Trump's trade war with China

Certainly to a degree. If you are making a product that can be made much cheaper and at the same quality somewhere else you are in the wrong business.

"To a degree"?
There may be exceptions. The question was very broad. But if we prop up industries that we aren’t good at, we will just fall behind. Are you not a capitalist?

Gator was talking about people. "Adapt or die", is what he said.
Are you not a capitalist?

Yes, but why do you ask?
You seem to want government managed trade. That isn’t capitalism. Much more socialism. Do you believe in markets?

I ask you to sum them up as people, in two sentences, and you instead spend four sentences talking about a point we already covered, ie their business model.

Do you not want to discuss them as people? And if not, why not?

I do not know them personally, only dealt with them while they were ripping me off on a box of nails. Not sure what more you want me to say about them,. we were not drinking buddies nor did we hang out on the weekends and watch football.
Certainly to a degree. If you are making a product that can be made much cheaper and at the same quality somewhere else you are in the wrong business.

"To a degree"?
There may be exceptions. The question was very broad. But if we prop up industries that we aren’t good at, we will just fall behind. Are you not a capitalist?

Gator was talking about people. "Adapt or die", is what he said.
Are you not a capitalist?

Yes, but why do you ask?

Do you approve of laws to limit the number of self-check out stands a store can have?
Nothing I can do. When someone wants to actually address the issue, I'll listen to them.

Are you? Are you really listening to Trump? Or are you letting the MSM tell you how Evul he is, and to NOT listen to him?

What good does it do to listen to him? I don't care what he has to say as what he says and what he does is not the same thing.

Me and you, are to a surprising extent, on the same page. We both want what is best for this country and it's citizens, as a group and individually.

We want to consider policy, by a cost benefit analysis, to see how to get there.

IF, by some magic, the two of us where sent to another world, where there was a President, with an odd and off putting style, who was focused on addressing the issues of trade and immigration, AS YOU SEE THEM, (,ie focusing on the corporations and employers), instead of trade policy and deportations,

even though I might think that is not the best way to go about it, I would pay attention to see what results he was getting,

AND not listen to his enemies in the media, who told me to not bother, because he was "nearly the anti-Christ" or "racist", or whatever.

There is after all, more than one way to skin a cat.

Trump might not be going at this from the best angle. But he might get some results. It would be a shame if that was lost in the noise.

That is what good it does.

No. We have done it Trump's way for decades. I'm not interested.

Well, if you on your side of the aisle, ever manage to nominate a candidate against the wishes of your corporate approved leadership, and he/she addresses these issues, AS YOU SEE FIT, ie (focusing on corporations and employers)

know that I will listen and I will be interested.

I don't have a side of the aisle.
Golfing gator has made the point that those who have lost out in this "progress" need to "adapt or die"

Would you say you share that view?
Certainly to a degree. If you are making a product that can be made much cheaper and at the same quality somewhere else you are in the wrong business.

"To a degree"?
There may be exceptions. The question was very broad. But if we prop up industries that we aren’t good at, we will just fall behind. Are you not a capitalist?

Gator was talking about people. "Adapt or die", is what he said.

It is an expression, one used in evolution. You seem to be greatly troubled by the realities of life. Have you lived a very sheltered life? Do you get out much, seen much of the country or the world?

I'm well aware of it's meaning. Nothing I said, in any way indicated confusion.

So you can drop that pretense right there.
"To a degree"?
There may be exceptions. The question was very broad. But if we prop up industries that we aren’t good at, we will just fall behind. Are you not a capitalist?

Gator was talking about people. "Adapt or die", is what he said.
Are you not a capitalist?

Yes, but why do you ask?
You seem to want government managed trade. That isn’t capitalism. Much more socialism. Do you believe in markets?

Pretending that the choices are trade without any government trade policy, or "government managed trade", is something an anarchist would do.

A very dishonest anarchist.

Meanwhile in the real world, this thread is about Trade Policy. And no serious person would be pretending that the idea of trade policy is not legitimate in a capitalist system.

So, why you playing such a dishonest game?

I ask you to sum them up as people, in two sentences, and you instead spend four sentences talking about a point we already covered, ie their business model.

Do you not want to discuss them as people? And if not, why not?

I do not know them personally, only dealt with them while they were ripping me off on a box of nails. Not sure what more you want me to say about them,. we were not drinking buddies nor did we hang out on the weekends and watch football.

It is not credible that I have to teach you to describe people, or your impression of them, or the way that normal people can learn shit from looking at someone.

