Trump's tweet about Mika

Trump threw a fit because Mika and Joe were having too much fun mocking Trump's fake Time magazine cover that Trump got busted for.
Kellyanne Conway is saying that Trump's the victim. Every day he has to hear about dementia, unfit to hold the office, thug, bully.

So forget about what he said. People are being mean to him! Wow
This woman is a horrid, nasty, woman who spends 3 hours every morning saying horrible things about Trump. She like a dumber version of Kathy Griffin. What Trump said about her is nothing compared to what she says every day about Trump.

Actually Scarboro spend three times as much time attacking Trump as Mika, yet Trump attacked the little woman.
Trump attacked Scarboro too, dumbass. You only want to talk about Trump picking on this horrid woman. The shit they say about Trump EVERY MORNING isn't fit for public consumption.

Personally, I think both of them should be taken off the air for their insulting behavior toward the POTUS.

Really? Then it means Joe TKO'd Trump, and all Trump did was swat at Joe with his tiny hands. Trump didn't even leave a mark.
The impression I get from that show is Joe is the talker and Mika is the pretty blonde who nods in agreement to everything he says. She's the left's version of eye-candy....but she doesn't smile and cheer everyone up. She's always scowling and making nasty air-headed remarks.
Let's face it, Morning Joe is a fraud. He doesn't talk like a conservative. If they hadn't anointed him as one you'd think he was just like the rest of the liberals on CNN. Nope, he's the left's idea of what a conservative who has seen the light is. And he only has the show because CNN thinks his criticism of Republicans is somehow legit.
Trump was out of Line in this Tweet.

It is understandable that he is PISSED with the attacks by the Liberal Media, and the Swamp. But this was no way to react............

You should count to 10 and not TWEET ANGRY.................EVEN IN SARCASM...................when your angry you may post some crazy shit........

Wasn't Presidential...........but will be forgotten as the other battles proceed. In regards to being STUPID on this tweet..............the day people stop posting stupid crap on the internet would be the day the internet no longer existed.
Yes...the hypocrisy of the left is enormous.

Clinton's behavior was far worse by any reasonable analysis, but the Left did all it could to protect him. Had Monica not kept the blue dress, millions of Americans TODAY would call her a lying bitch.
Kellyanne is crying that people are attacking Trump's physical and mental ability to serve.

Omg that's what they did to Hillary! What a fucking baby
Trump was out of Line in this Tweet.

It is understandable that he is PISSED with the attacks by the Liberal Media, and the Swamp. But this was no way to react............

You should count to 10 and not TWEET ANGRY.................EVEN IN SARCASM...................when your angry you may post some crazy shit........

Wasn't Presidential...........but will be forgotten as the other battles proceed. In regards to being STUPID on this tweet..............the day people stop posting stupid crap on the internet would be the day the internet no longer existed.
Yeah but the POTUS?

If you ask me he sends these tweets to distract from something else. What bills got passed yesterday?

The Democrats are such sheep. No wonder the lying Republicans win
Enjoy your moment...............dramatize it up and play it out for all you can get out of it.

It's simply what your side does as does the Swamp.............the attacks will continue........

If you are interested on what I think of the TWEET...........

I don't agree with it. It was NOT PRESIDENTIAL..................He should never TWEET ANGRY..............even though he was using SARCASM.......

Enjoy your moment liberals.....the REAL BATTLE STILL GOES ON. being sued for 100 MILLION DOLLARS for slander................ENJOY that as well.
Trump was out of Line in this Tweet.

It is understandable that he is PISSED with the attacks by the Liberal Media, and the Swamp. But this was no way to react............

You should count to 10 and not TWEET ANGRY.................EVEN IN SARCASM...................when your angry you may post some crazy shit........

Wasn't Presidential...........but will be forgotten as the other battles proceed. In regards to being STUPID on this tweet..............the day people stop posting stupid crap on the internet would be the day the internet no longer existed.
Yeah but the POTUS?

If you ask me he sends these tweets to distract from something else. What bills got passed yesterday?

The Democrats are such sheep. No wonder the lying Republicans win
Yesterday he won in court................Supreme court decision on Travel Ban............don't know why he tweeted that.

Don't agree with it.............understand he's pissed at the constant attack.............which is now turning in on the attackers.
The impression I get from that show is Joe is the talker and Mika is the pretty blonde who nods in agreement to everything he says. She's the left's version of eye-candy....but she doesn't smile and cheer everyone up. She's always scowling and making nasty air-headed remarks.

You said Trump attacked Scarboro who goes after Trump many times as much, yet Trump only fights back against women.
And YOU'RE a liar.

Who the fuck are you?

Who's sock are you?
It's just Trump being Trump. No need for bible thumping help, this kind of stuff is partly what won him the election. The people that voted for him for the most part don't give a shit about this. And those that hate Trump are going to hate him no matter what.
It's just Trump being Trump. No need for bible thumping help, this kind of stuff is partly what won him the election. The people that voted for him for the most part don't give a shit about this. And those that hate Trump are going to hate him no matter what.
It will not change the price of rice in China for me. I don't agree with the Tweet............but it in the long run it is meaningless..............

You are just Trump being Trump...........quite frankly he doesn't give a shit.............Should be obvious by now.
It's just Trump being Trump. No need for bible thumping help, this kind of stuff is partly what won him the election. The people that voted for him for the most part don't give a shit about this. And those that hate Trump are going to hate him no matter what.
Could be he really loves to incite lefties. It is working. They are all raging incoherently.
Perhaps MSNBC should have treated our New President with more respect and should stop spreading the lies and hateful spins.

You're getting back exactly what you were dishing out.
Disrespect anyone, especially any President and you wil get disrespect back.
Paybacks a bitch ain't it.
The lefts intolerance for opposing opinions is down right despicable.
Who the fuck are you?

Who's sock are you?

Why does Trump go after women? Rosie, Megyn, Mika, Arianna, etc.
As you just suddenly forget all the men he's bashed as well.

He is a EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BASHER. Haven't you noticed.


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