Trump's trade war with China

He did you policy for steel. He put tariffs on steel, they should be doing amazing. But what really happened? Oh yeah, layoffs. Bravo. How is that good for us?

Or, it could just be normal end of business cycle shit.
1. Sure it did. Couple of minutes in.

2. Cheap labor is another way of saying low paying jobs. That was never the goal. Not the stated goal at least.

3. See 2,
1. No it didn't. Prove it.
2. See unemployment rate.

1. Can't we just pretend I did, and then you change the subject again with your circular arguing? much easier for me that way.

2. cheap labor is still just another way of saying low paying jobs. That is not a win.
1. You are making it up and hence can't prove it.
2. I've explained over and over why they are not high paying jobs. Our policy has been anti worker for a long time.

1. NO. Change the subject with your circular arguing. It is what you would do next anyways. Let's just skip ONE step. COme on.

2. How can you tell which factors contribute and which do not?
1. So yes you made it up.
2. I can back up each of my factors with a study. And there is no downside to fixing most of them. Unlike trade where you can see the downside by what is happening with steel.

1. Totally didn't.

2. I'm not denying that the issues you care about had impact. I'm asking you how you know which factors had an impact and which did not. Because you are the one doing that, not me.
He did you policy for steel. He put tariffs on steel, they should be doing amazing. But what really happened? Oh yeah, layoffs. Bravo. How is that good for us?

Or, it could just be normal end of business cycle shit.
Well last I checked we still had 2% gdp growth. Not really cause for layoffs. Seems with your big gov help steel is doing worse than most. Go figure.
1. No it didn't. Prove it.
2. See unemployment rate.

1. Can't we just pretend I did, and then you change the subject again with your circular arguing? much easier for me that way.

2. cheap labor is still just another way of saying low paying jobs. That is not a win.
1. You are making it up and hence can't prove it.
2. I've explained over and over why they are not high paying jobs. Our policy has been anti worker for a long time.

1. NO. Change the subject with your circular arguing. It is what you would do next anyways. Let's just skip ONE step. COme on.

2. How can you tell which factors contribute and which do not?
1. So yes you made it up.
2. I can back up each of my factors with a study. And there is no downside to fixing most of them. Unlike trade where you can see the downside by what is happening with steel.

1. Totally didn't.

2. I'm not denying that the issues you care about had impact. I'm asking you how you know which factors had an impact and which did not. Because you are the one doing that, not me.
1. Yes you did.
2. I'm saying they have all combined to help lead to low wages. These are what we should be working on. We have the jobs, now we need to help the worker. Tariffs don't work, see the steel industry.
CHILL....the market will come roaring back....the tariffs are a necessary evil we must support and endure for future economies...this drop today was a result of several things that have popped up.....and the fact that the hate Trump media are trying to bring on a recession.....or the fear of one....

No one is trying to bring on a recession. We look at the facts and see warning signs. Remember you picked apart Obama’s economy? It was never good enough. Yet no recession came.

You won’t be able to say we didn’t warn you. And you don’t get to say we caused it.

Remember trumps quote in 2013. “Leadership, whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible”
If China do not reform to a market economy and a democracy politic system,not only trade war,real war will be necessary

Behind a pay wall.
Not for me. Do a search many to pick from.

Layoffs for U.S. Steel: Is Trump Listening? - Market Realist

Ok, what I am supposed to be seeing?
He did you policy for steel. He put tariffs on steel, they should be doing amazing. But what really happened? Oh yeah, layoffs. Bravo. How is that good for us?

Or, it could just be normal end of business cycle shit.
Well last I checked we still had 2% gdp growth. Not really cause for layoffs. Seems with your big gov help steel is doing worse than most. Go figure.

Of course 2% growth doesn't tell you much about demand for steel. So, you're just putting a number out there and kind of assuming... what? That it supports your position without explaining how?
1. Can't we just pretend I did, and then you change the subject again with your circular arguing? much easier for me that way.

2. cheap labor is still just another way of saying low paying jobs. That is not a win.
1. You are making it up and hence can't prove it.
2. I've explained over and over why they are not high paying jobs. Our policy has been anti worker for a long time.

1. NO. Change the subject with your circular arguing. It is what you would do next anyways. Let's just skip ONE step. COme on.

2. How can you tell which factors contribute and which do not?
1. So yes you made it up.
2. I can back up each of my factors with a study. And there is no downside to fixing most of them. Unlike trade where you can see the downside by what is happening with steel.

1. Totally didn't.

2. I'm not denying that the issues you care about had impact. I'm asking you how you know which factors had an impact and which did not. Because you are the one doing that, not me.
1. Yes you did.
2. I'm saying they have all combined to help lead to low wages. These are what we should be working on. We have the jobs, now we need to help the worker. Tariffs don't work, see the steel industry.