You are being evasive. That is noted.
"To a degree"?
There may be exceptions. The question was very broad. But if we prop up industries that we aren’t good at, we will just fall behind. Are you not a capitalist?

Gator was talking about people. "Adapt or die", is what he said.
Are you not a capitalist?

Yes, but why do you ask?

Do you approve of laws to limit the number of self-check out stands a store can have?

I have not given it much thought.
It is not credible that I have to teach you to describe people, or your impression of them, or the way that normal people can learn shit from looking at someone.

You are being evasive. That is noted.

There is nothing to teach me, I have given you all of my knowledge and feelings about the people.

You do this often, and it is very get an answer but it is not the one you want so you pretend that you did not get an answer.

I have to admit it is tiring, to say the least.
There may be exceptions. The question was very broad. But if we prop up industries that we aren’t good at, we will just fall behind. Are you not a capitalist?

Gator was talking about people. "Adapt or die", is what he said.
Are you not a capitalist?

Yes, but why do you ask?

Do you approve of laws to limit the number of self-check out stands a store can have?

I have not given it much thought.

Well why not? Why do you not have the answer that I am looking for like you always expect from me?
Are you? Are you really listening to Trump? Or are you letting the MSM tell you how Evul he is, and to NOT listen to him?

What good does it do to listen to him? I don't care what he has to say as what he says and what he does is not the same thing.

Me and you, are to a surprising extent, on the same page. We both want what is best for this country and it's citizens, as a group and individually.

We want to consider policy, by a cost benefit analysis, to see how to get there.

IF, by some magic, the two of us where sent to another world, where there was a President, with an odd and off putting style, who was focused on addressing the issues of trade and immigration, AS YOU SEE THEM, (,ie focusing on the corporations and employers), instead of trade policy and deportations,

even though I might think that is not the best way to go about it, I would pay attention to see what results he was getting,

AND not listen to his enemies in the media, who told me to not bother, because he was "nearly the anti-Christ" or "racist", or whatever.

There is after all, more than one way to skin a cat.

Trump might not be going at this from the best angle. But he might get some results. It would be a shame if that was lost in the noise.

That is what good it does.

No. We have done it Trump's way for decades. I'm not interested.

Well, if you on your side of the aisle, ever manage to nominate a candidate against the wishes of your corporate approved leadership, and he/she addresses these issues, AS YOU SEE FIT, ie (focusing on corporations and employers)

know that I will listen and I will be interested.

I don't have a side of the aisle.

I like that we have established that we have the same goal, ie the best interests of the American people, both as a group and individually.

Not everyone is on that page. But we are. Let's keep that in mind.
What good does it do to listen to him? I don't care what he has to say as what he says and what he does is not the same thing.

Me and you, are to a surprising extent, on the same page. We both want what is best for this country and it's citizens, as a group and individually.

We want to consider policy, by a cost benefit analysis, to see how to get there.

IF, by some magic, the two of us where sent to another world, where there was a President, with an odd and off putting style, who was focused on addressing the issues of trade and immigration, AS YOU SEE THEM, (,ie focusing on the corporations and employers), instead of trade policy and deportations,

even though I might think that is not the best way to go about it, I would pay attention to see what results he was getting,

AND not listen to his enemies in the media, who told me to not bother, because he was "nearly the anti-Christ" or "racist", or whatever.

There is after all, more than one way to skin a cat.

Trump might not be going at this from the best angle. But he might get some results. It would be a shame if that was lost in the noise.

That is what good it does.

No. We have done it Trump's way for decades. I'm not interested.

Well, if you on your side of the aisle, ever manage to nominate a candidate against the wishes of your corporate approved leadership, and he/she addresses these issues, AS YOU SEE FIT, ie (focusing on corporations and employers)

know that I will listen and I will be interested.

I don't have a side of the aisle.

I like that we have established that we have the same goal, ie the best interests of the American people, both as a group and individually.

Not everyone is on that page. But we are. Let's keep that in mind.

Just wondering, do you think that I am on that page?
Victory, victory, victory! Keep the heat on those no good sonsabitches!!! My uncle shot a few of the communist bastards in Korea. Wish I could pop one. :113:
It is not credible that I have to teach you to describe people, or your impression of them, or the way that normal people can learn shit from looking at someone.

You are being evasive. That is noted.

There is nothing to teach me, I have given you all of my knowledge and feelings about the people.

You do this often, and it is very get an answer but it is not the one you want so you pretend that you did not get an answer.

