Trump's TSA: Operation Quiet Skies


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Federal air marshals have begun following ordinary US citizens not suspected of a crime or on any terrorist watch list and collecting extensive information about their movements and behavior under a new domestic surveillance program that is drawing criticism from within the agency.

The previously undisclosed program, called “Quiet Skies,” specifically targets travelers who “are not under investigation by any agency and are not in the Terrorist Screening Data Base,” according to a Transportation Security Administration bulletin in March.

This program started last March. A wake up call for anyone who thinks Trump cares about civil liberties or privacy rights.

Thank heaven for the free press which is under stress from Trump and his acolytes.

At any rate, do you agree with Trump's new program?

TSA is tracking regular travelers like terrorists in secret surveillance program
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Not sure how this is “Trumps” program. I find it unlikely he thought it up, and implemented it. But it does show the ever expanding nature of the police state that the US is becoming. Programs like this have been building dossiers on American Citizens for a long time now. It will likely only continue to get worse, no matter who the president is. The “machine” has been allowed to get much too large, and much too powerful.
Learn something everyday. I thought the TSA was created when Bush was prez?
Learn something everyday. I thought the TSA was created when Bush was prez?
Quiet Skies is a program that was started under the Trump Administration and Trump's leadership.
Not sure how this is “Trumps” program. I find it unlikely he thought it up, and implemented it. But it does show the ever expanding nature of the police state that the US is becoming. Programs like this have been building dossiers on American Citizens for a long time now. It will likely only continue to get worse, no matter who the president is. The “machine” has been allowed to get much too large, and much too powerful.
Whenever a program is instituted under that president's watch and under that president's appointees, it is that president's program.

Be that as it may, I agree with most of your post.
Not sure how this is “Trumps” program. I find it unlikely he thought it up, and implemented it. But it does show the ever expanding nature of the police state that the US is becoming. Programs like this have been building dossiers on American Citizens for a long time now. It will likely only continue to get worse, no matter who the president is. The “machine” has been allowed to get much too large, and much too powerful.
Whenever a program is instituted under that president's watch and under that president's appointees, it is that president's program.

Be that as it may, I agree with most of your post.
Is the current TSA director a Trump appointee?
TSA is worthless and should be abolished.
They thrive i taking snow globes away from kids.
They fail in they security tests every time.
One of the most useless organization in the government.
TSA is worthless and should be abolished.
They thrive i taking snow globes away from kids.
They fail in they security tests every time.
One of the most useless organization in the government.
We could do fine with less than half of the government we currently have.
TSA served a purpose, but now it is moving into big brother territory. I really don't care what you party affiliation is. but we should agree that the government should not be spying on and following American citizens without any probable cause whatsoever.

For the record, if this were an Obama era program I would be just as concerned.
Learn something everyday. I thought the TSA was created when Bush was prez?
Quiet Skies is a program that was started under the Trump Administration and Trump's leadership.
The "Quiet Skies" program has been in existence since 2010 and the TSA says Congress and the airlines have been briefed on the program over the last 12 to 18 months.

TSA surveillance program criticized for tracking American citizens

More lies from an Anti Trumper.

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