Trump's Tariffs are not working

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US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
You have no ph ukn answers. Nada...Nothing! The tariffs were designed to take a little from the growth we have to see if we can get manufacturing back. Obama with his you didn't build that sewer response is insulting. He sucked on the government tit his whole life. So he knows nothing else. But when he filled his mouth with food it was all private companies. All of that ice cream he ate was high quality. Maybe he should try some lower quality government ice cream from the machines. The government built that 15 million dollar beach house of course that he bought and will headquarter his global climate calamity meetings while the ocean water rises a hundred feet.
Do you realize how stupid and uninformed you are. Without very stupid people, like you, Trump would not be President.
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
You have no ph ukn answers. Nada...Nothing! The tariffs were designed to take a little from the growth we have to see if we can get manufacturing back. Obama with his you didn't build that sewer response is insulting. He sucked on the government tit his whole life. So he knows nothing else. But when he filled his mouth with food it was all private companies. All of that ice cream he ate was high quality. Maybe he should try some lower quality government ice cream from the machines. The government built that 15 million dollar beach house of course that he bought and will headquarter his global climate calamity meetings while the ocean water rises a hundred feet.
Do you realize how stupid and uninformed you are. Without very stupid people, like you, Trump would not be President.
You still have no answers. The taxes are slowly rising to keep paying people off. We have massive deficits just to keep the system growing. Why don't you get a Paul Volker as Fed Chief to squeeze the debt out today as he did in the early 1980's. Can't be done! We must feed the fiat currency. Or live within our means. No Prog elected was going to improve things. There are ways to make people poorer. Obama did it his way.
Trump's tariffs are not working.

Your faux concern for American businesses and jobs ripped off by China is noted. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:

These stupid chinese trolls in here ...
Who are the stupid ones? I think it is you. China loves Trump being President. He is focusing on the coal industry while China is investing in AI (Artificial Intelligence). The US is going to have to start stealing China's intelectual prperties around AI. But Trump will make the US number one in coal.
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US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
You have no ph ukn answers. Nada...Nothing! The tariffs were designed to take a little from the growth we have to see if we can get manufacturing back. Obama with his you didn't build that sewer response is insulting. He sucked on the government tit his whole life. So he knows nothing else. But when he filled his mouth with food it was all private companies. All of that ice cream he ate was high quality. Maybe he should try some lower quality government ice cream from the machines. The government built that 15 million dollar beach house of course that he bought and will headquarter his global climate calamity meetings while the ocean water rises a hundred feet.
Do you realize how stupid and uninformed you are. Without very stupid people, like you, Trump would not be President.
You still have no answers. The taxes are slowly rising to keep paying people off. We have massive deficits just to keep the system growing. Why don't you get a Paul Volker as Fed Chief to squeeze the debt out today as he did in the early 1980's. Can't be done! We must feed the fiat currency. Or live within our means. No Prog elected was going to improve things. There are ways to make people poorer. Obama did it his way.
Trump is adding to the debt at a larger amount than any other President through his tax cut that is artificially stimulating economic growth leaving our children to pay for it.
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
You have no ph ukn answers. Nada...Nothing! The tariffs were designed to take a little from the growth we have to see if we can get manufacturing back. Obama with his you didn't build that sewer response is insulting. He sucked on the government tit his whole life. So he knows nothing else. But when he filled his mouth with food it was all private companies. All of that ice cream he ate was high quality. Maybe he should try some lower quality government ice cream from the machines. The government built that 15 million dollar beach house of course that he bought and will headquarter his global climate calamity meetings while the ocean water rises a hundred feet.
Do you realize how stupid and uninformed you are. Without very stupid people, like you, Trump would not be President.

Actually it was because of stupid, clueless assholes like yourself that Trump is president.
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
You have no ph ukn answers. Nada...Nothing! The tariffs were designed to take a little from the growth we have to see if we can get manufacturing back. Obama with his you didn't build that sewer response is insulting. He sucked on the government tit his whole life. So he knows nothing else. But when he filled his mouth with food it was all private companies. All of that ice cream he ate was high quality. Maybe he should try some lower quality government ice cream from the machines. The government built that 15 million dollar beach house of course that he bought and will headquarter his global climate calamity meetings while the ocean water rises a hundred feet.
Do you realize how stupid and uninformed you are. Without very stupid people, like you, Trump would not be President.

Actually it was because of stupid, clueless assholes like yourself that Trump is president.
Please tell me how stupid, clueless, assholes like me resulted in Trump being President.
What????!!!! We have seen a historic boom in manufacturing since Trump came to office!

What asshole do you pull this nonsence from?

Probably this one:


Here is reality of American "manufacturing boom":


US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)

So you can't figure it out or can you Chinese troll?
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)

So you can't figure it out or can you Chinese troll?
If Bear does not like what someone says but has nothing to counter what they said he calls them a troll.
About the only thing he/she ever does is call people trolls because he/she does not know much.
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
You have no ph ukn answers. Nada...Nothing! The tariffs were designed to take a little from the growth we have to see if we can get manufacturing back. Obama with his you didn't build that sewer response is insulting. He sucked on the government tit his whole life. So he knows nothing else. But when he filled his mouth with food it was all private companies. All of that ice cream he ate was high quality. Maybe he should try some lower quality government ice cream from the machines. The government built that 15 million dollar beach house of course that he bought and will headquarter his global climate calamity meetings while the ocean water rises a hundred feet.
Do you realize how stupid and uninformed you are. Without very stupid people, like you, Trump would not be President.

Actually it was because of stupid, clueless assholes like yourself that Trump is president.
Please tell me how stupid, clueless, assholes like me resulted in Trump being President.
Come on Dick Foster step up to the plate and give us an explanation of your words.
Fake news they are working


Again it’s working

Tell us how it is working. What has it done. What benefits has the US gained?

Come on JIT, tell us how the tariff's are working. I hate these Trump minions that throw out meaningless words and never back them up.

Ummm the new trade deal. we are meeting with china today, we are singing a deal with Japan today, MEXICO has thousands of troops at their border.. all because of tariffs.. I’ll
Send you a bill for the education I just gave you loser lol
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

Some direct quotes:

Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent. (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)

So you can't figure it out or can you Chinese troll?
If Bear does not like what someone says but has nothing to counter what they said he calls them a troll.
About the only thing he/she ever does is call people trolls because he/she does not know much.

Uhm no, only some foreigner would support Chinese tariffs against American goods and no Chinese tariffs against Chinese goods.

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