1. Nope. Didn't. Aren't you overdue for a change of subject?

2. Yet, you just ignore trade deficits, which results on lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages, AND outsourcing, which also, results in lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages. How do you determine that those factors should be ignored?
"Producer prices in China shrank most in 3 years due to China’s big devaluation of their currency, coupled with monetary stimulus. Federal Reserve not watching? Will Fed ever get into the game? Dollar strongest EVER! Really bad for exports. No Inflation...Highest Interest Rates

The United States, because of the Federal Reserve, is paying a MUCH higher Interest Rate than other competing countries. They can’t believe how lucky they are that Jay Powell & the Fed don’t have a clue. And now, on top of it all, the Oil hit. Big Interest Rate Drop, Stimulus!" - President Trump
Not for me. Do a search many to pick from.

Layoffs for U.S. Steel: Is Trump Listening? - Market Realist

Ok, what I am supposed to be seeing?
He did you policy for steel. He put tariffs on steel, they should be doing amazing. But what really happened? Oh yeah, layoffs. Bravo. How is that good for us?

Or, it could just be normal end of business cycle shit.
Well last I checked we still had 2% gdp growth. Not really cause for layoffs. Seems with your big gov help steel is doing worse than most. Go figure.

Of course 2% growth doesn't tell you much about demand for steel. So, you're just putting a number out there and kind of assuming... what? That it supports your position without explaining how?
You are just weaseling out of the fact tariffs didn’t help steel by blaming the business cycle. History is full of examples of tariffs not working.
1. You are making it up and hence can't prove it.
2. I've explained over and over why they are not high paying jobs. Our policy has been anti worker for a long time.

1. NO. Change the subject with your circular arguing. It is what you would do next anyways. Let's just skip ONE step. COme on.

2. How can you tell which factors contribute and which do not?
1. So yes you made it up.
2. I can back up each of my factors with a study. And there is no downside to fixing most of them. Unlike trade where you can see the downside by what is happening with steel.

1. Totally didn't.

2. I'm not denying that the issues you care about had impact. I'm asking you how you know which factors had an impact and which did not. Because you are the one doing that, not me.
1. Yes you did.
2. I'm saying they have all combined to help lead to low wages. These are what we should be working on. We have the jobs, now we need to help the worker. Tariffs don't work, see the steel industry.

1. Nope. Didn't. Aren't you overdue for a change of subject?

2. Yet, you just ignore trade deficits, which results on lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages, AND outsourcing, which also, results in lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages. How do you determine that those factors should be ignored?
Isn’t it time you admit defeat? Your tariffs fail again and you aren’t honest enough to admit it. Steel layoffs. US steel stock down 80%. Stop being so dishonest.
He did you policy for steel. He put tariffs on steel, they should be doing amazing. But what really happened? Oh yeah, layoffs. Bravo. How is that good for us?

Or, it could just be normal end of business cycle shit.
Well last I checked we still had 2% gdp growth. Not really cause for layoffs. Seems with your big gov help steel is doing worse than most. Go figure.

Of course 2% growth doesn't tell you much about demand for steel. So, you're just putting a number out there and kind of assuming... what? That it supports your position without explaining how?
You are just weaseling out of the fact tariffs didn’t help steel by blaming the business cycle. History is full of examples of tariffs not working.

And of examples of them working. History is big.
1. NO. Change the subject with your circular arguing. It is what you would do next anyways. Let's just skip ONE step. COme on.

2. How can you tell which factors contribute and which do not?
1. So yes you made it up.
2. I can back up each of my factors with a study. And there is no downside to fixing most of them. Unlike trade where you can see the downside by what is happening with steel.

1. Totally didn't.

2. I'm not denying that the issues you care about had impact. I'm asking you how you know which factors had an impact and which did not. Because you are the one doing that, not me.
1. Yes you did.
2. I'm saying they have all combined to help lead to low wages. These are what we should be working on. We have the jobs, now we need to help the worker. Tariffs don't work, see the steel industry.

1. Nope. Didn't. Aren't you overdue for a change of subject?

2. Yet, you just ignore trade deficits, which results on lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages, AND outsourcing, which also, results in lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages. How do you determine that those factors should be ignored?
Isn’t it time you admit defeat? Your tariffs fail again and you aren’t honest enough to admit it. Steel layoffs. US steel stock down 80%. Stop being so dishonest.

That was weird. I made a point about trade deficits and outsourcing reducing manufacturing jobs, which historical have had higher wages,

and your response, did not address it at all.

All you did was spout your standard talking point(s).

Does that mean that on some level, you know that my point about manufacturing jobs, and trade, is true, and you don't know how to counter it?
He did you policy for steel. He put tariffs on steel, they should be doing amazing. But what really happened? Oh yeah, layoffs. Bravo. How is that good for us?

Or, it could just be normal end of business cycle shit.
Well last I checked we still had 2% gdp growth. Not really cause for layoffs. Seems with your big gov help steel is doing worse than most. Go figure.

