs have very little to do with Japan and Mexico. The focus is China.
Talks will hopefully lead to a solution but until that happens we have nothing except ongoing tariffs hurting the world economy.
If you think the recent trade agreement with Japan is so great, think again. Read this article.
Where the U.S.-Japan trade deal falls short of Trans-Pacific pact abandoned by Trump
Tell us how it is working. What has it done. What benefits has the US gained?
Come on JIT, tell us how the tariff's are working. I hate these Trump minions that throw out meaningless words and never back them up.
Ummm the new trade deal. we are meeting with china today, we are singing a deal with Japan today, MEXICO has thousands of troops at their border.. all because of tariffs.. I’ll
Send you a bill for the education I just gave you loser lol
Nothing you have listed has any great benefit to out economy.
It does and our culture.
The current US tariffs have very little to do with Japan and Mexico. The focus is China.
Talks will hopefully lead to a solution but until that happens we have nothing except ongoing tariffs hurting the world economy.
If you think the recent trade agreement with Japan is so great, think again. Read this article.
Where the U.S.-Japan trade deal falls short of Trans-Pacific pact abandoned by Trump
Sorry bro it’s a positive not a negative
Come on JIT, tell us how the tariff's are working. I hate these Trump minions that throw out meaningless words and never back them up.
Ummm the new trade deal. we are meeting with china today, we are singing a deal with Japan today, MEXICO has thousands of troops at their border.. all because of tariffs.. I’ll
Send you a bill for the education I just gave you loser lol
Nothing you have listed has any great benefit to out economy.
It does and our culture.
The current US tariffs have very little to do with Japan and Mexico. The focus is China.
Talks will hopefully lead to a solution but until that happens we have nothing except ongoing tariffs hurting the world economy.
If you think the recent trade agreement with Japan is so great, think again. Read this article.
Where the U.S.-Japan trade deal falls short of Trans-Pacific pact abandoned by Trump
Sorry bro it’s a positive not a negative
Maybe in your's and Trump's alternate Universe but not in the real world.
In your mind, has anything Trump has done is wrong?
Trump's tariffs are not working.
The annual trade deficit the past 3 years under Trump are higher than the average trade deficit for the 8 years under Obama.

The tariff's are having a negative affect on the economy. Manufacturing is declining. Hiring has slowed down. Economists are concerned about recession.

The only ones gaining are the bureaucrats administering the tariffs

The tariffs are reducing profits of US businesses and consumers are paying more for products

Nice job Donald Trump!

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with World, Seasonally Adjusted

You obviously don't understand trade deficits. A trade deficit is not necessarily a mark of economic slowdown, you have to look at all of the factors involved. To wit, where--as here--consumer spending in the US far exceeds the economic matrix of the country on the other end of the deficit comparison. Where the economy in the US is running strong and the economy in China is tanking, the trade deficit is going to increase. It is an obvious red herring whenever someone points to trade deficits as support for a point like yours without consideration of the other factors. Unfortunately many people are too uninformed about economics to know better, and lap this swill up to support their predisposed beliefs. This is called "confirmation bias"
Trump is the one who whined about trade deficits, all during his campaign. He whined and whined about it.

So now the fact our trade deficit with China has EXPLODED now splashes back on Trump. He's earned it.

And China is not tanking. That's wishful thinking.
Fake news they are working


Again it’s working

Tell us how it is working. What has it done. What benefits has the US gained?

Come on JIT, tell us how the tariff's are working. I hate these Trump minions that throw out meaningless words and never back them up.

Ummm the new trade deal. we are meeting with china today, we are singing a deal with Japan today, MEXICO has thousands of troops at their border.. all because of tariffs.. I’ll
Send you a bill for the education I just gave you loser lol

OMG! Mexico is going to war with the US over tariffs?:aargh:

Tell us how it is working. What has it done. What benefits has the US gained?

Come on JIT, tell us how the tariff's are working. I hate these Trump minions that throw out meaningless words and never back them up.

Ummm the new trade deal. we are meeting with china today, we are singing a deal with Japan today, MEXICO has thousands of troops at their border.. all because of tariffs.. I’ll
Send you a bill for the education I just gave you loser lol

OMG! Mexico is going to war with the US over tariffs?:aargh:


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