Trump's tweet about Mika

The following picture shows Mika Brzezinski of the Morning Joe show on the day that President Donald Trump claimed to have seen her with a bloody face due to a facelift on Mara Mar-a-Lago.

Looks like "bloody face" is a new "Comey tapes". In other words, Trump made shit up once again.
One photo throws cold water on Trump's claim that Mika Brzezinski was 'bleeding' at Mar-a-Lago from a face-lift

No one cares about the stupid split tails ugly face. Not one person.
When will libs lean the mean of sarcasm?
Most people, when they're kids, are taught how to show respect. Born into the mob, and neglected by his parents, I guess we can't really expect Trump to have any sense of shame or dignity.

That was just a hoot. So what's Mika and rock and roll Joe's excuse then? Or for that matte, what's your deal? You never made fun of anyone?
The president got us to change the topic from Flynn and Flynn with Peter Smith asking/ hiring hackers, including two Russian hackers to steal or find Clinton's missing personal emails.... watch the news....

It's TRUMPs modus operandi....look over there....distraction.
The woman is way to skinny and her head is not proportionate to her body. Bitch needs to eat a banana.

Any woman looks skinny standing next to Trump.

No dude, she is like count her ribs skinny, and she has huge teeth and she autohas the unappealing "Foux news blond" thing going on to. All together she only comes away with about 145 boner points. 300 is avrage.
The following picture shows Mika Brzezinski of the Morning Joe show on the day that President Donald Trump claimed to have seen her with a bloody face due to a facelift on Mara Mar-a-Lago.

Looks like "bloody face" is a new "Comey tapes". In other words, Trump made shit up once again.
One photo throws cold water on Trump's claim that Mika Brzezinski was 'bleeding' at Mar-a-Lago from a face-lift
Once idiots act like you're too ignorant to understand the joke.

This woman is a horrid, nasty, woman who spends 3 hours every morning saying horrible things about Trump. She like a dumber version of Kathy Griffin. What Trump said about her is nothing compared to what she says every day about Trump.
This tweet from The Donald offended Democrats and their media mouthpieces so deeply they want him impeached or his resignation:

I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!​

Democrats took moral indignation to a new low even for them. On top of the usual feminazi horseshit, Democrats added the most absurd element of all: The offending tweet is beneath the dignity of the office. Conservatives are even repeating that nonsense. In short: There has been no dignity in the office since President Clinton shoved a cigar up an intern’s rear end in the Oval Office.

NOTE: When President’s Clinton’s questionable behavior was news Democrats pooh-poohed it away by claiming his personal life was nobody’s business except his own —— and of course Hillary’s business who called Bubba’s prurient tastes a vast Right-wing conspiracy. Many of those same Democrats who took part in trivializing shameful conduct are still in office along with many of our so-called journalists.

Incidentally, whitewashing the Blue Dress Scandal included Bible-thumper Jesse Jackson who was called in to counsel the degenerate. I always wondered who did the counseling since da reverend had a few problems of his own:

Had Affair as He Counseled Clinton​

Jesse Jackson Admits Affair, Illegitimate Child
By ABC News
Jan. 18

Jesse Jackson Admits Affair, Illegitimate Child

I suggest President Trump tweet asking for help from a friendly Bible-thumper. It worked for Clinton.
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When will libs lean the mean of sarcasm?
Most people, when they're kids, are taught how to show respect. Born into the mob, and neglected by his parents, I guess we can't really expect Trump to have any sense of shame or dignity.

That was just a hoot. So what's Mika and rock and roll Joe's excuse then? Or for that matte, what's your deal? You never made fun of anyone?
Jiminnee Cricket!!

He's the damned president of the USA, for goodness sake!!!


YOU and your ilk of ass kissers, ARE the problem!!!
-"In case you missed how Brzezinski looked when Trump refused to host her and Crazy Joe in Mar A Lago! -"

maybe this will give Kathy Griffin a new idea?