Of course 2% growth doesn't tell you much about demand for steel. So, you're just putting a number out there and kind of assuming... what? That it supports your position without explaining how?
You are just weaseling out of the fact tariffs didn’t help steel by blaming the business cycle. History is full of examples of tariffs not working.

And of examples of them working. History is big.
No actually you don't have examples of them working as anything but a tax. They have never created jobs or saved jobs. They never work for anything but another tax.
1. So yes you made it up.
2. I can back up each of my factors with a study. And there is no downside to fixing most of them. Unlike trade where you can see the downside by what is happening with steel.

1. Totally didn't.

2. I'm not denying that the issues you care about had impact. I'm asking you how you know which factors had an impact and which did not. Because you are the one doing that, not me.
1. Yes you did.
2. I'm saying they have all combined to help lead to low wages. These are what we should be working on. We have the jobs, now we need to help the worker. Tariffs don't work, see the steel industry.

1. Nope. Didn't. Aren't you overdue for a change of subject?

2. Yet, you just ignore trade deficits, which results on lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages, AND outsourcing, which also, results in lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages. How do you determine that those factors should be ignored?
Isn’t it time you admit defeat? Your tariffs fail again and you aren’t honest enough to admit it. Steel layoffs. US steel stock down 80%. Stop being so dishonest.

That was weird. I made a point about trade deficits and outsourcing reducing manufacturing jobs, which historical have had higher wages,

and your response, did not address it at all.

All you did was spout your standard talking point(s).

Does that mean that on some level, you know that my point about manufacturing jobs, and trade, is true, and you don't know how to counter it?
Ah you continue to dodge. Fact is trump did for steel what you claim is great for our country. What happened? Oh layoffs and huge drop in stocks. Failure. How is that good for us?
Or, it could just be normal end of business cycle shit.
Well last I checked we still had 2% gdp growth. Not really cause for layoffs. Seems with your big gov help steel is doing worse than most. Go figure.

Of course 2% growth doesn't tell you much about demand for steel. So, you're just putting a number out there and kind of assuming... what? That it supports your position without explaining how?
You are just weaseling out of the fact tariffs didn’t help steel by blaming the business cycle. History is full of examples of tariffs not working.

And of examples of them working. History is big.
No actually you don't have examples of them working as anything but a tax. They have never created jobs or saved jobs. They never work for anything but another tax.

What about the massive industrial growth of the US in the post Civil War era, of high tariffs? FOR ONE EXAMPLE
1. Totally didn't.

2. I'm not denying that the issues you care about had impact. I'm asking you how you know which factors had an impact and which did not. Because you are the one doing that, not me.
1. Yes you did.
2. I'm saying they have all combined to help lead to low wages. These are what we should be working on. We have the jobs, now we need to help the worker. Tariffs don't work, see the steel industry.

1. Nope. Didn't. Aren't you overdue for a change of subject?

2. Yet, you just ignore trade deficits, which results on lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages, AND outsourcing, which also, results in lost manufacturing jobs, which traditionally have had higher wages. How do you determine that those factors should be ignored?
Isn’t it time you admit defeat? Your tariffs fail again and you aren’t honest enough to admit it. Steel layoffs. US steel stock down 80%. Stop being so dishonest.

That was weird. I made a point about trade deficits and outsourcing reducing manufacturing jobs, which historical have had higher wages,

and your response, did not address it at all.

All you did was spout your standard talking point(s).

Does that mean that on some level, you know that my point about manufacturing jobs, and trade, is true, and you don't know how to counter it?
Ah you continue to dodge. Fact is trump did for steel what you claim is great for our country. What happened? Oh layoffs and huge drop in stocks. Failure. How is that good for us?

Your pretense that this is a simple system, with only one variable is noted and laughed at.
What about the massive industrial growth of the US in the post Civil War era, of high tariffs? FOR ONE EXAMPLE

In the post Civil War era it took longer to get across the country than it now takes to get across the Atlantic, while the pacific took. We also had a glut of cheap labor at the time, and there was no such thing as unions or worker protections or safety regulations.
Well last I checked we still had 2% gdp growth. Not really cause for layoffs. Seems with your big gov help steel is doing worse than most. Go figure.

Of course 2% growth doesn't tell you much about demand for steel. So, you're just putting a number out there and kind of assuming... what? That it supports your position without explaining how?
You are just weaseling out of the fact tariffs didn’t help steel by blaming the business cycle. History is full of examples of tariffs not working.

And of examples of them working. History is big.
No actually you don't have examples of them working as anything but a tax. They have never created jobs or saved jobs. They never work for anything but another tax.

What about the massive industrial growth of the US in the post Civil War era, of high tariffs? FOR ONE EXAMPLE
Yes they worked great as a tax then. The growth would have been more without them. Unless you think taxes are good for an economy.

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