I have to admit it is tiring, to say the least.

Were they old? Were they young? Were they nice? Were they rude? Were they rich? Were they poor? Were they married? Were they fat? Were they fit? What was their ethnicity? Did they express any religious beliefs? Did they smell bad? DId they have any handicaps? DId they dress casual or more professionally? Did they ever express any hobbies? Taste in music? Ride a fucking horse to work?

Your evasiveness is noted.
Gator was talking about people. "Adapt or die", is what he said.
Are you not a capitalist?

Yes, but why do you ask?

Do you approve of laws to limit the number of self-check out stands a store can have?

I have not given it much thought.

Well why not? Why do you not have the answer that I am looking for like you always expect from me?

You are conflating not having an opinion, with being evasive or stonewalling. BIG DIFFERENCE.
Me and you, are to a surprising extent, on the same page. We both want what is best for this country and it's citizens, as a group and individually.

We want to consider policy, by a cost benefit analysis, to see how to get there.

IF, by some magic, the two of us where sent to another world, where there was a President, with an odd and off putting style, who was focused on addressing the issues of trade and immigration, AS YOU SEE THEM, (,ie focusing on the corporations and employers), instead of trade policy and deportations,

even though I might think that is not the best way to go about it, I would pay attention to see what results he was getting,

AND not listen to his enemies in the media, who told me to not bother, because he was "nearly the anti-Christ" or "racist", or whatever.

There is after all, more than one way to skin a cat.

Trump might not be going at this from the best angle. But he might get some results. It would be a shame if that was lost in the noise.

That is what good it does.

No. We have done it Trump's way for decades. I'm not interested.

Well, if you on your side of the aisle, ever manage to nominate a candidate against the wishes of your corporate approved leadership, and he/she addresses these issues, AS YOU SEE FIT, ie (focusing on corporations and employers)

know that I will listen and I will be interested.

I don't have a side of the aisle.

I like that we have established that we have the same goal, ie the best interests of the American people, both as a group and individually.

Not everyone is on that page. But we are. Let's keep that in mind.

Just wondering, do you think that I am on that page?

Your "adapt or die" comment shows that you, at best,, do not care about the interests of at least some Americans.

We as a country are moving away from the old inefficient bulbs. If other countries still need the cheap bulbs and manufacturing moves there, that is one thing.

If a company wants to move elsewhere to boost "shareholder value" and still sell their products here, that is another.
Were they old? Were they young? Were they nice? Were they rude? Were they rich? Were they poor? Were they married? Were they fat? Were they fit? What was their ethnicity? Did they express any religious beliefs? Did they smell bad? DId they have any handicaps? DId they dress casual or more professionally? Did they ever express any hobbies? Taste in music? Ride a fucking horse to work?

Your evasiveness is noted.

Are you on drugs? Seriously?

I bought nails from their store 18 years ago and I am supposed to know all of that? Do you know all those things after shopping in a store once? I mean shit, I could not answer some of those questions about my co-workers after 6 years of working with them.

You are a piece of work, that is for sure.
No. We have done it Trump's way for decades. I'm not interested.

Well, if you on your side of the aisle, ever manage to nominate a candidate against the wishes of your corporate approved leadership, and he/she addresses these issues, AS YOU SEE FIT, ie (focusing on corporations and employers)

know that I will listen and I will be interested.

I don't have a side of the aisle.

I like that we have established that we have the same goal, ie the best interests of the American people, both as a group and individually.

Not everyone is on that page. But we are. Let's keep that in mind.

Just wondering, do you think that I am on that page?

Your "adapt or die" comment shows that you, at best,, do not care about the interests of at least some Americans.

Actually, it shows the opposite. Wanting people to adapt and not just wait for the government to save them is looking out for their best interest. Call it though love! :113:
Were they old? Were they young? Were they nice? Were they rude? Were they rich? Were they poor? Were they married? Were they fat? Were they fit? What was their ethnicity? Did they express any religious beliefs? Did they smell bad? DId they have any handicaps? DId they dress casual or more professionally? Did they ever express any hobbies? Taste in music? Ride a fucking horse to work?

Your evasiveness is noted.

Are you on drugs? Seriously?

I bought nails from their store 18 years ago and I am supposed to know all of that? Do you know all those things after shopping in a store once? I mean shit, I could not answer some of those questions about my co-workers after 6 years of working with them.

You are a piece of work, that is for sure.

It was not clear to me that you only went in once. Sounded more like something you dealt with for a while.

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