Trump's tweet about Mika

Is Trump a mirror of our society? Does he serve as a accurate barometer of social comportment? If so, we have become ruder, crasser, more boorish than we can survive.
His supporters seem to embrace this climate of crassness. Is it a birds of a feather situation, or are we really in a professional wrestling mindset? Can we afford a President who routinely demeans the office he was sworn to hold? Can America survive being so reckless and irresponsible?

Do Trump's tweets serve him well as a leader? Do they aid his ability to work with Congress to further his agenda? If so, could someone please explain how? Where's the virtue in his irrational and often times lying Twitter outbursts? Why does he insist on making an ass of himself, and by extension every American?

He cannot abide any criticism. He cannot tolerate anything that casts a pall on his election. His massive yet fragile ego is sitting in the Oval Office wrecking his message, his administration and our society. What happened to the man who, in the immediate aftermath of the congressional baseball shootings called for reconciliation and bi partisan cooperation? Is his memory as short as his bruising temper?

Never before in my sixty years have I ever disrespected a President of the United States. I have disagreed with them. In a few instances, I have pitied them (Nixon comes to mind). But I cannot work up any respect for an adult man, let alone a President, who behaves as badly and acts so arrogantly as the petulant game show host currently occupying the White House.
-"In case you missed how Brzezinski looked when Trump refused to host her and Crazy Joe in Mar A Lago! -"


-"In case you missed how Brzezinski looked when Trump refused to host her and Crazy Joe in Mar A Lago! -"

maybe this will give Kathy Griffin a new idea?

Griffin is finished.
Nah she WAS finished. No significant film role in 10 years. But now the whole world knows her name because you alt-righties turned out to be a bunch of pussy snowflakes. :321:
if she held up the fake bleeding head of Barney the Dinasour or Big Bird,,,,I would of laffed
-"In case you missed how Brzezinski looked when Trump refused to host her and Crazy Joe in Mar A Lago! -"

maybe this will give Kathy Griffin a new idea?

Griffin is finished.
Nah she WAS finished. No significant film role in 10 years. But now the whole world knows her name because you alt-righties turned out to be a bunch of pussy snowflakes. :321:
if she held up the fake bleeding head of Barney the Dinasour or Big Bird,,,,I would of laffed
What? Seek help. :cuckoo:
Trump is the American president and look at what he does. Republicans are too nasty to be embarrassed.

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