Griffin is finished.
Nah she WAS finished. No significant film role in 10 years. But now the whole world knows her name because you alt-righties turned out to be a bunch of pussy snowflakes. :321:
Apparently the snowflakes in the media is who had the problem.....not us. We didn't make such a fuss over it. They did.
When will libs lean the mean of sarcasm?
Most people, when they're kids, are taught how to show respect. Born into the mob, and neglected by his parents, I guess we can't really expect Trump to have any sense of shame or dignity.

That was just a hoot. So what's Mika and rock and roll Joe's excuse then? Or for that matte, what's your deal? You never made fun of anyone?
Jiminnee Cricket!!

He's the damned president of the USA, for goodness sake!!!


YOU and your ilk of ass kissers, ARE the problem!!!
Yet every time Obama did this you guys told us we were overreacting.
Go figure.
This woman is a horrid, nasty, woman who spends 3 hours every morning saying horrible things about Trump. She like a dumber version of Kathy Griffin. What Trump said about her is nothing compared to what she says every day about Trump.

Actually Scarboro spend three times as much time attacking Trump as Mika, yet Trump attacked the little woman.
This woman is a horrid, nasty, woman who spends 3 hours every morning saying horrible things about Trump. She like a dumber version of Kathy Griffin. What Trump said about her is nothing compared to what she says every day about Trump.

Actually Scarboro spend three times as much time attacking Trump as Mika, yet Trump attacked the little woman.
Trump attacked Scarboro too, dumbass. You only want to talk about Trump picking on this horrid woman. The shit they say about Trump EVERY MORNING isn't fit for public consumption.

Personally, I think both of them should be taken off the air for their insulting behavior toward the POTUS.
When will libs lean the mean of sarcasm?
Most people, when they're kids, are taught how to show respect. Born into the mob, and neglected by his parents, I guess we can't really expect Trump to have any sense of shame or dignity.

That was just a hoot. So what's Mika and rock and roll Joe's excuse then? Or for that matte, what's your deal? You never made fun of anyone?
Jiminnee Cricket!!

He's the damned president of the USA, for goodness sake!!!


YOU and your ilk of ass kissers, ARE the problem!!!

Obama most likely watched an American embassador get killed as well as let all the black folks in his home town commit record murders against each other. You defended him for that.
This woman is a horrid, nasty, woman who spends 3 hours every morning saying horrible things about Trump. She like a dumber version of Kathy Griffin. What Trump said about her is nothing compared to what she says every day about Trump.

Actually Scarboro spend three times as much time attacking Trump as Mika, yet Trump attacked the little woman.
Trump attacked Scarboro too, dumbass. You only want to talk about Trump picking on this horrid woman. The shit they say about Trump EVERY MORNING isn't fit for public consumption.

Personally, I think both of them should be taken off the air for their insulting behavior toward the POTUS.

Really? Then it means Joe TKO'd Trump, and all Trump did was swat at Joe with his tiny hands. Trump didn't even leave a mark.
This woman is a horrid, nasty, woman who spends 3 hours every morning saying horrible things about Trump. She like a dumber version of Kathy Griffin. What Trump said about her is nothing compared to what she says every day about Trump.

Actually Scarboro spend three times as much time attacking Trump as Mika, yet Trump attacked the little woman.
Trump attacked Scarboro too, dumbass. You only want to talk about Trump picking on this horrid woman. The shit they say about Trump EVERY MORNING isn't fit for public consumption.

Personally, I think both of them should be taken off the air for their insulting behavior toward the POTUS.

Really? Then it means Joe TKO'd Trump, and all Trump did was swat at Joe with his tiny hands. Trump didn't even leave a mark.
The impression I get from that show is Joe is the talker and Mika is the pretty blonde who nods in agreement to everything he says. She's the left's version of eye-candy....but she doesn't smile and cheer everyone up. She's always scowling and making nasty air-headed remarks.
The impression I get from that show is Joe is the talker and Mika is the pretty blonde who nods in agreement to everything he says. She's the left's version of eye-candy....but she doesn't smile and cheer everyone up. She's always scowling and making nasty air-headed remarks.

You said Trump attacked Scarboro who goes after Trump many times as much, yet Trump only fights back against women.

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